Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ One Last Goodbye ❯ The Meaning of Eight Dollars and Forty-two Cents ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Heero Yuyès internal alarm system disturbed his sleep abnormally early, even for the ex-Wing pilot

Disclaimer: I don't own it so don't sue

Rating: NC-17

Warnings: Yaoi (male/male relationships), graphic sexual themes, PWP, not for little kiddies!

Pairings: 1x2

Author: Shinigami01

Date: 2003-09-13


The Potential of Eight Dollars and Forty-two Cents


Heero Yuy's internal alarm system disturbed his sleep abnormally early, even for the ex-Wing pilot. He sighed, annoyed, and blinked his eyes open to regard the clock beside his bed.

5 a.m., as opposed to his usual 6.

"Damn Preventers" he cursed under his breath, untangling limbs and sheets and pillows to get out of the bed and make his way to the bathroom for his morning shower.

Ten minutes later he emerged, clad in worn blue jeans. His bag, packed the previous night, sat by the door along with the jacket of his uniform. His cab, also notified of his departure in advance, could be seen pulling up to the curb through the apartment window.

Heero sighed. Another mission, another boring plane ride, another set of boring meetings… another impossibly long week away from his lover.

Prussian blue eyes glanced at the bed he had vacated not twenty minutes ago, and a small smile graced his lips as he watched the vision lying in his…no, their bed. Grabbing a green tank top from the closet, Heero slipped it on over towel-dried chocolate brown hair. He then sat down beside the sleeping figure as the taxi's horn let out a tired wail.

"Duo-koi," he murmured softly, brushing bangs from the sleeping American's face. Leaning down, Heero brushed his lips against those of his lover, smirking slightly as Duo fought off sleep and attempted to return the kiss. Heero's fingers gently interlocked with Duo's as he backed away (if only slightly) to watch stunning indigo eyes flutter open.

"Heero?" Duo asked softly, one hand moving to brush fingertips against an Asian cheek. His eyes had not yet fully opened, and his thoughts were muddled with sleepiness, "what time is it? Why are you dressed?"

Smiling sadly, Heero kissed Duo softly, and then pulled back reluctantly as the cab's horn blared once more.

"Mission," he explained in one word as he stood, slipping his hand free from Duo's as he stepped away from the bed. "Remember? I'll be home in a week."

Duo's eyes widened and he sat up quickly. The reality of Heero's departure brushed away all thoughts of sleep and confusion. "Heero!" he exclaimed as he watched the Japanese Preventer move to slip his jacket over his shoulders. "Why the hell didn't you wake me up earlier? We didn't get a chance to say goodbye!"

Heero raised an eyebrow as he shouldered his knapsack, the only luggage he had…or needed. He was used to travelling light. "Goodbye, Duo" he said softly, turning towards the door.

Duo rolled his eyes and jumped out of bed, his pyjamas consisting of a black t-shirt and equally black silk boxers. "That's not what I meant, Yuy," he growled as he lunged forward, grabbing Heero's wrist and pulling him into a hungry kiss.

Heero responded to his lover's demand out of instinct, forgetting the mission, forgetting the boring meetings, forgetting the equally boring plane ride, forgetting Preventers, forgetting…the cab's horn sounded a third time, breaking Heero away from Duo in the blink of an eye. "I'll be back Friday," he muttered, pulling the door of the apartment open and stepping into the hall.

Duo caught the door before Heero could shut it, grabbing his jeans from beside the entrance (there they had fallen, er, casually the night before in the corner behind the door) and following Heero down the hall as he pulled them on.

"I have to go, Duo," Heero stated calmly. "I have a plane to catch."

Duo stumbled after Heero down three flights of stairs to the main floor of their apartment building while struggling with the button on his pants. "Give me a break, Yuy," he replied heatedly, adding: "you and I both know that you always plan to get to the airport two and a half hours early. What harm can a few extra minutes do if you take them to say goodbye to me? I promise it will be worth your while…"

Heero paused in mid-step, heart racing at the seductive tone of Duo's voice. However, it was only a pause. He sighed and continued, exiting the building and offering a glare at the cab driver. The man quivered slightly (with good reason) before he regained his composure. "I've been waitin' fer four an' a half minutes."

