Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ One through to Nineteen ❯ Chapter 2
Disclaimer: >_< Not mine!! Never will be! Never has been! Don't sue me!
Author: KK (
Archive: Ask and you will most likely receive
Category: Fluff, WAFF?
Feedback: Yes, please!
One through to fifteen
A GW fanfiction by Koko Kitty
Heero slowly strode over to me, where I was stood in the middle of our dorm; presents littered at my feet, cheerful helium balloon in my hand. He came so close to me that I could feel his presence envelop me, halting himself only mere millimetres away from me. He didn't make the slightest contact with me, except for the single, gentle fingertip that stroked it's way softly down my cheek.
He leant forward. Almost as though in slow motion, Heero slowly, excruciatingly leant forward. Silky yet messy bangs brushed against my cheek, a pleasant sensation that made tingles start to flutter in my stomach.
I froze in anticipation. Like a deer caught in headlights, I stood shock still, tensing tightly as I waited. Waited for…for…whatever Heero was going to do. I felt myself gasp sharply and softly when a slight flutter of his soft lips touched, feather light, upon my cheek. A single whispered, "One" sending shivers through me as Heero proceeded to kiss just under my ear; the barest whispering of, "Two", spoken against my tingling, hyper sensitive skin and floating up to my ears.
I didn't dare move less I broke the anticipatory spell that held me hostage. He was moving, his fingers dancing along my chest and arm, whispering over my shirt. His lips lingered on my ear as the barely existent touches of Heero's fingers magnified themselves greatly onto my skin beneath the material. I stood in this super aware state, grasped tightly in his spell.
I could hardly notice the silent undoing of my shirt as Heero provided the distracting sensation of kissing along my jaw. I tilted my head in submission of his touch, the nearly silent words of "Three…four…five…six…seven…" nearly making my knees buckle as the expectance I felt was briefly gratified.
His fingers fluttered down my bare chest, only just touching me as they moved their way around my waist to come up and stroke at my back.
He whispered a single "Eight", as he kissed under my jaw, slowly sliding his lips down the length of my neck as he interrupted the movement with more kisses which were punctuated with "Nine…ten…eleven…twelve."
I tried to do the math for how many kisses were left, my head unwilling and unable to perform the task, drunk and reeling from Heero's touch. He slid his hands down my back from where they'd been tracing my shoulders as he continued moving his lips down my body.
A kiss at my collar.
A kiss in the centre of my chest.
A series of kisses peppering their gentle yet intoxicating way around my belly button.
My knees nearly gave way. I could feel them quiver with the effort of not dropping me to the floor when Heero brought his hands back round, slowly standing up as his hands stroked their way back up my body.
Continuing to bring his hands up, gliding over my skin, he rest one hand on my chest, the other coming up to hold my face gently. He was level with me again, gazing down at my slightly flushed face.
I held my breath. A small smile flickered on his face as he leaned in and kissed me on the nose.
He leant in again. Slowly. Tilting his head slightly, he came forward to quietly press a devastating kiss on my lips. A wild flock of butterflies coursed their way through me at the touch, a small whimper escaping my mouth as he slowly pulled away again.