Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Off to Neverland ❯ A Run in With Pirates ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 2~ A Run in With Pirates

Disclaimer~ Don’t own GW or Peter Pan, don’t got any money to sue for.

Summary~ Heero just gets to Neverland, and they are fired on by the pirates, and he just meets the Lost Boys.

Heero holds onto Duo’s hand tightly, for the first time, he is actually frightened of something. Duo chuckles under his breath at how tight Heero is holding his hand, not that he is complaining in the least. Hilde flies on the other side of Duo, smirking, she already knows that Duo likes this boy already, though they had just met.
“So Heero, have you ever been flying before?”
“Yes, in an airplane Duo, never like this though.”
“Yea, I can see that by how tight your holding my hand.” Heero’s face flushes, and he loosens his grip on Duo’s hand,
“Eh, say that again?”
“I mean, I’m sorry.”
“Oh, Well don’t be! It’s alright, believe me when I first went flying I was frightened too.”
“When did you-” Heero’s question gets cut off by Duo pointing and talking quickly that Neverland is just up ahead. Heero sighs, deciding to wait to ask him latter. The two boys and fairy pass through a large mass of heavy clouds. They wind up on the other side. When Heero reopened his eyes after passing through the clouds, his eyes widen when he spots the island below them.
“There it is Heero, Neverland.” Before Heero could reply or tell what he thought, a cannon ball comes hurling at them. Duo quickly pulls Heero behind a cloud to hide them,
“Shit, how could they have spotted us already!?”
“How could who spot us Duo?”
“That damn Capt. Mask.”
“Well, his really name is Capt. Zechs, but because he wears this mask over half his face, where I sliced him up real good, that’s his nickname.”
“Oh..” Duo once again grabs Heero’s hand, and keeping to behind the clouds, they safely make it past all the cannon fire happening around them. Hilde had already taken off back to Duo’s hideout.
“Now where are we going…”
“We are going back to the tree, and you get to meet the other Lost Boys.”
“…the Lost Boys?” Duo chuckles,
“You’ll see.” The two boys land, but Heero sees no one. He looks around, looking for any form of life besides himself and Duo, but he sees and hears nothing.
“Duo, are you sure that these boys aren’t dead?” Duo nods, grinning like he knows something that Heero doesn’t. Duo lets out a loud howl, and many pairs of eyes pop out from the trees and bushes and surrounding plant life. Three of the boys step forward, the other boys stay hidden. The tallest of the four has intense green eyes, and his auburn brown hair covers one of his eyes. A smaller boy stays somewhat behind the taller boy. The taller boy has one arm wrapped around the small one’s waist protectively. The small boys platinum blonde hair is messy, and his aquamarine eyes sparkle with curiosity. The other boy stands by himself, he stands near the other two, but that is all. This boy is neither tall nor short, but more in between. He has shoulder length ebony black hair. The color of his hair matches his startling black eyes.
“It’s about time you got back Duo, why were you gone for so long?”
“Whoa, calm down Wufei, I told you I went to look for my shadow.”
“…He doesn’t look anything like your shadow Duo. And just to let you know, those damn pirates launched an attack on us while you were out.”
“Very funny Wufei, and no, I know that he isn’t my shadow. This is Heero. Was anyone killed in the attack?” Duo’s voice seems to drip deadly venom when he asked about the attack.
“No, luckily we were all able to get to safety in time.”
“Good. Now that’s over with. This is Heero Yuy, and he wanted to come back with me and I couldn’t say no.” Heero nods to the other three boys. Duo points to the two boys that have their arms around each other’s waists.
“The taller one is a Trowa, and his little attachment there is Quatre.” Heero sees Quatre’s hand rub over his heart for a moment, and Quatre looks up at Trowa, and nods and he nods back.
“He can be trusted Duo.” Duo snorts at Heero’s once again confused expression,
“Quatre can feel things buddy, and if he says its ok to trust ya, then it is alright to trust. Quatre’s heart has not been wrong yet. Has it?” The boy shakes his head no and he smiles.
“Come on Heero, I’ll take you into the tree and show you around. Lost Boys! Come on, inside now!!” Duo drags Heero inside, and Heero nearly trips at the abrupt pulling of his arm when he was trying to look at all the boys jumping out of the trees.
End Chapter 2

Well? What did you think? I apologize if I misspelled words or changed tenses, I’m kinda typing with one bandaged palm of my hand, and its kinda hard to type one handed and typing with a cut up hand, so I apologize for that. And once again, reviews will be appreciated, and flames will be ignored.
