Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ One Man's Loss... ❯ One-Shot

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

GW and its characters don't belong to me but to Sunrise/SOTSU and all others associated.

This is another request story. I forgot who requested it, but she wanted something with Trowa, Relena and Wufei, so I tried my best to weave it into this story and ended it the only way I thought I could.

NC-17 material. Possible OCC. This is set years after EW and with time and maturity people do change. It is also one of my oldest fics which means it's at least two to three years old and my writing has changed somewhat since then just with writing and as I grew to know more about the series etc. etc. It won't be everybody's cup o' tea but I hope it's somewhat enjoyable.




Relena finally dried the last of her tears. She was completely numb now, void of all emotions. He had finally broken it off with her. After four years of running cold and hot, the water finally ran still, in fact, it was ice. She played back the most significant part of the conversation once again, wishing she could bust the internal rewind button in her brain. He had simply told her he didn't love her, that the last four years had been a mistake and that he was sorr,y but that was the way he felt. Heero had spoken those words to her two months ago and she had not seen him since.

She groaned in frustration as she rose out of her bed. Her twenty-five year old body was aching from grief and she felt she was crawling in her skin from the days of self-imposed isolation. She had to get out of the house. She wanted to breath in the open air once more and to feel the sun heating her skin. She simply wanted to feel alive again. She looked out the window and lost herself in the beauty of the rising sun and decided she would step outside to greet it.


As the sun began to signal the coming of the day Heero was still sitting at the bar. He was more than sufficiently drunk, trusting his friend Quatre not to allow him to do anything to stupid. But, then nothing he could do shit faced drunk could rival the stupidity of breaking it off with Relena.

Quatre was more than exhausted and had wanted to return home hours ago. However, he had opted to stay in support of his friend and to keep him out of trouble. He had known Heero for years now and he knew how volatile the young man could get when in a foul mood, especially when alcohol was involved. He sighed, no longer able to take the pathetic form of his friend just sitting their drowning in regrets and booze.

"This is his last one." The blue-eyed blonde told the bartender who handed Heero yet another beer. "It's not to late you know. You can still reconcile with her."

Heero spoke his voice slurred. "I shaid some hersh thigs. Shay hayes me now. Jus' like I want'd er to."

"I don't understand why you did it Heero. The day you were going to purpose to her you broke it off with her?"

Heero placed his empty beer bottle on the top of the bar and rose to his feet. He leaned on Quatre to help him walk out of the bar.

"Neder do I."


Relena breathed in the fresh salt air of the beach. "You are the world's biggest fool" she laughed, finding ironic, self-deprecating humor, now, was easier than crying.

She kicked off her shoes and ground her feet in the sand, the small grains cut into the delicate skin between her toes. "Is that you Heero?" She spoke, her voice raised against the crashing of the waves; the wind had picked up dramatically and was forming larger than normal waves. "Is it you, Heero?" She questioned again as she began to wade out into the water. She then shouted against the roaring waves of the ocean Heero's name. She started laughing again. What a fool what a fool. She was up to her waist in the water ignoring the cuts on her feet that stung from the salty sea, for that pain was minimal compared to the pain in her heart.

"I'm not afraid of you! I'm not afraid! Hurt me as you want, I will not fall to you!" She screamed, as a huge wave began to form in front of her warning her of it's imminence, but still, she planted her feet further into the sand, still daring the ocean to attack her. She gasped being taken off guard as well as her feet, not by the surf but by human arms. She screamed and thrashed against the strong lock her unknown assailant had around her. "Let go you bastard! Do you know who I am?"

A calm masculine voice spoke back to her. "You're Relena Dorlian. Please, stop thrashing." She managed to squirm from his arms but in the process she had caused him to drop her, her face hit the sandy beach.

"What the hell was that all about?" She spit the sand out of her mouth and rolled over, sitting up. "Trowa?"

His silence told her she was correct." He sat down beside her and slid off his shoes. Turning them upside down he watched the water drain out. "Should've have taken off my shoes."

"Why did you stop me Trowa?"

