Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Lifetime ❯ New Beginnings ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: We still don't own Gundam Wing or its characters.

One upon a lifetime By Shinigami's Rapture and Oracle at Delphi

New Beginnings

Hilde got home that night and was already depressed when she arrived just from missing Duo. She walked into her small apartment and her husband turned in his chair where he probably had been sitting, sleeping, and eating in since she left. Except that he went outside to buy cigarettes and smoke but judging by the smell in the house he didn't do that until today. She laid her bags down and placed Drew on the floor who immediately ran to his room and began to play.

"How was your trip?"


"Well was Jai everything that she made herself out to be?"

"And more why would you ask me something like that." She snapped out pissed that he had offended her friend. "I need to get online and tell her that I made it."

Her husband told her that he would be done in just a second that was 2 hours ago. In the amount of time that it took for him to get through with his stupid game she had cleaned the whole fucking house that had obviously not been touched since she had left now she was pissed, "Ya know I would like to get online tonight to tell her that I made it ok."

"Sorry I am getting off now." He said sounding as if she had asked him to do the most terrible thing in the world.

Finally he got off and Hilde took her computer to her room and lay on her bed. She turned it on and got online. She logged in under her Velveteen_Rabbit name and looked for her friend and she found her Lovelyone was on and waiting. Hilde cranked up her email and saw that she had just recently sent out an email and looked to see who it was too.

Velveteen_Rabbit: Girl I finally made it home and check this shit out I apparently sent an email to two people one was MineIsLongerThanYours and the other was The_Sandman

Lovelyone: Well I am glad you made it. What did you supposedly send?

Hilde opened up her mail and saw that the story she and Jai had written together was sent to those people.

Velveteen_Rabbit: Oh shit Duo emailed SGABB to himself and Quatre

About that time her husband entered the room and lay on the bed with her.

Velveteen_Rabbit: Hey I gotta go I have an unwanted visitor.

Lovelyone: Oh well hope they enjoyed reading it Nite!

Velveteen_Rabbit: Nite

Hilde logged off of her computer and locked it up. Her husband started fondling her and that was the last thing that she wanted. The fucker had no dick and no rhythm if she didn't have a vibrator she wouldn't even know what the fuck an orgasm was. She ended up having sex with him and then he got up and went to play his stupid game claming he wasn't tired anymore. She was pissed but after he left she began to cry and ran to her shower. She washed herself hoping to wash away the dirtiness that she felt from him. He never bathed, or brushed his teeth, he didn't care what he looked like and even when she tried to point those things out all he just said he wasn't trying to impress her anymore.

She felt as though he just said oh well I have her or rather someone to fuck and pay my bills so why should I worry about anything anymore. After her shower she just went straight to bed.


Dejectedly, Jai closed Velveteen_rabbit's IM window. She wished that she could do more for Hilde. As much as Jai wanted her to never go back to that poor excuse of a husband, she had no choice but to let her. If Hilde wants to leave him, she had to do it of her own accord. The only thing she could do is to be there to support her and help her when the time comes.

Jai shut down her computer and stretched her tired limbs. She doubled checked all of the doors and windows to make sure they were locked. She walked into Dominic and Dimitri's bedroom. Dominic had tossed the blankets off of him and Dimitri's leg was dangling off the bed. Jai laughed lightly as she put the blankets back on Dominic and tucked Dimitri's leg back in the bed. She kissed them both on the head and walked over to the door silently closing it behind her. Before the door clicked shut, Dominic tossed the blankets on to the floor and Dimitri had one leg hanging off each side of the bed.

By the time Jai reached her bedroom, she had stripped down to her underwear. When she flicked on the light she got the surprise of her life. Spread on her bed, were roses in each color of the rainbow. She looked around the room seeing no one she walked over to her bed a picked up the note that lay on her pillow.

Lovely One,

I know this is the second time that I got this particular flower arrangement for you but I just can't help myself. These flowers remind me of a rainbow and rainbows chase the storm clouds away. My life was one big storm cloud until your rainbow came and chased it away.

Sweet Dreams,
The Sandman

PS. Great story. It really held my attention.