Heero raised an eyebrow. "So?"

"44 cents per minute," the man said calmly, "waitin', that is. Dollar twelve once we git goin'."

Heero shot a glare at Duo, the reason for these four and a half minutes. However, the American returned the icy gesture with a seductive smirk.

Heero's analysis of the situation: Duo was planning something…something disastrous.

A portion of the stoic man's mind told him to just get in the car before four and a half became six, but the larger part of him wanted to know what his Shinigami had in mind.

The cab driver stepped around the car to open the trunk, but Heero quickly stopped him, forgetting his mischievous lover for the moment. "That won't be necessary," he said, stepping up to the car door. Behind him, Duo was rummaging through his pockets and thanking the heavens that he had put on his pants. Luckily he had some spare change.

"You ain't got no luggage?" The bewildered driver asked. "I was told we were goin' to th' airport."

Heero mentally groaned. Did cab drivers always have to ask so many questions? "We need to get our own car," he muttered to Duo as he opened the door of the yellow taxi and threw in his bag, pointedly ignoring the older man's question.

As he moved to step into the car, however, Duo's hand wrapped around his wrist and pulled him away from the vehicle.

There was a triumphant grin on his cherubic features as he held out his other hand, revealing a five dollar bill and some coins.

Heero raised an eyebrow. "What are you up to, Duo?" he demanded quietly, knowing very well that the cab driver would be listening in on their conversation.

Duo's grin only widened. Heero ignored the feeling of dread growing in the pit of his stomach. "Eight dollars and forty two cents," the braided fool proclaimed loudly. "How many minutes Heero-kun?"

"19 minutes and approximately 14 seconds." He replied after a moment's pause. Well, he had finally figured out what Duo's plan was. Apparently Maxwell was going to buy time to get him to stay around for a decent goodbye. Well, the braided baka did have a brain, that was certain.

Duo thought for a moment. "Minus the four and a half, five that we've already used…that leaves 14 and a half minutes" Still grinning madly, he stuffed the money into the driver's greedy hands. "That should be just enough time. Don't leave. Heero'll be back," Duo promised before practically skipping back to the apartment building, stripping himself of his shirt (it floated unceremoniously to the ground behind him) and expecting Heero to follow.

The cab driver shook his head in bewilderment before stepping into the car and pocketing Duo's money. He would wait. After all, it wasn't every day that he got that kind of money for sitting around and doing nothing.

Heero did follow, with an amused smirk on his face. He retrieved Duo's abandoned shirt and (albeit swiftly) retraced his steps into the reception room of the building and up three flights of stairs (there was no elevator…Heero cursed this fact repeatedly during his ascent).

He paused in front of the apartment door on the third floor before trying the knob, only to find that it was locked. His amusement grew…Duo was acting very spontaneous this morning. Rummaging around for his set of keys he sighed in relief when he found them in his pocket. Running back down to the car to fetch them from his bag would have been a waste of time...precious time. Opening the door, he entered the apartment and re-pocketed his keys. They clinked softly together as he stepped into the dark room and shut the door behind himself. The only other noises (besides his heavy breathing and increased heart rate) were soft moans coming from the bed. Duo had pulled the blinds shut and turned out the lights, and only a small amount of brightness entered the room.

Curious, Heero removed his jacket and hung it on the doorknob, before heading down the hall. "Duo?" he called softly as he turned the corner into the bedroom.

Another moan was Heero's only reply, though he thought that this one was particularly louder than the rest. Stepping into their shared bedroom, Heero's breath caught in his throat and his heart rate increased tenfold.

Apparently Maxwell didn't want to waste any time either.

Duo was on the bed with his chestnut braid undone and floating around him. Heero nearly tripped over the jeans that had been discarded near the door, and stumbled slightly over the boxers that followed soon after. However, he managed to find his way over to the bed and he sat down beside his lover, moving to straddle wiry hips.

