Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Of Legends and Magic ❯ Heero's Mate ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Warnings and Disclaimer: See the first chapter!!! I don't want to torture myself in saying that I can't have them. . . especially Duo!

Feedbacks: I wanna! PLEASE! Gimme! And thank you so much to those who reviewed! I was so happy!



//Telepathy/ /

. . .

Chapter Two: Heero's Mate

. . .

The town of Ventei, with its bustling streets overran by coaches and carriages, crowded marketplace, busy population of locals and foreigners alike, and usual streams of merchants and traders, is considered as a center of activity both for business and for pleasure. All kinds of people are seen here, from the dirtiest of beggars to the rarest of rich, titled and affluent people. Ventei lies between the lands of Sanq and Dermail, hence the people who usually frequented and lived on this town are either from those two lands, or for some exceptional individuals, from farther lands like Bunt and Trant. Since it isn't a territory of any of those lands, it is by its own right, an independent town where people come and go as they please. Here, everyone has freedom. . . from their chosen dealings and professions to their preferred bedmates. It has been a long time since the standard of having conventional male-female relationships disappeared; therefore it is normal to see two males kissing on one corner of a street, especially in this town. Those people who chose to live in Ventei are very much on their own. They know how things work and had survived thanks to their wits and skills, and not because of domestic work.

One such person can be seen wandering aimlessly around, his intelligent eyes darting from right to left. His long braid of chestnut hair, topped with a black cap, swung rhythmically as he bounced and walked with unconscious cat-like grace. He was dressed shabbily, with a black worn-out coat and old black shoes. His heart-shaped face had an open and honest quality highlighted by the stunning color of his amethyst eyes and grinning red lips. He was a friendly and charming person, judging by the number of acquaintances who greeted him - which he returned whole-heartedly. And after the initial salutations passed, he to look for potential 'targets' once again.

'Hm. . . a woman and her husband, seem decent enough. . . nah, they have five children, just didn't see it. . . An old couple. . . err. . . No!! A young miss. . . she might shout. . . Damn! Where are those obviously greedy ones when you need them?! Hmm. . . might as well improvise. . . ahh what's this?' He mused as he chanced upon a couple sitting at the exterior part of an expensive-looking café. They were certainly a striking couple. 'And both males, too. . .'

Duo Maxwell grinned mischievously. 'Heh, they looked rich enough not to mind some missing money. . .' The first one, a blond youth with beautiful aquamarine eyes, was dressed simply enough, but a practiced eye can see his actions and gestures as those of the upper class. He was smiling affectionately at the person in front of him, who was holding his hand gently. The latter one was dressed like the first, with his cinnamon hair falling on one side of his face, revealing only one emerald eye, and on his shoulder perched a big brown-and-white hawk.

He eyed the creature, determining it to be a hunting type. 'Certainly upper class! Let's see now, first I'll follow them. . .' but before that thought was finished, the blond looked directly at him. Taken by surprised, he blinked and bowed his head, his black cap obscuring his face.

. . .

A nagging sensation pulled at Quatre while he was telling Trowa something strange about the list Heero gave them. He looked up and stared at one corner of the street, where a nondescript young man was standing. He didn't know what fascinated him about the person but he found that he couldn't avert his eyes from the black-clad figure. His whole conscious was centered to the person, that he can't even hear the sounds made by his Mate's pet hawk, nor the busy bustle of the street before him. A shiver ran down his spine, making him gasp.


Quatre blinked rapidly, then turned to his Mate. "Hmm. . ?"

Trowa smiled. "Love, if you continue to stare at that person, I promise I'll be jealous and angry."

Quatre's eyes widened, taking Trowa's words seriously. "Trowa. . . it isn't what you think. . ."

The cinnamon-haired young man chuckled slightly. "Quatre, I was teasing you. You made me worried, going into a trance like that. . . even Heavyarms was worried." he said as he brushed his fingers on the hawk's head, quieting it. He inclined his head on the direction of the figure, although his eyes remained on his Mate. "What is it about him that caught your attention?"