"Seemed like the thing to do."

She just continued to stare at the tawny-haired man. He wiped away the water droplets that dripped from his bangs and into his eyes. She bit her lip noticing for the first time that he was a rather handsome man. She thought it was a little strange that he was here, though, for the entire time they had worked together and had been aware of each other's presence they had barely spoken two words to one another.

"Did you really want to kill yourself? Over Yuy?"

She averted her gaze, ashamed, how did he know? "No. I wasn't trying to kill myself. I just wanted to do something dangerous, so that maybe it could scare me back into life. How did you know about me and Heero?"

"Knowing what I know I figured a break-up with Heero would be the only thing to drive you to the point of euthanasia."

Not wanting to talk of Heero at the moment she decided to end the topic and rose to her feet, dusting herself off the best she could. "Well I can't leave you out here like a drowned puppy. My beach house is just up there. You may as well come and get cleaned up."

Trowa followed her silently, but checked her out all the way. She had grown quite a bit in the three years since after the war, a good 5'8" maybe, give or take an inch, her hair was all one length now, the school girl bangs and braids gone. She was still quite slender but not in the gangly waif-like way, for her proportions just seemed to shaped her body the right way for her height. He noticed her eyes looked darker though, more blue now than green, and her smile, her smile was out of this world. Heero you're an idiot, he told himself.

Trowa's eyeing her did not go unnoticed by Relena for she too was stealing glances at the man who had always been the tallest of all the other pilots. Wow, she thought to herself, he was still tall, maybe a bit taller than her own brother and he was built just as well. His eyes were still a rich, dark green and they seemed to have a sparkle in them that had not been there the whole time during the war. His demeanor seemed more content and happy, which made him all the more attractive.

"Well, here we are." She sighed, opening up the sliding doors to the back of the beach house; she stepped in with Trowa close behind.

Though it was smaller than Trowa had expected it to be the interior wasn't surprising to him. It was decorated in off whites and beiges, with some olive greens and navy blues thrown in here and there.

"Nice place."

"Oh, thanks. It's been in the family for years." She looked at her feet realizing she had left her shoes on the beach but she really didn't care and went back to being the hospitable hostess.

"Well, there's a guest room and bath down the hall, so if you feel like getting the sand off of you go ahead. "Leave your cloths in the hamper and Cecelia will get them when she comes back. "I'll be in the master suite and bath. Catch ya later." She smiled and winked, sprinting off like a child to her room. Trowa smiled at her childishness finding it somewhat charming and headed down the hall to where the guest room was.

Relena giggled and snuggled against her pillow as she dropped soaking wet onto her bed. She had just finished her shower and felt hot so she decided to dry off au-natural. Trowa you are so gorgeous she started thinking to herself, but how can you think of another guy when you and Heero...stop it Relena. He broke off with you and he doesn't love you anymore and probably never did, so get off your prissy tight ass and start having fun. She rose out of her bed, darted to her closet and started rummaging through the wall of cloths. "Damn Relena, nothing sexy. You are a tight ass." She closed her closet and started digging through her dresser drawers. "Hah!" She pulled out a pair of old faded denim shorts and a white tank top. Not exactly sexy, but hey, you need to be a little subtle as well girl.

Trowa tied the ends of the towel around his waist just realizing a second ago he had nothing to change into. He then remembered a terry robe he saw hanging in the guest room closet. He opened the bathroom door. "AHHH!" Trowa caught his breath and stepped back, hearing and seeing an old woman at least in her sixties, standing before him.

"Who are you? What are you doing in Miss Relena's house?" The elderly woman had doubled up a belt and held it back ready to lye it into Trowa at any second. "Answer me!"

By this time Trowa had regained himself. "You must be Cecelia."

He easily sidestepped the woman and came around behind her with a swift and single motion. Before she could blink the woman found her arms bound at her side with the very same belt. Trowa held the two ends together against him behind her back.

Cecilia began to holler. "Let me go! How did you know my name?"

"If you calm down a moment maam, I can explain everything."

"Trowa! Cecelia!" Relena couldn't help herself as she busted into laughter.

