Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Only You ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Pairing: 1x2

Warning: LEMON! Sap, TWT, PWP-ish, language

::Only You::

"Relena..." Heero whispered her name, feeling unsure of himself. Heero was very seldom unsure of himself, and it was even more rare that he would show it.

"Shh... Just...touch me..." She whispered into his ear, taking his hand and guiding it along her side, up to her breasts, where she moaned lightly. "Touch me," she repeated.

Heero visibly paled, shaking hands kneading the soft flesh that moulded into his fingers. What was going on? What was all this? Beneath him, he felt Relena arch into his touch, thrust her hips against his. Why was this feeling so...awkward? Wasn't this supposed to be some miraculous thing, something he'd die for?

"Heero...mmm..." Her voice was sultry and low, her wheat colored hair was splayed beneath her, legs spread, skirt hiked up, breasts soft, nipples hard...She wanted this. She wanted Heero so bad. To feel his body atop hers, his breath on her face, strong hands stroking her body...It was a dream come true. Oh how she wanted to feel him...inside.

A lover. She wanted to be his lover.

"Heero..." she purred his name again, licking her lips invitingly. They'd only kissed a small bit so far, and she wanted something a bit more. Something with tongues, saliva and teeth. Heero didn't seem to catch her drift, as his hand kept kneading that same breast over and over, eyes dim. Relena, feeling a bit put off, gently removed his hand and slid it down to her thighs and then right over her vagina. "There, Heero. Touch me there...It feels good."

Heero had never touched a woman's vagina before. It was wet, even through her panties. He rubbed cautiously, feeling incredibly wrong. He wasn't enjoying this. He knew he should be hard. He knew he should be all over her...but he wasn't. He kept rubbing, watching Relena's face. Her eyes slid shut; her lips parted to let little moans out, her cheeks were flushed. Her hips were bucking against his hand, desperate for more friction.

Heero, although a bit curious, was not feeling the need to have intercourse with her. It didn't appeal to him at all. When Relena grabbed his hand and pushed her panties aside so he could enter her with a finger, Heero nearly jumped. Hot wetness surrounded his index finger and that was it for him.

"I can't do this." Heero stiffly said, yanking his hand away and rolling off the very surprised Relena.

"What do you mean?" She said gruffly, unbuttoning her shirt. Maybe she was being too selfish and not giving him his pleasure. Could that be it? Heero wasn't looking at her, so she removed her shirt and reached out to touch his back. "I'm sorry," Relena whispered, "I'll give you some pleasure too." She was hoping he'd turn around and be intrigued, but instead he stood up and paced himself to the door.

"I'm sorry, Relena, but I can't do that. Any of it. I think I should be going home now," he paused and looked at her, a pang in his heart to see her looking so desperate and disappointed. "I'll see you later." And with that he made his leave, all angles and deep blue eyes, quietly shutting the door behind him.

Relena fell back onto her bed and sighed. Tonight had been going so well! She had arranged a date with Heero, glad he <i>finally</i> agreed, and things couldn't have been better.

"We had a great meal, we danced...we even talked a little!" She rubbed her face, wondering where things went wrong. When she had kissed him, he responded, albeit very slowly. She had hoped by showing him how "willing" she was, he'd open up.

"Guess I was wrong." Relena frowned, replaying their little date over and over in her mind, trying to pinpoint the moment everything went downhill. She realized, grudgingly, that it was never really that great to begin with. So not only had her date been a bust but she was horny as hell and there was no one to play with.

Quietly she lay on her bed, shirt still off, legs still spread. She imagined what it would have been like if Heero had stayed and things had gone the way she wanted. Her hand crept into her panties and she gave a little smile on her lips. Fantasies weren't the real thing, but they would have to do.


"Whoa. Wait one minute!" Duo commanded, jogging on light steps to catch up to Heero, who was looking rather gruff. "You weren't supposed to be back here for hours yet! What's the deal?" Duo's mind was racing through all the possible scenarios that could have happened in order for Heero to be back from his date so early.

Heero grunted, kept up his brisk stride down the hall and stepped into his room, shutting the door behind him.

Duo, who was not going to die with curiosity all night, opened the door and walked right in after the Wing pilot, watching as Heero removed his black dress shoes and jacket, throwing both onto the floor.

"All right, come on Heero. Spill the beans."

"She tried to have sex with me." Heero said flatly. Duo blinked, rather surprised, and shut the door behind him. This sounded rather interesting.