Jai smiled as her fingers lightly traced over the neatly penned words. She gathered the roses and inhaled their sweet scent as she lay back on her pillows thinking of her knight in shining armor. Then she furrowed her brows and sat straight up in the bed.

"How in the hell did he get in here?"


Hilde's husband came in and climbed in the bed about 6am that morning snoring as loud as he could to wake her up. She got up and turned on her computer. She didn't have to be at work until 10 that morning and it was only 630. She turned on her ICQ only to find she had been to The_Braided_One's user list so she in turn accepted him and no sooner had she accepted than she got a message:

Please don't respond I only wanted to say I really miss you.

She crinkled her eyebrow and then it her, "Duo." She kept his name on her user list but went invisible she didn't want him to see her if he did come on. Drew got up around 8 and her husband got up with him. He actually tried to kiss her with his breath that smelled of shit and spoiled milk she almost gagged and at the same time he appeared. She wanted to type something to him but couldn't as long as her husband was around. Finally her husband left for the bathroom so she left a quick message that read, "I miss you too." And signed off so he couldn't respond.

Drew had been eating his breakfast and stood up in his chair. She and her husband tried to correct him to get him to sit down. Finally her husband grabbed him at his leg and pulled him down. Hilde was angry, although Drew showed no sighs of pain when she saw his leg where her husband had grabbed him a bruise had already formed. He looked at Hilde and said, "He probably did it falling down it wasn't my fault."

Her husband then noticed she was offline he quickly sat down and got online to play his game. She finished dressing and left for work and asked him to please wash some clothes so she would have something to work in. Her day at work went well she talked with her Regional Director who was putting in her transfer for the next week. Now all she had to do was make plans. She went to the bank that day to wire the money to Jai only to find that there had been a 1000-dollar withdrawal from her account. She was mad. He always took her money. She quickly closed out the account and sent what was left to Jai.

She got home hoping to be able to hang up her clothes so she could survey what all she would be taking with her. He was still sitting in his chair, the baby wasn't dressed and there were fruit loops all over the floor crushed into it and dirty dishes piled in the sink. She asked him what he had fed Drew and he said, "All he would eat was fruit loops and for that matter he keeps saying Duo or something like that."

Hilde shrugged but inwardly laughed she loved it. She went to her room to hang up her clothes and found that they were still in a pile waiting to be washed. Now she was pissed she took her clothes and slammed the door behind her as she went to wash. He knew she was mad and all he could say was I'm sorry but she just ignored him and left. When she got back he stood up and tried to hug her, "Ya know this fucking basket is heavy and I need to get some sleep for work so if you don't mind." He just threw his hands in the air and let her go by.

Hilde got to her bedroom and of course one of his friends was over and said, "Ya know Hilde he was watching Drew all day."

"Ya know I worked my ass off today so what's different."

His friend only got mad and left her alone.

Hilde again cried herself to sleep all her husband did that night was yell at Drew and tell him "No". She was always afraid that her son's first real word would be no but it turned out to be Duo so she wasn't complaining. She wanted to talk to Jai and tell her about the money but figured she would see anyway when she got the check. The next day at work she went ahead and had her direct deposit stopped and called her other store to tell them when she would be able to begin work. She was going to take a weeks vacation so that she could get herself settled in.


It had been about 3 weeks since they had seen each other and he was missing her bad. He had been on mission after mission working in his scrap yard but nothing was easing the pain he felt from not being with her. Finally one day all of the pilots were in the office and Duo turned on his computer and began to type then figured that wasn't personal enough so he grabbed a yellow legal pad and began to write. After about 2 hours all of the guys were wondering what he was doing because he was on his second pad and his garbage pail was over flowing with crumpled up paper.

Quatre finally walked over to his desk and laid a picture down on it. It was Hilde at the park wading in water with Drew. Hilde had looked at the camera and smiled at Jai when she took the picture. Hilde's sunglasses were on her head so it was a great picture of her. "Maybe this will help you focus." Duo looked at Quatre and smiled holding the picture in front of him.

He began to write and Heero, Trowa and Wufei approached his desk silently. Quatre stepped back from him waiting to see what they were going to do.