"Huh?" Trowa looked quite puzzled for a second and then realized that the towel had fallen completely off of him and that the only thing concealing his sex was the skirt of the old woman who he held in front of him.

"It's okay Cecelia." Relena took a breath trying to calm her shaking body. "He's a friend."

"Mmph." The old woman snorted. "I thought his cloths were a little to big to be master Yuy's."

Relena walked over to the closet and plucked out the robe, she tossed it to Trowa who caught it and released the maid at the same time, in a flash he was covered, barely.

Relena blushed. "Oh yea, it's one of Heero's, of course it would be to small."

Trowa tied the two ends of the belt together. "It covers well enough." Trowa spoke matter-of-fact. "It'll do until my cloths dry."

Relena sighed, picking up the pile of his wet clothing and handing them to her maid. "If they ever get washed and dried."

"Yes Miss Relena, of course." Cecilia turned her head and snorted at Trowa a second time, before leaving the room.

Trowa crossed his arms and bowed his head and then he did something Relena did not expect. "He started laughing. "Talk about your embarrassing moments. I don't think she likes me."

Relena giggled along with his chuckle. "Don't worry about Cecelia. You've probably given her a bigger thrill than she's had in a long while. Come on. Let's get lunch."


Hands shoved deep in his pockets and head hung low Heero walked slowly down the street brooding. He'd screwed everything up with her, and why? Because he was stupid, that's why. He found himself down by the beach, not even realizing he had walked there. He'd go check on her, make sure she was okay. Yea, just go see her out of friendly concern.

Trowa and Relena had just finished a quick lunch and were now on the back patio relaxing in reclining chairs, watching the sea.

"So this is where you've been hiding out for the last year Relena."

"Yes. I read the comments in the press every now and then, I'm considered a wealthy, rich, eccentric recluse you know?" She sighed a little and then continued. "Heero and I wanted to get away from things for awhile, so, we did. Of course, now, he has really gotten away."

"Well if you want my opinion the guy's an idiot." He looked at her out of the corner of his shaded eyes watching the way her breasts jiggled a little as she giggle.

"Good riddance then, eh, Trowa? I'm a free woman now, free to pursue anything or anyone I want."

Trowa closed his eyes and laid his head back. "Yea, I guess you are."

Trowa released a small oof and suddenly felt a little extra weight on his stomach. He opened his eyes, seeing Relena straddling his mid-section. "I've decided to pursue, you, Trowa."

He slipped off his sunglasses. "What? You've just broken up with Heero, besides, he's my friend."

He saw her eyes roll. "Oh please this isn't a rebound thing. I just want to have fun, no strings, no intense emotions, just sex."

Trowa couldn't help but chuckle, not to mention being more than interested in the offer.

"So." She said casually, pulling her t-shirt over her head, revealing her full perky breasts and taunt nipples. "Let's fuck, screw, bump and grind, whatever you want to call it, Trowa. I want your dick in me pounding me until I think I'm going to die of sexual pleasure."

Trowa's eyes narrowed, serious all of a sudden, his sex began to rise at the thought of fucking Relena but his conscious began to fight his natural instinct. "What about Heero?"

"What about him?" She questioned lightly; she had taken off her shorts and panties and was on her knees by Trowa's groin area.

"Damn Relena." He whispered hoarsely as she had now slid open the robe, and was sucking his erect throbbing member so hard he felt his brains being sucked out, along with his conscious. One man's loss, he told himself, giving in completely to his primal urges.


That's it he would just stop by and say hi, and maybe apologize, and say what a fool he was and that he loved her and wanted to marry her. He fumbled the ring box in his pocket. She would forgive him and take him back; she always had in the past. His mind went blank and his eyes wide as from a distance he then saw what he didn't want to believe his eyes were seeing.

There was Relena, straddled over, a, man? He rubbed his eyes, no, she couldn't…she wouldn't. He readjusted his eyes, thinking to himself this isn't real. He saw her facing out into the sea, her back was too the man she was fucking. And as she was riding him, large hands sprung from behind her, one of them had a grip on one of her breasts, her nipple being teased in between its fingers while the fingers on the man's other hand rubbed at her clitoris. Who? He was too much in shock to be angry at first. Then he heard Relena's squeals form a name.

