Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ On The Other Side of The Line ❯ And Yet Again.... ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I don't own Gundam Wing!! If I did, I wouldn't be writing this!! Okay… before I start…

MAJOR OOC!!! Relena isn't the Pacifist Princess in this one. Or not always anyways. Heero and Trowa aren't that deadpan and talk some. This takes place in about 205 AC. So everyone is a little fucked up. Not too sure where this one is headed, but there will be some violence and probably sap and for the first time ever in one of my fics, and an experiment, YAOI! There will be yaoi implications in this if not scenes, I NEED FEEDBACK! I'm not that good with battle scenes, but I try. Lemon and language. Have fun!

On The Other Side Of The Line

And Yet Again…

By Midnight Lover

Footsteps could be heard running down the dark hallway of the Mariannopolis base where the power had been cut and only the dim light that the backup generator could provide lit the hallway at every 30ft. Along with the footsteps there was the sound of bullets and explosions echoing throughout the immense military base. The runner gripped his gun in one hand as he continued to make a run for it, knowing that it wouldn't be long before the enemy found out where he had taken off from and with the information that he had gathered making the enemy more dangerous.

An explosion nearby shook the hallway causing the already collapsing building to begin to crumble and break further at the left wing. The runner threw himself down on the ground shielding his head with his arms as the ceiling collapsed above him. The runner could hear the enemy's loud footsteps as they drew near. "Shit!" He cursed, getting up from beneath the rubble and making a run for the hanger where hopefully his ship was still waiting.

He could barely see through the thick clouds of dust made by the falling blocks of cement, but the runner still managed to make it down the dark hallway and into the left hanger where a sliver bird like space fighter jet waited with the engine already turned on ready for take off. The runner smirked at his triumph, and looked back over his shoulder at the Preventers who he knew were on his tail. "See you in hell." He muttered, as he got closer to the open gate of the shuttle.

"That's what you think." He heard, and stopped suddenly. He looked all around, looking for the voice only to realize that it was coming from the intercom. Disregarding it he continued into the ship, seeing nothing but bloodied bodies of his comrades slumped against the wall holding their weapons loosely in their lifeless hands. He shook in disgust dropping his own weapon at his feet. He could dispose of them later, right now he had to get out of the base and to colony 03446 of the L7 division where his information would be put to good use and the damned Preventers couldn't stop him. "That's what you think." He heard it again just as he opened the door to the control room.

Another explosion rattled the ship and the Preventers came rushing in through the left of the hanger and his enemies from right of the room dodging falling blocks of cement, with their weapons out. Gunshots rang throughout the hanger as both sides collided, leaving way to more bloodshed for his cause.

In the silver space unit, the former runner reached up and pulled off the black mask he wore revealing the face of a man with short brown hair and emerald green eyes. He looked around the control room for a sign of some life finding nothing but a barely living body of the ship's pilot he ran inside. "Commander! Oh god! Commander!" he said shakily, lifting the bloodied torso of his Commander in his arms, "Who did this?"

The man's eyes rolled back in his head and he raised a weak hand, "Rrrr… rrruu…. rrruunn." He managed to weakly say before a shot came from the door hitting the Commander square in the forehead. The green-eyed man's face contorted in sickness and fear. He knew he was next and he knew who the only person with such accurate aim had to be.

"Move and you're next." To his surprise said a familiar female voice.

The man got up slowly; reaching for the gun he'd dropped. "Shit." He cursed under his breath realizing he was weaponless and wrong about his opponent's identity.

The woman behind him shot her gun once more, skimming passed the man's head and hitting the windshield. "I said don't move Devero." The woman stepped forward, kicking a chunk of metal at her feet. "What do you know?"

Devero laughed, his entire upper body shaking in masked fear and amusement. "You should know." The woman came forward again, grabbing Devero by the hair and pulling his head back against her shoulder pressing the gun to his temple.

"Don't fuck with me. What do you know?" She repeated in a deadly flat tone.

Devero spat up in the woman's face; a gesture that displeased her for she pulled his hair harder and pushed the cocked gun further into his temple. "I don't know anything." The woman grew angry, and shoved Devero against the windshield, pressing his face against the glass, overlooking the battle below where men and women alike were dying amidst a collapsing military base just to prevent a war or start one. "See that, see them?" The woman pressed his face further into the glass. "I'm a matter of minutes those people will either be dead or leaving with me. This base is set to self-destruct in 2 minutes, and all I ask is that you cooperate and maybe we can work something out. Maybe you won't have to be one of the ones to die."

"Never. Bitch. Traitor." Devero reached back with a free arm, managing to grab the woman's arm and in turn switched their positions and slammed her onto the control panel. "You won't get away with this." He grabbed the hand holding the sleek black weapon and tried to turn it on the woman. "No one will be leaving here but me, Princess."

Just then three shots were fired and the man collapsed atop the woman, soaking her black cat suit in red fluid. "You're wrong. She leaves with me." A man in a Preventers uniform entered the control room and pulled the dead man off the young woman. "You ready to go home Angel?" He asked.

"Yeah. I am." She replied. She took his outstretched hand, and leaned against him as they left the shuttle in a quick paced run. "We have about a minute before the alarm goes off. Then after that we have 2 minutes to evacuate. Let's go."

"The others are waiting for you at docking bay 3. I'll meet at destination V9: 403.21." The man pulled the woman up against his body and kissed her roughly pulling her lower lip with his teeth in a passionless kiss. "You learn fast."

The woman pulled away, "I learn from the best." She crushed her lips to his as if it were the last kiss she would ever give before turning and running down the hangar dodging falling bits of cement. She saw the ship he spoke about and ran in where they took off seconds later.


