Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ One Long Week ❯ Chapter 6

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. I'm sorry, it's just how life is. *sniff*

Rating: PG

Warnings: AU, shounen-ai/yaoi, maybe a little OOC...

Pairings: 2+4

Author's Notes:

Tanashi- Another chapter! Woohoo!

Layli- *edges away*

Maru- *pops up behind Layli* Squeak! ^-^

Layli- Ahhh!

Maru- ^-^

Layli- Stupid hedgehog...

Marul- Squeak... ;_;

Tanashi- ...Anyways, after this chapter, there's only one left! Wow...

Maru- Squeak? (Translation: Really?)

Tanashi- Uh-huh. So, hopefully, this chapter will keep you going until I'm able to put up the last chapter, when is up and working again. ^.^

Layli- Here's chapter 6!

Shinigami29: Sorry, I couldn't give it to you then, but you can have it now... ^^;;

Basketball-chickadee-30: Don't worry. After this one, there's one more chapter! ^.^

One Long Week

By: Tanashi

Day 6

The phone rang for the first time in three days. It was just Duo's luck that it was 3:00 in the morning. Duo groaned and tried to block it out. It kept ringing.

Why wasn't the machine picking it up? He peeked out from under his pillow at it, then remembered he had turned it off so he wouldn't miss any more calls when he was at home. Mentally smacking himself, he sighed and reached for the incessantly ringing phone.

He picked it up and said through a yawn, "Hello?"


He tried to place the voice. It sounded so familiar... "Quatre?"

"Yup! I had the most amazing afternoon with Trowa and Heero today!"

Duo sighed. "Quatre, do you realize what time it is?"

Silence reigned on the other end for a moment. "Uh... early?"

"Too early. Why aren't you asleep?"

"I'm sorry, Duo! I couldn't sleep, and I just had to call you and tell you everything! Were you sleeping?"

"Of course not. I was just resting my eyes." Sarcasm.

A laugh sounded really close to a giggle. "Sillyhead."


"Yup! Duo's a sillyhead!"

"Well, then, if I'm a sillyhead, I'm a very sleepy sillyhead. I'm allowed to go back to sleep now, your highness?"

"Sorry, Duo! I'll tell you when I get back at 8! Goodnight, Duo! Sweet dreams!"

"'Night." He hung up the phone and buried his face into his pillow, wishing for the welcome shores of sleep. He was almost asleep when his eyes flew open when he realized something. "I forgot to call Hilde."

* * * * *

"Is anyone awake?" Quatre peeked his head in through the slightly open door. He pushed the door open all the way and stepped inside, slamming the door shut behind him. "Oops..."

Duo was jolted awake at the sound of his apartment door slamming shut. He glanced at the clock. 6:30 A.M. With a sigh, he gave up on sleep and got out of bed. An eyebrow went up when he saw Quatre. "I thought you weren't coming back until 8."

Quatre smiled. "Change of plans!"

"In any case, good morning." His stomach rumbled rather loudly. "Now for breakfast..." Duo started for the kitchen.

The blonde bounded after him. "Wanna hear about my day yesterday?" he asked, sounding eager to tell his story.

Duo went for the pantry, grabbing a box of Fruit Loops. He grabbed a bowl, a spoon, and a carton of milk, somehow managing to carry it all over to the kitchen table and depositing them there. "Sure," he said while pouring the milk into the bowl.

"Yay!" Quatre plopped down in the chair across the table, leaning over it and propping his head up with his hands, elbows on the table. "Okay, here goes..." He took a deep breath. "TrowaandHeeroandmewenttothisclubandwentclubbingexceptIwasn'treallyintoit." He stopped to take a breath. "SoIjustkindahalfdancedhalfnotnotreallyintoityouknow?"

Duo nodded, not really comprehending the rush of words coming out of Quatre's mouth, but pretending to.

"So..." This was going to take awhile.

* * * * *

"What is it?" Quatre looked at the package curiously, then carefully poked it with a finger.

Duo laughed. "It's not going to bite."

"Don't be too sure of that... It's always the things you least suspect..."

He shook his head. "It's just a movie."

"Really?" Quatre picked the package up, testing its weight in the palm of his hand. "Which one?"

"Spiderman." Duo grinned. "I saw it with Hilde and Wufei in the theaters and couldn't resist getting it."

Quatre looked curious. "Spiderman, huh? I haven't seen it."

"Then I'll just have to change that. How about we make tomorrow night a movie night and just rent a bunch of movies to watch along with it?"

"Sounds great!"

* * * * *

Quatre looked at Duo, uncertain. "You know, Duo. You didn't have to take me to some fancy restaurant or anything. I would have been just as happy going to some fast food place..." But then this wouldn't work out so well...

"Don't worry about it. I wanted to treat you to something special."

A bright smile. "Thank you, Duo!" He picked up the menu to take a look at it. "I think I might like a caesar salad to start, clam chowder soup, half of a sirloin steak, a club sandwich, fried fish, and maybe some chicken strips..."

"Geez, Quatre. Don't you think that might be too much food?"

Perfect. It's what he hoped Duo would say. Quatre's eyes widened and started to water. Knowing how to cry on cue comes in handy. The 'talent' of his got him out of many bad positions he landed himself in when he was young. Now it was going to help him with his plan. "Is that a nice way of saying I'm fat?" Quatre said with a slight sniff.

Duo's eyes widened. "No! Of course not!"

"It is, isn't it?" Quatre suddenly stood up, causing the chair he had occupied to tip over and fall onto the floor rather noisily, attracting the attention of the people sitting around near their table.


