Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Out on the Limb ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Out on a Limb

By Devon Masterson

Lady Une watched the snow dance as the light storm took place outside. The wind carried the small flakes as though it was orchestrating the perfect blanket one stitch at a time around the bustling people.

She sipped her warm cocoa and smiled as she heard bits of laughter from outside. It sounded like everyone was enjoyed the party downstairs. She thought everyone needed a breather. The past few Christmases had not been exactly something someone would give a Yale tide cheer about. So she planned the party and ordered everyone under her command to attend and to enjoy themselves. It took some doing and a threat of death from some, but she accomplished what she set out to do. "Why aren't you at the party?" she asked softly without looking from the window.

"Wondering why the hostess that ordered everyone to attend a party does not follow her own orders," Heero commented as he leaned against the wall. "It is Christmas."

"I planned the party for my staff not for me," she answered, "besides most of them are scared of me and wouldn't be able to relax if I were there."

"Hmmm," he said in understanding. "So the commander plans a party for her troops then locks herself away in her office?"

Heero walked towards her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He kissed her lightly on the neck. "What does the lonely commander that locks herself away and watches the fabricated storm do during the one of the most familial holidays of year?"

Lady Une closed her eyes as she enjoyed his warmth. Until six months ago, she thought that he was only capable of following orders. It was their first night together that she found out that he was capable of so much more passion, romance, understanding. He was not the cold soldier without feelings. She now knew what Relena obsessed about so much. "I have a lot of work to catch up on while things are quiet," she answered pulling away from him slowly and straightening the papers on her desk.

She liked what he was doing entirely much. It had been six months since he touched her like that last. After that night she immersed herself in her work and sent him on as many missions as his talents could use.

Heero moved closer to her and tilted her chin so that she could see his eyes. He kissed her deeply. "You're spending Christmas with me," he replied. "I know a place where we can be alone and away from prying eyes."

"Heero, I am not…"

He put a finger to her to lips. "You can go on your own or you can wake up there," he interrupted in his usual soft way that meant business.

Lady Une narrowed her eyes. She did not like to be threatened, but he had away about him. He could actually tell her what to do, within reason, and without it seeming arrogant. "How do you know I won't have you court martialed or killed?" she asked calmly as she looked away from him.

"I'm not afraid of you," he answered. He touched her face tenderly. "And now you can use me as excuse in your mind as to why you're there when you start to have fun."

Lady Une sighed. He really called her on that one. Being anywhere but the office on Christmas would be wonderful. "I need to go home first and pack an overnight bag," she replied as she grabbed her coat.

"You won't need it," he said casually as he took her hand and led her out of the office discreetly.

Lady Une opened her eyes that morning and stretched. She enjoyed the most restful sleep she had in months. She looked around disoriented for moment then smiled as she remembered last night. "Morning," she heard Heero mumble from beside her. He had his arms protectively around her.

"Morning," she greeted then yawned.

"Merry Christmas, Victoria," he said as he sat up in bed. He leaned over to his side of the bed and picked up a gift.

"I didn't get you anything," she replied as she took the gift.

"You're here without me drugging you, that's enough," he commented with a humor in his voice.

Lady Une narrowed her eyes at his gentle ribbing. "A sense of humor, Heero?" she teased as she opened her present. She gasped softly as she saw a snow globe of a mountain range and a log cabin. "This is beautiful."

"I saw all of the landscape art in your apartment," he commented, anticipating her next question. "There's one more thing."

She looked at him curiously then into the box the snow globe came out of. She held up a small box and opened it. Inside was a beautiful gold diamond heart necklace. "Heero, I don't know what to say." She had been admiring the necklace in shop window of the jeweler across the street from the office for months, but no one knew that she stopped by there or least so she thought.

"Thank you," he supplied as he swept back her hair and placed the necklace around her neck.

"Why are you doing this?" she asked as she touched the necklace tenderly. She felt a warm feeling as he moved her hair back and forth. She had been feeling warm in reference to him a lot lately. Something had to be wrong, she was too young to be experiencing hot flashes. Here she was laying in bed with someone who once her considered her an enemy and he was treating her like "…a woman. He's not afraid of me. And I…I can't," she thought.

"Is something wrong?" he asked breaking into her thoughts.

"I can't except this," she said softly as she placed her hands in her hair.

He pulled her hands away. "Why not?"

"It's too expensive for a employer-employee relationship," she answered.

Heero smiled discreetly as he realized her reasoning. He placed her hands above her head and climbed on top of her. "We're already beyond that," he observed. He kissed her lightly. "I want you to keep it." He kissed the side of her neck. He discovered sometime ago that was her most sensitive spot and she would agree to just about anything if it were exploited just right.

"Well played," she sighed in pleasure as she started to melt. It was Christmas she would enjoy their time together "One last time." Her back started to arch as his hands roamed all over her body tantalizing her.

Heero said nothing only continued to touch her and enjoy her. He didn't know when he would get to again. It had been six moths from the last time. He wanted his fill of her before she had the strength to push him away again. She was the most fascinating and impossible woman at the same time. He could understand why Treize loved her. She understood the complexity of his life without judging him for his actions and still remained professional.

He looked down at her breathing hard from her pleasure. Their eyes locked as if they were trying to communicate telepathically. He kissed her hungrily. He could feel her legs wrap around him urging him to further complicate things. He moaned as he entered her. At least he knew that she was essentially faithful to him in her own way. He thrusted into her with a gentle forcefulness as he joined her in ecstasy. "Victoria," he moaned softly.

