Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ On The Inside ❯ Part 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
AN: I forgot to give credit to the song that I used in my last part. It is Can't Fight The Moonlight sung by LeAnn Rimes, it's from the Coyote Ugly soundtrack. Plus more details into the twisted popular Inners gang.

WARNING: Mature audiences only. Yuri/Yaoi and Boy/Girl relationships.

DISCLAIMER: Don't own Gundam Wing.

On The Inside,
Part 5

Written by: Scandalous Behavior

~ ~ ~ ~

Treize woke up in his silk-sheeted bed from the morning after Ariel's concert. He wondered if Quatre realized he had just declared war by making such a claim on his property. Next to him was the luscious Relena Dorlain, an excellent student who was truly uninhibited once her modesty was over come. He had her practically everywhere and he knew she enjoyed every single time; she was a real sensual being that he was tempted to keep her. Three times in on Friday, he had found her in the hall with either that loudmouth Hilde or with the Princess of Darkness that he had only to stand next to her and she would get wet excuse herself and follow him into the nearest empty room and fuck him right then and there. He wondered where she got this part of her nature from since it wasn't the boring as hell Dean, which Dorothy had recently told him was about as unimaginative in bed as he was in real life.

Dorothy would screw a light bulb if it could get her something, her obsession with Winner was going to get her in trouble but she was useful at being manipulative. She lusted after both Winner and Ariel, which made her predictable in her actions towards to the two. It was the old concept of if I can't have them then no one would. In this it would serve him well in getting Ariel Huntington into his bed. These thoughts ran through his head as he stroked Relena's stomach, using his pinky to draw circles on it.

How he was going to approach Ariel was the question. She only got along with the band members and didn't like him or Zechs. That much was obvious but those things could be overcome, she was his property and that was the end of story. Her sleeping with Quatre only signed an open war declaration with Winner, her virginity would have been nice to take but having her at all was worth it. Making her his slave was going to be something he would enjoy.

He had Relena because he could; that she was the Dean's daughter made it the exciting part. He detested the man and anyway to get back at him for putting him on probation and almost ruining his chances at Yale. He had his reasons for wanting Ariel. She was temptation, innocence, talent, and beauty. Plus she was the heiress to the Huntington Empire and two of her other ex-stepfathers' money bins, something he had investigated. She would be the perfect mate to someone with his background, not the daughter of a Dean at a private high school. The added bonus was getting the final score settled between him and Quatre Winner. His glaze moved over Relena, his fingers following down to her light brown curls that hid her nub and began waking her up, determined to keep her as long as he could.


The minute Ariel woke up, Quatre felt it. Her entire body tensed and he knew she was feeling guilt in what they had done. He could honestly say that he had the slightest bit of guilt but because she felt it. They had done nothing wrong, only societies rules said they might have.

She had been uninhibited and passionate throughout the entire night. Surprising him to no end and when she had finally given in to exhaustion he laid there watching her headrest on his chest as she slept, with one arm flung on his stomach. He could feel for uncomfortable she was getting and made no move to keep her where she was as she slowly pulled away, using the sheet to cover her nakedness.

"If you want me to apologize for last night, I won't." Quatre told her quietly.

"I didn't expect you too. It's just different in daylight," she said, feeling a blush flood her cheeks and cursed herself for being so affected by him, "I never…."

The entire episode, the whole night, her incredible behavior, was unbelievable.

Quatre only looked over her the smoky gray eyes, the gentle grace of her shapely mouth, he found himself enchanted by her all over again. He tried to tell himself that this was wrong, that he shouldn't have taken her virginity in the first place and he wouldn't be in this predicament now. She was unsure of herself, although she was a wildcat in bed, and that made him contemplate why he had done it. Besides the fact that he wanted her without reason or restraint as last night had clearly demonstrated, he had done it in a way to protect her. She was in danger of becoming one of the tramps of the school if Treize got his hands on her, something Treize had done to at least twelve girls that Quatre knew of. Using them and turning them loose in the school, he had done it to Dorothy and see how well she turned out. He was doing it to Relena, which he was going to see stopped because if Relena got hurt in this he was sure that she would, Ariel would confront Treize and that was the last thing she needed to do. It would give Treize leverage over Ariel and make her take Relena's place in his bed. If he had to keep Ariel permanently in his bed, something he had no problem with, he was not going to let that happen. Treize would destroy Ariel's personality and will in a short time leaving her with no self-esteem so she would seek it out by sleeping with others. He had seen it and it wasn't pretty.

