Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Operation: Christmas ❯ December 23rd ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
LSE // 12-14-02
(Operation: Christmas - Chapter One: December 23rd)
rated: PG13 - adult language, content, sexual references

December 23rd

"I'm not lost."

"Duo, I think you are."

"This is unacceptable."

"Is that the same tree we just passed?"

"Who can tell? They all look the same."

Duo tightened his grip on the wheel and successfully suppressed the
urge to simply take the car off the nearest cliff. Not that he could
find a cliff in this middle of the God-forsaken forest he seemed to
have plunged deeply into.

"I am not lost," he repeated, looking sideways to the now silent
passenger beside him and three in the back.

"Does anyone have a map?" Quatre asked from his place wedged between
Wufei and Trowa.

"If we had a map we wouldn't be lost," Wufei snapped irritably, quite
fed up with being squished and having to listen to Duo's random bursts
of warbled singing for the past three hours.

Aqua hues quavered and slowly filled with tears, liquifying as they
shimmered in an angelic look of hurt.

"Wufei, are you making Quatre cry again?" the driver demanded, feeling
very much like any holiday driving-dad with a back seat full of
impatient, cranky children. Only all of his cranky children had
semi-automatic hand guns.

"Don't make me sing another round of Jingle Bells!" Duo threatened.

"By Nataku, anything but THAT," the Chinese boy muttered, eliciting
an amused grunt from Heero and a tearful smile from the small blonde
at his side. "My apologies for irresponsibly speaking harshly," Wufei
intoned, dark eyes glancing sideways.

A beaming smile replaced the tearful pout and Quatre warmly embraced
the other boy as well as he could given the restraints of space and
seat belts. He was the only one wearing a seat belt besides Trowa,
who wasn't able to resist the small blonde's pleading aqua eyes when
they were turned on full force.

"Forgiven!" Quatre exclaimed with a grin.

Duo suddenly burst into song, using the tune of Jingle Bells,
"Driving through the snow, looking for the road..."

"Those aren't even the right words!"

"I am a creative genius, don't deny my talent,"Duo retorted, belting
an impromptu chorus: "Deathscythe's pilot, Deathscythe's pilot is
freaking sexy. He drives the car because he can, while everyone--"

"DUO!" bellowed Wufei, Trowa and Heero and the same time. More
precisely, Heero shouted 'baka' and Trowa merely spoke forcefully,
but Wufei, at least, shouted. So, same affect.

The braided pilot laughed, turning his head to grin at them all,
"What, don't like my song?"

"Duo! Look OUT!" Quatre suddenly shrieked, pointing forward as a tree
burst out into view, directly in the path of the vehicle

Tires squealed as the five pilots each began shouting. Duo, yelling
un-repeatable profanity, applied the brakes and tried to keep control
of the car. Heero, mostly shouting incomprehensible profanity in his
native Japanese, alternately cursed Duo, the snow and the tree.

Quatre and Wufei also reverted to their native tongues, the former
offering a prayer to Allah and the latter joining the front seat in
non-repeatable swearing. For his part, Trowa simply stated the
obvious: "Tree!"

Despite Duo's best efforts, the car compacted squarely into the
imposing oak. With the exception of the two seat belt-wearing boys,
the occupants were flung forward upon impact. The inside of the car
was a glorious explosion of chaos for several minutes until foreign
curses faded to a palpable silence.

"Dame," Heero growled, "not good."

"Is everyone alright?" Quatre asked, rubbing his middle where the
tough belt had painfully constricted. Compared to Heero, who was
mostly on the dash and Wufei, all but squashed into the back of Duo's
seat, his mild discomfort wasn't an injury.

"Operational," Heero replied immediately.

Duo let out a short laugh, "Thank you, Mister Robot."

"I am not a robot."

"Are so."

Wufei lifted his head slightly and then thunked it solidly to the
seat back, "Stop arguing, weaklings!"

"I am fine," Trowa said softly, but no one was listening.

"If you would stop molesting the back of my seat--" Duo began.

"Molest? You unhonorable--"

"If you had not crashed our transportation..."

"So it's my fault?" Duo cried, one hand dramatically pressed to the
cross he wore in mock rejection.