"Oh yes, god Trowa!"

And as Relena arched back in her final orgasm cry----- a duet with the other voice----- he saw the face of the man that fit the name.

His blood boiled as murder crossed his mind. Out of everyone he had ever known, Trowa? He was one step away from confronting the two when his beeper went off. What could Quatre want now? He trudged off in the opposite direction. He needed to calm down first and figure what he had just seen all out. "It's not over yet Relena. For you either Trowa."


With his girth still in her, Relena laid back against Trowa. "I love spontaneous moments like these."

"Somehow Relena I think you had this all planned."

She giggled. "Yea. So I did. But I didn't know where or when I'd strike."

He hugged her tight to him. "I'm not complaining believe me." He caught his breath feeling her hips rub against him again, damn, how could she make him begin to grow hard again so soon after.

"Fuck me again."

"Why not." He moaned into her neck as he began moving inside of her once more, knowing this second time around he would be able to last even longer.


"Thanks for calling Quatre. I'll try to be there, but I'll make no promises. I have a lot of thinking to do. Yea, yea, if I need ride I'll call for your limo. Bye." Heero hung up the phone with a bang, still fumbling the ring box in his pocket. How could she forget about him so quick? Or maybe she was in such great despair she would fuck anybody that came along. But he knew Trowa wasn't just anybody. It wasn't a surprise that a lot of women swooned after him and Heero could have cared less, but now it was his Relena who was fucking him and that changed everything.

It's the height thing, Heero told himself. "Chics like tall guys, probably because they think their dicks are bigger", he grumbled to himself. He straightened up his body to his full 5'11" without shoes height and leaving the phone booth he crossed the street to the jewelry shop.


Cecelia was in the process of making dinner, grumping all along about how much more work it was for her to fix food for a third person. Relena had reminded her how she had no problems fixing dinner when Heero was here, with which she remarked that Master Yuy's appetite wasn't near the size of "that" man's. Relena giggled and whispered to Trowa that tomorrow mourning she would give Cecelia an early vacation. Trowa told her to never mind because he found her dislike for him humorous; Relena said she'd think about it.

"You seem so much more relaxed and care-free than I remember Trowa."

"Well I just came to the conclusion that sulking away in the past got me no where but more bitter with age, so I decided to go out and take the gift of a second chances and take things as they are."

"Happy go lucky, eh, sounds kinda like Duo."

Trowa laughed. "I've not gone that far. I still take things seriously, just not like I used to is all."

She snuggled up to him on the couch as they continued to watch T. V. "I wish Heero came to his senses and relaxed more."

"Face it Relena. You're still in love with the guy."

He felt her body rise against him in a heavy sigh. "You're right. I am." She straightened up and kissed Trowa's temple. "But I'm not allowing that nasty emotion to stop me from having fun."


"Mr. Yuy? Back so soon? Something wrong with the ring?"

Just the mere fact the girl's not wearing it he wanted to spit out at the jeweler. "Decided against it. I've still got the receipt." He slid the paper and the box on the counter.

"Would you like me to credit your account sir?" Heero's hand still covered the box; why wasn't he letting it go? "Um, sir? Credit your account?"

Heero snatched the box back up and stuffed it into his pocket again. "No. I'm not sure. Maybe I'll come back later, tomorrow." He exited the shop as quickly as he'd come in, damning himself as a weakling.

Dinner had just been set on the table when the doorbell rang. Relena half jumped half skipped to the door and yanked it open. "Hi Wufei."

"Hello. Trowa here?"

"Right here Wufei." Came Trowa's response as he came up behind Relena.

"Good thing I was still at the hotel. Here are your things." He set a few duffle bags inside the door. "If I need to consult you for anther mission will you be here?"

Trowa nodded. "For the time being I'll be here."

Relena then interrupted the two men. "Have you had dinner yet Wufei?"