"Finished!" Duo said excitedly. Then realized the other guys were around him. Heero yanked the pictures off of his desk and they all began to look at them. Duo pulled out the large envelope he had in his desk and got it ready for mailing. The stuff he put in it had all of the guys including Quatre staring at him. Duo was never known to be the romantic type but even Trowa felt that something was different about Duo.

Heero stared at the top picture and then looked back at Duo, "You've got to be kidding me. This is Hilde?"

Duo grinned proudly and nodded his head yes.

"Hey guys what's up?" Jase said entering the office.

"Come check out your brother's new girlfriend." Trowa said looking at Hilde's picture appreciatively.

Jase looked over Trowa's shoulder at the picture and then back at Duo. Jase walked over to the door shut and locked it. "How did a spaze like you end up with a beauty like that? That girl is fine!" He said as he took the picture from Trowa.

Trowa glared at Jase. Jase quickly held up his hands, "Hey your sister is fine too I would never do anything to disrespect my baby."

Heero took a picture from the stack and tried to put it in his back pocket.

"Whoa, no steeling buddy. Whatcha hiding?" Jase said as he snatched the picture. "Wholly…who is this and where did the pictures of these fine women come from? Is she your girlfriend?"

"No. It's my sister and MR CAGLE'S girlfriend." Heero said shooting Quatre a death glare.

Quatre glared back, "Let me see that!" He said snatching the picture from Jase. His eyes went wide because he missed that picture of Jai posing in her two-piece swimsuit. Grinning he put it in his coat pocket so he could put it in the Sandrock later.

The guys continued to look though the pictures of the girls and the boys. Wufei came across a picture of Hilde.

"Oh shit!" he said as he held up the picture to the light.

"What?" Duo asked.

"Hey there's something written on the back." Jase said.

"Anytime in the dark, anytime in the light, anytime baby anytime." Wufei read looking over the picture at Duo.

Duo grabbed the picture from Wufei. Hilde was dressed in a black see through teddy with black see through thongs on. Duo glared at Wufei because he knew then why he held it up to the light.

"What the hell!" Heero shouted as he snatched the next picture out of Wufei hand.

"Let me see" Jase said as he snatched the picture from Heero's hand. Jase looked at the picture and his jaw dropped. Jase ran and hid behind Duo. Heero pulled his gun out.

"Give it to me." he said in his monotone voice.

"That's not fair. We didn't get to see this one. Besides it has a message too."

"Not all fairytales have happy endings but I'm sure this one will. Besides look at what the knight gets as his reward."

Heero cocked his gun, "Give it to me know!"

"Damn it Jase! Heero has a gun pointed at my head not yours!" Duo said.

"But it's not for you. It's for MR. CAGLE. Your sister is hot." Jase said as he pulled Quatre next to him and shoved the picture in his face.

Jai was dressed a white satin bra that covered half of her breasts and matching panties covered with a sheer white robe. Quatre was stunned and drooling. Quatre pulled out his gun and pointed it at Heero.

"Damn it Heero. I'm going to have to fight you for this one. You can not have it back."


Jai followed the project manager, Hakeem, as he showed her around the research and development department at Winner Corporation, Computer Systems Division. Jai couldn't believe her luck. She knew that with her skills she could always be a Preventer but she wanted a Civilian life for her boys not a military one like she and Heero had. She submitted her resume' a few weeks ago and she finally got the job she could live with. It wasn't as much fun as spying and blowing things up but she didn't have people trying to kill her. Jai inwardly smiled at the resent changes in her life. She was finally getting the college degree she always wanted, a job she could live with, two wonderful children and a man that she could finally trust.

'Things could only get better.'

Jai heard a snicker and a snarl behind her.

'Then again maybe not.'

Jai turned around and only years of military training kept her from screaming. There stood a woman that in Jai's opinion was so old that when Moses parted the red sea she was the first to cross it. Her dress was a multi flower print of bright orange, blue and green. She wore a bright red beaded necklace, matching earring and shoes. Clowns in a circus wore less makeup than this woman. She reminded Jai of Mimi from the old Drew Carry Show reruns.