Duo's hand, previously wrapped around his growing erection (the reason for the moans), moved to the back of Heero's neck as he pulled his partner down for an intense kiss.

Heero allowed himself to be drawn towards his lover, fingers sifting through his silky hair. He caught a glimpse of heavy lidded indigo eyes before their lips met. Almost instantly, Duo's tongue flicked out to trace the groove between his lips and eventually push his way through to gain access to the warm caverns of Heero's mouth.

The two fought for dominance, with Heero gradually taking over, using his height to his advantage. One hand moved to tilt Duo's chin upwards as he leaned over his lover to deepen the kiss, stealing the very breath from the longhaired beauty.

It was Duo who broke the kiss, breathing heavily from lack of oxygen. His hands travelled down Heero's chest and he groaned as the Preventer above him rocked his hips forward. A predatory growl escaped Heero's lips and deft fingers quickly undid the button of his jeans and slid down the zipper, freeing himself from the restraints of the material. Grinding forward once more, he leaned in and raked his teeth over Duo's exposed collarbone as his hands worked their way underneath his shirt and up his back.

Rough fingers slid over scarred skin as Duo let out another moan, his senses overwhelming him. He breathed out his lover's name in a raspy voice, struggling to catch his breath and failing miserably. He somehow managed to slip Heero's shirt over his head, their bare skin touching and sending jolts of electricity through the two of them. Duo moaned softly as his own shirt was removed, and a hot mouth travelled over the expanses of his chest to land on a perked nipple.

He gave a soft cry as Heero raked his teeth over the bronzed circle of skin, his tongue dancing in an intricate pattern, his hands clenching and unclenching in Heero's slightly damp hair. The Japanese Preventer drew back a moment later, licking his lips seductively as he regarded his lover from beneath a curtain of bangs. "This better?" he asked softly, leaning forward to brush his lips over Duo's.

"H-hai…" the long haired man replied breathlessly, sliding a hand up to cup Heero's cheek, eyes peering through the darkness of the room to lock his gaze with that of the one above him. "Make love to me, Hee-chan…" He murmured softly, grinding his hips upwards and earning a low groan from his lover in reply to his actions.

Moving quickly, Heero rid himself of his jeans before their movements started up once more, bodies melding together in the heat of casual and not so casual touches as they lit each other on fire.

Duo eventually landed Heero on his back, moving down to rest between his lover's legs. Prussian blue eyes watched his every move as his small pink tongue darted out to catch the moisture at the tip of Heero's erection, and the other man moaned softly, fists clenching in the sheets below him. A rosy hue decorated the late Wing's ex-pilot's cheeks as his deep blue eyes fluttered closed…and Duo took advantage of his lover's vulnerable state to slide his mouth over the pulsing arousal, humming contentedly as he swirled his tongue around the tip.

A strangled cry escaped Heero's lips as he thrust his hips upwards, wanting to bury himself deeper into the warm cavern of Duo's mouth. The American let him have his way this once, and instead of placing his hands on Heero's hips to restrain him, he let his fingers trail light patterns across the feather-soft skin of the Asian man's inner thighs.

Heero struggled to maintain his self control, but the world was quickly slipping further and further away as lights danced behind his closed eyelids. "D-duo…" He let out in a partial moan, thrusting upwards one last time before he reached down and with his last ounce of self control, gently lifted his lover's gaze, sliding out from beneath him. "Not like that…not this time…" he said softly, pressing his lips against the American's, tasting himself on Duo's tongue. He had meant the touch to be soft and gentle, but something sparked between them and they soon found themselves with 02 beneath 01, bodies pressed tightly together as tongues battled together in a hot, erotic dance with Heero eventually gaining the upper hand, reaching down to tweak a perked nipple with experienced fingers.

Duo let out a cry of surprise, and in doing so he broke the kiss, falling back on the bed and breathing heavily, his groin pressed against Heero's. He moaned softly as his lover shifted positions to reach over to the other side of the bed, his hand roaming beneath a pillow for the small tube he *knew* he'd left there the night before…

With a triumphant smirk, he closed his fingers around the cold tube, brushing his lips against Duo's forehead. "You all right?" He asked softly.

