Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Opposing Realities ❯ Threaten ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author: Kentra Shinataku
Pairings: 2+5 (2x5?), 1x3
Category: Angst, Romance
Rating: R, for future chapters.
Spoilers: None
Warning: AU, angst, violence, abuse, NCS(possible), death, language, OOC-ness,
lotsa OC's, POV switches (Duo-Fei, will be marked at begining of
section with a +D or +W), prostitution, drug and alcohol use,..
more will probably be added to the list..
Disclaimer: Don't own Gundam Wing of course... haven't you figured
it out yet?
Notes: Still seems way too innocent for what I've got planned... I should do something about that. Wufei's point of view doesn't come in during this chapter either, but chapter 3 will start out as his, so never fear!^_~ Oh and one more thing, the bad grammar usage in this, it was used on purpose. I'm not just stupid, some of these kids never had a chance to learn how to talk right, and don't really care, so don't be picky with 'em!

Opposing Realities
Part Two: Threaten

I look down at the two small girls that are splayed, sleeping in my lap, both with full stomachs for the first time in a while. Dara refuses to speak to anybody but me, and will not leave my side. Not that I'm complaining; I'm glad she trusted me enough to blindly follow me here. I wouldn't have been that trusting. Dacia is the other child, snoozing in a happy daze, clutching onto the cloth covering my legs. She's desperate to make Dara her friend, but I think Dara is still too nervous and too alone. Dacia was thrilled when I introduced them earlier; she and Kentra are the only two girls here, and Kentra seems too masculine to worry about femininity.

Most of the younger kids are asleep. Bryce, Davi, Solo, and Daameon are little more than a tangled mass of bodies curled against the wall. They look angelic when they sleep. Hell, they look baby-faced and angelic even while awake, but piss them off and they can really fight. They worry me sometimes though; they aren't as strong as they think. Good thing they have each other.

I look to my left when the steady scratching of Kentra drawing on the wooden floor with a piece of charcoal abruptly ceases. She's looking evenly at Trowa who is standing next to her, pulling on an extra sweatshirt. A lot seems to be said between their silence as their gaze studies each other's figures. Those two amaze me; they connect so well, probably because Trowa was the one who found her and took a liking to her. She had adopted him as a brother almost immediately, though soon after she also took to me. Now she calls herself Kentra Maxwell-Barton. Only later I realized what having a brother meant to her.

Trowa nods to her, and she seems to understand, despite the fact that no words had bent his lips. I stare skeptically at him; that boy is so damn hard to read. He walks out the front door without a word to me as Kentra sighs. I raise an eyebrow,
"Where's he going?"

"To find Heero," she replies nonchalantly and shrugs it off as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. Which it almost is. Trowa's always after Heero when it gets late. It must be around 2:30 now, though Heero pulls all nighters a lot. He usually has to, with what he does, but every night that he doesn't come home, I notice how Trowa smokes one more joint than usual. I'm glad I don't have to love somebody, especially when that person is always out and around the city.

No more than ten minutes have passed as the door flies open and reveals an outraged Heero with Trowa's arms locked around his elbows to restrain him. There's blood on Heero's shirt, and I have a feeling it isn't his own. I pity the people who go against Heero. I can only say that because I've been on the other side of his fists, and honestly, he scares the shit out of me. I know he's not using all his strength to get free now, because Trowa is nowhere near as strong as he is. He has a cut down the side of his cheek and the blood dripping from it mixes with the rain dripping from his hair. That look is in his eyes again, I know that look well.

"Dare I ask?" I comment with a smirk, knowing whatever the case it was far from humorous. But that's just how I deal with things, they know that.

"The motherfucker wouldn't pay me," Heero growls, anything but calmly, "he wouldn't give me the fuckin' cash, dammit!"

"What the hell did you do to him?" I ask, keeping my own calm as I pick up the two children in my lap and gently lay them on the floor beside me. Heero was silent.

"He wasn't dead, but Heero fucked him up pretty bad," comes Trowa's bitter reply, and in an undertone he adds, "in more than one way..."

"Stop being such a jealous asshole," Heero says, glaring, "you know I gotta do this shit for the cash."

Obviously they've argued about Heero's little 'side jobs' before, because Trowa shuts up. He also knows that he's lucky that Heero's out of the prostitution ring that he had been part of. Now it's only part time. Trowa would go mad if he had to deal with that.

"Who was this guy?" I ask to lift the tension from the air.

"A young guy, I don't think he actually had any damn cash. He looked like a street kid, said his name was Jul," Heero says bitterly.

"Don't you have the sense not to fuck a street kid?" Trowa spits out.

"You're a fuckin' street kid! See next time I fuck you!"

"Shut up," I hiss firmly, not raising my voice over them, "Let the kids sleep."

They stare at me blankly, probably wondering why I care. It's not like we usually get a full night's sleep, but if we can, I want to let them.

"There's some food left from dinner for you, Heero," I continue, "have what you'd like, everybody else has had their fill." In all honesty, there probably is only just enough left for him after the younger ones are done, but I don't want him to feel guilty eating the last of it. Trowa flashes a dark glance in my direction before disappearing to the top of the stairs where he has been sleeping. He has this privacy thing, and even though there's no separate bedroom for him, he gets as far away from anybody as possible. Except Heero. He can interrupt Trowa's solitude whenever he likes. However, I think Heero will be sleeping downstairs tonight.

