Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Operation Love ❯ Prologue

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


"Ahem." Duo coughed into his balled up fist, and tapped the wooden hammer lightly against the table. "The meeting will now come into session."
Three heads turned toward the Deathscythe Hell pilot. Quatre waited patiently with a pencil poised over a clean sheet of notebook paper. Trowa turned on the tape recorder and Wufei leafed through his ledger, calculating totals.
Duo coughed once more for effect and turned to Wufei. "Wufei," he said, "the total amount of money so far please?"
"Thirty-four dollars and twenty-nine cents."
Duo rubbed his chin and looked at the ceiling thoughtfully. "Hm. I'm not sure if that's enough to get Heero and Relena through a main dish and dessert."
Duo turned to his other comrades. "You guys got any dough on you? I'm fresh out. Used it up in the arcade."
Quatre grudingly tossed in a five dollar bill. He was planning to use that for a new rosin for his violin bow. Trowa tossed in a nickel. He never carried money around him anyway. Duo looked expectantly at Wufei.
"I-I haven't got any money. . ." Wufei trailed off, face red. He was a horrible liar.
Duo's face scrunched up in a frown. "Aw, come on, Wufei! Just another five dollar bill and we'll be finished!"
Duo sighed, barely flinching as a sword was held up to his throat. He pushed the blade away with his forefinger and spun around in his swivel chair. "I've TOLD you practically a HUNDRED times, Wufei. We are trying to hitch Relena and Heero together."
Wufei's ears trailed smoke, but he sat down and sheathed his sword. He took out the five dollars and looked at it. "You want it?"
Duo held out his hand. "Yea. . . I want it."
Wufei put it in front of Duo's outstretched hand. Duo snatched at it but Wufei was too quick for him. They went at it again, but still Wufei was too fast for the other pilot. It was too much for Duo. He was desperate. He WANTED to get Heero and Relena together.
Screaming, Duo jumped up on the table. Trowa and Quatre sweatdropped and Wufei dove under the table.
"GIMME THE FIVE DOLLARS, PIG-TAIL BOY!!!!!!" Duo gave out a Tarzan war cry and somersaulted in the air. He landed deftly on the carpet and jumped after Wufei. Wufei managed to put a chair before him so that Duo's head collided with that. An egg of a whopper bump appeared on Duo's head, but Duo quickly shook it away. He gave another war cry and ran after Wufei. Together, Duo chasing Wufei, they ran around the room in circles, Trowa and Quatre watching the whole melee. They shook their heads and almost got up to leave, until they heard Duo shout in victory.
"YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!" Duo did some disco moves and walked triumphantly to the table and slapped down the five dollar bill. Wufei, however, was in the corner of the room, down on the floor, red and lumpy. Duo had used the Chinese boy as his temporary punching bag and finally, Wufei had surrendered the five dollar bill.
Duo smiled broadly and shoved the money into an envelope. "Ok," he said, sitting back down again, "we are all prepared, correct?"
Trowa and Quatre nodded. Wufei returned to his chair, pouting and silent.
"So what's the next subject?" Duo turned his swivel chair toward Quatre. "Secretary?"
"Hmm," Quatre mumured as he looked back at previous pages in his notebook. "Ah, here it is. Place to where Heero and Relena should go eat."
The others were silent, thinking. Then, suddenly, Duo clapped his hands. "I've got it!!!" he shouted. "MCDONALDS!!!!!" He waited for the compliments and the applause.
Endless silence. Crickets were heard in the distance. Duo sweatdropped. "Uhh, don't you think that's a good place to go to?"
"NOOOOO!!!!!" Tomatoes were thrown at the pilot and Duo ducked under the table.
"JEEZ!!" he shouted, his voice a bit muffled. "It was only a SUGGESTION!!!!!"
Duo came back up and sat back down. "So, any better ideas?"
"How about that sushi place in the downtown area?" Trowa suggested. "That place has good fish. I went down there with Catherine one time."
Duo pointed at Quatre. "Write that down. Any other ideas?"
"There's an Italian restaurant around here also," Quatre commented. "The prices are a bit high, but then again, Heero and Relena aren't big eaters like SOME people." Quatre gave a suggestive glance at Duo.
Duo gave a death glare at the blonde pilot and stuck out his tongue. "Write it down," he said. "Wufei? Any ideas?"
"Taco Bell," the pilot replied curtly. Instantly, tomatoes were thrown at him. "HEY!!!!! WATCHIT!!!!!" Wufei shouted, trying to dodge the over ripe fruits.
SMACK! A soggy tomatoe slapped onto his face, the watery clear-red juice, running down Wufei's spotless white clothes and the meat of the fruit falling inside his clothes.
"AAAAHHHHH!!!!!" Wufei exploded and ran out of the room to change his clothes. "DAMN BASTARDS YOU ARE!!!!!!" he shouted as he ran down the hallway.
Duo shrugged. "He'll come back, don't worry. But anyways, I vote for the sushi place. Heero is Japanese and Relena likes fish."
Quatre nodded his head. "Agreed."
Trowa looked at Duo with an expression in his eyes that said, I'll go with anything for the time being.
"I'll take that as a 'yes.' " Duo gestured to Quatre who was already writing down the vote.
"What about dessert?" Duo asked.
All three of them said, "Baskin Robins!" There was no question about it. Ice cream after a romantic date was the key factor.

