Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ On The Inside ❯ Part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
AN: This story is going to center around a school and the 'popular' people at it. It has sordid details and both yaoi and yuri in it. All our favorite GW characters are in high school (sophomore, juniors and seniors) that have things going on behind closed doors.

On The Inside…
Part 1

Written by: Scandalous Behavior


She doubted very much that she was the picture her mother had made her out to be. For a woman who prided herself on being in the latest fashion, having the latest haircut, and looking not a day over twenty-five it had to be a huge blow to her ego that her only daughter was the exact opposite.

Ariel Huntington was artistic, and unreachable on many levels. Mainly due to the fact that she was seen as a piece of luggage for as long as she could remember by her mother. Felicia Hart had one thing on her mind for the past sixteen years and that was to marry someone richer than the last person she married. Staying true to this concept was the fact that she now had five former husbands and was now married to number six. Marrying at eighteen to her high school sweetheart who was only a kid like herself and only staying married to him long enough to have Ariel and find someone better. She regretted it years later when Raydon Huntington became a wealthy lawyer and opened his now very influential law firm. That was over and done with, for Felicia had hit the jackpot in her latest marriage to a multi-billionaire named Raberba Winner.

Raberba had twenty daughters and a son from his previous marriage and now saw fit to marry a Barbie doll, so to speak. Though he was in his late fifties and Felicia was thirty-four made no difference when love of money was at stake. The things that Ariel didn't understand about her newest stepfather was his family loyalty, his open heartedness, and his ability to shut her mother up with a look something she had only learned how to do in the past two years. Having so many daughters of his own, she reasoned, that having one more girl in the house was not a problem because he had probably heard and seen every possible problem by having so many different daughters. So when she arrived, a day before her sophomore year of high school was to begin, wearing her normal attire he didn't even bat an eye while her mother practically fainted on sight at what she was wearing.

In her normal fashion for the past year and a half, she was in all black. Black jeans, a cropped black tank top with a mesh black long sleeved shirt over it that came to mid-hip. She would guess it was her hair and makeup that would have really set her Bloomingdale's shopping mom off the bend. Her honey-blond hair, naturally lightened in areas by the sun was streaked with black, and her eye makeup was entirely black from her eyeliner, mascara, to her midnight black eye shadow, which was heavy darkened. Add black lipstick and a piercing in her nose and you got the package. It wasn't overly done and she could barely pass as 'Goth', so she didn't see the need to change what she was familiar with. Along with her was her pet wolf, a present from her dad when she was twelve, that had been orphaned and was her protector that was also black with ice-blue eyes and her pet raven that was in a two-foot high wire cage.

Raberba did what she had never expected from any man she knew besides her dad to do and that was to hug her and welcome her into the family. Felicia placed a false smile on her lips and gently kissed her cheek whispering into her ear she would 'discuss' the attire Ariel was inappropriately in later.

Meeting the rest of the living there family had been easier. Quatre was Raberba's only son and was kind, like his dad. His five sisters all talked to Ariel like she was one of them and the only person giving her glares during dinner besides her mother was Quatre's girlfriend, Dorothy Catalonia. Ariel knew Dorothy's type, had been raised about the little debutants all her life and knew all about their vindictiveness. The girl's violet eyes flashed whenever Quatre made a simple polite conversation starter.

Ariel had decided that night to retire early to bed, being taken to her room by Raberba who told her she could decorate it anyway she wanted to once she was back from school on weekends and holidays. The new school she was going to was a boarding school that only allowed its students to leave it on Friday afternoons until Sunday nights if they were going home. During vacations you could stay there or go home. She thanked him for the spacious room and pulled her comforter out of one of her boxes, it was made of silk on the top and cotton on the bottom that kept her cool and warm during the night and went to sleep on her strange new bed.


Down the hall from Ariel was Quatre's room. Dorothy was pacing in the room, her feet moving over the Persian carpet without a sound as he lay against the headboard reading. Her hair followed her as she did spur of the moment turns and she growled at Quatre.

"Does your father actually think we are going to accept that…freak into our circle?" she demanded, pausing at the end of his bed.

Quatre set the book on the nightstand and sat up.

