Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a December ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 3

Later that afternoon, after Misha had taken a nap in her room (much to her fans' disappointment!), it was time for her briefing with Dr. J. Quickly, she changed into her new Preventers uniform and, with one quick glance in the mirror she turned and headed down the corridor.

Misha arrived at the elevator and pressed the "up" button. She started humming a familiar old tune and waited for the door to open. She was so lost in her own little world, that she gave a little yelp of surprise when the tall, lanky figure of Trowa appeared out of nowhere beside her.

"Going up?" he asked. Misha smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I'm going to a meeting with Dr. J in his office. Where were you headed?" Misha noticed Trowa had changed out of his uniform. "Oh, I'm going for a walk out on the trail. It helps me relax." Trowa spoke in his gentle, even tenor, gesturing towards the back door that led outside.

"I see. Well maybe I'll join you out there after, that is if this doesn't take too long," Misha suggested. Trowa looked at her expressionlessly for several seconds. Just when Misha was getting almost too uncomfortable… DING! The elevator door opened and she stepped inside. Trowa smiled dimly at her as she pressed the "close" button and disappeared behind the thick metal door.


Duo and Wufei stood still and quiet as can be outside the shiny silver door that led to Dr. J's office. "Let me see that, Maxwell- you're doing it wrong!" hissed Wufei, as he snatched the paper cup from Duo's hand and pressed its open end up against said door. Inside, there appeared to have been a very serious conversation taking place...

"I understand, Dr. J," Misha nodded firmly from her seat across the elderly scientist. Dr. Kamina, a rather severe looking Asian woman in her late forties, placed a comforting hand on Misha's shoulder.

"We just can't risk letting word of this get out yet. Not until we've made the proper preparations. Otherwise the press will twist it all around, and that could be very dangerous!" the female scientist declared.

"Word of what…" Wufei mused aloud. Just then, the door opened quickly, stunning the boys momentarily and sending them falling flat on their faces in a heap in the doorway!

"Wufei! Duo! What do you think you are doing here?" Dr. J demanded.

"Get off, get off!" Duo shoved Wufei off of him, and stood up, brushing off his black pants. Wufei scrambled to his feet and tried to look innocent.

"Spying, of course," came a haughty reply from above. Misha, who had by this time sprang from her seat, looked up, and stifled a laugh as Heero Yuy came swinging down from the vent above the door.

Dr. J shook his head. "Sometimes, I really regret training you at all, Heero…" he mumbled. Heero cracked his neck and approached Misha confidently. "What is it that is so important, even Preventers within the same unit aren't to be informed?" he asked, his face inches from Misha's. Misha tried to look casual and calm as she felt her cheeks go red. "Uhmm…w,well," she finally sputtered, involuntarily leaning backwards.

Duo and Wufei's jaws dropped in shock at this display. But their intervention was disrupted by Dr. Kamina's calm, steady voice. "We may as well gather them all together and tell them at once."

Dr. J looked up. "It was bound to happen anyway. And beside, if anyone in this place can be trusted with this information, it's these boys." He turned to face the three of them. "All of you meet me back in this office immediately after dinner hour. Dismissed."

Duo and Wufei scrambled out of there before the scientist changed his mind, while Heero grabbed Misha's wrist and led her away.

Once they'd gotten sufficiently away from the office, Heero released his strong grip on Misha's arm. All at once, he turned to face her and pressed her back against the wall, his hand low on her hip while the other was beside her head. Misha gasped and her eyes widened in shock.

"I think you are really special, Mikhaila Zakharov…" Heero whispered huskily, inching his face closer to hers. Misha could feel his warm breath against her lips, so close!

"I, I, thanks, Heero…" she whispered back hesitantly. Before she could utter another word, Heero's soft lips pressed against hers in the smallest, sweetest kiss she'd ever known. Misha felt her body relax as she involuntarily sighed into him and closed her eyes. She was aware of his hands moving slowly, one trailing up her side and the other through her hair, which had come a bit loose after being thrust against the wall. Heero fingered the soft brown tendrils affectionately.

Soon, Heero deepened the kiss, slowly sliding his tongue into Misha's waiting mouth. A soft moan escaped his lips as he slid his pelvis close to her body.

Misha was lost in the warm sensations he created for her- his fingers in her hair, his hand on her hip, his sweet taste and the gentle caresses of his tongue…All at once she pressed contentedly against her new comrade, only to feel his hardness poking into her belly…

At this discovery, Misha gasped and her eyes flew open. She quickly slid her hands between them and pushed him back. Surprised, Heero fell back against the opposite wall and looked up at her, embarrassed. "I'm really sorry Misha… I don't know what I was thinking… you don't even know me, and…" he offered.

"Think nothing of it," Misha sighed. She straightened her hair, patted him on the arm and turned to head back down to the elevator. She rolled her eyes as she walked towards her exit.


Once she reached the ground floor, Misha went to her room and grabbed a coat. She decided to look for Trowa. She giggled to herself thinking about how quiet and strange he was. At least he isn't likely to try and put the moves on me, she thought.

Out the back door, along the garden path, towards the wooded area behind the building she went. Several yards ahead of her, she spotted the lean teenager's form lying in a clearing, surrounded by blood red flowers. Misha's sucked in her breath. She had never seen such a beautiful sight! She was afraid to come any closer, for fear the delicate little buds would somehow fly away.

However, Trowa sat up and spotted her immediately, a surprised look on his face. Misha looked back and made to leave, sensing he didn't want her there, but Trowa raised his arm and gestured for her to join him.

Misha smiled and gingerly found a seat beside him in the snow. Trowa looked at her with what looked like genuine happiness. "It's very beautiful here, Trowa." Misha whispered.

Trowa sighed and nodded. "Yeah, it's one of my favorite places to come to get away from things."

Misha looked up at him in slight confusion. "I thought things seemed all right back there… what do you need to get away from?" Trowa shut his eyes for a moment, apparently choosing his words carefully. "Sometimes I just need to come here to think about stuff," he finally answered.

Misha nodded. "I understand. I suppose it would be tough trying to think stuff over when you are always surrounded by other people." Trowa looked at her. "Do you ever feel like, even though you have lots of people around you, you're really just alone all the time?" he asked her then. Misha's eyes moistened slightly before she smiled. "You have no idea," she replied.

The two of them spent the next hour just sitting there admiring the winter scene before them until it was time for dinner.