Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Once Upon a Time ❯ Once upon a time... ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Once upon a time. . .
Warning: This fic contains violence, mild language, light Ooc and Shounen- ai. If such things bother you either don't read it or keep your comments to yourself.
Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing or any of its characters. This fic was written for the enjoyment of crazed fans such as myself. I'm not getting rich off of this, (Though it would be nice. . . :wistful sigh:.) So please don't sue me. I have no money, I'm completely broke!
Comments and Criticisms are welcomed, but please don't be nasty about them.
I am the self-nominated Queen of Sap -
Timeline: Alternate Universe- Midevil times.
Arigato - Weissangel24
Author's note: This hasn't been beta'd yet, so if you find any mistakes, please let me know, and I'll fix them.
I had this crazy dream 3 nights in a row and had to write it down.
Please let me know what you think.
Once upon a time. . .
"Gather, Gather!" A traveler beconed to the townspeople, "I shall tell you a tale of mystery, spells, dragons and romance! It will captivate your imagination and continue in your dreams!"
"A tale we have heard before?" a snide woman remarked from the back, "Don't waste our time. We should just throw you out of town!"
"You do not have to listen if you so choose not to, but I guarentee you will miss out."
"What do you ask for your tale, Stranger?" the woman demanded.
"I ask for nothing!" the traveler grinned, his violet eyes twinkling. "Just a chance to speak."
"Very well. Tell us your tale." A blacksmith bellowed. "We can always throw you out of town later."
"You are to kind." The traveler made a low sweeping bow. As he did so, he reached into a pouch on his belt and withdrew a handful of dust. Throwing it into the air, he waved his hands, causing an image of a small baby to appear.
The townspeople oohed and awed.
The Traveler smirked. "Our tale begins the birth of a prince."
"Oh, joyous day!" the king beamed, cradling his newborn son close to his chest. "After so many daughters, a prince has finally been born!"
"Congradulations, Sire." Rashid bowed low. "I am honoured to serve and protect the prince."
"Does he have a name, your magesty?" Another bodyguard asked, bowing before the heir.
"Quatre. His name is Quatre."
"Hear Ye! Hear Ye!" The herold harked, "The king has declared this joyous day a holiday!"
The crowd cheered.
"A holiday?" Young Catherine asked her mother, "Why is it a holiday?"
"A Prince has been born!" Her mother smiled, rubbing her nose with her one year old son, whom she held close. "The kingdom has waited a long time for him to arrive. He is a special baby."
"The king didn't declare holiday when Triton was born." the girl pouted. "He is not special?"
"He is not royalty." Her mother shook her head, "No horn declares the birth of a begger."
"That's not right." Catherine frowned. "I don't think I like this prince."
"You must not say such things, Child!" Her mother scolded. "To do so would be treason and punishable by death!"
"If not by the sickness, why not by the sword?" a man spoke behind them. "The girl is right. We should not praise this Prince. He will be the fall of the nation."
"He is mere hours old, and you already curse his birth?" Catherine's mother snapped, pushing her daughter away from the man. "For shame! He could be what our prayers have asked for!"
"As unrealistic as it may be, I do pray you're just in your hope." The man responded, his expression solomn. "However, seeing as to whom he was born too, I do not hold such idealistic beliefs."
"Then I would kindly ask that you keep your forked tongue behind your teeth. I would not wish my children to be poisoned by your lack of faith!"
"There is no room for faith in this world, woman. You'd be wise to teach your children that."
"Remind me of that when your head is rolling across the street when it is separated from your body for spewing such lies." She hissed, taking her children homeward.
"Mother?" Catherine asked, once they were away from the man's ears. "Why did that man upset you so?"
"He, and people such as he, have given up hope to live. They want a war because they believe that it will solve all our problems. Only. . . it won't. It'll just make a great many people sad."
"We won't be sad, will we mother?" the girl beamed. "We have Triton!"
"Yes, my daughter. We do." Her mother gave her a one armed hug as the boy in her arms tugged on his sister's hair. "And we have hope in this newborn prince. Hope that he will grow to be kindhearted and good. For that is what we need."
To be continued. . .