Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a December ❯ 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Once upon a December chapter 3
Author: Vega-Lume
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys I just like to play with them. (hee hee) and I do promise to put them back when I am done (has fingers crossed)
Pairing (ummmmmm heh heh…) not really sure if there will be a yaoi pairing but
It's safe to say 1+2+1, okay?
Warnings: death (duh), angst (double duh), A/U, fluff (you've got to be kidding right!) NO FLUFF! (I mean this is me were talking about!)
Beta: nope
For Presser
Once upon a December
Chapter 3
By Vel
When winter finally broke and the weather became fair enough for travel, Heero's parents left the village and never returned. Then and famine struck, with out the dam to hold the water for the village, the small stream dried up. The fish were gone and with no water to drink the game moved on, many families left with the hopes of finding a new place to settle, many did not return.
Those who stayed behind rebuilt the dam in hopes of catching the run off as the snow melted.
Wufei's family left as well. Wufei promised that he would return someday but now, six years later Duo's friend had yet to return.
Just one short year after the tragic loss of Heero, Duo's mother passed away. The loss of his wife was too much to bear and Maxwell, Duo's father succumbed to the grief.
Now at seventeen Duo had nothing to live for, more often then not he thought about death and what it would be like to join his family and friends in the after life.
He spent many days with only the company his dog provided, wandering the edge of the river where Heero had been lost, contemplating what would happen if he threw himself in the frigid water and willed himself to die.
He sat on the bank, watching the cold water flow pass and decided. Today would be the day. He was alone. No one would mourn him. Except perhaps Shini, but a dog was a poor substitute for family and friends. Plus the guilt that Heero's death was his fault continued to eat at him.
Duo continued to stare at the river, thoughts of life and death swirling in his mind, when suddenly something floated past, it looked like a body. Duo stood quickly and began running along side the river until he was well ahead of it then dove into the icy water.
This was the fist time he had actually stepped foot in the river sense Heero's death but at that moment all he though about was getting to that person. He swam towards the middle of the river and waited, he could see it up ahead and prepared to catch it. When it neared he grabbed a hold and held on for dear life, kicking with all his might he managed to get his burden safely to shore.
Gasping he collapsed on the wet sand and fought to catch his breath. When he turned to the person he saved he was relived to find that they were still breathing. The man, Duo determined, lay on his side, with his back facing him. His dark hair clung to his head and neck. He was wearing a very dark blue cloak that remained wrapped around his body.
Duo rose to his knees carefully and grasped the mans shoulder slowly rolling him to his back. Once settled Duo brushed the dark hair away from the mans' pale face and gasped.
* snrk *