Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Of thieves and Magi... ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Duo's first thought, upon awakening, was to wonder when exactly he'd died, and how he'd managed to sneak through the gates into Paradise.

His second, a moment later as his eyes popped open in shock, was to wonder what in the name of all the Fates had happened.

He was lying in a bed-- a real bed, with pillows and soft sheets and big wooden posts at the corners-- in a neat room with rugs on the floors and-- he swallowed hard-- fist-sized Glowers installed along the walls. The air was faintly scented with something that was unidentifiable but pleasant, something that screamed wealth to Duo's unaccustomed nose.

All of this was catalogued in an instant by Duo's mind, along with the impression of dark eyes-- which was gone when Duo blinked, making him wonder if he'd imagined it. Whether it had just been a memory--

Frowning, Duo shoved down the part of him that just wanted to curl back up against the pillows and sleep, and sat up.

He started faintly as his hair slithered over his shoulders, loose from its usual tight braid. The light brown mass was clean and gleaming, brushed smooth and-- he sniffed guardedly-- the source of the scent he'd detected earlier. Reaching up to gather the mass of hair together, he stopped halfway through the gesture as he caught sight of the dark cloth covering his arms. It was fine and soft, light enough that he hadn't noticed it on him until he actually saw it-- in short, not what he'd been wearing before whatever it was had happened, happened.

What in Hel is going on here?

There came the clicking sound of a finely tuned mechanism, and Duo's eyes swung to the door just as it began to open with the soft buffet of displaced air. Instinctively, the thief drew up into a crouch-- sparing a moment for relief at finding that he was indeed wearing pants-- and clenched his empty hands helplessly at his side.

The door's motion ceased, and through it stepped--

Duo recoiled instinctively, seeing only the black of the uniform, the silver gleam of the long wicked spear-- the splash of blood on the stones, the silent flat gazes, the empty eyes staring up to the night sky--

The guard glanced around the room once, then stepped to the side, holding the door open for someone behind him.

Duo blinked, his fear settling into a hard knot in his gut, as into the room walked a Mage.

He wasn't a tall man, but there was some aura around him, a sense that made him seem larger and far more intimidating that physical stature alone could account for-- that, and the richness of his dark blue robe would have immediately identified him for what he was, even if he didn't have the fine traceries of Mage tattoos around his eyes.

He was carrying something draped over his hands. Duo glanced down at it and nearly shivered as he saw another robe, richly decorated, which he faintly recognized.

"I hope you realize," the Mage said suddenly, staring down at the bundle in his hands, "that you condemned several tailors to death with your work this afternoon." He held up one particular corner of the garment, where a pattern of gems was clearly missing a piece on one side, then lifted his gaze to fix on Duo. "Most Magi would never dream that someone would steal from them, so missing stones are obviously the work of poor craftsmanship."

Pinned by the flat blue gaze, Duo's mind scrambled for a reaction-- while his mouth took off on its own and made his answer for him. "Hey, I wouldn't say poor," he found himself saying. "Why do you think I didn't get more for the time I had? I had to work bloody hard to get some of those things off."

It might have been his imagination, but Duo thought he saw a faint sliver of amusement dart through the depths of the Mage's eyes. "Indeed. You are quite talented-- if I hadn't been watching you already, I never would have suspected a thing."

For a moment, Duo felt a thrill of pride at the comment-- then stiffened as he figured out exactly what had been said. "Wait-- what?"

The Mage tossed the robe he carried aside, sending it through the air to balance briefly on the arm of a chair before sliding to the floor in a sad, glittering puddle. Duo followed it with his eyes helplessly, nearly whimpering at the sight of so much wealth treated so carelessly. But then the Mage took a few steps closer to him, snapping his wandering attention back in an instant.

"I was watching you. I noticed you the moment you stepped into the Citadel." The blue eyes hardened and chilled into a glare that nearly made Duo flinch. "You have no idea how lucky you are that no one else did the same."

"Well, I knew my stunning good looks would draw some attention, but come on," Duo's mouth said, again independent of the rest of him-- though this time his left eyebrow joined the conspiracy, and quirked upwards for sarcastic emphasis. "Why would a room full of Magi notice me?"

"Because you have the gift," came the response, accompanied a moment later by narrowed eyes and a considering gaze. "Strong, I think. I'm not sure how you've managed to hide until now--"

"Back up a bit," Duo interrupted, his own eyes a bit wide and not even really realizing that he had just interrupted a Mage in the middle of saying something. "I have what?"

Something that might have been irritation showed briefly on the other's impassive face. "You're a Mage," he said bluntly. "Or you could be. A lot of people would kill you without a second thought because of that."

"And are you one of them?" Duo snapped back, grateful this time that his mouth had taken over, since the rest of him seemed to be stuck in shock.

The Mage didn't answer for a moment, but only stepped closer until he stood right at the edge of the bed, close enough that Duo could reach out a hand a touch him if he wanted or dared to-- close enough to be a danger, but Duo restrained his instinctive cringe backwards. He stayed in his crouch, meeting the vivid blue stare with as much challenge in his own eyes as he could muster.

Hel take me if I'll show weakness to him.

"Here is my bargain," the Mage said suddenly, folding his arms across his chest. "You will remain here and I will teach you as much as I think is needed. You will be treated decently, and allowed what freedom is possible. Afterwards, I will decide if you will remain here or be set up with a life outside." The glare chilled once more, boring into Duo. "If at any time during this process I deem it necessary, or if you refuse this bargain now, I will kill you-- for your sake as well as my own."

"My," Duo's mouth drawled. "How gracious of you."

The expression before him didn't change. "Your decision?"

Snorting faintly, Duo settled down out of his crouch, letting himself sprawl a bit over the comfortable bed. "Well now, let me see," he said, making a show of tapping a considering finger on his lips. "Agree to whatever tortures you have planned for me, or die. Tough choice." He grinned up at the stony face above him. "Why not? Sign me up."

The Mage just nodded once, sharply, and turned away towards the door. Duo watched him go, his grin fading into a narrow-eyed stare. Another thing I'm very good at, friend Mage, he thought with quiet intensity, is survival. I'll do whatever I need to to get out of this alive. Anything at all. So you should maybe watch your back.

I never do things halfway, after all.