I resume my seat, leaning against the wall, and pull Dara and Dacia onto my lap so that they won't wake up alone, especially Dara. She won't be used to waking up with these strangers all around her, but I'd rather her be a bit nervous around us then think that we left her alone after promising her somewhere to stay.

I feel the heat of another body pressing against me, and I look to my left to see Kentra's head resting on the shoulder. There's something about her that intrigues me each time I study her, as I am now. Most of the kids I've met out here have an innocent look about them, at least when they sleep. Some have that look _only_ when they sleep, like Trowa and Heero, you meet them during their waking hours and can be killed by the flames in their eyes. But Kentra looks scathed, even while asleep. Or maybe I just know too much about her to see her in a light of purity. I close my eyes and try to sleep; it's best to rest while I can.


I nudge the tangled bodies in the corner, and slowly, the boys' bodies come to life. Solo's eyes open first and he looks up at me, squinting to avoid the sunlight that is creeping in the glass-free window. " 's goin' on?" Solo mutters thickly, his natural internal clock alerting him that it's earlier than I usually wake him. I grin, in spite of myself. The way he stands out from his three dark haired companions with his own glowing orange strands always brings a smile to my face.

"Where we goin'?" Bryce asks, freeing his leg from beneath Davi's head.

"Today we're going shopping," I announce with a smile, not just to those four, but to everybody. Daameon, Davi, Bryce, and Solo's faces light up in a grin similar to my own. Kentra perks up with that little spark of exhilaration she gets and Trowa raises an eyebrow.

"Shoppin'?" echoes an incredulous small voice behind me. Dara doesn't understand yet that our definition of the word is much different than most people's, but today she'll learn. I can guarantee that she's already done a bit of 'shopping' in her own lifetime, and that it won't be long before she joins in on Solo's devious crusades.

"Yes Dara, shopping. The kind you do when you're as broke as us," I offer as an explanation. I bury a hand in her dirty blonde hair and give it a good ruffle, rewarding me with a little giggle. Part of me wishes that I didn't have to teach young children the delicate art of theft, but that very tiny part of me is smoldered instantly because I know that there's no other way to survive. Besides, stealing is one of those things I'm good at, and whatever skills I can teach my friends to help them out, I will. Just because something from a very distant memory makes me feel guilty about thievery, doesn't mean I'll deny these guys a necessity of life. I pity the kids that I hear about killing themselves because they think they have no way to survive. If living on the streets does one good thing, it's the damn strict attachment to life we keep, willing us to keep going no matter what. I'll make sure these guys can keep going and always keep their will to fight.


Heero, Daameon, and I leave the Shop10 store, the pockets of our pants considerably heavier. I tell ya, those security scanners they strategically place around doors work _real_ well. We meet the rest of the gang around the back of the store and load the new cargo into the cloth bags that we use for moving. We hop the tall, wooden fence, helping the youngest kids over the pointed peaks on the beams, and end up in a familiar alleyway. Familiar because we're nearing the condemned house, and this is our usual route back. But we're far from going back already. Some men were talking in the front lawn today and it appears that the demolition of our current residence has been delayed a while longer, which puts me in a great mood because I haven't found any other shelter yet. Rain is not pleasant to sleep under, and in the Spring, at least in this city, it rains nearly every night. Since we're going to be staying here longer, I figure we can get some extra stock at the house. I send the four boys who are connected at the hip- Daameon, Solo, Bryce, and Davi- back with what we've got so far to drop off the load and tell them to meet us outside of Burger Bar for something to eat, second day in a row. Dacia volunteers to go with them, and I smile as I accept her request. She always does whatever she can to let the boys know she's an equal. They just won't admit it.

"We're heading to O'Reila's for our last shop stop," I announce to the remaining four. Heero nods, falling in stride at the rear of our little group; looks like he and Trowa haven't yet made up. Kentra and Trowa are walking side by side, with an attached Dara hovering around Kentra's legs. She's at least decided that a few of us aren't so bad. O'Reila's is only a couple blocks from here, so taking our time, we head towards the road. It's not a road traveled by many, but it's an actual road and not a backstreet. It serves as a reminder that we're actually human and not the vermin we seem like.

"There!" a loud cry wrenches me out of my thoughts and I whip my head around just in time to see a dark haired boy of Indian descent topple Heero to the ground and wrap his hands around his neck. He's got Heero completely defenseless with his heels digging into his wrists and I snatch a knife from my boot before seeing Trowa is a step ahead of me. There seems to be no transition in his movements as he goes from standing calmly to wrenching the boy's hands off of his lover and pressing a blade to his neck. At least five or six more teenagers appear from where this boy had jumped out from, and as my eyes are drawn to the one that must be the leader, I see the most beautiful boy that I've seen in my life.

A/n: This chapter is a demonstration of my muses current anger with me... therefore, it's not so good. Heh.. I'll just have to bargain with them for the next chapter, and then I can get back on track and take this story to the depths that I want to. Lemme know what you think, postive or negative comments welcome!