The man hit a button on a remote control he'd kept in the left pocket of his bullet proof Preventers jacket and the silver Shuttle exploded in a mass of red and orange fire sending the gundanium parts flying right and left. The remaining fighters took off to their own shuttles knowing that the base was next. He himself ran towards docking bay 9; when the red alarm sounded counting down the seconds until the space base would be obliterated; where his trusted rebuilt model of Wing Zero Custom stood ready for take off. He entered the hangar and the machine's green eyes flashed, and the door opened.

Climbing into the cockpit, the man put didn't even bother to wait until the door had fully shut before telling the Gundam to take off. He contacted the other shuttles, accounting for as many or his comrades as he could before using his dual buster rifle and helped in the hurried process of destroying the base. "Mission completed." He muttered under his breath the saying he hadn't used since the Marimaia coup d'état.

"Heero? Heero come in." A voice over the intercom came through.

Heero looked at the video screen on the left viewing screen where Quatre's face lit up the screen. "Hn." He replied turning back to the empty space before him.

"Are we done?" Quatre asked rubbing his cheek with a dirty hand then raking it through the blond curls in front of his eyes. "Can we go home now?"

Heero didn't bother to look at the screen, and nodded, "Yeah." He said. " Did Relena tell you where to meet me? I'll board the shuttle with Wing Zero at that point."

Quatre nodded, "Yes, and we should reach there in about 2 seconds. See you on board." With that the transmission ended and Heero turned off the screen, closing his eyes and leaning back in his seat for a moment's rest before the destination monitor buzzed.


Relena peeled the bloodied clothing off her body, dropping then onto the floor as if they were about to bite her. She dumped them in the disposal unit and jumped into the running hot shower to rinse her body. She wasn't feeling any remorse for what she had done earlier, at the moment the thought was exhilarating. She'd held a man at point blank range with the weapon that he'd used on her the day she was taken from the place she called home. Yes that was right, Relena Peacecraft had once again been kidnapped. She wondered if people would ever learn, no matter how many times the thought of annihilating the Princess of Peace to abolish the ESUN and submit the world to anarchy crossed the minds of rebel forces, they went so far to kidnap her and start a small yet enraging battle on some remote colony where no doubt her lover would find her because of his seemingly sixth sense for whenever she was in danger and there would be blood and death and nothing would be accomplished.

She sighed and leaned back against the back wall of the shower. Closing her eyes and letting the hot water cascade down her pale body, washing away any signs of her involvement in the fight up in the cockpit of the silver shuttle earlier. She turned off the water, and reached out for a towel, taking it and wrapping herself in it as she stepped out of the shower. As much as she loved showers it wasn't exactly what she was craving at the moment. It had been five days since she had really been in a bathtub or shower for that matter after having been taken prisoner by Devero and his band of anti-peace troublemakers.

She walked across the large room to the bathtub and turned on the hot water, pouring a hefty amount of scented bath oil in with it as well. Relena sighed, taking the hairpin out of her hair, she dropped her towel and stepped into the hot water, letting out a small sigh of content at the hot water touching her skin. "Been too long." She murmured, making herself comfortable in the immense tub. She had to admit, it was such a luxury to for her to have her own room and bathroom on the Preventers shuttles. Especially after having spend five days tied to a chair in a dark empty room.

Relena had fallen into a light sleep and didn't hear the announcement on the comlink that Heero's Gundam was being boarded onto the Preventers shuttle, nor did she hear the door to her room open and see a dusty Heero walk in. He peered into the open bathroom door as he threw himself on the Princess' bed pulling off his black turtleneck and undoing his holster belt. He placed his gun under the mattress, and ran his hands through his unruly chocolate brown hair. He could see Relena's feet dangling in the air as she hummed to herself in the large tub partially asleep. The thought of catching Relena off guard in the tub appealed to him, besides, it wasn't like she'd turn him down if he wanted to join her, right? Soundlessly he pulled off his boots, and entered the bathroom at the left of the room, like he'd assumed, Relena was lying in the tub covered in suds and still oblivious.

"Come to join me Heero?" She asked, catching him off guard.

"Or not." He said to himself, realizing she wasn't as oblivious as he'd assumed. Relena opened one eye, catching the sight over her naked lover and smiling seductively. He took an unsteady step into the hot water, "That depends on whether the Princess minds or not." Relena smiled, running a wet hand lightly up the inside of his leg.

"Hmm…" She slowly got up onto her knees, never breaking eye contact with Heero she kissed the inside of his thigh where moving closer to his half hard-on. She felt his body grow rigid as she kissed his sac, kissing higher up his shaft until she could slide his hard length into her mouth. She circled the head of his penis with her tongue, eliciting a pleased groan from the back of her lover's throat. Relena ran her hands down the back of his legs, digging her nails into the back of his thighs as she began to suck his cock harder, taking all she could into her mouth.

Heero groaned, rolling his head back and closing his eyes. He reached out, steadying himself against the wall as she continued her ministrations. Her small fingers began to rub the spot right behind his sac, the touch sent a shock through his body, and he felt his knees almost give way. Heero was sure he cried out her name, but he wasn't sure what he said. His cock throbbed in her mouth, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to stand much more as her hand came around the base of his dick and began to pump him where her mouth couldn't reach.