The next morning. . .
Heero woke up to the sound of Duo arguing with Wufei about who spilled the tea. Heero sat up and stretched. He scratched his back and noticed that he didn't have a shirt on. Then he remembered that yesterday night had been extremely humid so he had put on his black shorts (not spandex) and left his white night shirt on the floor.
Getting out of bed, Heero walked toward his closet. He debated over what he was going to wear. He settled for some jeans and a white collared shirt. Heero got dressed and sat down in his black swivel chair to tie his shoelaces. As Heero reached for one of his tennis shoes, he noticed a note on the keyboard of his computer.
"Nani?" Heero murmured as he opened it.
This is what it said:
Meet me tonight at seven thirty at the Japanese Restaurant on
3rd Avenue. I have important things to discuss with you. Come
alone. I have to talk to you about a new mission. Dress nicely.
Don't look too cautious.
- Dr. J

"Dr. J wants to see me?" Heero muttered as he reread the note. "I thought he was out in the colonies." Heero shrugged. "Hmph. He probably took one of those express shuttles or something." Heero crumbled the note and tossed it into the trashcan. He finished tying his shoe laces and went downstairs to catch some breakfast.
"Morning Heero!" Duo said as he slapped a pancake onto the Perfect Soldier's plate. "What's up? The guys and me are going out bowling tonight, you wanna come?"
Heero shook his head and he drank some milk. "No thanks. I have to go and meet Dr. J tonight at a restaurant tonight." Heero got up and went into the kitchen to go get some butter.
Duo looked at Quatre and winked. Quatre smiled and gave the thumbs-up sign to Trowa. And Trowa raised his eyebrows suggestively at Wufei who rolled his eyes. He lost at least fifteen dollars out of this whole fiasco.

Over on the other side of town. . .
Relena quietly entered her bedroom. She had just taken a shower and felt clean and refreshed. She had changed into a tanktop and blue shorts and was now ready about to apply some nail polish on her fingernails.
"Hm?" Relena said in surprise as she saw a note on top of her desk. "Nani?"
Relena unfolded the piece of paper. "I wonder how this got here?"
This is what it said:
Relena -
Please meet me tonight at seven thirty at that Japanese
Restaurant on 3rd Avenue. I have to talk to you about
something important. Dress nicely and please, come alone.
This is confedential information we are talking about.
Until then,
"Now what on earth is so 'confedential' that we have to talk about tonight?" Relena wondered out loud as she put the note away. "Strange. He could have just called."
Relena ditched the idea of painting her fingernails and went downstairs. She was greeted by Dorothy and Lucrezia Noin who were visiting.
"Hi Relena," Lucrezia said, pouring her a cup of coffee. "Any plans today?"
"Not much. Just going out to some restaurant to meet my brother tonight," Relena said as she accepted the cup of coffee.
"Oh?" Dorothy said and she shot a glance at Noin. They were both in the club of trying to get Relena and Heero together only they didn't attend the meetings. They did the note passing and the set ups.
Relena didn't notice the glance and neither did she notice the wink Lucrezia shot back at Dorothy.