"YES!" all four of the others shouted. Even Trowa.

Silence reigned as Duo, Wufei and Heero nursed their mild wounds and
sulked. "We shouldn't stay in the car. It might explode," Quatre
offered, uneasily watching the one stoic and three angry pilots.

After a heated battle involving much Chinese profanity, Wufei all but
blew the car door off its hinges. Trowa and Heero, whose doors hasn't
been nearly as crumpled, easily piled out of the car and into the
snow. A fierce blizzard loomed, sending drifts of snow through the
gaps in the trees. At least two feet of snow was already piled on the
forest floor.

The driver side door would most likely never be opened again, forcing
Duo to crawl out the other side.

"Maybe there is a Motel 6 somewhere nearby," Duo mused once everyone
had extracted themselves from the wrecked smush of metal formerly
known as a car.

Heero righteously smacked him over the head.

------------------------------------------------------------ ----------

"I refuse to acknowledge the fact that at some point in your life you
actually had a sense of direction!"

"Calm down, Wu. have an excellent sense of direction," Duo suddenly
stopped walking and grandly pointed off ahead and to the right with a
mischievous sparkle in his eyes. "I happen to know thee is a place to
stay right over... there!" he proclaimed, shifting his point to a
little further ahead and less to the right.

Silence met this announcement. Suddenly, the five all started talking
at once.

Duo: "There could be! You never know!"

Heero: "Mission parameter clearly state we were to pass through this
area and stay two nights in a pre-determined and safe location."

Wufei: "Why again is Maxwell leading?"

Quatre: "There is no need to yell..."

Trowa: "Actually, there is a house over there."


Trowa gestured to the same place Duo had, "There is a house in that
direction. Can't you see it?" Trowa, his eyes much more finely tuned
to picking out shapes in misty weather, could see the outline of a
building right where Duo had pointed.

"Victory!" shouted Duo, taking off running.

"Baka!" shrieked Heero as he gave chase, shouting about endangering
the mission and wandering blindly into possible hostile territory.

The "house" was in fact a gloriously ornate, slightly gothic, mansion
towering out of the snowy mists as if conjured by magic. A tall
turreted tower rose out of the east wing, and the whole front was
surrounded by a wooden wrap-around porch.

"Oh, it's beautiful," Quatre breathed, shifting his pack up higher on
his shoulders and walking up the steps.

"It's...broken," Duo protested, looking not at the charming decor but
at the missing windows and what little bits of the interior he could
see through them.

"Nonsense, it has a noble sense of romance and charm!"

"It looks ready to collapse and kill us all."

Quatre stood before the door, holding his arms open wide. "It is
perfectly safe!"

The others, clustered together on the solid ground, warily eyed the
rotten porch floor. True, it held Quatre's weight, but that said very
little about it's safety. Suddenly, Trowa shuffled forward and went
to stand by Quatre. The wood groaned but held, gradually causing the
remaining pilots to reluctantly join the pair.

"See? Perfectly safe!" Quatre pushed the heavy doors open (with a
little assistance from Trowa) and proudly crossed the threshold.

Snap, crash!

Stepping on the one weak floorboard of the whole hallway, Quatre let
out a surprised shriek as he fell through the floor to his knee.

"Yup, perfectly safe," Duo muttered as Trowa and Heero helped free
the small blonde.

"I think I broke my ankle!" Quatre wailed.

"Hundred and ten percent safe."

"Oh, gah, the pain!"

"Yes sirree, safe, safe, safe."

"It's swelling! I think it's really broken!"

"Safe, safe, safe."

"My ankle!"

"If you are unoperational, perhaps it is best to eliminate..." Heero
began to say, stroking the gun at his side.

"We are NOT shooting Quatre like a horse!" Trowa said with surprising
force, helping the limping boy into the nearest chair.

"Yes, please let's not shoot Quatre," agreed the small Arabian.

Heero merely shrugged, "Acceptable for now. I will recalculate the
mission and send a report to our contacts. Trowa, you and Quatre
organize and inventory supplies. Wufei, secure the grounds. Duo,
secure the house."