"Janai Yuy this is Ophelia Tucker. Ophelia this is Janai Yuy. She'll be working on the new satellite project." Hakeem said as he introduced them.

Jai held out her hand and Ophelia distastefully took it. Jai cringed as she shook the woman's hand. The woman's hand was rougher than the skin on an alligator. Jai made a mental note to wash her hands thoroughly as soon as possible.

"Its nice to meet you." Jai replied with a fake smile plastered on her face.

"Likewise" Ophelia replied with the same plastic smile, "so how did you get on such a classified team?"

Jai crossed her arms, "What ever do you mean?"

"Well you must know someone pretty high up to get on a team as experienced as this one and on such a highly classified project."

Jai smirked, "Perhaps I'm just really talented."

"Perhaps" Ophelia replied then turning mumbling, "Yeah with your mouth."

Jai narrowed her eyes and Hakeem grabbed her by the arm before she could smack the woman.

"Let me show you to your desk." He hurriedly said pulling her in the opposite direction.

Quatre was sitting in his office when Hakeem entered.

Looking up from his desk, "Well what do you think?"

Hakeem said on the edge of the desk, "I think that she is beautiful, highly skilled and will be a great asset to the team. I also thinks she is going to kick your ass when she finds out you got her the job."


Later in the week Hilde received a package from Jai. Her husband told her that he had to sign for it but it was there. Hilde sat down in her chair next to Drew who was playing with his favorite toy. She pulled out a letter first and when she unfolded it a picture of Drew, Duo and Hilde fell out. Drew immediately yelled, "DUO!!"

Her husband turned to her and she just shrugged her shoulders and quickly shoved the picture into her bag that she carried to work with her. After he turned back around she pulled the picture back out and ran her finger along his body thinking she could feel him through the picture. Jai was really nice to send this to her and brave. She stuck her hand into the bag and pulled out a plush animal for Drew and gave it to him and reached back down in and pulled out a key chain. It had a black jeep on it that had no doors or top. It looked just like Duo's. As she studied the jeep the tag on the back said, "Duo's Toy." Just as his tags on his jeep said. She smiled secretly wanting to kill Jai. Then she found a smaller letter. After pulling it out it read:

Dear Hilde,

This is from Duo not me.

Love Jai

Hilde looked at the things they were things only he would really think of to send to her. She looked at the other letter and opened it slowly and began to read it.

Dear babe,

Well, it took me about 3 tries on the computer and one legal pad now I am on my second and if Quatre hadn't put this picture in front of me I would probably still be trying to write this.

I miss you so much. I hated that when you left you left in tears. I wish more than anything that I was picking you up that day rather than dropping you off. I knew you were hurting and I wish I had said something more to you but found I couldn't because I was hurting just as bad. I have never craved a woman like I crave you. My body calls out your name at night and I hear my heart leap whenever Quatre speaks of you. I think I am falling in love with you and I know that now is probably the worst time to tell you but I have too. I cant keep these feelings inside any longer.

Well for now I better run. I don't want to get you in trouble.




Quatre quietly crept into Jai's bedroom. The sunlight peaked in through the tiny slits in the blinds giving the room a morning glow. Quatre watched as Jai slept peacefully snuggled in he blankets. He silently closed the door and on silent feet made his way over to her bed. He smiled down on her sleeping form her unruly bangs obscuring part of her face from his view. He removed a yellow rose and began to lightly drag it across her face. She twitched and swatted at the offending object. Quatre quickly pulled it back trying hard not to laugh. He rubbed it across her nose tickling her. She brought her hand up to her face palm flat and roughly rubbed her nose. She then snorted loudly twice and turned over. Quatre was turning red from holding in his laughter. Who would have thought that someone so beautiful could make such a horrific sound. Quatre was trying so hard not to laugh that he didn't hear the door open until it was too late.

"QUATRE!!!! QUATRE!!!" Dominic and Dimitri shouted as they tackled Quatre causing him to fall in the bed on Jai.

"What the hell…" Jai began to say swinging her arm wildly as she fought off her would be attacker. Dominic and Dimitri saw their mom swinging and ducked unfortunately Quatre wasn't so lucky and Jai smacked him in the face. Quatre let out a grunt before catching her fists and pinning her to the bed.