Uncontrollably his hips began to thrust forward, pushing his length further into her mouth. She held back the urge to gag and could feel his body tense as she continued to blow him, breathing heavy as his body seized up in a spasm letting his jizz pour down her throat. She smiled, licked her lips and sat back in the water, "Hmm… I think I would like you to join me," she said in a sultry voice. Heero nearly collapsed when she let go of him. The day had been long and exhausting and just the memory of the feeling of her throat muscles constricting as she swallowed him was enough to make his flaccid member begin to rise and his body ache. He sat down beside her in the immense tub, leaning over he kissed her softly before submerging his head under the water. He came back up, taking a breath then pulling Relena to him. "Angel, what you did today--"

"Heero, don't worry about me. I told you already. I am not going to be an idle figure in the background while people kidnap me and try to kill me. It's not fair!" She cut him. Relena leaned back against the wall of the tub, pulling Heero against her breasts. "I know I'm supposed to be this Princess, this role model of peace for all, but sometimes, it's just too much. Besides, nobody knows who I am when I am with you. With the exception of Duo, Trowa, Quatre and Wufei, nobody knows that Relena Peacecraft has killed a man, or three, or ten." She sighed, looking down at her lover who seemed in a world of his own, scooping water in his hand and pouring it over her dusky pink nipple.

Heero sighed, he understood what she meant, but he wasn't too sure he agreed with her. His Prussian blue eyes shot up, looking directly into the crystal blue ones of his love, "But Relena, someone could find out. Then you would lose everything." He paused, drawing more meaningless designs over her flat stomach. "I know I taught you everything you know, the sneaking around unnoticed, the perfect aim, but Relena, I think it's best if--" He looked into her eyes, seeing that she would give up anything and everything to have the burden of having to be sweet and innocent all her life he gave in. He always gave in. "Alright. But I'm not going to let you make a habit out of this. This time you were kidnapped, and no one knew where you were, but the next time, it won't be like this. You can't just step away from your job and gun down a few 'bad guys' it doesn't work like that."

Relena nodded, he was right, she couldn't just walk away. But she could always have some fun from the shadows right? Under the guise of the night she could get her way. "I understand Heero." She said, reaching back and grabbing the shampoo. "But enough talk about that now. I'm tired and I want to relax in my bath before it gets cold." She giggled, lathering the shampoo in her lover's thick damp hair.

Heero closed his eyes as Relena's small yet strong fingers massaged the soap into his scalp. As she did so, he let his hand run down her stomach, the junction between her thighs. Skilfully his fingers found her clit and he started to rub it. Relena's breathing grew harder and her hands trembled as she tried to continue to wash the dust out of his hair. Once her body began to quiver, he stopped, pulling his hand away and got up, reaching for the showerhead.

The blond let out an unsatisfied squeal; she opened her eyes and glared at Heero. She pouted and watched as he pulled the shower curtain closed. She took his outstretched arm and stood up against him, turning on the showerhead and taking it from his hand. She kissed his lips roughly, not wanting to let him get away with leaving her unsatisfied as she pulled his lower lip in her teeth and wrapping her hand around his semi-erect dick. Heero caught his breath as she began to pump it, Relena smiled against his hard bare chest, and let go of his length, taking the showerhead and rinsing out his hair.

Heero looked down at her, and smiled slightly, before kissing her again. The showerhead was turned off and forgotten for the moment as his hand reached once again for her center. His dick grew hard against the soft skin of her stomach, as she rubbed against him under his fingers. His tongue slipped into her mouth, exploring, and battling with hers. He slipped a finger into her wet folds, making her ride his hand as he pressed her back against the wall of the bathroom. Heero's mouth fastened on the curve of her pale neck, sucking and biting at the soft skin there. His free hand steadied the blond against the wall as his thumb rubbed a pert nipple. He continued to rub her clit and thrust his finger in and out of her as she came, her body shuddering against his erection causing him to pull back.

Relena's arms wound themselves around Heero's neck and she pulled him to her, kissing him deeply. Her thin fingers played in the small hairs at the base of his head as he gripped her waist and mounted her on his cock. He filled her to the hilt, as always, rocking his body against hers thrusting as deep as he could each time. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and did her best to move with him, meeting his thrusts one for one, as they grew faster and more urgent. Her muscles tightened around his dick, and he moaned against her lips as she raked her nails down his back. She kissed his ear lobe, "Fuck me harder, Heero." She whispered hoarsely. Heero did as he was told, driving himself into her as hard as he could without hurting her.

Soon enough she came and he exploded within her, grunting out her name as his head fell against her shoulder. "Relena." He murmured, kissing her collarbone. She held him tightly to her, breathing heavy with her forehead in the crook of his neck.

"Are you quiet done yet?" A voice sounded from the door to the bathroom. Heero's head shot up, his body grew tense and Relena's eyes opened wide, the two looked to see who had been watching them. Relena sighed, and Heero's body relaxed as both saw Trowa leaning against the doorframe with his hands crossed over his chest.

The tall former Gundam pilot wore a pair of faded blue jeans, almost tight enough to be indecent with a plain white t-shirt underneath his black Preventers jacket, his face was smooth and he still had his hair covering one half of his face. He smiled, "It's only me, and there's nothing that either of you got that I haven't seen…" he paused "… or done." He added in with a small laugh.

Relena shrugged her shoulders, and smiled at Trowa. "Can you get me a towel?" she asked, as Heero slid out of her warmth and turned to face his friend. She kissed Heero gently, running a teasing finger from his navel down to his groin as she stepped out of the tub and took the white towel from Trowa. She moved to get out of the bathroom but Trowa stood in the way of the door, she smiled softly. "Glad to see you too." She said, standing on her toes and kissing the 6 foot 4 inch pilot on the lips. Trowa moved out of the way and Relena passed, shaking her hips seductively.

Trowa felt his body tighten further within his jeans, "God, what a girl." He said more to himself than Heero who was left in the room getting a towel for himself. He had always felt a strong connection with the blond Princess, an intense feeling, perhaps love, but he wasn't sure. There were times when he found himself wandering the halls of the Peacecraft Manor just to get to her room; where he'd end up spending the night with her, and Heero.

