Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Operation Fresh Start ❯ Pt. 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Operation Fresh Start pt. 2/?

Author: DamnVespa

Pairings: 1x2x1, and others.

Notes: Ummm…it's another messing with the GW world fic of mine. *grins* Also, if you want to archive, please ask…trust me I'll say yes *grins*

Warnings: There will be some deaths but not the major characters *grins* Other than that there is angst, romance, action/adventure, drama…etc…

Category: Umm..probably action/adventure

Archives:, 1x2ml, DHML, Gundam Wing Universe

Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters, but the story's mine….

The pilots arrived at the space station housing the scientists and docked with it. When they got out into the space station they realized there was no one around. A feeling of unease swept through them and they took out their weapons for protection. They left the docking bay with Heero and Duo in the lead, Quatre in the middle and Trowa and Wufei at the rear. As they walked through the station, their unease grew when they realized that no one was there. They looked for signs of Oz but so far they had found nothing. They walked into the main computer room and tried to find any recordings on what possible could have happened.

Heero had just touched the keyboard when Dr. J's image flashed onto the screen.

"I'm sorry boys." Was all he said before a sleeping gas was filtered into the room. The pilots made a run for the door but they found it was locked. Quatre was the first to fall with Trowa and Wufei right behind him. Duo and Heero held out the longest by holding their breath, but they needed air soon. Duo was the first to take a breath then Heero. They were all asleep with in minutes.

Once the scientists were sure the pilots were asleep they filtered out the sleeping agent and went into the room. Each scientist picked up their protégé and walked out the door and to the opposite side of the station. Docked in the bay, there was a ship. It was revolutionary by design and bigger than any space ship made yet. The scientists took the five pilots inside and to a storage bay deep in the hull. When they entered the room cryogenic tanks surrounded them. The scientists found the right cryogenic tanks and placed their protégés in them. They stripped each pilot down to their boxers and placed their clothing on the floor. When everything was completed they closed the tanks and froze them.

"Well, it's done. Now for the final phase." Dr. J said.

"Do you think this is the best course of action?" Master O asked.

"I believe so. Operation Fresh Start will be what saves us, in a matter of speaking." Dr. J said, "This world has become too out of control. This needs to be done. Let's get the final preparations done. We don't have much time before Oz and Romefeller finds us."

The other scientists left the room. Leaving the five pilots frozen, waiting to be awakened again. The Gundams were stored in one of the bays in the huge ship. Once the scientist's got the course heading and set the time for the pilots to wake up in to the computer on the ship they left. Once secure in the space station, Dr. G hit a button and the ship took off on it's set course.

"Moving on to the final phase. May God have mercy on our souls."

Heero was the first to awaken from the sleep. He slowly got up and winced at the pounding headache he had. He realized he was only wearing boxers and when he looked for the other pilots he found them similarly dressed. Then he looked at the whole room and gasped. There were a couple thousand tanks around the room. He couldn't really tell if there were anyone else inside those tanks. He realized besides the five that were open, two others had been opened as well. He gasped when he recognized Treize Khushrenada and Zechs Merquise. He reached for his weapon belatedly realizing he still was only in boxers.

The others finally noticed the other two men and each got into a battle stance. Duo was the first to really recover, "I thought you two were dead."

Treize and Zechs looked just as shocked as the pilots.

"Dead. Why would we be dead. The last thing I remember was eating dinner with the dear Lady Une and the next I'm here."

"Same as me, except I was in a shuttle heading for a base with Noin. Why are we here?"

The pilots looked just as confused and Duo was going to respond when there was a loud beeping then Dr. J's voice.

"As of now you seven must be awake. I will explain all of this once you get to the bridge. There is a computer screen near the door with the map of the ship on it. You're clothing is stashed on the floor next to your tanks."

The seven of them got dressed and looked at the map. When they saw the layout of the ship they were surprised. Duo whistled "Wow, I've never seen a ship this big before."

They found the bridge on the map easily and then left the bay. They walked through a lot of halls and went up in elevators before finally coming to the bridge. When they got there, the front view screen clicked on and the five scientist's were standing there.

"Hello and welcome to your new ship, The Phoenix. Hopefully out of the ashes we make will the new beginning be better. Our plan originally was to freeze the top members of Oz and end the war sooner, but as you can see it did not work. The war just kept getting worse and that's when our back up plan came into effect. The plan was called Operation Fresh Start. We built a ship that could house up to 2,000 people and to go into the far reaches of space. In hopes to build a better life for humans there. Our world is out of control. Right now you should be passing Jupiter and that means this message is at least three hours old. So what we do next can never be undone. We will show you what we have done, but please understand that we did this for the better good."

Then the video cut to what looked to be like a remote picture from a satellite. They could see Earth and the colonies clearly in the sea of stars. Then there was a bright yellow light from the center of the picture and it traveled to the Earth. It hit the Earth and at first it did nothing but then Earth burned a bright red before exploding outward. They could see a series of explosions that could only be the colonies. Then the shockwave hit the camera and the picture cut out.

The seven boys stood there in shock for a few minutes but then as one they screamed, "NOOOOOOOOOOO!"

The Earth and Colonies were no more.


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