"Ariel is part of the family now, Dorothy. She will be treated as such." He simply replied.

"She is not even like us, rather like some gutter rat. How is she going to pass off as a student of St. Augustine Academy? They don't exactly let anyone into the school, you know." She said evilly.

"Father already got her enrolled, before he and Felicia got married. Her uniforms and all the extra school attire were sent here two days ago. She is going to our school, Dorothy."

"Why? I don't understand, I mean her mother is passing pretty in a fake way but the girl is not even pretty. With all the makeup and those clothes, she looks like a slut."

Quatre frowned.

"That's not true and you know it. Beside a little area of her stomach all of her was covered and she doesn't act like a tramp."

"What about her being pretty?" Dorothy asked, noticing he hadn't said anything about that.

"She's a sister now, how would I know if she is attractive or not?"

"You are male, first, Quat, darling. So tell me?"

He shrugged.

"I guess she's pretty."

"See! I knew it! All you men think alike, you just see her tits and her looks and think nothing more."

"Like you don't?" Quatre smiled as she crawled on the bed to him, lying beside him, "I don't exactly here you complaining about your attributes, Dorothy, nor those of those girl friends of yours."

Dorothy glared at him.

"We are not talking about me. We are talking about that freak down the hall."

"If you are that determined to dislike her, what am I going to do or say to make you change your mind?"

Dorothy's face lit up. She leaned over him and licked her lips.

"You always know what to do to sooth my temper, Quat. I do so hope I don't have to remind you."

"Maybe a little? You know it has been," he looked at the clock, "all of two hours since we've fooled around."

"Fooled around? How charming, Quat," she said kissing him and then lightly biting his lip, "when I thought I fucked you."

"Or I fucked you?"

She grinned as he caught on with her game, her hands moving down his body to his pants, feeling the bulge in them and licking his ear as she whispered.

"Is this for me, darling, or that tramp?"

Quatre sucked in his breath as she opened his pants and began to pull them down, all the time straddling his hips and rubbing her center against him.

"Who do you think?"

Dorothy got his pants off, tossing them off the bed and itched her way down to his current focus, kissing and nibbling her way down until she licked around the prize.

"I think you'd screw her if you had the chance," she whispered, taking his penis deep inside her mouth and swirling her tongue around it as one of her hands kneaded his balls, "I saw you sporting this since the minute you saw her." She finished with as she removed her mouth from him altogether.

"Jealous?" He asked, as she brought his hands inside her underwear, beneath her sundress, so his fingers could feel how ready for him she was.

"Hardly," she said with a moan as his fingers moved into her, first two then three of them massaging her inner passage while his thumb flicked her nub of pleasure, "I doubt that little virgin of yours even knows what to do to you in bed."

He momentarily stopped his fingers as she opened her closed violet eyes and looked into his patient blue ones.

"So that is what intrigues you and is bringing out the cat, you know she's a virgin." He stated.

"Virgin's hold no appeal for me, I rather have someone in bed who knows what they are doing."

Dorothy shifted on his fingers trying to get him to return to his earlier ministrations, he felt this and removed them totally as she groaned at her loss.

"You want her, why did I see it? You and those trolls you play with love to deal with virgins."

Dorothy frowned at his words.

"Treize and Zechs are not trolls, Quatre. They are two of your best friends."

"Best friends that use virgins to play their little sex orgy games."

"Quat," she pouted, "she is going to be a target. She has virgin written all over her sweet little body."

"And here you were just calling her a tramp not five minutes ago?"

Dorothy leaned forward so her still covered breasts could rub against his opened shirt and naked chest, as she adjusted her hips so the lips of her sex rubbed against the head of his dick.

"That was because I thought you wanted her," she tormented, "so please just fuck me and I promise to be good."

Quatre grabbed her hips, stilling her motions.

"She is a sister now, Dorothy. Remember that." He stated and lifted her body to impale her on his dick and they both sighed with welcome.

The sex game had begun as Dorothy rocked on his dick and tongue fucked him as well, thinking all the time what it was going to be like to have that little virgin around and not want to screw her.


Comments? Did I confuse you? Just wait this story is going to get better. Look for Part 2 coming out soon.