Dominic and Dimitri laughed as Quatre pinned her down.

"Quatre? How the hell did you get in here…again?" Jai asked flustered.

"Quatre? Are you going to take us somewhere to day?" Dominic asked pulling on Quatre's right arm.

"Quatre? Did you bring me anything?" Dimitri asked Quatre pulling on his left.

Quatre laughed, "Yes Dominic I'm going to take you somewhere today and No Dimitri I didn't bring you anything."

Dimitri looked up a Quatre giving him the big watery puppy eyed look.

Quatre smiled in return, "But if you're good I'll take you to the toy store."

Jai rolled her eyes and muttered "Push over."

Quatre was rewarded with a chorus of "yays" as the boys began jumping up and down on Jai's bed.

"The sooner you guys get dressed the sooner we'll be on our way." Quatre said to the hyper pair.

Dominic and Dimitri immediately jumped off the bed and ran out of the room.

Jai shook her head, "You're spoiling them."

"Yes I am and I intend to spoil their mother as well." He replied kissing her nose.

"How did you get in here and where are we going at…" she looked at the clock on her nightstand, "7:44 on a Saturday morning."

Quatre just grinned, "Its my secret."

Jai looked into his eyes, "Quatre you have too many secrets for my liking."

Jai saw the hurt that quickly flashed in his eyes before he got up off of her.

"I'll help the boys get dressed." He said as he quickly left.

Jai stared at his retreating form, "What are you hiding from me Quatre."

Quatre treated everyone to breakfast. Dominic and Dimitri were holding each of Quatre's hands as always as they made their way to his Jag.

"Are we going to the toy store now?" Dimitri asked his eyes shining brightly.

Quatre smiled down at the 4-year old ball of energy, "Not yet. First I have to show you something."

They all piled into the car and drove for about 20 minutes. Quatre drove into a condominium complex called Desert Mirage. Dominic and Dimitri were awed by the beautiful scenery and the large buildings as they passed by. A few minutes later he pulled into a driveway.

Excitedly, the boys jumped put of the car and ran to the front door.

"Quatre! Is this were you live?" Dominic asked excitedly.

Quatre stuck the key in the door and opened it, "Nope, You do."

"WHAT!" Jai shouted.

"COOOOOOOOOOLLLL!!!" The boys yelled as they ran through the house.

Quatre walked in behind them smiling and laughing at the boys' happiness. His smile quickly fell when he looked at Jai who was still standing on the porch. She looked pissed.

"Quatre, I don't know what kind of pay check you take home but…I CAN'T AFFORD A CONDO! WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING? UGHH!!" she said waving her arm wildly in the air.

"HEY MOM!" Dominic shouted from the top of the stairs, "THE ROOMS UP HERE ARE BIGGER THAN OUR OLD HOUSE! CAN I FINALLY GET MY OWN ROOM?"

Dimitri came running from the back of the house, "MOMMY THERES A BIG LAKE AND A SWING SET OUT BACK! CAN I GO PLAY ON IT?"

Not bothering to wait for an answer Dimitri took off the way he came with Dominic close on his tail.

As soon as the boys were out of earshot, Jai grabbed Quatre by the shirt collar anger flashing in her eyes, "Look at them. How in the hell am I supposed to tell them we can't keep it? It'll break their hearts. How could you dangle something like this in their face just to have it taken away?" she finished through clenched teeth.

Quatre placed his hands on her shoulders and slowly moved them down her bare arms caressing them. It only angered her more. Not only did he find her a house she couldn't afford but now his touch was putting butterflies in her stomach and making her body do things that should happen on a front porch in broad daylight.

Quatre placed his hands on top of hers. There was something about his eyes that always seemed to make her forget what she was doing. He leaned down and kissed her nibbling on her bottom lip. As soon as his lips touched hers she forgot about being mad at him and parted them slightly so he could enter. His tongue lashed out at her top lip causing her to shudder from the erotic sensation. He pulled her closer to him as he deepened the kiss their tongues engaging in their erotic dance. Reluctantly he broke off the kiss and placed his forehead on hers.

"You can afford this place cause it's already paid for."