"Um, no, but I'm really not hungry."

"Nonsense." She huffed grabbing his arm and dragging him in the door. Cecelia's made more than enough." She ignored the woman's mumbling rant.

Trowa shrugged. "Don't fight her. Just give in."

Wufei's brow furrowed, but he complied at the advice of his friend. Even he had mellowed over the years.


Catherine paced the floor rubbing her arms.

"Calm down dear. You shouldn't be worrying."

She leaned into her husband's embrace. "I know Quatre, but, I talked to Trowa today. I'm worried. If Heero finds out he and Relena are, ya know, together-oh that brother of mine."

Quatre chuckled a little, which got him a sharp stab in the ribs from Catherine's elbow. "Don't worry about Heero Catherine. He's not as volatile as he used to be. Those anger management classes have done wonders for him."

"I'm not going to kill your brother if that's what you're worried about."

Catherine and Quatre looked a little shocked not knowing Heero had come in.

The trio ate dinner quickly and Relena allowed Cecelia to go home early. The old woman protested, calling what Relena was sure sounded like a tart little hussy. She kissed the old woman on her cheek and thanked her for her concern, knowing the insult was spoken out of concern for her safety.

By the end of dinner two bottles of wine had disappeared, mostly by Wufei, which shocked Relena a little, but Trowa whispered in her ear that he'd been a little heavy on the sauce since Sally divorced him a year ago. Relena nodded understanding. She'd had a few heavy nights of drinking herself since Heero had left her.

Wufei had bowed his head willing away a slight headache that was coming on. When he had lifted his head once again he caught sight of Trowa and Relena in a lip lock, pawing each other in everyway possible. Shit. He had to go.

"Yooz two continu, I'm, um, leavin'." The Chinese man went to stand up but was off balance and started falling, in a flash Trowa was there, catching him. "How'd you even know I's...yooz two wuz?"

Relena came over to help Trowa support Wufei. "Maybe you should lie down a little while."

They drug him over to the couch and laid him down, but he refused to let go of Relena and she stumbled with him ending up pinned underneath him on the couch. "Relena" he slurred her name and took her lips in a kiss.

Trowa shook his head and pulled Wufei off of her, but the other man protested. "Not fair." He began to rant a little, sobering up a little as well. "You know how long it's been since I got laid? How come you get all the women Trowa?"

Relena bit her lip, stifling her laugh. Wufei mumbled something neither one of them could understand and rested his head on the back of the couch.

Relena looked up at Trowa. "Poor guy. He's so adorable right now."

Trowa plopped down on the chair positioned at the corner of the couch. "Go for it Relena. You said you wanted to have fun."

She titled her head and looked a little wide-eyed at Trowa. "You're telling me to fuck him?"

Wufei's head popped back up hearing the words. "He wants you to what?"

Trowa chuckled. "Take what life has to offer Relena. You want to, so, do it. Just don't protest if I decide to join in."

Relena giggled like a schoolgirl sliding down on her knees to the floor. "You don't think he's to soused do you?"

"He's very resilient. He'll be fine."

That doesn't put any pressure on me, thought Wufei sarcastically. But at the moment he really didn't care, because Relena had already undone his pants and was licking and sucking his membe to its full length and girth.

"She's good isn't she?" Trowa joked and smiled seeing his friend speechless only being able to nod weakly. Shit. He thought to himself- how far could she shove that thing down her throat? Trowa felt his own sex beginning to twitch with need as he watched her straddled Wufei, now kissing him madly as his palms cupped under her breasts, their thumbs rubbing against her nipples. They moaned and grinded against each other but still Wufei's member had not penetrated her. Little tease, Trowa smirked and almost laughed with delight.

"God Woman fuck me already." Wufei growled. She stifled a giggle loving it when men were at the brink so she decided to end Wufei's torture. She lifted herself a little hovering over him. She looked him directly in the eye and quick as wink she slammed herself down onto him, releasing a throaty groan at the same time. Wufei caught his breath as he began fucking her back. She threw herself back a little, giving Wufei access to her full breasts, which he took advantage of, sucking and nipping the best he could at the reddened nubs while pounding inside of her.