That night. . .
Knock knock.
Heero looked behind him at the closed door. "Come in," he said loudly.
Duo, Trowa, Quatre, and Wufei entered. They were in their bowling clothes and Heero almost started laughing at the sight. The four pilots were in red and white striped short-sleeved polo shirts with dark red shorts. They wore white knee socks lined with red and red and gold shoes.
"Uh," Duo started.
"We were thinking about assisting you in your choice of clothes for tonight," Quatre finished.
"Yea," mumbled Trowa and Wufei.
"I was just going to go as I am," Heero said, looking down at his clothes.
"NOOOOOOO!!!!" the others shouted and shoved Heero onto the bed.
"Please," they said, smiling, "let us choose the attire!"
Heero stared at them as the four rampaged his closet and dragged out a dark blue shirt with a wide collar and black slacks. Quatre managed to find some nice black shoes underneath the bed.
"THIS," the four emphasized, "is what you are gonna wear."
Heero looked at it and and then at his own clothes. "What's wro--"
"JUST WEAR IT!!!" Heero was pratically thrown into the wall.
"Ok, jeez," Heero muttered, rubbing the back of his head. "I'll wear it. Now go away."
"Wait." Duo took out an envelope and tossed it at Heero. "Here, it's money. You neve know when ya need it."
The four filed out and said goodbye; they had to go bowling.
Heero dressed in the clothes the pilots had chosen for him and looked himself over in the mirror. Everything looked all right.
Heero checked everything to make sure he had everything and then went outside. He went downstairs to the garage and turned on the light. There was his black BMW. Quatre had generously bought each of the four pilots a car for transporation usages.
Heero was about to turn on the engine when he suddenly remembered something. He opened the glove compartment and looked inside. There was his gun. Couldn't go without it. Smirking one of those rare smiles, Heero turned on the engine, moved the clutch and was roaring down the street in a few minutes.

At Relena's place. . .
"He said dress nicely and I don't know what to where!" Relena wailed, nervous for some reason.
"Why not this one?" Lucrezia said, holding up a dark blue dress. "You have a nice pearl necklace to go along with this."
"You really think that's okay?" Relena asked.
"It's fine," Dorothy said. She pulled out Relena's white shoes that had a small heel. "And you can wear it with these!"
"Arigatou," Relena said, grateful for her friends help. "Tonight, I'll drive. Should I take my pink car?"
"No," Dorothy said quickly. The pink car would be too recognizable for Heero, she thought. "Take mine. I bought a new car a couple days ago. It's a red convertible."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, use it tonight."
"Thank you." Relena smiled at her and shooed the two ladies outside so she could change.
Dorothy and Lucrezia winked at each other when they went out.

