Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Oh Brother! ❯ Its Heero and not Hee Chan ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Please do not sue. I have no money. I spent it fixing my computer so I could write this fic. I do not own any of the gundam pilots. Don't even bother trying to sue.

A/N: This is just the start of an idea that I had. Please read, ENJOY, review and tell me if I should continue it or not. Happy reading!

This fic is archived at

I have a room? My very own room? Wow that's so great. I've never had my own room.what about Hero? Does he have his own room? When I was in the orphanage I had to share."

Mom crouched down to eye level again, just like she did back at the orphanage and took my hand.

"Sweetheart." She said. My heart did a little flippy thing. I've never been called sweetheart before. "You don't have to worry about going back to the orphanage ever again. This room is yours to do whatever you want.but I do want to see it clean.other than that you can do whatever you want. Ok?"

I nodded then my stomach grumbled. Mom laughed. "C'mon Duo, I'll go make you something to eat.

We went into the kitchen where Dad and my brother were. Mum headed off to make a snack. I walked up to my brother.

"What?" he said when he noticed I was staring at him.

"You have very nice eyes." I stated before I hugged him. "You're my brother. I have a Hero for a brother."

"My name is Heero. Not Hero.ugh you sound like Relena. Its Heero. Hee Ro got it? Hee Ro."

"Hero." I said again. No still not right. "Heeeee Ro. Hero."

"Heero, just let him call you by your old nick name." Said my dad.

My brother scowled. "No. I don't like that name."

"What was wrong with Hee Chan?" came my mother's voice. She was holding a plate with a sandwich on it "I thought you liked it."

"Hee Chan." I said quietly. "Hee Chan. Heeeero."

"Ah fine! He can call me Hee Chan." Said my brother in frustrated anger. "But only he can call me that - he sounds too much like Relena when he says Heero and you know that I just can't stand that girl."

I looked up at father. "Who's Relena?"

I walked off, heading in the direction of my room. I was a bit disappointed with my brother. I was expecting a person who I could have fun with but not in a friend/friend type way. But mom and dad had brought home a munchkin who couldn't even pronounce my name right. It was so humiliating to be called Hee Chan again. I thought I had escaped that name after third grade but now one kid brings that all back. I also thought that mom and dad would have brought back somebody older than seven. Seven is half my age. Maybe I should have told my parents that before they left to get him. Maybe they could get a refund.