Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ On angel's wings ❯ part 1 ( Chapter 1 )
Hello again ^^
Thank you to all those lovely people who sent me reviews about this story, made me actually wanna try and scrape this fic together so here you go.
Tash, Ashly, TS-chan AKA TaraSaturn, violet yuy-maxwell, kaori-chan, SilverCaladan and ozzypoos thanks so much for reviewing.
I'm so happy that that many people reviewed normally I have like 1.
Oh yeah and I keep forgetting to do the disclaimer and I really don't wanna be sued (I have nothing anyway) I don't own Gundam Wing (even though I'd love to) this is just my twisted mind playing around with the characters without anyone's permission. Also im not getting paid to do this its just for my entertainment and hopefully others.
So pwease don't sue me Mr lawyer =( pwease
Pairing's: 2+1, 3+4
Warnings: AU, maybe OOC
Part 1
"Huh, Heero what d'ya mean? … He's coming… Who's coming?" duo tried to pull past the sleep that fogged his mind.
He could see that Heero was upset which meant it was serious Heero didn't get upset for just anything.
Heero didn't answer him just continued to stare off into space, which made Duo even more nervous, Heero Yuy just DID NOT act like this.
"Der engelhaft nacht, nein Ich bin nicht auf ihn vorbereitet. Meiner Flügel"*
Now Duo was even more nervous, Heero was talking in a language that wasn't Japanese or English.
Duo looked into Heero's eyes only to see that they where turned inward remembering something that Duo could not know unless Heero snapped out of it and chose to tell him, and that was very unlikely at this moment seeing as he was far away from this place.
"Heero… Heero can you hear me??… Who's coming??… What's wrong??…Heero talk to me"
Duo was starting to get a bit desperate Heero never let his guard down for a second and here he was not even responding to Duos yelling.
He started to shake Heero's shoulders to try and get him to come back to the here and now.
Still Heero wasn't snapping out of it.
He was so engrossed with trying to snap Heero out of his catatonic state he didn't notice the load footsteps that where getting closer to the room.
He didn't notice the door opening and a figure being outlined in the doorway.
He only noticed when Heero's head snapped up at looked directly at the person in the door.
*This is German, it's not a correct sentence seeing as im not exactly the best student in German class => but roughly it say "the angelic night. I'm not ready for him. My wing" but don't hold me to that ok!!
Well there you go the first part.
Who's the person in the door??
And what's going on with Heero?
I'll try and get the next part out soon. But gotta go back to school soon and well gonna be swamped with work so it might take a while.
But if you review it will encourage me to write more.