He looked at Heero who stood in front of the sink with his back to him. Trowa sighed longingly; the towel Heero wore around his waist did nothing to hide the officer's hard well-muscled body, and the reddened nail marks down his back reminded him of times, they'd spent together. He walked towards Heero, who watched him through the foggy mirror. He placed his hands on the shorter man's hips, over the soft white towel. He leaned in, keeping his eyes locked with Heero's in the round mirror. "Glad you're okay." He whispered into his friend's ear.

Heero nodded slightly and looked into the next room, "I almost lost her again Trowa. To the same people." He let out a sad sigh, leaning his head back against Trowa's clothed chest. "I was almost too late." He said again, with his lower lip trembling slightly as if he were on the verge of tears but was trying his best to restrain them. He closed his eyes for a moment, and took a breath giving Trowa enough time to turn him around in his arms.

"Heero, you weren't too late. You made it on time." He brushed his thumb across Heero's cheek, "We're all working on this, and we're going to find out where this Maximus is hiding. Devero is dead, isn't he? That's what you'd said, right?" Heero nodded, "Devero is second next to Maximus. If we just took down his base, the headquarters to APOCALYPSE can't be too far away." He bent his head and placed a gentle kiss against Heero's lips, "If it's any consolation, Kaiya sent Quatre a periodic message saying that she, Hilde, Noin and Zechs have found some leads and possible places where the base may be. However, they are all residential areas on L1, L2 and Earth. So Une has sent out the Preventers recon force to check it out, we should have answers by the end of the week."

Heero nodded once again, "It does help." He said softly, looking up at Trowa's emerald green eyes, "Thank you." He wrapped his arms about Trowa's neck, pulling his down for a deep kiss. Trowa's hands ran up his back, tracing the welts left by his other lover before tangling in his hair.

In the other room, Relena watched, the two. She couldn't hear what they were saying because both men were talking in whispers, which wasn't unusual. She lay on the bed, rolling onto her stomach facing the bathroom watching the scene play. Heero and Trowa kissing passionately before her eyes, she sighed. She was the one who had been in a cell for the past week. "Ahem." She said twice before catching their attention. When they both looked her way she smiled, "And what about me?" she asked, getting up on her knees and unwrapping the towel as she lay back on the fluffy mattress.

Trowa looked at Heero, somewhat asking permission if it was all right to stay a while. Heero nodded, "Why the hell not?" He said under his breath, already imagining the possibilities of what was to come. They entered the room, and went to Relena who giggled girlishly as they climbed on the bed.


"Duo, this speed is insane!" Quatre protested, trying to pull on the breaks of the aircraft.

"What do you mean insane?" Duo asked, "It's so slow! I've driven my jeep faster than this." He complained, pushing the thrust further. "Hyper-speed is nothing. I mean, it's not like we aren't in a rush to get home." He paused, "Oh wait, we are!" He looked over at his co-pilot, sticking out his tongue playfully.

Quatre sunk into his seat, "So, we're a little late. But we don't have to make it back alive."

"Q-man, you worry too much. Someone told me once that they trusted my skills. And you should too. Don't worry about it." Duo smiled slyly, tossing his meter-long chestnut braid over his shoulder. "Trust me."

Quatre nodded uncertainly, "I trust you Duo." His voice was shaky and sleepy, he looked down at his wristwatch, "Get us back to Earth safely, I'm going to go sleep a little, I've been up here since we left L3 nearly 6 hours ago." He got up from his seat, running a pale hand through his blond curls. He leaned over Duo's chair and gave the bright-eyed man a soft kiss on the cheek. "G'night." He said, leaving the cockpit. "I'll tell Wufei to take my shift."

"Laters Q-man." Duo waved with a big smile on his face. "Get some sleep, you look like you need it." He leaned back in his seat, closing his eyes for a second as he took a deep breath. The day had gone by so fast, too fast almost. The raid of the Mariannopolis base on L3 had been a success, luckily, but then again it had almost been a failure. Duo reached up and touched the white bandage around his upper arm. He pressed his finger into the bandage, winching at the pain and feeling the cut opening and bleeding once again. He had almost not made it out to the shuttle in time. Heero had almost been too late getting Relena out of the execution chamber. He shook his head, for the first time ever that Relena had kidnapped had they almost killed her. But they didn't get the chance before he and Heero burst into the room and left it moments later leaving behind a mess of bloodied bodies and near dead soldiers.

"Wake up." Wufei's voice broke his train of thought. "I will not have you sleeping while I'm up here."

Duo grunted and opened his eyes, "Great, I lose Quatre to Mister Tight-Ass." He muttered under his breath. He shook his head, and turned his cobalt eyes to the oblivion of tiny silver stars on a dark blue background. This was going to be a long ride if he was stuck with Wufei for the remainder of it.

"Maxwell, we have to be back in Brussels by sundown tomorrow, which means that we have another four hours from here to L1, where we stop, pick up Milliardo, and then another three hours to get to Osaka, Japan then another five hours to get to Brussels." He paused, thinking of the things he'd left out, "Oh yeah, Milliardo has more information about this APOCALYSE group." He sneered at the organization's name, saying it with a hatred he'd never known before.

"Anything else?" Duo asked as he accelerated the speed of the craft. Wufei shook his head, "That's good. For now. These guys are fucking with the wrong crew. And they are not going to get away with it. We worked too hard to keep this peace, even gave up our retirement from the world of intervening in battles for this, gave up our chance to live a normal life. Hell, we rebuilt the gundams we destroyed ten years ago to keep this peace and I for one am not going to let some punk ass fucks take that away."