"Okay...Let me get this straight... You go out on a DATE with Miss. World, she tries to fuck you and you're home EARLY?"

"Is there something wrong with that?" Although Heero sounded rather indifferent, inside he was falling apart. What if Duo thought he was weird? What if Duo suspected where Heero's true feelings were? Was there something seriously wrong with Heero for this? Was it bad that he wasn't sexually attracted to Relena?

"Nah, there's nothing wrong it Heero. I'm just curious, that's all." He paused "I thought you really liked her." Duo carefully made his voice and all body movements neutral.

Heero snorted, sitting down on his bed, hands clasped tightly together. "I like her. She's my friend. I can trust her, she's there when I need her to be...But I can't..." He sounded awfully unsure of his words.

"You can't...fuck her?" Duo asked, sitting down beside Heero, staring at Heero's hands. They were big, rough and tanned; callused probably, just like Duo's were. A man's hands...Duo's heart tightened as he rolled that thought over and over. He had always had a thing for hands. Heero's hands.

"Must you be so crude?" Heero said, unbuttoning his shirt. The thought of him <i>fucking</i> Relena made Heero feel sick. It just wasn't something he ever wanted to think about, or experience.

"I'm not being crude, you tightass. It's what people do, Heero. They FUCK. Call it whatever you like, but it's fucking." Duo nodded decisively, and watched as Heero removed his shirt, exposing his rippled stomach muscles and extremely well defined pecs. Duo's groin tightened simultaneously with his heart, watching as Heero unknowingly teased him. Was it torture to be sitting next to a half-naked Heero? Definitely, Duo thought.

Heero shrugged, tiring of this conversation. There wasn't anymore to be said, he figured. He didn't want Relena like that, no harm done right?

"The point is Duo," Heero moved to unbutton his pants, "That I don't want Relena like that at all." His voice was flat, but his eyes weren't. They were staring right at Duo, making his point as clear as day. Duo nodded dumbly, willing himself not to focus on the button of Heero's pants, which, was now unfastened and leading Duo's thoughts into places that weren't exactly suitable for this situation.

Duo gathered his wits about him, watching as Heero walked over to a chair by the window, which held his normal attire.

"I hate this suit bullshit," Heero growled, happily yanking his pants off. "I much prefer something comfortable and suitable for my needs."

Duo, who was carefully NOT looking Heero's way, nodded in his agreement. "Good thing you won't be going on anymore dates then, right?" Not entirely sure why, Duo felt a small hit of disappointment inside. He felt dumb for it, though. Was he expecting Heero to go on a date with HIM and dress up? Duo and Heero at a black tie affair. Willingly. Together. It just didn't mesh.

"Duo." Heero waved his hand in front of Duo's face, effectively bringing Duo out of his reverie. "You're such a space case sometimes." Heero sighed, picking up his discarded dress shirt and jacket, now that he was comfortably dressed in his black spandex shorts and green tank top.

"Guess I am..." Duo whispered, watching as Heero folded his clothes with preciseness and stored them away. "Sorry.'s kinda late so..."

"Late? Duo, it's not even 10 yet. The day you think 10 is late is the day I kick my computer to the curb."

Duo couldn't help but laugh; purple eyes alight with mischief. "You make a good point, my friend. So what do you say we do something? There's gotta be something to do around here." Duo was hoping that Heero would oblige and spend some time with him. Just doing buddy things. Or even, not-so-buddy things. Lover things?

Duo's heart nearly melted when Heero nodded in his agreement and slipped on his usual pair of white socks. "I know Quatre has several board games around here, and there's always DVD's if nothing else."


Hours later found the two boys engrossed in a game of Scrabble. Duo was currently winning, but only by a small margin. He had no doubt Heero would catch up to him in no time.

Heero, for his part, was playing things very safely. He hadn't made any moves on Duo, despite his silent need to. After he confessed to Duo that him and Relena were a never-has-been, never-will-be deal, he was very tempted to confess something else to his braided partner in crime: his growing affection. And growing it was. Spending time like this together was becoming a full on attack of senses and feelings. Heero wasn't really sure what he was supposed to say anyway. Duo, I think I like you. Duo, you're really sexy? Duo, I think I want to fu--Heero stopped his thoughts, suddenly surprised he let that one surface. Fuck...Duo? Would he like it? Would it be as good as sex was supposed to be?

