Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ One-Sided ❯ One-Sided ( Prologue )
Disclaimer: If I owned Gundam Wing, would I be writing fanfiction for it?
"Oh, hiya Sherri, didn't see ya there!"
"Sure, come 'n join me. I'd like some compahny for lunch."
"So, howz buisness? Got any neat stories to tell?"
"Funny ya should mention that. I've got an interesting story too."
"Ya sure ya wanna hear it? OK, then."
"Well, this john came in last week. Not one of the regulars, but he looked damn familiar. Weird thing is he didn't seem like the type to hire a ho."
"I know we get all types, but I mean really. This guy was good lookin'-"
"Reddish hair that was combed all to one side of his face and really striking emerald eyes. He was tall, six feet or so, with aqu-il-ine features. Had a nice tan 'n an acrobat's build, all nice 'n limber. Great chest and muscles you know. Kinda expressionless though, at least at the beginning."
"No it was more than his looks, I mean he had a nice suit on 'n everythin'. Really rich. Hell all the guys and girls at the House were droolin' over him. Money _and_ good looks."
"Yeah, he could have gotten anyone he wanted. Don't seem like the type to need a prostitute."
"Donno. Didn't seem like a jerk 'n god knowz there's plenty who'll fuck a guy anyway for the other two."
"So anyway, he walks in. When the Madam asks for his 'choice' he sez he wants someone who looks like Quatre Raberba Winner 'n that's where I come in."
"I know. Hell, I should send that kid a thank-you card, I've been rakin' it in ever since he stepped inta the limelight."
"Nah, the john didn't mind I was a girl. Didn't care either way to my eyes."
"So we go in 'n get started. I ask him what he wants me to call him 'n he says nothing just tells me that he wants me to be quiet and all. So he does his buisness-"
"Geez, Sherri, haven't ya been doin' this work long enough? Does it really matter how?"
"Hmph, fine. He was real gentle, wasn't one of those S&M people. Didn't want a fake-rape 'n didn't leave any bruises, which was nice."
"Yeah, so he finishes his stuff, then curls up on the edge of the bed and starts crying."
"One of those types, yeah!"
"Anyway, he was OK, payed me double the usual fee. But all that's not the wierd part."
"Just yesterday I was at the grocer's. I was standing in line waiting to get to the cashier 'n I was reading this magazine."
"No, it wasn't the L2 Star! It was actually fairly res-pect-able, the EarthSphere Times. Anyway, on the cover was a picture of the L4 representative, Quatre Raberba Winner. And standing behind him was the john, the one with green eyes! Betcha never guess what the caption was."
"'Quatre Raberba Winner leaving after a conference with Vice-Minister Relena Dorlian. Behind him is his secretary and friend Trowa Barton.'"