Trowa had stripped himself from the waist down and had begun creating a rhythm of his own as he jerked himself off. Her head was thrown back as she watched out of the corner of her eye Trowa pleasuring himself being turned on just by watching her and Wufei. She straightened up a little and grabbed her ass cheeks. Spreading them a little, she turned her head the best she could and winked at Trowa. Heero. Trowa thought to himself. You've turned your girl into a real sex fiend.

Without missing much of a beat, Relena and Wufei had slid down on the floor, Wufei on his back with Relena straddled across him. Having returned from the bathroom with a small bottle of lubricant, Trowa came up behind her until he was in the needed position. Pushing Relena's body forward just enough, he eased her body down gently until he was embedded fully into her anus. Slowly and steadily she leaned back against him; the three began to move together.

Wufei's thrusting was setting the pace as Trowa tighten his grip on Relena's hips, sometimes moving one hand to her breasts than to her clit and back again. Relena found herself unable to make a sound except for a repetitive ah, mixed in with some oh yeses. Her words were gone as Wufei pulled her forward. Once more his tongue plundered her mouth that was still sweet from the wine. She licked his tonsils back and felt his girth becoming more rigid and pulsating faster. Trowa's phallus in her ass was mimicking that of Wufei's and the combined movement of them both inside of her was causing her to clamp down on both them. She tore away from her Wufei's mouth and arched back up against Trowa's body as she cried out in sheer ecstasy. Pounding two more times violently Wufei swore in Chinese losing himself and his fluid deep inside of Relena. She shuddered at the sensation and then heard Trowa cry out in her ear, having come into his own climax, his seed was filling her anal cavity. She cried out loud just for the heck of it, loving the fun, loving the sex, loving everything about it.


"Thanks for letting me shack up with you and Catherine."

Quatre laughed at Heero's remark. "Using one of our fifteen guest houses is not shaking up. So have you talked to her?"

"What do I say? She obviously has gotten over me. It's no use so I may as well just move on."

Quatre shook his head from side to side. "No. You've been unable to move on for the last three months. A total of should I say, almost six months since you split with her."

"Has it been six months?"

"Oh don't act like you haven't been keeping track. Those red X's on your calendar kind of give it away. You still have the ring don't you? That alone should tell you something."

Heero remained silent, unsure of what to say, because he knew all of Quatre's words were true. He was just kidding himself trying to deny it. He wasn't even upset with her for her infidelity, which it wasn't anyway since they had not even been together. She could screw the entire L1 football team for all he cared as long as she was with him when it was all said and done-----she with him-----it had always felt right. Suddenly a new sense of hope began to brew inside of him as his old determination was building itself back up. He was not out of the game yet.

Relena watched Trowa walking back up from the beach and waved to him. She sighed watching the man who had been her lover for the last four months. He had been so much fun and had freed her from a lot of her hang-ups, but there was something missing, something which she needed in her life to feel truly complete, love. Oh she loved Trowa in a way, a friendly way and knew he reciprocated her feelings in the same manner. They had agreed that their relationship was to be no strings attached and so it had been.

She vaguely remembered the night three months ago when Wufei had stopped by. She giggled remembering how bad of a hangover he had the next day, somewhat embarrassed by his actions, but having no real regret. She had wanted a little freedom and she had experienced it, but now she wanted what she had had in the past. She wanted Heero, even if he didn't want her.

"For you." Trowa uncurled his fist and in his palm was a tiny pink shell.

"Oh it's beautiful. Thank you. She cooed, picking up the small shell. "I think I'll have it made into a necklace."

He looked into her eyes and sensed something was bothering her and knew what that something was and realized what he had to do. It was his cue to exist the stage left and fade to black. He sat down next to her on the railing. "I think it's about time I moved on."

"What?" She sounded a little shocked.

"It's not you at all. It's me. I've never been able to stay in one place for long. I'm thinking of maybe returning to the circus for awhile, or not, I don't know."