Wufei nodded and pulled up the files stored in the Preventers computer's database in the lap top computer at his side. "They want her dead. They want us dead. They want earth annihilated and the colonies to rule all." He scratched his chin, "But there's something missing. Duo, they know too much about us. Sure, everyone knows we're the gundam pilots for AC 195, but no one can anticipate out moves, not like they can. There's must be someone on the inside. But who?"

"Whoa! What are you ranting about? Someone on the inside?" The blue-eyed man let out a choked laugh, "Preventers security is too flawless for someone to be working both sides of the board. Hell, they run background checks on background checks! There is no way that we have a mole."

"That's true. The security is too high, but there's something wrong." Wufei's onyx eyes stared at the screen as he scrolled down. "When we planned to attack Mariannopolis, Maximus Delapont was there. We knew he was there because the Special Forces spotted him. There was no way that they knew we were coming, no way in hell because we were too careful. Relena's life was on the line and as far as they knew, we had no clue where they were hiding; we even had Colonel Une on the line with them demanding to know where they were hiding to better camouflage our plan. But did you notice when we arrived that Maximus was gone and so were half the troops."

"So, maybe they'd planned to leave." Duo said.

"No, Duo. Devero was there, you never find Devero without Maximus. Never. Devero follows Maximus around like a dog; we know that from when they were on the ESUN council about 10 years ago. If Devero is dead, that is because Maximus wanted him dead. This can only mean that he has another second, someone who was doing his job better than Devero, and someone who has to be on this inside. Not just a lackey."

"Yo, man, you're fucked up." Duo laughed, "We all know that Max wouldn't kill Devero. I mean, they are brothers and you don't snuff out your brother's life, no matter how much he annoys you. Or how much he deserves it." He shook his head, "I think you're getting too ahead of yourself buddy. Let's talk about something else something a little less, dead. Hey did you see my cut? Check!" Wufei rolled his eyes, and looked over at the gash on Duo left arm. "I got it at the base, some ass wipe shot at me and missed. But it was all good, I got him good." He poked at the bloodied bandage, "Doesn't even hurt!" He winced in pain as he touched the wound, "Not one bit."

"Sure, sure." Wufei laughed, checking out his own minor bumps, bruises and cuts, nothing as eccentric as Duo's however. He was careful not careless.


The phone rang once, twice, three times before it was picked up. The digital screen lit the darkened room and a man sitting in the shadows with his face hidden could be seen, "It better be important." He growled.

"Yes sir. It is." Said the caller, a young man in his early thirties with short black hair. "The Preventers are on their way back to earth, they have the Princess with them."

"That was to be expected. Devero, is he there?"

The man on the other end shook his head, "No sir, Devero is dead. Yuy killed him." He said with the same emotion were he to say he had toast and peanut butter for breakfast.

"What a loss." Said the shadowed man in a deep voice, he shook his head uncaring and moved along,

"Commander, we are going to try again, you will find a way to stay at the Manor when they reach Sanc Kingdom, the security on the Princess will be high, she will no doubt be heavily guarded with those two bitches of hers. Get her alone, get her to me. You have one week. Keep in touch." With that the man hung up.

The caller looked at the screen before him for several moments before shutting it off, "New orders, yes sir." He said to the emptiness of the room. In the back of his mind he knew his life wasn't going to last much longer. Taking Relena once again would only result his death. But it didn't matter, as long as she died and peace was corrupted once more, he was happy and his life wouldn't be lost in vain. Besides, if he died, there were always others who could relate information to Maximus. The man sighed, "This is going to take a lot of work. Yuy and Barton won't let her out of their site for the next while. But then again they won't be expecting us to make a move so soon. This may yet prove to be easier than assumed."


Lady Une slammed the brown folder shut and threw it across the room. "God damnit!" She cursed, slamming her fist against her cluttered desk. "Why can't we find them!" she yelled, angry about the current situation.

Sally and Lucrezia winched as the Colonel sent another file folder against the wall. "Colonel Une, if I may suggest, getting aggravated is not the way to find them."

"No shit Noin!" Lady Une glared, "I want you two going through all the files on APLCALYPSE. There's bound to be some information that was over looked. The Mariannopolis base cannot have been the only base they have. L3 seems to be the only place where we look. What about new L5? That colony has been in development ever since it was destroyed back in AC 195, yet it is still less than half completed, but there are people inhabiting it."

"We've searched all the colonies, there's nothing, nothing left. All we found were abandoned bases in deserted areas of the colony. We searched the bases and found nothing. Whoever was there left no tracks." Sally said firmly.

"The look again!" Lady Une yelled, "Leave no section of the colonies unturned. When Relena gets back to earth, we will meet in Brussels, 7pm sharp tomorrow. I will discuss this further." She turned away from the two women seated before her desk and looked out the window. The sun was setting in the horizon and the dark night sky was setting in, "I'm sending every able Preventers agent on the field. Sally, Noin, I'm putting you both in charge of Special Forces units A and B, I'll have Milliardo take Unit C. The Gundam Pilots are on their own group. I can't have them separated; they work better as a one. I will elaborate later, be there." She glanced over her shoulder at the two women, "Dismissed."

Noin and Sally got up, "We'll be there." They said in unison before leaving the room.

Once the room was empty, Lady Une fell back into her leather chair, she opened up her computer and read the screen once again, "The ESUN will not last against us, and peace will not remain long in the memories of the world. Just when you think it is over, we'll strike; we're not going to lose against you. Yuy may be smart, but we're smarter. And your Princess won't live to see the light of many more days. I promise you this." She read letting tears come to her eyes. "This isn't possible. We don't have a clue where they are. How can this be? We've never fallen behind like this."