His eyes rested on her again and knew prudence was slipping out the door without so much as a backwards glance while hot blood started pulsing through his veins, irresponsibly. His body was beginning to respond despite his determination not to think about her like that again today. God, why did she have to be so beautiful? Then his focus drifted onto dangerous ground. She was so warm and soft….and enticing….sensual. He tried briefly to order his libido under control and failed.

Ariel found herself unable to resist the penetrating attraction of those clear blue eyes, primitive in their need and so suggestive she found herself responding to it as if her soul was crying out to his. Then Ariel felt Quatre's newly aroused body stir and come to life against where her hip still touched him, and an answering heat, radiated throughout her body. Quatre felt her tremble at the response to him and drew her into the circle of his arms, very gently, so she could stop him if she wished. His muscles tensed as their bodies touched, but she didn't move.

The intimacy of expert fingertips tracing a delicate pattern down her spine was letting all Ariel's objections go straight out the window. Quatre was holding her so close she could feel the pounding of his heartbeat.

"We shouldn't do this." She said, her voice was breathy.

"No, we shouldn't," he agreed, his eyes caressing her face, coming to fall on her pink tempting lips and in defiance of what was right, that he could not stop himself from what he was about to do. Lowering his golden head to kiss those full lips.

Ariel tried to pull away but it was already too late. She felt the sudden springing surge of his body and her senses reeled beyond caution, reminded of all she had discovered in the long night hours. Strong hands slid down to her hips and crushed her tightly into his hardness. And when his mouth crushed down recklessly over hers, she no longer cared if this was right or wrong. Quatre's lips and tongue greedily took hers renewing the taste of her. While their mouths clung and tongues intertwined, his hands lingered over her curves sparing no area from his caresses. Instantly Ariel felt all the memories of last night come back to her, all Quatre had taught her of audacious, delectable passion between two people. Before the kiss was over, she let him know without speaking that what he wanted, he could have.


Over an hour later, Ariel drifted into consciousness after falling asleep after the latest mutual satisfaction was taken care of. Quatre was deep asleep, his breathing even. His eyes were closed and she couldn't stop herself from pushing a way a piece of gold hair from his forehead. She sighed and blinked as she saw that is was almost seven, people would be moving around in about a half an hour and she needed to get back to her dorm room. She pulled the covers back, thanking the heavens that her clothes were right next to the bed and quickly put the vinyl outfit back on along with her coat. She picked her boots up but didn't put them on, in case the sound they made on the floor would wake Quatre. She walked to the door and closed it behind her as she exited it. She leaned against the door for a second, her mind still not accepting what she had done the past night. And this morning, she thought. She looked to make sure there wasn't anyone in the hall and went to her room in the opposite wing.

Dorothy was coming down the flight of stairs from the third floor where she had spent a very acrobatic night with her English professor. For a guy in his forties he was amazingly agile in bed, she thought with a smile. As she stopped on the stairs, she saw Ariel come out of the east wing, from the first corridor. Dorothy's eyes narrowed at the younger girl who was wearing what she had been last night. The only guy Ariel knew in that corridor was Quatre.

"That little slut." Dorothy said aloud but Ariel was too busy heading back to her room to notice her on the stairs.

A sudden smile came over Dorothy's angered features.

"I wonder if Ariel knows about Quatre and Trowa."


Hilde was lying on the beach, soaking in the sun in shorts and a bikini top when she got shadowed. She dropped her sunglasses forward onto her nose to stare up at Ariel.

"You know, when someone is laying on the beach in this type of outfit it is nice when people keep their shadows out of that person's light." Hilde stated, as she pushed her sunglasses back in place as Ariel sat on the sand.