At the restaurant. . .
"There isn't a reservation for Dr. J?!" Heero said, astonished.
"No sir. There isn't." The waiter scanned his list once more. "Nope."
"What about Heero Yuy?"
The waiter went down toward the 'Y's. "Yes. There is a Heero Yuy. Is that you, sir?"
"Yeah." Heero frowned and thought, I would have thought Dr. J would have made the reservation under his name, not mine. "Uh, I'll wait for him by the door. Is that ok?"
"Certainly, if you wish."
Heero shoved his hands into his pockets and sat down. Where was Dr. J?! It was unlike of the scientist to be late.
Over across the room, hidden in the fake bushes, Duo and Quatre (they had made a round-about route toward the restaurant, faking their bowling evening) watched Heero. "WHERE IS SHE??!!" Duo hissed at Quatre. "SHE'S LATE!!!"
"Duo, it's not even seven fifteen!" Quatre whispered back. "Now shut up and watch. We'll get more information from Trowa and Wufei in a few minutes."
Duo grumbled and got more nervous as the seconds ticked by.
And then, Relena walked through the door (Duo nearly jumped out of his hiding place to do the macarena, but Quatre restrained him). She walked right past the Heero, who wasn't even paying attention, and went up to the waiter.
"Excuse me," Relena said politely, "is there a reservation for Milliardo Peacecraft?"
"Um, no, I'm afraid not."
Relena blinked in surprise. "Er, then is there one for Relena Peacecraft?"
"No, ma'am."
Relena's jaw nearly dropped. "Oh, then, uh, he must have decided to meet me here. . . I'll go sit by the door." Peculiar, Relena thought and sat down, unknowingly, next to Heero.
"Relena?" Heero looked over at the girl.
"Heero?" Relena questioned back.
"What are you doing here?" they both asked.
"I'm waiting for Dr. J but he hasn't showed up yet."
"I'm meeting Milliardo here but he hasn't showed up yet either!"
Heero frowned. "It's odd. Both Dr. J and Zechs are punctual people. They usually come earlier than the time set."
Relena shrugged and together they sat and waited. Twenty minutes ticked by and nobody came.
"Um, sir?" the waiter came up to Heero.
"We must ask you to take your reservation now or we must open it up to give it to other people."
Heero paused. "Um, I'll take it now. Get it ready for two people."
"Yes, sir." The waiter moved away.
"C'mon, Relena." Heero stood up.
"Nani?" Relena looked up at the pilot.
"There's no point for you to sit here all night," Heero said. "I'll buy you dinner. Duo handed me a load of money today."
"Um, ok." Relena got up and followed Heero to the table. She made a mental note that Heero looked extremely handsome today.
When Heero and Relena sat down in front of the fake bushes, Duo poked Quatre in the ribs. Quatre had taken a nap since it was taking so long.
"Wha--?" Quatre mumbled but Duo clamped a hand on his mouth.
"LOOOOOOOOOK!!" Duo hissed in the pilot's ear and shoved his face against the foliage to see Heero and Relena both looking at the menu.
"Holy crap!" Quatre muttered. "Our plan is actually working!! Call in Trowa and Wufei!"
Duo fumbled for the walkie-talkie and clicked it on. "Calling in Trowa and Wufei. Over."
"We're here. Over," crackled Wufei's voice. Duo turned down the volume a little.
"Positions? Over."
"On the right side of Heero. Over."
"ENOUGH WITH THE OVERS!!" hissed Quatre into the reciever. "JUST WATCH THE TWO, DAMNIT!!"
"Understood. Ov-- OW!!!" Wufei groaned in pain.
"I think Trowa socked him in the stomach," Duo said.
Quatre shook his head and reverted his attention back to the couple.
Heero and Relena had already ordered their food. They were waiting patiently for their orders to come.
"So. . . . . ." Heero said, trialing off.
"So. . . . . ." Relena replied, trailing off also.
"How's your job?" asked Heero.
Great, a dead-end conversation, Heero thought. He thought frantically for another topic to discuss.
"You know," Relena said, before Heero could say anything, "I'm going to call Milliardo tonight and ask him why he didn't come."
"Yea. I might do the same to Dr. J," Heero responded.
"I thought he was in the colonies," inquired Relena.
"That's what I thought but then I got his note this morning." Heero drew a stick figure on the frost of his water glass.
"Mmm." Relena rested her head on her hands and looked around the building. "It's a nice place, this restaurant," she commented.
"Yeah." Heero didn't add much to the conversation.
Over by the right side of Heero, hidden in more fake bushes, Wufei and Trowa watched.
"THIS IS SO BORING!!!!!" Wufei gumbled under his breath. Then he noticed that Trowa was carrying a bag. "Hey, whazzat?" he asked, pulling at the strap.
"Quatre gave it to me before we came," Trowa explained, opening it. "It has the walkie-talkie and something else inside."
"What's the 'something else'?"
Trowa shrugged and took out a black leather case. "Oooooh," the two awed at the bag. Wufei opened it and inside was a camcorder.
"Score!" Wufei hissed. "Perfect, we get to tape record Heero and Relena!!!"
Wufei turned it on and pressed the 'record' button. "This is Wufei speaking and this is Trowa Barton." Wufei zoomed up the silent pilot's face. "Say 'hi,' Trowa!"
"Hi," Trowa said dully and shifted away from Wufei.
"And so we are now going to watch Heero and Relena eat dinner!" Wufei whispered excitedly. He was getting hyped up more as he went along. "That's Heero -" Wufei zoomed up to Heero's face, "- and that's Relena." Wufei shifted the camcorder to Relena's face. "Sugoii!! This is SO COOL!!!!!"
Trowa shook his head and thought to himself, if Wufei was in the circus his name would be Wufei the Weirdo.