"My boyfriend thinks I'm fat!" Quatre wailed loudly, 'accidently' knocking over his glass of wine onto Duo. Without waiting for a response, he ran out of the restuarant.

Duo could feel everyone in the restaurant staring at him, and even glares directed at him. He sunk lower in his seat. "I would love to disappear right now..." he muttered, not loud enough for anyone to catch.

A waiter approached the table. "May I offer you a towel, sir?" The man received a glare.

* * * * *

In his search for the wayward Quatre, Duo's first place to look was his apartment. He found it empty. Duo quickly changed his clothes and went back outside. His second place he thought to look was Quatre's workplace, then the bookstore, the ice cream store, the park, and the local fast food place. He even tried the library, the antique shop, and the pet shop. It was on his search that he realized that he knew next to nothing about the blonde. He didn't know what Quatre's interests were, what his hobbies were, what he liked to read, what music he liked, what he liked to eat, what his favorite color was, and so on.

He finally decided that the last place he was going to look was the hill that they had the picnic on. Lo and behold, there was Quatre, sitting there on his coat, watching the waves hit the beach, petting something white in his lap.


Quatre looked over at Duo. "Hi Duo!"

Duo blinked. "You're not mad?"

"Not anymore!" Quatre smiled at him, then held up the white object that he had been petting. "Look, Duo! Isn't she cute?" The 'thing' was a small, milky white kitten with a black tail and nose. Duo found himself staring at glowing blue-green eyes. "Can I keep her? Please?"

The violet-eyed boy was reminded of when he was little, begging to keep an animal he had claimed followed him home from school. He nodded, a smile making its way onto his face. "I don't see why not."

"Yay! You hear that, Snowball? I can keep you!" He hugged the kitten close.

"We should head back to the apartment." Duo hoisted Quatre up. "Come on."

Without warning, Quatre leaned over and placed a light kiss on Duo's lips. With what could only be called a giggle, he bolted ahead. "Race you back!"

Duo's eyes widened. He stood there for a moment before his brain registered what Quatre had said. "Hey..." He took off after the blonde. "That's not fair!"

* * * * *

Quatre stared at the plant, tears starting to form in his eyes. He looked at Duo. "How could you?" He picked up the neglected plant, practically shoving it into Duo's face. "How could you let it die?" he wailed. "Is this what our love means to you? This tree symbolizes our love! Just look at it now!" He shook the plant, emphasizing his point.

"No! Quatre, our love... means a lot to me!" Duo gently pushed the plant a few inches away from his face.

The blonde sniffed, wiping away a few tears with his free hand. "R-r-really?"

Duo nodded. "Really."

"Okay then..." He put down the tree, then switched his hyper mode back on. "I'm going to go see if Snowball wants anything!" He gave Duo another peck on the lips before giggling and skipping off.

Duo sighed, shaking his head. "I don't understand that guy..."

* * * * *

"Hilde..." Duo tried to cut in.

He was ignored. "And not calling me back! I'm your best friend, for crying out loud! Wufei agrees with me on this. Don't you dare try to argue back on this, you hear?"



"Are you finished?"

"I think so."

"Good. Now to answer your questions: Yes, I understand; yes, I get it; yes, I'll call back sooner; no, I won't forget; yes, I hear; yes, the bet is still on." Duo shoved a spoonful of cereal into his mouth. Another reason to be grateful for the speaker phone.

"Great! You getting anywhere?"

Duo rolled his eyes, knowing that Hilde would be able to sense it. "Of course I am!"

"You got the blonde to fall in love with you?" The doubt was evident in Hilde's voice. "Because if you haven't, the sugar plum fairy costume is waiting for you over here..."

That was all Quatre needed to hear. He had went to find Duo with the intention of getting help to set up Snowball's bed, but decided to wait, not wanting to interrupt his conversation. He got there in time to hear about the bet. He slowly backed away from his original destination, then turned around and ran back into his room without making a sound.

Duo sighed. "Right, right. I'll keep that in mind. Listen, I have to call you back later. I have to finish up this report." He made a face at it.

"Fine. Bye!" The click signified that Hilde had hung up.

* * * * *

It took Duo an hour to finish his report. With the t.v. on in the background. He decided to check up on Quatre and the kitten and knocked on the door. "Quat? May I come in?" No answer. He opened the door. "Quat?" The light was on, but the room was empty. Completely bare except for the furnishings in the room. Duo's eyes widened. On the nightstand, a single piece of paper was sitting on it.

I decided that... well, it would be for the best if I left. I'm sorry, Duo, but I don't think a relationship based on lies would work out. I haven't exactly been truthful with you. You see, the reason I agreed to go out with you that first time was because of an article my sister was writing: How to Lose a Guy in 7 Days. I broke the one rule in the game, so I had to leave before I fell even deeper. Be happy, Duo. After all, you did win your bet. ~Quatre

* * * * *


Tanashi- ;_; I can't believe I wrote that.

Layli- ...I can't believe you did, either.

Tanashi- Hey! You're my muse! Do something!

Layli- Like what?

Maru- Squeak! ^-^

Layli- How are you in such a happy mood? Ø_Ø

Maru- Squeak squeak! ^-^

Tanashi- Aww... I feel a lot better now!

Layli- *sigh*

Tanashi- All right! I planned to post the last chapter of this fic on Valentine's Day, but there are two things wrong with the plan. 1. Valentine's Day is this Friday, and there's only one more chapter after this. 2. is going to shut down on February 14 and 15. Sorry, but don't expect the last chapter until the 16! ^^;; Eheheheheh... *turns and runs away* It's not my fault!!!

Maru- Squeak?

Layli- ...Comments, please?