She ran a hand through her thick brown hair, and pulled the elastic that held it together out. She leaned back in the chair, "Oh Treize, what would you have done?" She asked the empty room, not expecting an answer, "I need help. I need a clue. A lead. Anything. Please."

She turned back to the computer, pulled up some field reports filed by Special Forces, and began to scroll down reading through the information. As if on cue, the screen froze and the highlighted text came to a stop, "Maximus Delapont was last spotted leaving the Mariannopolis base on the outskirts of the L3 colony cluster, we followed the course of his shuttle and can say that it is safe to assume he is headed for MOIII the resource satellite located on the opposite side of the Earth…" Lady Une stopped reading, and got up from her desk hitting print on the screen. She silently thanked her late lover and left the room.


The shuttle docked in L1, 6am Friday morning. By 8am, the silver shuttle was off on a straight path towards Osaka. "Has anyone seen Heero?" Milliardo asked as he walked into the cockpit of the shuttle, startling Quatre and Duo who quickly broke away from a passionate kiss.

"Um… yeah, actually last time I saw him he was in Relena's room." Duo said, stopping himself too late as Milliardo left the cockpit headed towards the cabin at the end of the craft.

"Duo, you idiot. Trowa's in there too! He's not supposed to know about Trowa and Relena!" Quatre said, pulling Duo's braid, playfully.

Duo shrugged his shoulders, "Oh well, he's bound to find out one day. His sister's three-waying, big deal. She's what like 25? She has the right to her own life; besides, I just like to see how Heero's going to deal with this one." He laughed slightly, grabbing Quatre and pulling him back to his lips, "But most of all I didn't want to lose my place." His lips attacked Quatre's, as his hands moved down to the zipper of his pants, tracing the bulge of the blond man's cock.

Quatre gasped as Duo's hand entered his pants and stroked his hardening length. "Mm…" He moaned softly, opening his mouth the Duo's probing tongue.


Without knocking Milliardo entered into his little sister's private room, he stood for a silent moment staring at the scene before him. Relena was on her knees, at the

of the bed with Trowa riding her from behind and Heero's cock in her mouth. "What the fuck is going on here?" he yelled, turning his eyes away from the scene before him.

Relena squeaked part from shock and pleasure as Trowa came within her triggering her own orgasm. Heero grumbled and pulled his still erect cock from his lover's mouth. "Milliardo what the fuck do you want now?" he growled, touching Relena's flushed face and brushing a lone tear off her cheek. "Get out."

Milliardo shook his head, and grabbed a shirt he found on a nearby chair tossing it at his sister. "Put this on." He said, as calmly as he could. He looked away as Relena sat up and slipped on the shirt. He knew he was going to get an earful, and that he would never be forgiven but he needed Heero and it couldn't wait. "Heero, I need your help with something, I got some information I need to relate to you." He looked at Trowa, who still hadn't turned to look at him and then at Relena who whispered something to the emerald-eyed man. "I don't want to know." He said.

"I'll be there in 5 minutes." Heero said, pointing to the door and telling Milliardo without words to leave. Milliardo turned to leave,

"Wait a second." Relena said as she got up on her knees. "What the fuck do you mean coming in here with out knocking?" She demanded angrily. She glared at her brother's platinum blond head, "You do this all the time! I can't stand it!"

Milliardo turned back, "It was important. I didn't think there'd be three of you!"

"I don't care if it's important! There's such a thing as knocking!" She got up off the bed, and went to the door; opening it, "This is my room and you have no right to intrude, even if you are my brother. Get the hell out and I'll send Heero later. And trust me, if you barge in here once more, you'll be sorry."

Milliardo wanted to slap her, the tone of disrespect in her voice angered him but then again, she did have a right. But he wouldn't tell her that. "Sorry." He said and walked out of the room.

Relena grumbled her angry words and returned to the bed. She sat on the edge of the bed and sighed, "Will this end?" She asked mostly to herself.

Trowa wrapped his arms around the upset Princess and sat back with her leaning in his bare chest. "It will." He said, smoothing back her long burnt blond hair. He looked up at Heero who nodded his head. "Are you going to go?"

Heero shrugged his shoulders, "I have no choice." He said quietly, his Prussian blue eyes looked at Relena's partially clothed body. The shirt her brother had tossed at her was his own and it came down barely far enough to cover her ass. "I have to plan the attack. That's what they told me in Osaka. I have to go." He looked up, meeting Trowa's emerald stare, then back down again at the blond in his arms. His member was still half-erect, and he wanted to pick up where they had left off before Milliardo had burst into the room but he knew that that wasn't an option. "I love you, I'll be back later. Trowa, I'm taking your shirt." Quickly, Heero jumped off the bed, found his jeans and Trowa's discarded shirt, and left the room.

Relena sighed and leaned further into Trowa's warm embrace, "Trowa, we have to end this." She said, "I can't live like this, in fear of being taken away again or getting killed." She smiled sadly and looked up at her companion. "Guess that's a perk of the job. Ain't it?" Trowa nodded and wiped away a tear that escaped Relena's crystal blue eyes. "What if I just gave up the ESUN completely? It would prevent more rebel organizations and the people could keep the peace on their own, or lose it if they don't. And they could suffer the consequences, knowing how it was their negligence that cause chaos." She began to cry silently, rubbing the tears off her cheeks.

"Why don't you do it then?" Trowa asked silently. "If you can't stand the pressure, the demands, the sacrifices and obligations, why don't you give it up?"