About 45 minutes later. . .
Heero checked the bill. Thirty-three dollars and six cents. He took out the envelope that Duo had given him and placed down forty dollars. He pocketed the envelope and stood up.
"Are you sure you don't want me to pay?" Relena asked as she stood up also.
"It's fine. Like I said, Duo handed me a load a money today," Heero picked at his teeth with a toothpick and brought the money to the cashier. "It's okay, really."
Relena smiled and she waited for Heero by the door as Heero gave the money to the waiter.
"Arigatou gozaimasu!!" the watier called out as the two were leaving.
"So," Relena said as she and Heero both started walking the same direction. "You want to go out for ice cream now?"
Heero looked at her. He hestiated.
"It'll be my treat," Relena said and smiled.
Heero smirked a little and said, "Sure, why not? I'll meet you at Baskin Robbins in fifteen minutes."
"Okay. See you there." Relena walked further down the sidewalk till she came to Dorothy's car and got in. When she looked behind her, Heero's black BMW was already at the stop light.
Inside, however, the four pilots were asleep in their fake bushes. They had absolutely nothing to do so they all decided to sleep.
Duo woke up first and was just able to see through the window, Heero's red tail lights going down the street.
"HOLY SHIT!!!!" Duo exclaimed, giving away his hiding place. People in the restaurant stopped eating and stared at the moving bush. Everybody dropped their chopsticks, forks, spoons, etc.
"QUATRE!!!" Duo hissed in the sleeping pilot's ear. "WAKE UP!!!!! HEERO AND RELENA ARE GONE!!!!!!!"
"NANI?!!!" Quatre bolted up and also gave away his hiding place. The people were now staring at TWO moving bushes. "CALL IN TROWA AND WUFEI!!!!"
"TROWA, WUFEI!!!!" Duo pratically yelled in the walkie-talkie, even though it was really unneccessary. The two were about only 10 feet away. "WAKE UP!!!! IT'S TIME TO GO!!!!!"
Duo started moving toward the other two, with Quatre right behind him. All the people in the restaurant had sweatdrops above their heads. Duo kicked Wufei in the stomach to wake him up and Quatre grabbed Trowa's long hair and pulled his head up.
"WAKE UP!!!!" they both shouted in the other's ears.
"C'MON, TIME TO HIT THE ROAD!!!!" Duo grabbed Trowa's bag, grabbed Wufei's wrist and dragged him out of the restaurant. Quatre, still holding Trowa's hair, dragged the poor pilot out also.
The people stared after the four disguised pilots. They were too freaked out to eat.
Duo, all of the sudden, came back in and said cheerfully, "So sorry for the interupption! Please, return to your mea---" Duo's long braid was grabbed by Wufei's strong hand.
"DUO!!" he shouted, trying to get him out of the restaurant, "THIS ISN'T A TIME TO SAY SORRY!!!!!! WE HAVE TO GO!!!!!!"
"PLEASE, RETURN TO YOUR MEALS!!!!!" Duo managed to shout out as Wufei gave a final tug and dragged Duo out of the restaurant.
Outside, Quatre and Trowa were viewing the camcorder. Fortunately, Wufei had left the recorder on and they watched and listened to Heero and Relena's converstion.
"Damnit," Trowa cursed. "It doesn't say where they're going! And we're never going to find out either!"
"Not neccessarily," Quatre said, smiling. "Lucky for us, I put on a little transmitter on Heero's car that shows where he is. Dorothy did the same with Relena's car. And all we need to do is -" Quatre took out a transmitter and clicked it on, "- look for two red dots."
"THERE THEY ARE!!!" Duo said excitedly, pointing at the screen. "THEY'RE HEADING FOR BASKIN ROBBINS!!!!"
"OUR PLAN IS WORKING!!" the four shouted and linked hands and went around in circles, singing "Ring Around the Rosie."
They stopped and exchanged high-fives with each other. "Let's go!" they shouted and jumped onto their motor scooters and were soon driving in the direction of Baskin Robins.