Would Duo be the one to turn Heero into a melting puddle of hormones? The thought was awfully tempting and Heero so wanted to find out. Despite his normally indifferent or stoic mask he presented, Heero was quite lively. He was a living, breathing mass of sexual frustration. Sexual frustration for Duo, mostly.

"Heero?" Duo gave his partner a light kick from under the table, aiming to get his attention. What he did not expect to get was a small yelp of surprise, nor the barely-there blush that stained Heero's cheeks. Duo chuckled lightly, kicking the boy again. "Caught yah daydreaming, did I?" His voice was smooth and rather seductive "Care to share?"

Heero felt his face burn. He was such an idiot, getting caught like that. "No, Duo, I wouldn't care to share anything. Who says I was daydreaming? Maybe I was plotting your demise." Heero surprised himself at his calm tone. Duo, however, was not one to be fooled so easily.

"Ohh, I see how you're gonna be. Well, I won't worry. I'll get the truth out of you sooner or later. You can't keep secrets from me." He sounded so damn sure of himself that Heero felt slightly panicked. He pushed it aside though, suddenly realizing that they were in the middle of a game again. He had a braided pilot to beat, after all.

"Good luck," Heero snorted, surveying his letters before deciding on a word. As he scored himself up, he felt another light jab to his leg from Duo's foot. When he looked to the other pilot, Duo had a look of innocent arrogance on his face, looking to be completely involved in selecting the word for his turn.

Heero raised a brow and kicked back. They were silent as Duo went for his turn, but he kicked Heero again. And Heero, grinning a bit, kicked back. Duo, barely able to hold in his smirk, glanced up to meet Heero's blue eyes. He paused for a second to enjoy the view of those intense dark blue eyes staring right back at him, before he let his foot kick and push at Heero's own.

Both boys were silent as they continued their board game, feet playing and kicking one another. Duo's grin couldn't be contained and Heero's lips twitched with a smile.

"Hey, what are you two up to?" Came a voice from near them. Duo and Heero instantly stopped their little footsie game, both blushing a bit as if they were caught red-handed with the cookie jar.

"Uh, playing Scrabble! Wanna join us Quat?" Although Duo desperately wanted his "alone" time with Heero, ignoring Quatre would not only be rude, but would eventually lead to suspicion, since Duo always invited someone else to join in on his fun.

Quatre smiled and stepped up behind Duo to survey the game so far. "Ooh," Quatre said appreciatively "Looks pretty intense. I think I'll stay out of it for now, wouldn't want to ruin something as good as this." His eyes held a knowing little glint in them.

Heero, unable to resist, let his foot wander over to Duo's, only this time it wasn't a playful kick or jab. It was a slow stroking motion that was completely deliberate. Duo felt his eyes go wide and his skin burn.

"Ah...Don't be silly Quatre!" Duo knew he had meant to say something complimentary to appease his blond friend, but couldn't concentrate with Heero's foot stroking his leg.

Quatre smiled to himself, but played the sweet oblivious part well. "Nonsense. Besides, I just came here to get some snacks for us. We're watching a movie," the blonde moved into the heart of the kitchen, which was where Duo and Heero were situated just outside of, and rummaged around for goodies. "You're both welcome to join us if you like." Quatre was a bit of a devil inside, despite his rather angelic appearance. He would just love for Duo and Heero to join them in the living room, in the dark, and watch the sexual tension fly. It was slightly amusing to watch as the two tried to be "just friends" when it was obvious to anyone that their feelings ran much deeper.

Duo, not knowing of Quatre's evil intent, thought maybe it would be a good idea. Get away from Heero's very distracting touch and piercing eyes that were currently glued to Duo's. "Uh..." Duo broke their stare and looked at Quatre. "That sounds like fun! Whaddya say Heero?"

Heero was rather disappointed that his playtime with Duo was going to get disturbed, but made no fight in order to not arouse suspicions or questions. He nodded, already cleaning up their game.

"Great! We're watching some old movie, can't remember what it's called. But we're starting in a few minutes so," Quatre gave a slightly devilish look to the pair "Finish up soon." and then he was gone, briskly walking down the hallway and turning the corner that lead into the living space.

"Ooookay..." Duo stood up, brushing down his front. He could still feel the ghostly touches of Heero's foot against his leg.

Heero watched from the corner of his eye as Duo fidgeted and tugged on his braid. The Wing pilot was feeling rather empowered, knowing that their footsie game was the cause of Duo's nervousness. Or at least, he hoped it was. If it was the case, watching this movie would be rather fun.