Quatre, too, petted the hawk. "I'm so sorry, Heavyarms." Then he shook his head, frowning slightly. "I don't know. . . something about him. . ." he turned once again at the corner, but the figure was gone. Then Quatre shook his head harder. "Nah, do not mind me. . . I just felt. . . somehow tingly."

Trowa, already accustomed to his Mate's sensitivity, prompted, "Tingly. . .? In what way?" Quatre's eyebrow raised, then he smiled enticingly. "It felt exactly the same when you ran your fingers down my back. . ."

Heavyarms crowed and Quatre laughed when his Mate groaned. "Quatre. . ." he muttered in a warning as he turned to his pet. "Heavyarms, behave this instant!" the hawk crowed some more and nuzzled Trowa's cheek. His lips quirked. "Alright, apology accepted."

Quatre smiled softly at the scene and brushed his cheeks against the hand he was holding. "Honestly, it felt like that. . . I don't know why, though." he purred.

Trowa took a deep, ragged breath and averted his eyes from his Mate. //Love, if you don't stop that, we won't be making any progress in finding Heero's destined Mate.// Quatre looked as if he didn't mind and was about to say so, but rational thinking won. The blond boy sighed. "Yes, I know. Let's go back to the list." Quatre said as he let go of his Mate's hand. Trowa sighed as well at the loss of contact. "Right. What did you say was strange about the list?"

Quatre fine brows furrowed again, perplexed. "You remember when Heero told me that he wanted someone as tall as him? Without a curious nature? And above all, no amethyst eyes?"

Trowa's visible brow raised. "Yes, so?"

"It seems he changed his mind." Quatre looked at his Mate's confused face. "Well, according to this list, Heero wanted a person quite smaller than him, with long braided chestnut hair, a curious and cheerful nature, and amethyst eyes." he explained. Trowa looked baffled but he shrugged. "Maybe Heero changed his mind at the last minute. He's not exactly at his best when we departed from Lowe Castle."

Quatre's lips twitched, but his worry overcame his amusement. "But still, it isn't like Heero at all. You know him. . . sometimes, he's so single-minded about details and things."

Trowa shook his head. "Quatre, the only thing that we can do is to follow that list, and find Heero's Mate as soon as we can." For the sake of our cousin, Trowa's face clearly said, without the need for their mental connection. //Hell, I'll sock him one for interrupting our honeymoon, but I knew what he is undergoing now so I'll refrain from doing so.// Trowa pointed out telepathically. Quatre stared at his Mate for a long time, then he sighed. "You're right again. . . as usual. Fine, let's continue our search."

They stood up, paid for their food, and resumed in their search for their cousin's Mate.

Unbeknownst the couple, a shadow clad in a dark coat followed them.

. . .

'Heh, they didn't notice me. . . wonder how blondie there knew I was looking at them. . . nah. . . he just turned my way. . .and now to relieve them their money!' Duo followed for a few more minutes, becoming almost shadow-like, and when the opportunity came when the blond and his beau stopped to talk to a vendor of a flower stall, he took action.

He lowered his cap to totally hide his face and started to walk fast towards the couple. Pushing aside other people determinedly, he launched himself to the blond, his shoulder connecting with the other's while his hand went inside the youth's coat and grabbed the moneybag, all done in a second or two. Then he looked slightly up and grinned. "Oops, sorry 'bout that!" And he took off, leaving the blond youth to gape at him.

Heh. . . clean and simple.

He can't wait to put decent food on the table of the orphanage.

. . .

Quatre stared at the retreating back of the thief who just stole his money. But he didn't move, nor even breath. Tingles raced down his back and an acute feeling stirred and dominated his senses.

//Quatre? Are you aware that you've been robbed?// Trowa queried telepathically, his face expressing concern. Quatre nodded slowly.

//What happened?// Trowa asked, not understanding the expression of pure happiness on his Mate's face.

//Love. . . we found him. . .//

Trowa's eyes widened as Quatre turned to look at him, his face breaking into a beautiful smile. "We found Heero's Mate!!"

. . .

Meanwhile, Duo was happily skipping on his way back to the orphanage he had called 'home' for a quarter of his eighteen years. He smiled broadly at the people he saw, and even waved at those he recognized. But his joy soon dissolved and a worried frown settled on his face when he saw his 'home'. . . it always does whenever he sees what an utterly decrepit structure it is.