"Sorry, Hil." Came Ariel's reply.

"Alright, now I know something's up. You are never this emotionless to me." Hilde told the blond, sitting up on her elbows.

"You saw what happened last night, right?"

Hilde's face broke into a suggestive grin.

"I take it that you found common ground in that club's corner."

The plain innuendo only made Ariel's serious expression firmer.

"Okay, so something happened and you didn't like it?"

"It's not like that," Ariel started, "or maybe it is…God, I am so confused. I mean, I liked it,….really liked it," Hilde smirked at that as Ariel looked out over the ocean, "it's the whole stepbrother thing and I don't know. Maybe it's just me. Is it a bad thing to enjoy something so much it makes you feel ripped in two when you're away from that person? I'd never had to deal with this if Quatre hadn't made a move."

Hilde whistled at that comment.

"So now you're blaming him for making you realize you have feelings for him? Sounds a little petty to me, Rie."

"I'm not blaming him," Ariel frustrated said, and then growled, "I don't know what I mean anymore. Even talking about it is driving me crazy."

Hilde laughed and this caused Ariel to glance at her.

"It sounds to me, kiddo, like you're in love and fighting it tooth and nail."

"In love? I can't be in love. I don't believe in that whole thing."

"No? Well, it obviously got its hooks into you real good. Not that I am surprised, Quat is a hottie and one of the greatest guys I know. You need to relax before you give yourself a mental breakdown, the Dark Angel can't go all postal about this it's not part of her character."

"Well, she's making an exception. Besides, being the labeled Dark Angel is hard at times."

"Then how about Princess of Darkness, or the Moonlight Temptress?"

Ariel rolled her eyes.

"Those are the names people are calling you now. Pretty good change from Freak."

"I rather just be called Ariel, thanks."

"Should have thought about that before going on stage and making your extremely hot voice heard so every guy is dreaming about you, not good dreams but long, passionate, wet.."

Ariel leaned over and threw sand at Hilde, landing on her stomach.

"That's enough of describing guy's wet dreams, okay?" then as her mood lightened, Ariel added teasing, "so does the Male Diva, dream about me or you?"

"Very funny, Rie."

"So are you going to tell me what is going on or what?" Ariel asked.

"Sorry, I don't have a clue to what you are asking."

"Bull. When I was making my way back to my room I passed yours and very," Ariel coughed, "shall we say loud almost release sounding scream was coming from your very room."

"Since you now know what that sounds like," Hilde said, "the only thing I can tell you is that my and Duo's one nighter has turned into a two nighter."

"You are asking for trouble, you know that right? Heero is going to kill you both and not even I can stop him."

"Well, like you said taking the right female with a guy that is purely same sex oriented can do wonders."

"I'll bet."


Zechs and Noin were in the middle of a very heated discussion at that same time, in the empty boat dock as they prepared to go sailing for the day. Noin bent over the edge of the sailboat, untying the knot to release it from the dock when she felt Zechs arm make its way to her stomach pulling her back into him to feel his muscular chest barely hidden by the white opened shirt he wore with light colored jeans. She turned her head and kissed him full on the mouth before moving out of his arms to go to the wheel.

"You know, keep making promises like that and we might just be spending the day below deck." She told him as he continued moving around the boat preparing to go into the vastness of the ocean.

"Like that isn't exactly what you want."

"Of course not," she mocked, "I would much rather stay in the sun and become red like a lobster."

"Then why'd you come?" he asked, coming to sit next to her standing position.

"To keep you company, I'm kind of attached to you if you haven't noticed."

"Noticed? No, can't say I have."

The sailboat passed by where Ariel and Hilde were on the beach and Noin waved to them before they passed by.

"Do you think Treize will leave Ariel alone?" Noin asked.

"Not a chance."

"Even with having the Dean's daughter?"

"She is just a diversion as far as he is concerned, to wait until the main event."

"It's disgusting the way he keeps using all those girls," Noin shivered, "it's almost like he is out for some sort of revenge against the female population or something."