The blond shook her head, "Because I can't." She sobbed, turning her head and burying it in the crook of her arm and Trowa's muscled leg. "I can't because I love this job, because I promised my father that I would not let the world down, and I can't break that promise. And I don't want you; Heero and the others back in that life of war and sorrow. I can't do that to you after all this." Her voice was muffled and small and her breath came in hiccupping gasps as she finally looked up. "Why am I the target?"

Trowa's face grew somber, and he turned her head to look at him, "Because you're powerful. More powerful than you know or realize. People want that power, they want to take that power. But Relena we won't let them. Heero won't let the, I won't let them, your brother won't let them, nobody is going to let you get hurt." He leaned over and kissed her lips, tasting the saltiness of her tears. "Don't cry sweetie, nothing will happen to you." His hands traveled over the white cotton shirt rubbing her nipples through the material, "Let me take your mind off this for now." Relena moan, arching upwards she kissed Trowa again, as his hands pulled the hem of the shirt back up again.


The sunset had early Friday night and everyone was gathered around the conference hall table at the rebuilt Brussels' Presidential Residence. Lady Une stood at the head of the table with a pointing stick and a chalkboard highlighting the important points of her nearly terminated of her speech. "I am splitting you all up into teams, Milliardo, Noin, and Sally, I've already given you your orders, you take command of Special Forces A, B and C, and Heero you are in command of the you five pilots, Hilde, Cathy and Kaiya. I want Specials A searching L1 and L2, nothing is to be left not searched thoroughly and everything is to be recorded. B I want you to take L4 and L5, though L5 is only in the process of being built it is a great place for a base because it's less suspicious. Milliardo, take Forces C and search all the resource satellites. I have a hunch that they may be headed for MOIII but I am not certain. Heero, you and the others search earth. Pair off, I want as much space covered in as little time possible."

"Colonel Une, what about me?" Relena asked.

Lady Une nodded, "I was just getting to that." She glanced around the room, and smiled as her eyes me another's "Relena you were taken captive while at a conference in Hong Kong, two ESUN diplomats were shot, one killed, the other in hospital. Since then, ESUN has been on hiatus, only secret meetings are held discussing the current situations. No one knows where you are, and this is how it will stay. Until I can say that it is safe for you to be out in the public eye again, you will be under guard by Officer Alex," Lady Une waved her hand in an upwards motion and a woman at the end of the table stood up, "Everyone this is Officer Alexis Cambridge."

"Hi." The woman said, behind a pair of small, blue rectangular framed glasses sitting on her nose. Her hair jet-black hair was tied back in a ponytail, held together by a dark blue bow matching the colour of her suit. "It's Alex, Alexis is just too long. I work the desk at the corner of the office, somewhere between the photocopy machine and the filing cabinets. I don't have much field experience with the Preventers but I have been trained extensively for the past 5 years or so in one on one combat, I was sent out on a few recon missions that were menial but ended up a little messy." She looked at Lady Une, having run out of things to say about herself and gave the brown-eyed woman a confused smile.

"That's fine, Officer." Alexis nodded and too a seat. Lady Une turned to the rest of the room, "I have monitored Alex's training over the years, and the successions of her few missions. She is in my opinion, fit to be a part of this team. Never has she failed to accomplish her tasks, and she is efficient, thorough and over-all a hard worker. Taking down this organization is my top priority at the moment, and I would not have any one but the best of the best on the field." She glanced around the room, making eye contact with each person seated at the table, "I want everything recorded, everything searched, everything done to your full capacity. The Gundams have been restored and repaired, the Serpents, Vayetes and Mercurius have been improved as well as the Tallgeese III. Everything is set up and ready for take off, you have until Monday to come up with your plans of attack Monday we launch at 0600 hours, docking bays 3, 4, 5, and 6 at the north hanger. There are to be periodical check-ins with me and the members of your crew." She glanced at Relena, "Until Monday, you will be at the Sanc Kingdom, after that, we'll see." Turning back to the others she narrowed her eyes, "Now, you have 30 hours; get a move on. Dismissed." She barked watching everyone file out of the room. Once the room was empty she sat in her chair, and prayed silently that all this would be over soon.


Relena woke up Wednesday morning to a silent room. Tying a knot in her floor-length housecoat she stepped out of her room, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. The long hallways of the palace were empty, no servants ran from room to room attending to last minute preparations, no duffle bags cluttered the hallway ready to be loaded onto a shuttle ready for take off at Preventers Headquarters. She sighed, opening the door to the bedroom Heero had occupied. Her blue eyes glanced around the room, finding it bare, no signs that it had even been used in the past. She swallowed the lump in her throat, throwing herself onto the bed and clutching the covers as she cried.

It had been three days since she'd heard from anyone. Lady Une had told her that operations were moving smoothly and no evidence or suspicions that there would be an attack anytime soon had risen therefore she was allowed to remain in her homeland. But in the back of her mind she felt as though something was not right. As if things were too quiet for once.

She left the room seemingly hours later, walking down the empty hallways back into her room. As she shut the door behind her, she heard the rustling of clothing. "Is this really necessary?" She asked, slowly turning around to see her new bodyguard seated at the desk by the veranda doors.

"Orders." The woman replied sounding as though she was forced into this. " I know this makes you feel like a prisoner in your own home, but it's better than being a prisoner somewhere else." Alex stood up, straightening out her blue jeans. She smiled softly and walked passed Relena who stood at the door. "I'll meet you downstairs in 20 minutes."

