Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ ou can't buy Love ❯ The show ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

NOTE: There's some weird relations in here. Zechs and Heero are half-brothers and Quatre and Duo are full brothers.

PAIRING: Everybody should know by now that I'm a 2X1 freak, it's in my personal code of conduct and I shall never break it. There is also 3X4X3 and 5X6X5.

WARNING: I'm a Relena hating bitch but I decided to make her nice jus this once, just because she's related to Hee-chan (shudders). There will be Heero-stalkers, lime, maybe a lemon later, possessive Duo (you know you love it) and OOC!

IMPOTANT NOTE: Zechs and Trowa are the show managers, not models. (Although they could be if they wanted ~_^, they're certainly tall enough)




You Can't Buy Love.

Chapter 1- The show

The guards were lined up on each side of the grand hall of L2. Duo sighed deeply and continued to approach the entrance with his friend and brother. His parents were way ahead of them. At least he'd have someone to talk to through out the show…. Which would no doubt be boring as hell.

You see, his parent owned a very successful motor vehicle company and a few weeks ago they'd received a call from some big shot magazine requesting to dedicate an issue to their new sports cars, the catch was that they had to provide their own super models to make the adds more..…. Eye catching.

So here he was, forced to go to a stupid fashion show to look at anorexic models. He really had nothing against models, heck, he'd dated many of them, but it still freaked him how malnourished some of them looked. Man, he'd give anything to be at school right now. That's right, Duo Maxwell preferred to be in school. If anybody heard him they'd think he was an imposter.

"I can't believe I'm doing this.…." A young brunet muttered warningly to his two friends. His two friend that totally towered over him. The platinum blond was Zechs and the other uni-banged brunet was Trowa, but no matter how much bigger than him they were, they still had hearts of gold….. towards him anyway, he really didn't want to know why all those people were scared of them.

"Come on Hee-chan, it's about time you started to show off a bit, you know, just to attract attention," Zechs smirked as he continued to look through the countless hooks of clothing. "Besides, you said you wanted to do something to pass the time, you never said what."

"When I said that, modeling wasn't what I had in mind."

"Well it's too late now, you've already been signed in, and I can't change that." A pair of pants were immediately presented to him by a grinning blond. With a grunt of defeat, Heero snatched the pants and began to change quickly. The pair of jeans lay dangerously low on his hips but were firmly in place, showing off his slim and well-endowed abs.

"You guys are gonna pay for this big time." The younger teen muttered before practically stomping out of the small room, closely followed by Zechs and Trowa.

The show started in time with the unfamiliar beat of the music, each model prancing down the long stage, spinning, posing, smiling, then filing back with just as much fake enthusiasm. God, this was SO boring.

"Come on Dou, cheer up. Your birthday is next month, you'll have more fun then."

"Yeah right, it'll be like all the others. Boring." The younger teen murmured dully.

"Tell you what, if you can at least try to enjoy this, I'll get you anything you want."

Duo was about to speak when something, no, someone caught his attention. Suddenly, that deal didn't sound so bad.

"Wow really? Anything?" Azure eyes momentarily sparkled as their owner nodded with his usual warm smile. Duo made a small sound of excitement and glanced back over the timber balcony railings.

"Alright then, I want `him,'" He grinned, gesturing to the individual currently walking down the catwalk. Quatre followed his brother's eyes and sure enough there he was, a genuinely young model that was beyond doubt the definition of perfection itself. The boy was wearing a pair of extremely loose-fitting dark blue jeans that displayed countless straps on both legs, a set of large diamond studs in each ear lobe and a matching stud on his belly button. He had natural golden skin and a mop of stylishly messy chocolate hair, to put it simply, he was a walking wet dream that could turn even the head of a straight man…….

"Duo, I can't BUY a person. Can't you choose anything else?"