"He had his reasons. The one about Relena is about her father, Dorothy was about her wanting him and practically stocking him until he had her, and those others were because he could."

"He took Emily Willis, the most innocent girl in our class and turned her into the school slut. Her boyfriend found her screwing his best friend and sister at the same time. Her parents had to move to an entire different country to escape the scandal she made, putting her in some all girls school in Europe. He did it because she was his therapists daughter and they were over charging him," Noin recorded at his defense of Treize, "I realize he's your best friend, Zechs, but Treize is plain scary at times."

"Noin, he just does what he feels he has to."

"How can you say that? After all he's done you still defend him?" Noin's face had pure disgust at the thought of Treize, "I can barely stomach being around him, he's made Relena into his person sex slave and plans to take Ariel from Quatre to prove he can."

"Quatre took the only person Treize truly loved and turned her against him."

"What would you have him do? Quatre wasn't in love with her, but she loved him. Their families set up the entire arrangement between the two. Treize got angry that her family accepted Quatre but not him because he supposedly loved her, when I doubt he even knows what love is. He raped her, destroying the sweet person she was, getting her pregnant until she committed suicide to escape what had happened. He knows that Quatre is in love with Ariel that he has let someone truly in since that happened something that not even Trowa could do, and wants Ariel to destroy Quatre. It's that simple and you defend a person who would do that? Destroying people's lives in his little game?"

Zechs only looked at her, until they both realized that this argument was futile. He was Treize's only true friend and not even her love of Zechs could make him see what a horrible person Treize truly was.


Quatre was sitting in the library of the school when he felt a tap on his shoulder to look into Treize's hard eyes. Quatre was instantly on guard around the older boy.

"We need to talk, Winner."

"Unfortunately, I have nothing to say to you," Quatre said gathering his books before standing, "wait, I do have something to say. Stay the hell away from Ariel."

"Then you will be most interested in what I have to say," Treize said and nodded to the library doors that led out onto the courtyard, "but we need to do it in more private area."

Quatre only followed him because of Ariel. If he touched her, laid one hand on her, he would regret it.

Out on the courtyard, Treize waited until he made sure no one was coming or going. Quatre stood leaning against one of the stone pillars, his book bag at his feet.

"Just what do you want, Khushrenada?"

"Something you have, that happens to belong to me," Treize started, "when we became Inners, there was a code. One of a few but simple enough for anyone to understand. That once one of us made a claim, only they were allowed to touch that claim. You crossed me when you took Ariel, Winner."

"Ariel isn't a possession or have you forgotten that? So caught up in your game that you forgot that little fact?"

"She most certainly is, during this time period when we are introducing her into the Inners only the person with the claim can be around that person as much or often as they like. In or out of the bedroom, if they want. She still has a month left until she is a full Inner and during that month I suggest you back off, Winner. These rules were set for a reason and everyone else will be on my side in this."

"You can take your fucking rules and choke on them."

"Be careful of what you do. You wouldn't want to loose Ariel the same way you lost Marian."

Quatre stood straight up, still a couple of inches shorter than Treize but the anger in his eyes made him an equal to the older boy.

"I didn't lose Marian, you killed her. Just like you did all those other girls, who haven't the strength to end their existence even though their lives are over the minute you touch them. You turn them into sluts, into someone's play things before cutting them off, sending them out without self-esteem so they have to get it the way you showed them and how they think they should, by screwing people. Who it is doesn't matter all that matters is that they feel something, like they did when they were with you. The same thing you are doing to Relena and you would do to Ariel, if she let you which she won't because out of all the girls you went after she is the first one to honestly look at you and see you for what you are."

"Oh? And does she know about your little deep end of the ocean after Marian, how you practically fucked anything walking? Or about you're little relationship with her friend, Trowa Barton. Does she know the true you, Quatre? How dangerous you are and if memory serves, you were likened to me at one time for the things you did."

"That was a long time ago."

"Two years isn't that long. You still have that instinct in you to have anything you want when you want it. Would Ariel survive you doing those things to her? Or would she find solace with another?"