Although he would die first before his family would know about his thoughts.

Actually, the word that would best describe the house was dilapidated. It has decaying walls, neglected roof that drips during rainy days, shabby interior, badly-maintained floors that can cause an accident and run-down façade---not that he mind at all---since this had been, and still is, home for him. . . a place where people he considers 'family' is living.

As if on cue, a sixteen-year old girl with short dark hair and clear blue eyes opened the door and ran towards him. Duo had to grin. "Hey, Hilde!" But as she became nearer, the expression on her face became more apparently. . . distressed. "DUO!!!" she yelled, tears spilling from her eyes.

His grin vanished completely the moment he saw the tears. "Hilde!! What happened?!" he asked as her as she wrapped her arms around him. He waited for her to calm down, and then he held her shoulders. "What happened?" he asked urgently. The short-haired girl sniffed, biting her lower lip. "It's Helen! I think she's dying!"

Duo heard the words through a tunnel, echoing into his entire being. For a moment, it was as if the world halted and dimmed, so acute was the pain in his chest that breathing became a difficulty. "Shit!" he swore when he recovered and dashed towards the house, his heart beating and reverberating uncontrollably throughout his whole body.
Duo flew to the living room, where the other orphans were huddled together, all looking scared and helpless, but Duo wasn't even aware of them. His thoughts were focused on the woman upstairs who raised him as if he was her own child. Hilde, who followed him while drying her eyes, went to the children and tried to comfort them.

"Hilde," started one five-year-old with blond girl while looking at the irate face of one Duo Maxwell as he stormed towards their surrogate mother's room upstairs, "is Helen going to die?" The other five little boys and girls gave her a troubled look. One girl started to cry. Hilde hugged the girl and stared intently at the other who asked the question. "Midii, do not fret." Her gaze shifted for a moment at Helen's door. "I'm sure Duo would know what to do. Believe that. He never let us down before, right? So don't lose hope now!"

One boy nodded. "Yeah! I believe in Duo!" Because of this, the others agreed instantly as well. Even Midii beamed.

Hilde smiled slightly, relieved that she was able to somewhat ease the children's apprehension, and was about to leave them to go to the sickroom when someone knocked on the door. 'Who could it be at a time like this?!' she thought furiously, scowling at the entrance. She opened the door to two young men dressed in fine clothes, the first a tall brunette with a half-hidden face and fascinating green eyes with a beautiful hawk on his shoulder, the other a slender, gentle-looking blond with exquisite aquamarine eyes.

"Excuse me," the blond smiled as she peered curiously at the door, "we're looking for a long-haired boy with violet eyes. . ."

. . .

"Helen! Helen!!" Duo called lightly but determinedly at the blond woman lying at the center of the bed of the sickroom. Helen Maxwell opened her eyes to behold the worried face of her beloved adoptive son and smiled tenderly. "Hi, Duo." she greeted softly, brushing his face with her hand.

Duo's eyes misted, but no tear fell. Oh no, nothing will fall from his eyes as long as he lives because boys shouldn't cry. So instead, he grinned his usual feral grin and brought her hand to his face. "Hiya, Helen, how's life?" His grin widened some more. "Heh, I only left your side for a couple of hours and now you're all worse again. I swear that without me, this orphanage would have been finished a long time ago!!" he teased gently, trying to lighten the mood of the room.

Helen chuckled softly, which turned into a coughing spree. Duo's eyes widened and immediately went to prop her up and caress her back. "Helen. . . you know you shouldn't be laughing. . . well, sorry for making you laugh---"

Helen shook her head abruptly. "Please, Duo, do not take away one of my joys, and that's to hear you joke." She brushed her hand on his face once again, grieving at the barely sustained tears on his shimmering violet eyes. Her child, her only child, burdened by so much responsibilities. . . her beautiful child. . . Her own eyes clouded. "Duo, I'm so sorry for being an awful mother to you and the others. . ."