Relena nodded and opened the door letting Alex out, she watched, as the black haired woman got further away before slamming the door shut. "I hate this!" she grumbled, as she went to her closet and pulled out a pair of loose dark blue low-rise jeans and a tight black halter-top. She dressed, brushing out her long blond hair and tying it back in a high ponytail and slipping into a pair of navy blue running shoes, "Downstairs in 20 minutes." She mocked the departed woman, "Better than being a prisoner somewhere else." She slammed her fist on the vanity table, "Anything is better than this! I can't do anything! I'm not a child! I haven't done anything wrong!"

The blond walked to the open doors, leading onto the balcony, she looked out to the clear blue sky. Cloudless, sun shining, pale blue, not unusual for a day in the Sanc Kingdom, even when the rest of the world was at war. From the corner of her eye, she saw something move in the bushes below the balcony and followed the movement towards the garden. Her mind told her that it wasn't a cat, and curiosity made her climb down the trellis to the ground.


"Target confirmed. Plan in action." A man dressed in green camouflage said into a communicator on his wrist as he ran through the bushes below Relena's window.

"Very well." Came a static muffled voice through the comlink. "Go unnoticed, take her away. There is a boat waiting at the Sanc Kingdom harbour, just tell them you are going to Berlin. They'll know who you are and take you to your shuttle."

"Yessir." The man replied, straightening his cap and ducking down in the foliage near a tree. He watched as Relena ran into the closed off garden and smiled. " I will not let you down."

"Oh, Commander, be careful. She packs a mean punch." The static mumbled before the other end signed off.

"Nice to know." The man pulled out a thick black rope, and tied a knot in it. He watched as Relena pulled a small knife from her back pocket. "Not so peaceful if you carry a knife around. No matter, this will be easier than the last time." A smile spread across his face and he waited patiently for the Princess to wander closer to him. "C'mon, closer, closer." He muttered.

Relena noticed a slight movement in the bushes; she narrowed her eyes and took a closer look. She could swear that there was something hiding behind them, no, someone hiding behind them. She took a cautious step closer, holding the small dagger Trowa had once given her when she had attended a circus show. She glanced down at her watch; twenty minutes had passed and was nearing about a half hour since she had been instructed to meet her new bodyguard. "Who needs a bodyguard anyways? I can take care of myself." She muttered.

"Relena!" She could head being called from the Manor. She looked back, thankful that she was hidden from the view of her balcony where that black haired Lieutenant called out. She sneered, muttering something spiteful under her breath. The man was growing impatient. His hands tightened around the rope, tying another knot, making a retractable loop with the rope. With her next step, he decided, he was going to grab her. He reached into his pocket and took out a ball gag. "This will stop her from screaming." He muttered. Relena took a step closer to the immense oak tree where she suspected a hidden person. To her shock, a man jumped out, grabbing and twisting her wrist back, causing her to lose the dagger. She tried to scream but his big hand came up to cover her mouth, shoving a ball the size of a golf ball in her mouth. She struggled in his arms, twisting; kicking trying all she could to break loose from his iron grip but it was in vain.

"I think you do need a bodyguard Princess." He sneered, as he shoved the blond to the ground, keeping her in place with his knee pressing down on the center of her back. "No so tough are you now?" His voice was rough and cold, and his hands were calloused as he tied the thick rope around her wrists then her ankles and holding them together. He tied a black scarf around her eyes, and then pulled a black mask over her head, as he single handedly began to shove her into a big black bag. His watch beeped and he hit a button. "Mission in progress. I need backup to get out of here."

"A distraction has been set up. You will take the Princess and escape through the gate at the back of the gardens, there will be a car waiting for you there, it will take you to your next checkpoint. Do not fail me." The static muffled echoed though the quiet garden before it faded. "Guess I'm going to get away with this." The man said, as he ran to the gate at the end of the garden with Relena bound and gagged struggling over his shoulder. He was a big man, maybe 6foot 6, and her lightweight and petite form were nothing even as she tried her best to kick him.


She woke up only to find herself in a dark cold room. Her eyes were no longer covered but her head throbbed. She reached a shaky hand back only to feel a sticky bump. She brought her hand before her eyes, squinting in the poorly lit room to see what the substance was. She rubbed her fingers together, knowing exactly what had happened and what was dirtying her hands. "Oh no, not again." She muttered, getting up from the cot she lay on.

Once her feet hit the stone floor, she fell back, her head spinning and aching. "Heero is not going to be too happy." Slowly she got up again and walked to the door, "LET ME THE FUCK OUT!!" She yelled but heard only her echoed voice. He head pounded, and she could feel the blood rushing to her ears. Relena leaned against the wall, as she felt her knees give way. She crumpled to the ground, coughing. Her stomach spun, moving in time with her head and she threw up. "Let me out." She said not able to find her voice.


"Lady Une, I'm sorry to say this, but Relena's gone." Alex said, swallowing hard. "She was in her room one minute and the next, I find this in the garden. I don't know what happened."

Lady Une's face grew angry. "How could you let this happen? You were to guard her! This is unacceptable! Absolutely unacceptable!" She rose from her chair, glaring at the inexperienced agent, and yelling. "I have to tell Heero."

"Colonel, I'm sorry!" the young Lieutenant said, her blue eyes brimming with tears, "I just stepped away to give her some space, to let her shower, get dressed. Twenty minutes. That's all. I've let you down." She stood up, running out of the room with tears streaming down her face.

Lady Une shook her head, knowing that it was not the girl's fault. Relena was head strong, and upset. She opened her videophone and dialled Heero's operator number. "Heero."

Heero glanced at his screen. It was early morning in Siberia and he had been at his computer all night. "Ma'am." He said in his monotone.

"Heero, Relena's been kidnapped."



PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!! Should I continue this? Or throw it in the scrap bin? Please! I'm experimenting with the wonderful world of OOC and Yaoi… do you think it'll go anywhere?