Jai's eyes widened in surprise and she began to protest. Quatre placed his hand over her mouth.

"Before you say no just take a look around. If you don't like it you don't have to stay."

"Quatre. I can't take it if I like it. How in the hell did you pay for this?" Jai peered though the door, "This is a really big gift."

"I told you I was going to spoil you."

"Yeah but… a condo? Quatre this…"

Quatre quickly kissed her, "You talk to much." He said as he pulled her in the door.

Jai stood awed in the vestibule with its high vaulted ceilings. She walked in and stepped down into the sunken living room the room had a huge marble fireplace and a huge picture window with matching smaller windows that framed the room. She walked through the room and walked directly into the den. It was surrounded by windows. It had a door that led out to the deck and one that led to the kitchen. She smiled as she looked out of the window watching Dominic and Dimitri play on the huge playscape. Jai shook her head she'd doubt that big thing came with the house. The boys saw their mom and waved. Still smiling she waved back. She walked into the kitchen. It had three doors. One lead to the den, one to the hallway and the other to the dining room. It had a breakfast nook, an island counter, a huge stove and a frig that was build into the wall. The next room was the dining room. It too had a huge picture window and matching smaller ones. She walked up the small stairs and back into the hallway. Quatre took her by the hand and led her up the stairs. Dominic had been correct when he said that the bedrooms were bigger than their apartment. All the rooms were spacious and complete with walk-in closets. On the left side were two rooms that were connected by and adjoining bathroom. Jai walked into the maser bedroom and entered her dream sanctuary. This room was just as huge complete with a dressing room and a master bathroom. The dressing room contained a wall length mirror that was surrounded by bright lights that rested above the vanity. The opposite side contained racks and hooks to hang various items on. The dressing room connected directly to the master bathroom. The master bathroom contained a spa bathtub cozy enough for two people. It also had a big private shower and of course, the skylight. Jai starred at the skylight. She couldn't believe that this man that she had only known a few weeks was offering her such an extravagant gift. She knew that she shouldn't accept it even if it was the most thoughtful thing anyone could have done for her and her boys. Quatre walked up behind Jai and wrapped his arms around her.

"Well what do you think?" He asked whispering in her ear.

"I think you nuts for giving me this and I think I'll be nut to accept it."

Quatre pulled out the deed from his back pocket and held it eye level to her.

"I'm not going to take it back. Look, here's the deed the only name on it is yours."

Jai still looked unsure of what to do.

"If it helps Hilde owns the one next door."

Jai turned in his arms and looked at Quatre shocked.

"What are you two crazy?"

Quatre lowered his head, his lips only inches from hers, "Only for the two of you."

Jai grabbed him by his face and kissed him passionately. While she was still kissing him she removed the deed from his hand and tucked it in the back of her pants. Quatre smiled happy that she accepted his gift, the first of many.


The next few weeks were hell on her. She was making up a plan to get herself and Drew out of the house. He told her about a week later that he was going to their friends for the day to paint and play games and asked if she wanted to go. She said no that she would be getting clothes washed and the apartment cleaned and rest. He just said fine and the next day while Hilde was at work she called and made an appointment with Uhaul so that she could tow her car and put her shit in the van that she was taking.

The day finally arrived all she had to take was her clothes and a few things of Drew's and maybe a few other things. After she loaded the Uhaul and put the car seat in she taped the note she had written onto her soon to be x-husbands computer.

Her husband arrived home late only to find his apartment black. When he turned on the light there was a note attached to his computer from Hilde it read:

Dear Dickhead,

Just wanted to let you know that I left you finally. You have fucked me for the last time. You need to learn to be a husband and a father, along with taking a bath, brushing your teeth and get some fucking stamina. I am so sick of you not helping me and sitting on your ass at this fucking computer. Well now you can do it all you want cause I wont be here to bother you anymore and neither will your son. All you have to do is sign the divorce papers and mail them in the self addressed stamped envelope. I am really sorry but for someone who can tell me that they are not ready to be a father and only want a wife so she can cook, clean, and fuck him you don't deserve custody of our child. I did however have put in the divorce papers that you could have him when you wanted I only felt that fair. Well I hope that you learn something from this. You may want to get a job because everything that was in my name is being shut off tomorrow. Including the internet access.