The five shed their respective packs, with the exception of Quatre
who had already had his taken off, and the gear was piled before Trowa
and Quatre for inventory and organization.

"I can't believe that damned thing survived," Duo said disdainfully,
watching Heero as the ever-present laptop was freed from his pack.
Wufei rolled his eyes and, taking out his gun, went back out into the
snow to patrol the area.

"Be grateful it is functional, or else we would be stuck here even
longer. As it is..." the words died as Heero's lips as, with a flash,
snap, crackle and pop, a rush of smoke rose from the laptop.

"It's dead! Praise to the highest, it's dead!" Duo gleefully shouted,
narrowingly avoiding a back-handed blow from an un-amused Heero. "Aw,
don't cry Heero. Your laptop has gone to a better place."

"Fortunately, I carry spare parts for such repairs."

"Oh, good, so you won't have to steal them off me!"

Heero blinked owlishly, completing missing the reference to the time
he took parts from Deathscythe to repair Wing.

Instead, he asked very seriously, "You have a laptop?"

--------------------------------------------------------- -------------

The house had three stories, plus the four-story tall tower, but after
Duo had checked all the rooms upstairs, no one felt like venturing
back up there. For one there was no electricity, and the floors has a
nasty habit of creaking and threatening to collapse completely.

The ground floor consisted of a massive kitchen, entry hall, formal
living room, formal and informal parlors and a room which no one quite
knew the purpose or function of. Since it had no windows and was the
warmest, they chose the mystery room to sleep in.

Sleeping in separate rooms, as Heero put it, would only allow the
enemy to kill them all without the others even knowing. Duo pointed
out the unlikelihood that a squad of Oz soldiers would suddenly
suspect the gimpy-house, as he called it, of harboring Gundam pilots,
but Heero was firm.

That first night they all settled down on their sleeping rolls and
commence a heavy glaring contest. Heero glared at the broken remains
of his laptop and his suddenly-empty repair kit, which lacked any of
the required parts but was abundant in candy bars. This fact made him
glare at Duo, but everyone was glaring at Duo for getting them lost
in the first place, and every pack seemed to be missing something in
favor of sweets.

"You guys!" Duo finally whined, "How was I suppose to know Heero
would need laptop parts? How was I suppose to know that Wufei really
needed a second pair of shoes? How was I suppose to know that was your
sweater, Trowa. It looked like one of mine! And, Quatre, no one on
earth needs THAT much lube!"

"...Duo!" Quatre cried, turning crimson. He buried his face in his
hands to keep himself from strangling Duo.

"My point is, tomorrow is Christmas Eve. Shouldn't we try to
celebrate as best we can?"

"The mission..."

Duo cut Heero off, "Screw the mission, man! What's the difference
between staying three nights here and three nights in some other safe
house. It's close enough, isn't it?" Seeing Heero was convinced, he
hurried on, "It's the Holidays, Hee-chan!" Duo stopped talking long
enough to dodge the flying laptop-projectile missile before turning
his attention to the others, "Come on, tell the Perfect Soldier

"For the love of all that is holy, will you shut up if we agree with
you?" Wufei snapped.

Duo looked thoughtful for a few moments, "Yes."

"Then, we will celebrate this 'Christmas' of yours here," Wufei
looked to the others for their opinions.

Quatre shrugged, "The way the snow is coming down, we'll end up
snowed in. It would best just to stay here."

"Great!" Duo beamed, "Tomorrow I'll get us a tree! Everyone, let's
sing! Bingle Jells, Bingle Jells, the singer must be drunk! He-"



< br> Author's Notes: This story is going to be three chapters long, this
being the first chapter ^_^ Expect similar content: silly, romantic
fluff and comedic happenings abound! A departure from what I've been
writing, all this serious angst, and a welcome break. The last time I
used the G-boys for humor was back when I wrote "Confectionery
Lingerie" and "Rapunzel," which was one giant gag.
...poor Trowa.

Feedback/reviews are very much appreciated!
copyright 2002 - Gundam Wing and characters copyright other people.
Email me to join my Update ML!
LSE - Violet Nyte (
shameless plug - visit my website for cool "shtuff"