At Baskin Robins. . .
"I'll have a single scoop of vanilla ice cream on a sugar cone, please," Relena said as she pointed to the canister of ice cream. "Covered in sprinkles also, if you don't mind."
The lady nodded and brought Relena her order. "And you, sir?" she asked.
"I'll have a single scoop of Cookie Dough on a sugar cone," Heero said.
The lady brought him his order and Relena and Heero sat down together in booth. Outside, with their noses pressed against the window, were the four pilots, watching and recording everything on the camcorder.
For the first few minutes, Heero and Relena were silent, too busy eating their ice cream. After they had finished, they sat in silence, looking at the ground or their hands.
Gotta think of something to say, Relena thought to herself.
Seems like outerspace in here, thought Heero. It's so quiet.
"Uh, you want to go take a walk out to the park?" Heero asked in his flat tone.
Relena looked up and smiled. "Sure!"
They stood up and threw away their napkins. The four pilots outside quickly hid behind the building as they watched Heero and Relena walk toward the park. They were leaving their cars behind since it was such a short distance away.
Making sure that Heero and Relena were a good ways up, the group stealthily followed the pair, not making any noise and being careful not to be seen.
Up ahead, Heero and Relena sat down on a bench underneath a tree. Together they sat in silence, thinking their own thoughts.
"It's cold," Relena commented, rubbing her bare forearms.
"It's December," Heero replied.
Then something fell out of the sky. A little snowflake made its way slowly down the ground. More snowflakes followed after it. Soon snow was falling steadily from the sky.
"Heero, it's snowing!!" exclaimed Relena standing up and holding out her hands to catch the snowflakes.
Heero stood up and snatched one with his hand. He opened his mouth and several snowflakes fell inside.
Relena laughed and joined him in catching snowflakes. Together, they spun around in circles, trying to catch the snowflakes. After awhile, Relena stood shakily on her legs.
"All that spinning is making me dizzy now," she said, laughing a little. She grabbed onto Heero's arm for support and steadied herself.
"Same here." Heero looked up at the sky and smiled. It was one of those rare times when he was actually having a good time.
"I should get going now," Relena said, after she let go of Heero's arm. "I better call Milliardo before it gets too late."
Heero nodded and they walked back to their cars.
"I'll see you off at your place," Heero said.
"Okay." Relena got into her car and drove toward her home, Heero behind her and the four pilots close behind.
"THIS IS GREAT!!" Duo exclaimed as he followed Heero's car. "OUR PLAN IS GOING PERFECTLY!!!"
"I just hope that Miss Noin but up the misletoe," Quatre said, making a right.
"She's reliable," Trowa said, following Quatre. "She'd have done it by now."
"HEY!!!!" shouted Wufei. "SHUT UP AND SPEED UP!!! WE'RE LOSING THEM!!!"
"GOMEN NASAAAAAIIIIII!!" the three pilots said and pressed down on the accelerators.