The movie, for the most part, was entertaining. Certainly not something that would be remembered two days from now, but it was enough. Duo and Heero sat together on the couch, both at separate ends. Trowa had made a small fort with blankets on the floor and Quatre sat beside him, and Wufei was taking up an entire loveseat to himself, lounged on it like a great big cat.

Duo was thankful that Heero kept his space, because he wasn't sure what he would do if Heero decided to sit closely. Jump him, probably. Duo stopped paying attention to the movie halfway through and faded into his thoughts.

When he had heard Heero was finally going on a real date with Relena, his heart sank. He felt crushed and jealous, but knew he had no RIGHT to. So instead, he covered it up and helped Heero prepare for the date, telling him all the things he should do. He was honestly expecting Heero to stay the night with Relena, and that had nearly driven him crazy. Just the thought of those two kissing, touching...Duo closed his eyes tightly. It hurt. He wanted Heero so bad, he thought he would soon implode from the stress of it all. Thankfully, they weren't sharing rooms because that would have surely been his undoing.

Heero, although usually callous to everything and everyone, got along well with his fellow pilots, especially Duo. They had some sort of a bond that couldn't be shaped, labelled or seen. It just was. And Duo felt it, felt it strongly and wanted nothing more than to have Heero in every way possible. It was a grateful shock and surprise when Heero had walked in the door to their safe house hours earlier than anyone expected. He was relieved when Heero had told him nothing happened between himself and Relena.

But now...Heero was being so PLAYFUL with Duo. Playful and Heero weren't usually words Duo would ever put together. But tonight seemed different than the rest. Maybe it was because Heero had decided how he really felt about Relena and was pursuing something he really wanted.

Duo snorted to himself. He couldn't let his hopes get up, now could he? It could simply be that Heero was in a good mood and was just being a normal teenaged boy. It wasn't really all that uncommon for Heero to let loose once in a while. Even hardcore soldiers needed some break time from their duties and stress. But, Duo was curious. Did "normal" teenaged boys act like that? Footsie didn't exactly strike Duo as being something "normal" boys did together for fun.

Suddenly, warm cloth rubbed against Duo's foot and the braided boy looked beside him to see Heero's eyes staring at him, his foot once again rubbing at Duo's leg. Duo mouthed the words "What the hell?" to Heero and Heero merely smirked, the lights from the movie playing on his face.

Duo, feeling a bit hazy from his intense feelings, manoeuvred his body quietly until he could play their footsie game again. They both turned their heads away, pretending to watch the movie, while watching each other from the corner of their eyes. The tension between the two was growing fast and thick, like a weed out of control. And it was not going unnoticed by the other three in the room.

Quatre smirked to himself, feeling the impact of their desires in his heart. It was insanely amusing to watch as the two pretended to not enjoy the others company, pretend not to care, to pretend to watch the movie when they were really watching each other.

Leaning over, Quatre whispered in Trowa's ear, "I give them five minutes."

Trowa grinned at Quatre, nodding his head in agreement. Trowa's green eyes shot to Wufei's, finding the others already there and smirking.

"Five." Wufei mouthed.

The three, in agreement, waited for the real show to take place.

Duo, who was growing tired of their game, sat up slowly and grabbed Heero's socked foot. Heero, although surprised, didn't make a sound. He locked eyes with Duo again.

Carefully, Duo ran his fingers up Heero's bare calf, revelling in the smooth skin. It felt so good to touch Heero.

They were hiding under the guise of playful friendly fun, thus allowing themselves to be comfortable and allowing these small touches. Both wanted each other, but neither knew that. It was safe to pretend this was all for shits and giggles, that this wasn't really something they were starving for. But by god, was Duo enjoying himself.

Once Duo's fingers reached Heero's upper thigh, he suddenly felt overwhelmed. His fingers were burning to reach over and stroke OTHER areas of Heero; his lips were tingling with the imagined feelings of pressing against Heero's skin, Heero's lips. A familiar stirring in his groin brought Duo back to reality and he suddenly dropped his fingers away and scooted himself back from Heero. Duo's eyes were a deep smouldering purple in the dark as they met with Heero's equally dark blue eyes. They stared at each other for what seemed like forever. A smile crept its way across Duo's face, his entire being concentrating on the boy across from him.

Quatre smiled to himself, movie completely forgotten.

Duo stood up, let his eyes linger on Heero, and marched upstairs.

Trowa shared Quatre's smile, keeping his running commentary inside.