Her husband got online looking for Jai hoping to find something out.

Hilde and Drew were on their way back and Hilde was extremely happy. She would rush to get settled in and call Duo as soon as she could so she could see him. Her knight, the one that it just dawned on her that she didn't know a damn thing about still. It was okay though most of the way Drew slept but every chance he got he said Duo's name over and over again. She logged on to her computer at a hotel and dialed in under a new name went into ICQ invisible and he was on. She quickly talked to him.

Velveteen_Rabbit: Duo I am not far maybe about one and half more days from being there

The_Braided_One: Hilde are you serious.
Duo's heart leapt he couldn't tell his ass from a hole in the ground at that moment.

VR: yeah
TBO: where are you

Hilde told him where she was and saw that Jai was on and told her everything that had happened. Jai commended her on her valiant efforts and wished her a safe journey for the rest of the drive. She told Jai that she was talking to Duo and had just told him she was on the way but Duo had disappeared.

Lovelyone: yeah well maybe he is going to finish the drive with you.

VR: Hmm, maybe it would be nice but stupid.

TBO: Sorry got booted where are you staying tonight

VR: At a hotel

Lovelyone: well I am gonna run its late and I am tired nite

VR: Nite girl

TBO: duh which one

VR: the one with rooms to rent why

TBO: does it matter?

VR: yeah you might pop up in the morning and see me without my makeup on

TBO: I just want to keep and eye on you is all

VR: I am staying at the Ramada Inn off of the PA turnpike I think it was exit 7 maybe

TBO: Ok I will look it up and call you later

VR: Ok well I am going to get Drew ready for bed we are both really tired.

TBO: Ok babe, nite

VR: nite

TBO: See ya in the morning.
This message will be posted as soon as the user goes online.

"Oops." Duo said turning off his computer and gathering his things for his trip.

Hilde woke up the next morning and got dressed ready for the trip, excited because she knew Duo would be waiting for her. When she looked at the clock ready to leave she blinked twice. She had set the alarm for 6 that morning but it was now 1030. "Dammit we gotta hurry Drew." She ran to elevator and was waiting at the checkout counter and as she was getting ready to pay her stomach grumbled and she thought that lunch would be the first thing on their agenda. The lady came out and was working with Hilde on her bill.

"Oh well your bill has already been paid you are in the clear."

"How is that possible?" Hilde asked letting go of Drew to grab the receipt. Drew took of yelling, "Dada Dada." Hilde quickly turned around as Duo grabbed him off the floor and swung him in the air.

"Never mind." Hilde said knowing exactly how it was possible. She grabbed her receipt and then grabbed Duo whispering in his ear, "Jackass."

Duo just smiled, "I took the other Uhaul back this morning and rented one that would hook up to a present a have for you and would tow your car."

Hilde raised an eyebrow, "A present for me." She said smart-assed and blinked her eyes at him." But when she saw the present she almost fainted Duo had driven in his jeep all the way there just to get her. The sun was bright and the top and doors had been taken off. She was in for a treat all day first she would have Duo secondly she would have his jeep. "New tags?"

"Yeah I had to get some they expired this month so I got them personalized."

"Ya know you should have put "Hilde's Toy on there instead of Duo's Toy."

"Well I didn't know you when I ordered them babe. I tell you what we will get you one of your own and personalize it then with whatever you want."

Hilde looked at him and smiled thinking, 'Yeah and with my credit I would be lucky to get one that was fucking free thanks to that bastard I was married too." Hilde looked at her hands when she placed them on the steering wheel and noticed that she still had on her wedding band. She quickly tried to hide it from Duo but he grabbed her hand and took the ring off throwing it on the floorboard of the jeep. Hilde stared at the ring it felt weird to actually not have it on and to actually feel love from a man. 'Oh god I cant fall for him I need to be independent. I need to not have a boyfriend, a husband, a whatever. I need to be alone.' Then she looked at Duo who was dangling the keys for her to take. "Damn why do you have to be so cute?" Hilde accidentally said aloud causing him to raise an eyebrow at her and shrug.