She tightened her legs around him, bringing him deeper inside of her. "Oh, Heero, yes," she called out as she started to get that drunken high feeling. He lifted one of her legs higher for more leverage when both of their pagers screamed out for attention.

Heero picked up his pillow and threw it as his pager, knocking it to the floor. He turned his head toward her to see if the mood had been killed for her and sighed when he knew it was. She wriggled out from under him reluctantly and looked at the page. It was urgent from Sally Po. She opened her cell phone and dialed a number. "I'm on my way," she said simply. She was miffed that she and Heero were interrupted, but duty called. She would definitely be in bitchy mood now.

Heero pushed the end button on his phone and looked at her. He had never been so pissed in his life who ever was causing trouble would be feeling his wrath soon. "Victoria…"

"I'm too annoyed to talk about it right now," she snapped then sighed. "I'm sorry."

Heero nodded in understanding and quickly dressed.


Lady Une and Heero walked into the conference room of the Preventer Headquarters. She sat down. "Why am I here?" she asked in an irritated voice.

"A supposed agent of the Domini defected this morning and he only wants to talk to you, Colonel Une," Wufei replied.

Lady Une rubbed her temples in annoyance. "I am to assume there is a reason that I was paged on Christmas to come here other than some third rate terrorist group. So again, why am I here?"

Wufei flinched slightly at her attitude. She was the only woman that could make him nervous. "He also mentioned the planned abduction of Andrea Barton."

Lady Une narrowed her eyes. "Is he in the interrogation room?" she asked as she stood.

"Yes," Wufei answered.

Lady Une left the room and Wufei let out the breath he had been holding. "I hope this guy isn't just yanking our chain," Duo remarked. "I was about to open my presents. Hey, Heero, how you're not spending Christmas with us?"

"I had something else to do," Heero replied. He watched through the one way mirror at the end of the room. "Maybe we can get to bottom of this now."

The other's attention went to the interrogation room.

"You wanted to speak with me?" Lady Une asked as she sat down in a chair.

"You're far more lovely in person," the agent remarked.

"You have something to tell me," she replied getting down to business. "I want to know everything you know."

"First I want protection," he replied. "When they figure out what I've done they try to kill me."

"If you don't have information warranting protection, it won't be the Domini that you have to worry about," she said matter of factly.

"It is true what they say, you are a scary bitch," he commented.

Lady Une narrowed her eyes. "That is a fact that still remains to be seen," she retorted.

The Domini agent swallowed and sighed. "The Domini want to take back the power that the colonies have gained. They feel that the colonies are merely an extension of the Earth sphere and should be treated as such meaning they have no independence and are subject to Earth's rule."

"Where does Marimaya come in?" she asked.

"She has the Khushrenada and Barton lines flowing in her blood. If molded in the right way, she could be the next queen of the known galaxy."

"Marimaya has her own mind and can't be molded into anything," Lady Une replied.

"She won't have a choice in the matter. They plan to implant a mind control device in the frontal lobe of her brain, altering her personality and molding her into their image," he continued. "She has the ability to rally those to her cause and with the Domini backing her they could take over. They have already started on the plans for making mobile suits made of gundanium."

"Do you have proof of this?"

The agent nodded. "I have nothing else to say if I am not protected."

"You are a shrewd man," Lady Une replied as she stood. "You will have our protection provided we have the information that you are with holding. Double cross us and I will take care of you myself."

The agent smiled. "Dalen Yu is the key to everything. He was mentioned in secret talks and papers frequently."

"What role does he play in all this?" she asked. "I know you have more."

"I know nothing more, but their plans seemed to be depending on him. Maybe he's a scientist that is working for them."

Lady Une said nothing but left the room. The well had run dry. They would have to find the mysterious Dalen Yu if they were to get any further. She walked into the conference room. "Wufei, you are in charge are so called friend there's welfare. I don't trust him, the information he gave he really could have told to anyone. Sally and Duo I need to you to Earth to keep a discreet eye on Marimaya just in case what he said is true. Quatre, I need you to find as much information about the Domini's activities and various companies that are stocking up on the parts to make a gundam. Heero and Trowa, I need you to find Mr. Dalen Yu and bring him to me."

Everyone saluted as went to begin his or her assignments and Lady Une sat down. She tapped the oak table almost nervously her mind should have been on strategies to counteract the Domini, but it kept wandering back to 'relationship' that she and Heero had, back to this morning. She fingered her necklace and sighed. She needed to focus. What would Treize say if he knew she was letting her mind wander like some lovesick schoolgirl doodling on her notebooks? "What would Treize say if he knew I was a traitor to him."

"Lady Une, there's a call for you on line two."

"I thought it was strange that you and Lady Une came in the same time," Trowa remarked as he sat a terminal. "You both live within thirty minutes of the office building, but it took both of you an hour to get here."

"What's your point?" Heero asked annoyed.

"I just noticed," Trowa replied.

"I think I have something," Heero said in an effort to change the subject. "It's from a few communications that we intercepted from the Domini in the past. Dale Yu is mentioned several times."

"Any mention of his role?"

"Not at all," Heero replied. "There's something odd about this whole thing."

"I agree," Trowa said. "Something about their logic doesn't add up for the type of group they are."

"The sooner we find the Dalen guy the sooner he can shed some light," Heero commented

© 2001 Devon Masterson

Another Bond Girl Production

We all know who belongs to who, Gundam Wing belongs a whole bunch of rich influential people and I just have some concepts. Don't sue me, hire me instead ;p