Duo scowled, usually happy face turning into one with anger. "Don't you dare belittle yourself! If it weren't for you. . ." Duo bowed his head, his long bangs hiding his face, ". . . if it weren't for you, we wouldn't have anywhere to live in!!!" he pinned her with hypnotic amethyst eyes as he shook his head. "You are the one who raised all of us!! We should know that you are not an awful mother, but really a wonderful one!!!" By now, Helen's tears flowed freely down her face. "Duo. . ."

But her son lay his finger on her lips. "Shhhh. . . don't try to speak. . . just rest for now. . ." then he kissed her forehead. "I promise, everything will be fine. I'll buy your medicine, then you'll get well. Just wait for me, alright?" Helen just smiled. "I'm really sorry. . ."

"Helen. . . mom. . . I love you. . . we all love you, and we'll do anything to help you, just like you helped us in the past." Then he ruffled her hair. "Wait for me." Duo stood and went to the door. He paused to look back at his mother, to see that she fell asleep again. Then he exited the door. . .

. . . but before going down, he leaned to the door and stare helplessly at the ceiling. He hit the dingy wall in front of him, trying to release all his pent-up anger by punching endlessly until his hands were red and bleeding, but was stopped by a sound from his left. He turned to the sound and found his surrogate sister Hilde staring at him with wide, tear-brimmed eyes. Duo grinned tiredly, his mask of cheerfulness protecting the deeper emotions once more while he raised his hands. "Heh, sorry about that. . . what is it?" Hilde sobbed and went to hug him again like earlier.

"Hilde?" he asked hesitatingly, his violet eyes widening with surprise.

She shook her head, then gestured to the stairs. "Wash your hands. . . You have visitors. . . they said they're here to help." Duo blinked. He wasn't expecting anyone. "What did they say?"

Hilde smiled. "They were really charming, especially the blond boy. He told me to tell you that he didn't mind the incident in the market."

Duo's mouth dropped open, wounds and Helen momentarily forgotten. "Did you say market. . ? And blond boy?" he looked intently at Hilde. "Did he, by any chance, come with a taller boy with a weird hair style and a huge bird on his shoulder?" at her excited nod, Duo groaned.
"Oh no! Oh no, no, no, no, no. . ." He wailed continuously, thumping his hand to his head at the same time.

"Duo?" Hilde asked her 'brother', utterly confused.

'Oh, geez, why are You doing this to me, God? I only wanted to help Helen and give the others a decent dinner for today!!!' Duo thought bemoaningly. Then he sighed. "I'll be down in a moment, Hil, just have to treat these wounds. . ." he grimaced at the sight of his hands, then he proceeded to the kitchen. Hilde stared at the retreating back of her brother, then went downstairs to the couple who awaited them. She smiled shyly at the two handsome young men who were both seated on the long, worn-out sofa on the living room and bowed her head. "Duo will be down in a couple of seconds, he just had some things to do."

Quatre smiled at the bashfulness of the girl in front of them. //She seemed like a nice girl. And look at the state of this house. . . Trowa, Duo stole from us because of poverty and something else.// He gestured at Hilde. //Look at her, I can see tear streaks on her face. . .//

Trowa nodded inconspicuously. //Right, I saw that too. What can you sense?//

Quatre sighed. //Fear. So much fear and hopelessness.//

Their mental conversation was then cut by the arrival of a braided chestnut- haired young man. . . with sparkling amethyst eyes. Quatre gasped once more at the attack of sensation on his senses. He sprung from his seat. "Hello, Duo! Nice to meet you!" //At last!// "My name is Quatre Raberba Winner and this is Trowa Barton from Sanq!" he said as he shook Duo's hand excitedly. Trowa smirked at the mind message of his Mate. Then he turned to Heero's Mate and nodded. "Pleasure."

Duo eyed the tall man before him, and turned warily to the blond boy who was smiling brightly at him. "Err. . . why are you here? And. . . are you here to get me arrested?"

Quatre blinked at that. "Arrested? Didn't Hilde told you that we already forgot about the incident?"

Duo frowned. "But still. . ." His eyes narrowed. "If you didn't come here to have me arrested. . . then there's a catch, right?"