Her lips turned into a frown. "When will you go?"

"Tonight, as soon as possible. I think it's best."

She sniffed away a tear, sad that her friend was leaving but knew it was time. She jumped off the railing and embraced him, kissing him gently and then parting a little. "I'll miss you."

He smiled a little and smoothed back her hair from her face. "And I'll miss you."

They melted together in a kiss and pulled each other down onto the wooden floor of the patio to make love one final time.


Heero woke in the middle of the night to the blinking of his laptop. He rose out of bed still quite groggy and opened it. Why was Trowa sending him a message? He sat down slowly in his desk chair. The computer screen lit up the pitch-blackness of the room, but he didn't seem to notice as his eyes transfixed on the e-mail.

//Heero. If you didn't know all ready then I will tell you that for the last four months I have been living with, and, intimate with Relena. It was purely a superficial fling, but I realize if you never want to see me, let alone speak to me ever again, that I understand. But I implore you not to hate Relena. She loves you so much and I should know because I saw it in her eyes every time your name was mentioned or when she would stare into the sea, those same eyes telling me it was you she longed to see walking up to her on the beach, to hold her...kiss her. Bare her no ill will Heero, for you, are her real world in every way, shape and form. No other man could ever be to her what you are to her. Perhaps you could never see what you had in her because you always had had her heart, her body and her soul. I fear I am repeating myself but I must tell you one more time. Treat her kindly and with respect Heero, and never forget what a treasure you have in her. She is special and sweet. Gentle in spirit and worthy of the love you can give her, for you have more love to give than you ever will know, or believe you have. Remember always to love each other and believe in each other, for the true love the two of you share is something very rare and precious indeed.




Relena tossed again in bed, still unable to sleep. She huffed loudly and rose out of the bed, her house seeming empty once again. Maybe she should move into an apartment into the city. With so many people one could never feel alone. She walked into the kitchen and flicked on the light, stopping suddenly feeling a presence behind her. Her first thought was that Trowa had returned, but then, only one person could make her feel how she was feeling now. "Heero." She simply whispered.

"You never did change the locks."

She felt his arms go around her. "As if that would keep you out." She melted back against him. "Why are you here? I thought you hated me? That you had made a mistake being with me." She felt his hands glide up her arms and slide off the spaghetti straps of her nightgown.

"The only mistake I made was leaving you." His lips kissed her right shoulder, nipping just a little. One of his hands left her to smooth down her body.

She arched back, wrapping her arms around his neck and sighing. "I'll agree to that."

He covered her hand with one of his own and drew it back over her shoulder and down her breast. He then slipped a small velvet box into her hand. She stood straight all of sudden, quite shocked.

"What I wanted to give you six months ago."

Her hands shook as she tried desperately to control her breathing. She opened the box and gasped softly seeing what was inside. Heero plucked the ring out of the box and spun Relena around to face him. He knelt down in front of her on one knee and looked up at her, his blue eyes most serious and intense. "Relena. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Will you marry me?"

She gasped again and started crying silently; she shook her head frantically. "Yes Heero. Oh god yes I'll marry you." Her hand shook again as Heero slipped the multi-diamond ring on her finger. He rose to meet her again and she clung to him beginning to cry.

"Oh Heero. I've been so bad since you were away. I, I,"

He hugged her to him tightly, soothing her. "I know all about it."

She broke away from him. "You do? And you still want to marry me? You don't hate me?"

He looked down into her eyes again and smiled softly. "How could I ever hate the woman I love? Let's just forget it all and start over again."

She hugged him to her tight and her tears turned to soft laughter. "Oh Heero I love you!"

He chuckled telling her the same. "But you know what this means don't you?"

She pulled away just enough to look at him. "What?"

His smile was crooked and evil. "I'll just have to love you so hard you'll forget any other guy."

She threw her head back and giggled. "Oh and when exactly does that start?" She squealed a little as she felt herself being slung over his shoulder and carried back to the bedroom.

"Just about any minute."

She screamed a little once more in anticipation of exactly what his words would mean.