At Relena's house. . .
"You want me to walk you to the door?" Heero asked. Inside, he asked himself, Why the hell am I even bothering?
"If you don't mind. Would be nice to have company going up that pathway," Relena said.
Heero parked his car and escorted Relena up to the front door of her house.
"Well, I'll see you around," Relena said as she fumbled for her key.
Relena looked up at Heero who was pointing to the ceiling. "Look up there."
Relena blushed and so did Heero, a small amount. "Uhh. . . ." he mumbled.
Relena had nothing to add.
"Might as well keep to the tradition," Heero muttered and before Relena could ask what he meant by that, he kissed her briefly on the lips. "See you around, Relena," Heero said and walked down the steps and the path down to his own car.
Relena smiled at Heero's retreating back and went inside. This was probably the greatets night of her life.
Hidden in the bushes, the four pilots were on the grass, three of them celebrating their victory and one of them crying with tissues in his hands.
"THAT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!" Duo bawled out loud, wiping away his tears with his braid and blowing his nose. "JUST TOO BEAUTIFUL!!!"
"WE DID IT!!" Quatre exclaimed, giving a high-five to Trowa. "Wufei, did you tape record all that?"
"NANI??!!!" All three of them stared at the Chinese boy. "B-BUT WUFEI!!!!"
The other three let out their breath that they had been holding in.
"Phew," Duo said, fanning himself. "That was a close one." Then he looked at Wufei and socked him in the stomach. "DON'T EVER SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!!!!"
"Rrrrhhhhhggggghhhhh," groaned Wufei on the ground.
"That'd better be a 'yes,' Pig-tail boy," Duo said.
"PIG-TAIL BOY MY ASS!!!" Wufei shouted and jumped onto Duo. Soon there was a cloud of dust, Wufei's and Duo's heads, arms, and hands barely visible. Finally, it was too much for Quatre and he cleanly crashed the two heads together, knocking them unconcious.
"Sometimes, they're just too much for me," Quatre sighed as he hoisted Duo over his shoulder.
"I know what you mean," Trowa said understandingly, and slung Wufei over his shoulder also.

Inside Relena's house. . .
Relena sighed as she thought about the happy evening she had just had with Heero. She was in seventh heaven. But then her cloud zoomed back down to earth because Relena remembered she had to call Milliardo.
She dialed in the number and waited as the phone rang.
"Milliardo?" Relena said.
"Yeah, it's me," said her brother. "Is that you Relena?"
"Yes. I've been wondering: Where the hell WERE you tonight?! I waited over half an hour for you to show up at that Japanese Restaurant?"
"Huh?" Milliardo said, clearly puzzled. "What in the colony's name are you talking about Relena? I didn't even KNOW there was a Japanese Restaurant in the area you're living in."
"Then what about that note?" Relena said, just as surprised.
"What note?"
"There was a note on my desk signed by you asking me to meet you at the Japanese Restaurant on 3rd Avenue."
"Relena, I don't know who the hell did this, but it sure as hell wasn't me. I was stuck at home all day working on the resconstruction of Epyon. Did I mention that I was going to change the name to Epyon II? Well, I am, and so--"
"Milliardo, I don't care about Epyon II or whatever. But thank you for filling me in on this thing. I have to make another phone call."
"Ok. Good night, Relena."
"Good night, Milliardo." Relena hung up and looked through her phone book for another number. Finding it, she dialed it and waited as the phone rang.
"Hello, Dr. J speaking."
"Dr. J, it's Relena."
"Oh, hello Relena, how are you?"
"I'm fine thank you," Relena said. "I was just wondering, did you happen to come down to Earth tonight to meet with Heero?"
"Earth? Why no. I haven't even made an arragement to go down there. I twisted my ankle this morning and decided I shouldn't be on my feet too much today. Why do you ask?"
"Heero said he recieved a note signed by you asking him to meet you at a restaurant tonight. However, you didn't show up."
"And how do you know this?"
"I recieved a note from my brother asking me of the same thing. So I called him and he said that he never sent me a note or anything."
"Hm." Dr. J paused. "Well maybe it was fate for you two to meet there or something."
"Yes, well, I am sorry to bother you at this time. Good night Dr. J."
"Good night, Miss Relena."
Relena hung up the phone and thought to herself, Well, whatever happened, I'm happy that I spent the night with my Heero.