Heero followed Duo soon after, catching the braided boy before he could walk into his own room. Instead, Heero whispered into Duo's ear and lead Duo into his room.

Wufei grinned like an idiot. "Good night you two!" he called, snickering to himself.

"Uh, good night 'Fei!!" Came Duo's reply. Heero gave a grunt.

"Sorry you didn't like the movie," Quatre called up as well, barely catching a "sorry!" from Duo before the sound of a door shutting echoed.

"I think we'll be needing ear plugs tonight," Trowa mused. "Duo's loud normally, but it's Heero I'm afraid of."


"Heero..." Duo was pressed against the door of Heero's room, Heero's lips assaulting his neck. They couldn't contain their feelings any longer, and the second that door had shut lips mashed together in a heated storm of hormones and repressed desires. Duo let his hands wander across Heero's muscled back and found himself getting more and more aroused by the second.

Quietly, Heero gave a tiny moan as he licked Duo's throat, his whole body humming. He felt light headed and grounded at the same time. This feeling of intoxication was amazing. Duo, Heero surmised, was a natural drug. He made Heero feel dizzy with excitement and hyper with affection.

"Heero..." Duo repeated, shoving the boy away. He stared into the hazy blue eyes and kissed his partner hard, slipping his tongue easily into Heero's moist mouth. They moaned into each other, stumbling backwards and barely catching themselves before they fell.

Arms wrapped around each other, bodies pressed together, they made their small trek to Heero's bed. They let their mouths part no longer than necessary, keeping themselves glued to each other. Heero's hand was firmly wrapped around Duo's braid, feeling rather possessive of his friend.

They managed to make it to the bed in one piece, both tumbling onto it. Duo landed atop of Heero and wasted no time in taking advantage of his position. Trailing a line of fiery kisses from Heero's jaw to his collarbone nearly made the other boy sob with the onslaught of intense feelings. Heero's heart was clenching, warmth was spreading throughout his entire body. Every tip of his hair was warm, even right down to his toes he felt enveloped in desire. His gut was twisting, hips grinding, eyes closed and senses turned on high. Duo hands seemed to be everywhere, up his shirt, over his legs, down his arms, in his hair, over his crotch...

Heero's eyes snapped open when Duo's hand rubbed at Heero's spandex encased erection, making the Wing pilot moan loudly and thrust his hips. "God...Duo..." Heero couldn't find the words to say what he was feeling.

"I want you," Duo breathed into Heero's ear, taking the lobe into his mouth and sucking. Heero shuddered and moaned, feeling his whole body ignite like flames being doused with gasoline.

Heero turned his head and caught Duo's mouth in another searing kiss. It ripped open their inner walls and completely shattered any feeling of resistance that could be lingering inside their minds. Nothing mattered now except getting to that most intimate spot with each other.

Vaguely, in the back of his lust-filled mind, Heero realized THIS was how he should have been feeling with Relena. And yet here he was, feeling it with Duo. Feeling it so intensely he thought his insides would melt.

Kissing hotly, Heero manoeuvred himself so that he was straddling Duo, clutching that long braid in one hand while his other explored the smooth mass of Duo's chest, copper colored nipples included.

Duo squirmed under Heero's touch, feeling for the entire world like a match that had been lit and was soon going to burn the hand that held it. "Heero," Duo breathed, "I don't want to wait." He wasn't sure how to word it himself, but he hoped Heero got the message.

"Waiting? Who said I was waiting?" came Heero's smirking voice, tongue lashing out to smooth along Duo's lips. Duo writhed beneath Heero, kissing frantically. Rushing hands removed all clothing within seconds, neither wishing to waste a second apart longer than needed. When Heero pressed his sweating body against Duo's, it caused both boys to moan loudly, the feeling of flesh on flesh was something no simulation could reproduce.

Heero moved quickly, trailing his lips down Duo's chest, torso, and stopping to lap at Duo's bellybutton, causing the braided pilot to squeal tightly. Heero moved down lower yet and licked up the side of Duo's cock, which was standing at full. Heero inhaled deeply, smelling the musk that was purely Duo. Another lick, another moan from Duo. Heero found he enjoyed that sound and thus went about licking and sucking in order to get more of those sounds he enjoyed.