"That's what you want. To bring all these memories back so Ariel might leave me and go to you."

"She still might. Like you said, she might see me for who I really am but once she gets a close look into who you really are, I doubt she'll be hanging around long. Some of those things you did, not many people could forgive."

"I made my amends, I don't plan to live my life in the past, like some people I know."

"Just remember what I said, Winner."


Treize watched Quatre leave and knew it was only a matter of time before he had Ariel and Quatre Winner was gone. He knew that Quatre felt guilt over Marian's death and done things to get rid of his guilt. His ignoring her had driven her into Treize's arms but she hated him, had always and when he made love to her she had cried out her love for Quatre. That she was using him to fill in for Quatre had driven him to what he did. But now he had Quatre just where he wanted him, with one word he would have Ariel anyway he liked now that he knew at this moment Dorothy was telling his Princess all about Quatre and Trowa's love affair, adding parts that it was still going on. Treize was smiling as he went from the courtyard up the stairs the back way and coming to be inside the Dean's office. The Dean was gone to conferences for the rest of the day and what better use for the office than to fuck his daughter right there.

Treize waited, knowing like the ice cream man knew that even if it was sinful the people would come to it and like a moth to a flame Relena entered the Dean's office. He saw her reflected in the window as she entered in her school uniform having been told in the note left by her 'Father' that he needed her to go to a meeting with him at the school board. He wanted to have her in that prissy little school uniform that drove him nuts every time he saw her in it. He sat in the Dean's large leather chair with a high back so she couldn't see who was sitting in it. He saw her biting her lip in nervousness and as he turned the chair around he saw the shock displayed clearly on her face. The door was closed behind her, so the two of them were alone in the large room. The small secretary's desk outside the door had a control on it to lock the main entrance to the Dean's office area, and pressing the keypad in front of him, it locked that outer door.

"What are you doing here? My father said to meet him here to go to the school board."

"I am afraid that he can't make it, seems he left early this morning and will be gone the rest of the day."

"So, it was you who sent the note?"

"Smart girl."

He saw her eyes fill with confusion and fear, the fear radiated from getting caught by someone walking in. Even though it was a Sunday it could happen but she didn't know about the outer door locking system and so the whole excitement was still hidden within her at the possibility.

"We have to get out of here. Ms. Mable might come in to do some work and she might tell Father."

Relena came around to his side of the desk, using a hand to pull on his but he only pulled back until her breasts, covered in the pristine white cotton blouse with the white bra underneath were directly in front of his mouth.

"But she's not." He whispered, his breath against one of her nipples, which hardened instantly at the slight movement.

He brought her whole body to him with his hand still with hers, standing up and backing the leather chair away, pulling her in front of him, her butt even with the desk's top. Her increased breath and faster movements of her chest made him realize how aroused she already was. He released her hand, using both in stead to sit her on the desk top, at the same time inching her skirt forward from her knees to her thighs and higher until he saw something unexpected.

"No underwear?" he exclaimed softly against her slightly parted lips as one hand ran over her soaked clit.

"No," she gasped.

"How convenient."

He let his hands play with the outsides of her sex, not going in so much as an inch as he teased and tormented her. His lips moved from her mouth to her material covered chest, unbuttoning it with his other hand until he saw her front clasp bra. He undid it to let them burst out of confinement and his mouth covered one, sucking on it as her right hand came to clasp his head to her breast moaning in pleasure. Her left hand came between her legs moving his to show him what she wanted him to do and as he entered her with two of his fingers, she came quick and lingeringly. His eyes met hers as he realized how badly she was up to this, moving his hand from her sex to his pants, unzipping them. Jerking the now uncomfortable material down along with his own underwear he moved closer to her legs as they wrapped around his waist and entered her. His mouth left the one breast, circling the nipple of the other as he pumped in and out of her slick channel until he wanted deeper and she was whimpering her need. He drew himself onto the desk, knocking over a pencil holder and the lamp as he thrust deeper into her, stretching his arms to grab the sides of the desk by her head and using that as leverage got the depth he sought. He came before her, the feel of his semen inside her making her come yet again until the last bit of pleasure died and he began again to arouse her intent on using this desk for as long as they needed.


