Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Of Spirit and Servitude ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The fire crackled loudly spewing a shower of sparks and rudely awakening the slumbering demon that lay near by. The creature leapt with a yelp that startled his two companions.
“Duo, what is it now?” The speaker shifted but did not get up. He had been asleep and was still unwilling to give up on his hope for a much-needed rest. He had good reason to be tired, in fact, all three of them had good reason to be tired.
The one called Duo winced unhappily. The sparks had not really burned him. His skin was not as fragile as a humans, and it could easily take the heat. All the same, it had awoke him from a perfectly agreeable rest.
His third companion, Heero, stood a little ways away. He had been keeping watch while the other two slept but he now turned towards the fire and Duo. “I warned you not to lay so close.”
“Well if someone was sleeping with me I won't be freezing my ass off now would I?”
“Someone has to keep watch. Wufei did it last night so it is my turn. If you are cold you can come and join me.”
Duo blinked in surprise. He had to admit that the prospect of snuggling up to Heero and sleeping with his mate watching over him was very attractive. He had not expected the human to be so blunt. Somehow Duo had thought that Heero would want to keep their relationship a secret, just as he did with everything else involving his emotions. Duo got up and moved over towards his bonded. He curled up beside the human bring his bat-like wings up to cover them both. Heero brought his arm around the demon while his other hand remained on his sword hilt. His eyes continued to scan the surrounding area.
Duo yawned as he tried to snuggle closer to the other for warmth. He didn't want this night to end. Tomorrow they would pack up and head out again for Heero's kingdom. It meant that Duo would have to face King Treize again, and he was not looking forward to it. Duo knew that he would be allowed to live. Heero and Wufei would make sure of that. But he did not know what would happen to him once he returned. Would Heero start treating him like a slave again? And what would life among the humans be like? Duo sighed resting his head on his lover's chest.
“I wish we didn't have to return. I wish we could just keep on wandering.”
Heero pulled the boy closer to him. “You know that is not possible. I have my duty to my kingdom and Wufei has his duty to Treize.”
Wufei growled at the mention of the king's name, “my duty? My duty is to rip his head off and do all the world a favor.”
Duo grinned ear to ear, “I thought you were asleep Wu-man.”
“How the hell am I supposed to sleep over your racket?” Wufei paused and then added, “don't call me Wu-man.”
Duo laughed at this. The nick name had produced quite the struggle. A struggle Duo felt he was winning.
The dragon growled and turned his back on the two. “Would you kindly keep it down? Some of us are trying to rest. If you can not be quite I swear I will tie and gag you myself.”
Duo snickered once again, “Heero would never let you do that.”
“Humph, coward. I see you're making your human fight your battles for you.”
“Hey I am fully capable of fighting my own battles thank you very much.”
“Duo let Wufei sleep. I do not want to spend tomorrow morning traveling with a sleep deprived dragon.”
Duo sighed, “oh fine, why'd I want to talk to the grumpy lizard anyway?”
Heero gave a rare smile causing Duo's heart to jump. The human so rarely showed emotion that when he did it felt like reason to celebrate. “Heero, do you think your father will like me?”
Heero snorted, another very non-Heeroish thing to do. “He will like you. I am more concerned with how much he may like you.”
“What do you mean by that?”
Heero averted his eyes, “my father had quite an interest in you when you first arrived. I would not be at all surprised if he tries to talk you into having a threesome with Zechs.”
Duo squeaked his skin tone turning about three shades paler. “Na-nani? You can't be serious!”
Heero nodded, “he is sure to make the offer, but he will not force you.”
Duo groaned leaning back against Heero. He couldn't believe that this human castle was to be his new home. `At least I have Heero to face it with me.' The demon turned to watch his human guardian scanning the surrounding forest. `I don't think I could face them without him.'
“Lord Treize, prince Heero has just been spotted on the horizon. He is alive and well and should arrive within the hour.”
Treize smiled sitting back. He had known that the little demon would succeed in rescuing the prince, but it was still comforting to have proof.
“Have Wufei and Duo been accounted for?”
“Yes my lord, the two bondeds are with him.”
Treize nodded, “very well, have them escorted here upon arrival.”
“Yes, my lord.” The messenger bowed and left the king alone with his thoughts, well almost alone.
“Zechs I know you're there. Why don't you take on a more pleasing form and join me?”
Treize watched in amusement as a tiny little mouse peeked it's head through a little crack in the wall. He smiled beckoning for the mouse to come towards him. The little creature scampered across the floor it's tiny claws soundless in the empty hall. It sprang up onto Treize's lap and glared up at him with sharp blue eyes. Treize glared right back.
The little creature gave a very unmouse-like smirk before turning around and curling up on the king's lap. Then it began to change it's body growing and blurring turning into a ball of dry liquid before reforming into the shape of a full grown man. Treize sat there completely unfazed, though perhaps a little annoyed. “Zechs you really do need to learn to stop spying. It is bound to get you into trouble love.”
The humanoid now perched on his lap smiled, “someone has to keep an eye on you. I am simply doing my job.”
“Your job is to spy on my enemies, not me.”
“You're not going to send someone out to meet Prince Heero?”
Treize ran his fingers through the mythical's hair. He knew Zechs was trying to change the subject and quite frankly he didn't care. He had no secrets from the mythical, and he preferred it that way.
“Duo has managed to retrieve Heero and bring him this far. I have faith that he can make it the rest of the way.”
Zechs growled, “somehow I think it was Wufei, and not that demon that managed to bring Heero back. I just can't see the little creature taking on a king and his mythical.”
Treize smiled as he smoothed over the shape shifter's bangs. “I have a feeling that the demon had his own part to play. He may not be as strong as a mythical but he has his own areas of expertise. In addition, one must take into consideration the fact that Wufei has not tried to break free of my hold once since he left. Odd isn't it that a creature that has done nothing but try to escape my power would stand idly by now that he has the perfect opportunity.”
Zechs laughed laying his head against the other man's chest, “Wufei is no fool, he knows that if he were to break free it would only be temporary. He had nothing to gain from trying. After all, you certainly weren't close enough to be harmed. He probably didn't feel there was good enough need.”
“Oh really? And what of the demon? Wufei despises Duo, so why did he not fight my hold and gain freedom in order to kill the creature?”
“Now that I am uncertain on. Who knows how that dragon thinks?”
Treize smiled, “certainly not I, my love, certainly not I.”