Duo felt ready to explode from every part of his body. Getting a blowjob was one thing; getting a blowjob from someone you loved was a complete other. "Heero..." Duo whined, tongue peeking out to wet dry lips. "You're waiting..." He accused, wishing he had the strength to glare. In fact, all Duo could do was writhe on the bed and push Heero down some more. He fisted his hands in Heero's thick mop of hair, delighted when a warm mouth encased his straining cock. "Ohhh god..."

Heero, for his part, was feeling the effects of Duo's moans, the smell of Duo and the entire situation itself. It made his blood boil; made him hot all over. He let a hand down to stroke himself while he sucked Duo, careful not to let Duo reach his pinnacle. No, Heero was pure evil and intended to make Duo wait as long as possible.

With that in mind, Heero raised his head, despite the hand in his hair pushing him back down. Ignoring the whimpers sent his way, Heero gently pushed apart Duo's legs, trailing kisses, nips, and licks up the smooth thighs that Duo possessed. Heero fondled Duo's balls, licking and sucking lightly, while his finger sought out the tight entrance he was searching for. When his finger brushed over the small hole, Duo's entire body tightened. Just the mere thought of Heero touching him there, impaling him, left Duo breathless and incredibly aroused, even more so than he already was.

"Heero, damnit! Let me come and stop torturing me!"

"Stop whining or I'll never let you come." That shut Duo up, as he was in no mood to argue. He instead helped Heero along, lifting his legs with his knees into his chest, feeling a warm tongue lick at his ass. Duo was screaming by this point, practically sobbing for Heero to hurry up. Heero had decided enough was enough, and even he himself couldn't keep this up for much longer.

Since they were in Heero's room, the boy stretched himself out over Duo's body, reaching for his nightstand where he knew that small tube of lube was waiting ever so patiently. Duo's eyebrow shot up.

"You keep that with you? Are you fucking without my knowledge?"

Heero snorted. "Haven't you ever noticed how much better masturbation feels with lube?"

Duo didn't have a response, as Heero was already probing with a finger. It was cool at first but became warm and smooth in seconds. Duo, although very excited, was relaxed and concentrated on keeping himself that way. Heero only took a few minutes of preparing before both boys were nearing combustion point at mach speed.

Rubbing on some cold lube, Heero positioned himself at Duo's opening and began to push inside slowly. Duo groaned low, one hand flinging into his hair to wipe his bangs out of his face. There were no words to describe how it felt to be entered by Heero Yuy himself. It was a dream come true for Duo, literally.

Duo lowered his legs so that they rested on Heero's shoulders and took a hold of his cock. They found a pace that was fast and furious, both hell bent on getting their release. There were no words exchanged, only grunts, moans and pants as they rocked together like an incoming tidal wave.

Heero looked down at Duo and found the boys face, sweating and flushed, far too attractive for his own good. Savagely, he claimed Duo's lips in a kiss, feeling the others tongue sweep into his mouth. That proved to be his undoing, as Heero exploded into Duo's body, his loud cries drowned out in Duo's mouth.

Feeling and hearing Heero orgasm above him was far too erotic for Duo to withstand, and he pumped himself viciously, coming in hot spurts all over his stomach and hand. He broke his mouth away from Heero's to cry out loudly, head thrown back into the soft pillow beneath it. Their bodies shuddered, twisted and tensed together, both lost in their own worlds.

Seconds later, it was back to reality for the two boys, lying spent and sated on Heero's bed. The Wing pilot pulled out of Duo, watching his semen drip out of Duo's ass and onto the sheets below. He groaned at the sight, flopping down beside Duo.

Duo felt a bit uncomfortable, but ignored it and draped an arm over his eyes. "Fuck," Duo breathed loudly, chest still heaving. "We gotta do that again."

Heero chuckled, plucking Duo's arm off his eyes. "Definitely." Was the reply, and a thousand small kissed were rained down on Duo's face. Duo felt himself melt under the affection and smiled up at Heero. They shared a lazy, wet kiss, tongues lapping at each other and lips smacking apart.

It was quiet in the room for a few minutes, Heero and Duo both slipping into a comfortable and relaxed state. They heard movement downstairs and guessed the other three hadn't gone to bed yet.

"Think we were too loud?" Duo asked quietly, as Heero curled into him.

"Probably," was the reply.

"They enjoyed it, I know they did." Duo chuckled, before yawning and stroking Heero's tousled hair. "Heero? Are you asleep?"

He got no reply, only the quiet night air and the warmth of Heero's breath on his chest.

"Sweet dreams," Duo whispered, closing his own eyes and following Heero into a restful sleep.