"Come on Quarter, please? You can just hire him for a few weeks and I'll do the rest. I swear you won't regret it." The blond pondered the idea for a moment. His brother could get anyone in his school, but only as a one night stand. He'd NEVER had a relationship last more than a week, probably because he only dated those people to out do that rival of his…… Treize was his name. Maybe if he got this guy, he'd learn something. He hoped he was making the right decision.

Alright I'll hire him, but you have to promise that this one won't be a fling as well,"

"A fling with THAT guy? Not on your life, he'd be a keeper." Duo grinned happily as he glance again at the retreating back, "Definitely a keeper."

(I switch scenes a lot don't I. ^_^)

The Maxwells stood in a large hall, watching quietly as countless models lined up before them. The plan was that their parent would inspect them each and choose a dozen that met high standards. The two tall managers also stood beside them, awaiting any questions.

Duo glanced back and forth over the line, searching for a certain someone. He wasn't there though.

"Great line up, don't you think so Duo?" His mother suddenly asked. The braided boy nodded politely with a deep sigh of disappointment. "I think that I'll let you choose one of them," She continued sweetly, patting him on the back before she moved forward with her husband.

"Damn it, where is he?"

"Maybe he's already left." Quatre quietly suggested. The younger boy frowned at him angrily. How could he just leave? The managers said that all the models would be available, so where was he?

"ZECHS!!!!" A loud voice suddenly echoed through out the hall. One of the men near them was quickly on alert. Duo Looked around curiously, his gaze stopping at one of the exits on the side of the hall.

"Shit! Heero!" The tall blond manager rapidly began towards the said exit. Now Duo was really curious, he had to know what was going on. Immediately, he began to follow the older man.

Quatre raised an elegant eyebrow at his brother. He should probably be following him but……

"Um hi, I'm Quatre," the tall brunet before him smirked and shook his offered hand.

"Trowa, nice to meet you." Quatre sighed in obvious delight. That voice……. God, it was so addicting. He had to know more about this mystery man!

"So, what do you do around here?"

"Me and my friend manage the shows,"

*Doesn't talk much, but at least he's free…… hopefully*

"Uh, how about we have lunch sometime? I'd really like to know more about you." It was a long shot but definitely worth it.

(hehehe, not telling what the answer is, but you can probably guess.)

"Get away from him now!" Duo shuddered at the roaring voice but followed it through the maze of hallways. Finally, he was at the last turn and he was about to approach it when he saw another man sprint out of the same hallway. Instinctively, the braided boy shoved him in the chest before he could pass, making him fall with a loud thud on his butt. Duo then moved behind the large man and grabbed one arm, twisting it harshly behind his back.

The familiar platinum blond was the next to appear. He stomped towards them and kneeled in front of him and his captured victim. BAM

"You son of a bitch, I warned all of you just 2 hours ago not to lay a fucking hand on him and I hope you're happy with the consequences," BAM "Because the only thing you'll be touching now is a fucking hospital bed." BAM

The dark haired man finally went slack in his arms after a few more hard punched with administered.

"Um, just out of curiosity, what was it that he did?" Duo suddenly asked. The blond man stood up slowly then helped him up as well. "The mother fucker touched my little brother. Thanks for the help--"


"Duo. I'm Zechs. You're Mr. Maxwell's son aren't you?"

"Yap, that's me."

"Hmm. having fun so far?"

"Well actually, I was looking for one of the models. The one that went out last." Zechs chuckled heartedly and grabbed his upper arm gently, pulling him back to where he'd come.

"You must talking about Heero, come on he's this way." After making a sharp turn, they were at their destination. Duo gasped. There he was. The young boy who'd caught his eye and who would no doubt be the object of many of his fantasies. Heero, as he'd just learned, was sitting against a wall whipping bits of blood from his lip and the side of his temple. Damn, must have been that guy's fault.


AN: Well that's done for the first chapter. I'll try to update soon, it'll probably take some time cause I've got other fics to do, like the sequel to Traffic. Almost done with the first chapter of that too.

Anyway, please review; I love knowing what you think!