At the Winner's Mansion. . .
Heero flipped through his magazine of computer technology. He raised a hand in greeting as the four boys returned from bowling.
"Hi Heero," said Duo, grinning from ear to ear.
Heero flipped the page.
"Hello Heero," greeted Quatre.
Heero raised an eyebrow.
"Hi," Trowa said.
Heero raised his head the slightest bit.
"Hellooooooooooo Heero!!" exclaimed Wufei.
"No, no!!" said Duo, ignoring the bump on his head. "We're just so happy after what happened tonight with you and Relena!!"
The four pilots started laughing. Quatre held up a video tape.
"And we even caught it on tape!!!"
"GIMME THAT!!!" shouted Heero, chasing after Quatre.
"DON'T YOU GET IT??!!" shouted Wufei, laughing. "WE SET UP THE WHOLE THING!!!"
"WHAT?!!" Heero said, screeching to a stop.
"The whole thing was set up by us!!" said Trowa, smiling. "Dr. J didn't write that note. I did, with help from Quatre. The note Relena got was writen by Duo. We set EVERYTHING UP!!!!"
Heero's jaw dropped open. "HOLY CRAP!!!" he shouted. "YOU MEAN THAT MISTLETOE WAS SET UP BY YOU GUYS, ALSO??!!"
"Yep!" cried Duo. "BY US!!! And we followed you guys around."
"You didn't go bowling?!"
"No way!" said Quatre. "We couldn't miss this opprotunity of a life time!"
"OH MY GOD!!!!!" Heero rubbed his forehead. The other four smiled from ear to ear.
Heero looked up and smirked. "Well, you guys did something useful for once," Heero said and got up and left the room.
The others stared after him. Duo looked at the others. "DON'T TELL ME THAT HE'S ACTUALLY FALLING FOR HER NOW!!!"
"Wasn't that our original plan?" inquired Wufei, confused.
"Oh yea, it was. Yea," Duo said, smiling, warming up to the idea. "YEA IT WAS!!!!"
"BOO-YAHHH!!!!!!" the four shouted and started partying the night away.

The End

Nani: what
Sugoii: cool, awesome, incredible, wonderful, etc.
Gomen nasai: I'm sorry
Arigatou gozaimasu: thank you

Author's Ramblings:
THE MASTER STRIKES AGAIN!!! yea baby, i LOVE this 8th fanfiction of mine. . . maybe i'll submit it on the internet, i dunno, but i love this one!! well, i kept my promise, i promised all you peeps that i would have a relena and heero romance out soon and here it is!! can't say much excpet that wufei might had been a little OOC but anyways, i liked my humor, am i complimenting myself too much? maybe i am, but i was really pumped up about this. . . next: duo and hilde!!!! yea, so i dunno what the outcome'll be for that one, i'll try and make it as funny as my other ones, but if it doesn't come out too well, gomen nasai. so haven't got much to say except that the 'boo-yah' was taken from the emperor's new groove and my friend, poodle winkle. ok, nuff of this crap. just stay tuned for my next fanficiton. oh yea, fyi: this is my first story with a title! hahahaha, see ya guys lata!!!!