Quatre flicked his eyes at his Mate. //He sure is fast.// Then he shook his head. "Actually, we came here for a proposal." He looked around the house and its occupants. "In exchange for the money and other help that we can get. . . we want you to come with us, back to Sanq." Then he waited for the rejection he expected. . .

. . . but nothing came. Instead, the long-haired boy inclined his head thoughtfully. "And what would I be doing if I chose to come with you?"

Quatre smiled, relieved. "Well, we went here to Ventei to find our cousin a Mate, and we thought that you would be perfect for him!"

"A mate?" Duo pondered. Then, on a sudden roundabout turn of event, he grinned widely. "Whew! And to think that you would get me arrested!!! I was soooo worried!!! Ya see, I had to steal form you 'cause our mother is sick now, and I have to buy her some medicine, and the kids here haven't had a decent meal, heck, who had with all the money we earned from peddling going to Helen's medication. . . so ya see why I had to steal!!??? I'm sooo sorry if I did that to you 'cause you seem like a nice couple, but I reckoned you are also rich and wouldn't mind to lose some money, and there were no people I can steal from, and. . ."

Trowa smirked again. //Heh, Heero sure would have a handful when Duo arrives and turns his world upside-down. Your foresight is coming true, Love, I think Duo does have a chance of changing our cousin. Not to mention annoy him all the time.// The cinnamon haired hunter grinned. //I can't wait to tell Wufei and see Heero's reaction!//

His Mate didn't answer him, for he was busy staring at the still babbling Duo in front of them.

". . .And ya see, I can't steal from this old couple, ya know. . ."

//How can he do that?// Quatre shook his head bemusedly.

". . . and that's that! Now you get the reason why I had to steal from you? Oh, by the way, I am ready to do anything for you if you're going to help me with Helen's illness." The boy was silenced for a while. "I will gladly do anything. . . be this mate or even a servant of your cousin. . . just save my mother."

Quatre snapped out of his preoccupation and smiled compassionately at the sad boy in front of him while putting his hands on both Duo's shoulders. "Don't worry, Duo, we will send for our cousin here. Wufei is probably the most talented doctor in the world, so I promise he will cure your mother." Violet eyes flashed then he gasped when he was glomped by the braided boy.

"Oh, Quat that would be so great!!! Thanks!!!"

Trowa smiled at the picture of his Mate being hugged by his other cousin's Mate. "Duo, if you want, we can also find your brothers and sisters here a decent house and some clothing." He offered, gesturing kindly at the children huddled at one side of the room. Quatre nodded, thrilled at the proposal.

"Really!? Wow, thank you very much!!!" The he turned to his 'brothers' and 'sisters', including Hilde. "Ya here that??!!" They all nodded ecstatically.

Duo returned his gaze at the couple. "All right! I'm all yours! I can be your cousin's mate all the time! A mate is a friend after all, right? Or more like a companion? I can be both!"

Quatre stared at him, stunned. //It appears we have a problem, Trowa.// Trowa grimaced a little in answer. Quatre shook his head slowly in answer. "Duo, do you know Lord Heero Yuy? Also known as the Cursed Lord of Lowe Castle?"

Duo scratched his head. "No. . . why? Is he your cousin? Nah, never mind that! Don't care about him being a Cursed Lord." he shrugged indifferently. Quatre turned to his Mate once again, but Trowa just mimicked the braided boy's shrug. The blond boy sighed. "Umm. . . Duo, being a mate isn't like that. . . It's not only being a friend or a companion. . ."

Duo stared curiously at them. "No? Then what?"

Quatre swallowed unconsciously, hesitating to convey the true meaning of a Mate to the oblivious youth. Then he took a deep breath and took the plunge. "Duo, being a Mate is as good as being married."

A second of silence, then it stretched to a minute. Duo's eyes became as large as it can be, and his mouth dropped open. "M-m-married. . ?"

Quatre and Trowa nodded slowly.

Duo bowed his head, his bangs hiding his face. Then he spun around and walked awkwardly to the stairs. . .

"Duo?" Quatre asked hesitantly.

. . . but the braided boy slumped to ground, unconscious.

Tbc. . .

Am I evil, or am I EVIL? Poor Duo, can't keep up with the excitement of it all. . .


Ja ne!!!