Ariel had headed back from the beach around one, splitting with Hilde as she went to change so the two of them could head to town to do take in a movie to get their minds off things. She dusted her legs free of sand from her black shorts with silver strips on the outside leg of them. Her black tank top was added to it as a last minute thing even though it had only gotten her hotter on the beach from the sun. She passed by the quad until she saw Dorothy sitting under a tree with Midii. Her voice carried a little too conveniently as Ariel was walking by, dropping Ariel's name into what she was saying that made the blond look.

"And just what are you saying about me this time?"

"Do you realize you must be the most clueless person here?"

"And why is that?" Ariel asked folding her arms.

"That you can't see that what you and Quatre did last night isn't going to stop him from being with Trowa."

"What are you talking about?"

"You mean you didn't know about those two?" Midii asked, with fake amazement.

"What about them?"

"That they are lovers, of course. They have been for two years. You didn't know?"

Ariel couldn't be more shocked and made sure her emotionless mask was on to keep from showing it.

"Are they? That's nice," she swallowed her urge to scream, "well, I have to be going. See you around."

Dorothy watched the girl walk away and Midii looked at the confident girl.

"Your sure she heard you, looks like she doesn't care."

"Oh, she cares," a evil smile came to Dorothy's lips, "she cares a lot."


Ariel ran the rest of the way as soon as she entered the building. She knew people stared after her but didn't care. She was going to Trowa. She ran down the boys' hall and ignored the cat calls to her as she saw Trowa's room door opened and both Hilde and Duo in there with him.

"Oh, good, Rie, I was coming to get you," Hilde started and stopped talking as Ariel's eyes took on the anger she felt. Duo's hand touched her arm to still her talking as Trowa saw Ariel looking at him like she hated him.

"Tell me it isn't true. Now."

"Wow, Ariel, what is it?" Trowa said moving towards her.

As his arms came out to touch her, she jerked back.

"Don't touch me," her voice filled with anger but barely above a whisper, "just tell me. It isn't true right? You both wouldn't look straight at me all this time and lie to me, would you?"

"If I knew what you were talking about…"

She saw Duo and Hilde just as confused as Trowa's green eyes betrayed.

"That you…..and Quatre….are lovers. That you two are still…."

Duo's whistle echoed the silent room and Trowa's instant chilling glare silenced him as Duo started moving towards the door, dragging a shocked Hilde behind him. Only when the door shut did Trowa talk.

"I don't know who told you but I won't lie," he said looking straight into her pained gray eyes, "Quatre and I at one time were lovers. He was in pain and I was there for him. It ended over a year and a half ago, when we both were still sophomores."

"And now?"

"We haven't been anything but best friends since," Trowa's eyes softened, "I would never hurt you like that. Would never let you two come to where you are if I still even thought about him like that."

Ariel still looked unconvinced. He knew from the way she doubted it that somehow the person who had told her made it seem true.

"You know me, Ariel. You have for years."

"I knew you, Trowa. A lot can happen to a person in a couple of years."

"I know. But, Ariel, whoever told you made it seem like we are but we aren't. Ask anyone who knew. Only a few did," as he said it Trowa thought about who knew, "…Dorothy, that little…She told you didn't she?"

Ariel nodded, as Trowa seemed to want to strangle the air between his two clenched hands.

"No, Ariel. Quatre is one of my best friends; you are one of my best friends. I would never ever do that to either of you."

"I know, somehow I knew but everything and the level of understanding between you two it was making sense that I was feeling stupid for not seeing it."

"Only because it is over. We do understand each other better than most people but no not like that, not anymore."

Ariel came forward until Trowa's arms wrapped around her emotionally drained body and he laid his head on top of hers.

"Been one long emotional day, hasn't it?"

"From the time I woke up this morning."

~ ~ ~ ~

End of Part 5. In the next one will have a Hilde and Duo pairing along with a Relena and someone other than Treize. More scandals yet to be had.