Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Operation K.I.R.A.S. ❯ Missions and Arrival ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I no own ANY characters from the show but the others are MINE! My friend got this idea while we were watching the movie `The Pacifier” So I Wrote it basing it on “The Pacifier” movie! Now on with the story!
Gundam Wing
Operation K.I.R.A.S.
Heero Yuy sat on the plane waiting for it to land at the airport. He was heading for a new mission, known as “Operation K.I.R.A.S.”
What the K. I. R. A. S. stood for he didn't know but Dr J said it would be, well…. `Very difficult and different'
Dr J also told him that he was the missions' last hope because NONE of the other Gundam pilots would accept the mission, so he agreed.
Heero also knew he would be briefed on the mission once he arrived. Little did Heero know that this mission would change his life forever?
Heero stepped off the plane to be greeted by some earth government agents. “Heero Yuy, I presume,” said the large man with sunglasses in a black tie and tuxedo with a white shirt.
Heero nodded as the two government agents, who were some of the very few against the OZ agency, shuffled him towards a taxi car.
“ I am Seiichi,” said the man “and this is my partner Miya” “Hello Mr. Yuy” The woman said. She also had on a black skirt and jacket with a white shirt and sunglasses with her dark hair pulled up in a tight bun.
“Are you ready to receive your mission information?” asked Miya holding up vanilla folders, and passing it to Heero.
“The mission is to protect these people from the OZ agency because one of them may no the code to top secret information that could make one of them very valuable, and OZ wants to get their grubby little hands on them.” Miya informed him.
Heero opened the top vanilla folder and looked at the documents quickly changing them opening them then glancing at the pictures of the people he was supposed to protect.
Now he knew why the others would not take this `mission' these people he was supposed to protect were CHILDREN!!!! Ages ranging from 12 to 2!
Before he could protest the Taxi stopped and he was being shoved out with his suitcases being chucked at him.
“WAIT FOR ME!” An older woman shouted caring a suite case in one arm and a baby boy in the other, “I CANT STAND THESE LITTLE DEMONS ANY MORE!”
The taxi stopped again as the older woman shoved the baby boy into Heero's arms saying, “God be with you boy,” as she leapt into the taxi, which sped off even before the older woman shut her door.
Heero heard yelling, screaming, and crying coming from the open door as the little boy in his arms face scrunch up letting out an ear-shattering shriek!
The shriek caused Heero to cringe and hold the little boy as far away from him as possible!
The front window then shattered with an older and younger boy stood on the inside staring wide eyed they then noticed Heero.
The two quickly pointed at one another and shouting in unison “HE DID IT!?!?!”
There's this chapter! What did you think? Please review and please no flames!