"Couldn't be better." The American replied cheekily, running his hands up Heero's sides. "How much time we got left?"

Heero quickly uncapped the tube as he glanced at his watch. "Nine minutes and…twenty four seconds." He replied, applying a liberal amount of the cool gel to his fingers before reaching down between Duo's legs. "Ready?" he asked, circling his finger around the tight ring of muscle at the chestnut haired beauty's entrance.

"Always." The violet eyed man replied, inhaling sharply as one of his lover's hands wrapped around his straining erection while the other slid a finger past the entrance, sliding it around in the heat that suddenly engulfed it.

Leaning forward, Heero captured Duo's lips in a searing kiss as a second finger joined the first, working in a scissor-like motion to stretch the tight passage. They brushed against something deep within the `braided baka', and again a cry of pleasure passed Duo's lips, breaking their kiss.

"I'm good to go, Hee-chan." He said breathlessly, thrusting against the intruding digits. "I want you inside of me."

Heero growled possessively, withdrawing his hand to apply more of the contents of the tube to his own erection before lifting one of Duo's legs over his shoulder. He positioned himself carefully at his lover's entrance, moaning softly at the heat radiating from the man beneath him as he slid into the tight channel, letting the warmth surround him.

Duo groaned softly, shutting his eyes as Heero slowly slid inside of him. They started up a steady rhythm, the American arching into each of his lover's thrusts soft sounds of passion spilling from swollen lips.

It seemed to come to an end all too soon, and yet never soon enough, and as Heero bit down on Duo's shoulder to keep from crying out, the braided man tensed, mouth open in a silent scream as he reached completion, the Asian man on top of him following soon after as muscles clamped down around him. He murmured only a soft grunt, filling his love's inner passage with hot liquid. He stayed put for a moment before he slowly withdrew from his lover and sank down onto the bed beside him.

Still breathing heavily, Duo brushed sweaty bangs from his forehead, struggling to regain control of his frantically beating heart. "See?" He said softly. "It wasn't that bad"

Heero grunted again and rolled off the bed, landing on his feet as he headed for the bathroom, obviously going to have his second shower of the morning. "Is the cab still outside?"

Duo lifted himself up onto his elbows, reaching over with one hand to crack open the curtains. "Hai, he's still waiting. Looks like he's going through your bag."

Heero sighed softly. "Funny, Maxwell." He could almost hear Duo's wide grin from behind the closed door of the bathroom as he turned on the shower, stepping beneath the warm spray once it had reached the proper temperature. A minute and a half later, he emerged, towel dried skin nearly glowing in the darkness of the room, and Duo frowned slightly as Heero stepped back into his pants, slipped on his shirt, and then sat beside him on the bed as he pulled on his socks.

"I'm gonna miss ya, man" Duo said softly, lying back on the bed and staring at the ceiling. "How long are ya gone for again?"

"A week." Heero replied shortly. "My flight gets in late Friday night."

Socks securely on his feet, Heero leaned over his lover to brush his lips gently against Duo's. "Good bye." he said softly as he straightened, standing and heading for the door.

"Bye" Duo replied, watching the Asian man's back as he reached the doorway.

Heero paused in the doorway, glancing over his shoulder with a raised eyebrow. "Try not to burn the place down while I'm gone."

Duo smirked. "Aw, c'mon! It only happened once!"

The short haired brunette rolled his eyes, and then continued on his way, disappearing out of Duo's sight.

The braided man gave a heavy sigh, crossing his arms behind his head. He heard the whistle of air as Heero shouldered his jacket, the clinking of keys as he stepped into the hall, the soft click that signalled the door had been shut, and a few moments later a car door opening on the street below, and the sound of the cab pulling away from the curb.

He glanced at the clock, groaned softly at the early hour of the morning and then closed his eyes, willing himself to fall asleep as he tried to ignore the empty space on the bed beside him.

It was going to be a long week.

*~* Owari *~*