They grabbed a quick lunch at Mc Donald's and about 30 minutes into the drive both Duo and Drew were asleep. The wind blew threw Hilde's hair as she sped along the highway. About 4 hours later Drew woke up ready to eat again and play a while. She was probably about 20 minutes away from the next rest stop and would get out a snack for him to eat while she rested for about an hour. Once stopped she grabbed a bottle and handed it to Drew who immediately yelled, grabbed the nipple and before Hilde could grab it, **WHACK**. Duo sat straight up hitting his head again on the roll cage "SHIT!" Hilde made a quick face and got a little worried. Duo grabbed Drew, "Ok now is time for a man to man."

Drew laughed as Duo tickled him and began to give him a speech, "We don't hit in the he….Oh. God. Take. Him" Duo just strained out the last words and Hilde's eyes grew big. Drew only laughed and Duo began to clutch his nuts where Drew had just kicked him. Hilde took off to a grassy area where Drew could play and not hurt Duo anymore.

Duo finally limped over to where they were and sat down behind Hilde wrapping his arms around her. "Ya know that hurt."

"Aww poor baby want me to kiss it and make it better?" Hilde asked and watched as Duo's eyebrows went up and a sly smile went across his face. Then it hit her what she had said, "Scratch that how bout I kiss you instead."

"Damn! I thought for a minute there I was going to get some action. You are just a tease aren't you?" He said laughing, "Yeah I think now is the time for that kiss I didn't get this morning." He said and then embraced her and kissed her like he hadn't seen her forever and a day. At least it felt that way for both them. Drew came up and tried to get in between the kissing couple. After breaking off the kiss Duo said, "Well we can drive a little more and then stop for the night or drive on through it will be your choice we have about maybe 8 more hours left."

"I think we should stop because Drew will get restless and so will I." Duo agreed and Drove for about three hours where they stopped at a hotel for the night. He got them separate rooms but didn't use one of them because Drew passed out on the bed next to Hilde and Duo passed out on the other side of her and she slept quietly in between them. Duo wasn't use to waking up with someone else in bed with him and Hilde was used to just getting up before that someone could touch her. Suddenly Hilde screamed bloody murder, scared Drew making him scream and cry, and made Duo fall off of the bed. She just kept screaming, "Snake, snake. It was on my neck I know it was there it was brown and.."

Duo said loudly, "Damn babe that was probably my fucking braid." Hilde was cut off and looked at Duo as Drew clenched on to her tightly. He waved it in her face and she blushed feeling like a fool. He sat down on the edge of the bed thinking, 'Damn is waking up with a woman always like that?'

Hilde was thinking 'Damn he looks good in the morning.' Hilde followed his form but stopped at his crotch. 'Morning Wood' now that was a definite way to find out just how big he was and suddenly she felt a little scared and excited all at once and felt her body heat rise about 30 degrees.

Duo looked at Hilde who had a stupid grin on her face and looked like she had just been knocked silly. Suddenly he realized what it was she was looking at. "Vois-tu quelgue chose que vous aimez?"

Hilde's French was nasty and she got about two words and looked at Duo, "What?"

Duo looked at her and smiled largely, "Nuffin." And left for the bathroom to take his shower.

When he got out Hilde narrowed her eyes, "To answer your question, every time I look at you." Duo raised an eyebrow then it hit him what he had asked her was if she saw something that she liked.

Then Hilde walked past him and ran her hand down his bare chest and said very slowly hoping that she got every word right, "Quand je fais un tour la-dessous tu saurais exactement combien je l'aime."

Duo stood straight up and smirked and was instantly hard again. When Hilde finished her shower Duo was sitting on the end of the bed and he grabbed her and slid his hand up her thigh underneath the towel and around to her ass pulling her down to where she was straddling him, "So when you ride me I will know exactly how much you like what you saw huh? Well now's a good time for me." Hilde tried to pull away from him but his grip was tight.

"Not now Duo." She said looking around for Drew. Duo gave her puppy dog eyes making her laugh. "Defiantly later though." She said responding to his eyes. They finished dressing and left for the last possible 5 hours of their drive.
