Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Out on the Limb ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Out on a Limb

Chapter 8

By Devon Masterson

"Begin," Lady Une said simply over the com link. From what seemed out of nowhere hundreds of mobile suits and support craft revealed themselves and started to defend the freedoms they once took for granted. She started join in when a face came up on her console.

"Well played, cousin," Hein replied. "What uncle said about you and the pilots was true. You managed to put me in quite a predicament."

"You will not win this," Lady Une commented as she pushed her glasses upward. But they slid forward again from her perspiration. She was becoming feverish from her wound.

Hein noticed the blood stain on her hand and smiled. "Dear, cousin, you have been hurt. You'll never be able to fight in your condition."

"I'll be fine," she spat. A few mobile dolls surrounded her and she started to fend them off. She punched one in the central processing unit located in the chest and slashed at another. With in a few moments, she decimated the units that were around her. "He's trying to separate me from the others," she mentally noted as she noticed that her fight had taken her quite a distance from everybody else. She saw the others fighting furiously at the mobile dolls and space craft. Niko and Sally had the Earth and colony forces concentrating on the asteroid's guns itself.

Though they seemed to be making a lot of head away there was something that bothered her. Hein was quite calm for someone who seemed to be not gaining any ground. That was when she saw it. A portion of the asteroid slid down and a large hyper-cannon was revealed. Her eyes widened she hadn't prepared for that. "How does it feel to be out classed?" he asked as the cannon powered up and fired.

"Look out," she said over the com link. All of the pilots dodged the shot easily enough, but it took out over half of the fleet that they brought together.

"Bastard," Duo muttered disgustedly as he continued to fight.

Quatre started scanning the cannon with his computer. A smile slid across his face as he realized a course of action.

"You know I had planned for poetic justice to be served to you with my gundams," Hein commented arrogantly. "It took a lot of time developing them to be as good as the original. I even had a built in a system to protect them in case you did get a hold of them. I'm not quite sure how you got passed it, but no matter my little toy will just have to do the job."

"You must have worked the bugs out of it," Lady Une replied as she got the results of her scan. She wiped her head and forced herself to concentrate. She was going into shock.

"But of course," he answered as he chuckled. "Good-bye now cousin. You and you friends have been a nuisense long enough." He ended the communication

"Yeah right," she replied as she opened a channel. "Even though the cannon can be fired multiple times it has to have ten second delay. That is when we strike."

"We'll try and draw his fire, Colonel," Niko answered back.

"Be safe," she said as she looked toward the other pilots. They were all ready.

The remainder of the fleet charged at the asteroid and they powered the cannon. A few ships were hit, but most of them dodged the beam of the cannon and continued to press on further. "Distract them, I'm going in," Une replied as she darted away from the group.

"I'm going with you," Heero remarked as the others went off in another direction.

"What are they doing?" Hein asked he watched his enemy press even further. "They should be giving up with nothing left to them. They are willing throw away their lives." He shook his head as he watched the pilots and their support still approaching and fighting their way through mobile dolls. He was about to give the order to fire the cannon again when he was thrown forward.

"Sir the hull has been breached near the hyper-cannon and level two," a underling commented.

Hein looked at the screen and saw two of the gundams were not fighting with the mobile dolls. "Give me a visual of the hyper-cannon."

The moment the image appeared on the screen he heard and felt an explosion. "Touche," he remarked. "Code 11."

The young soldier's eyes widened and opened a panel. He pushed the button and looked at his superior respectfully. "Code 11," he announced. "I repeat code 11."

Lady Une moved through the asteroid looking for Hein. Her vision blurred as she moved through the cramp spaces. She saw several soldiers running in the opposite directions and the lights blinking. "Self distruct device."

"Victoria, we have to get out," Heero called as he came up behind her. She followed after him as they went back they she came in. As they exited the asteroid, it started to shake. "We're not going to make it," she thought as they hauled ass out of there. They were about two kilometers away when the asteroid begin to glow and blew apart. She could feel the force of the explosion push her forward and she nearly slammed into another nearby asteroid then everything quieted.

"I'm sorry," she said over the com link as they drifted in space.

"I feel the same," he replied as he saw a large ship open up its cargo bay.

"Are you coming in or not?" Duo asked impatiently as his imaged popped in on Heero's vid window.

Neither of them answered as they entered the cargo bay and it shut behind them. Heero opened the hatch of the cockpit and floated out. "We kicked ass," Duo said cheerfully as he and the others met him at the bottom smiling in victory.

Something did not feel right. He saw that Victoria hadn't come out of the cockpit yet. His mind went back to asteroid and her 'cramp.' He had been so busy he hadn't really paid attention. He floated to the cockpit of the suit for what seemed like forever. He released the hatch from the outside. "No," he whispered as he saw her slumped over and bleeding. "I need a medic," he called. He checked her over and saw she was still breathing but her breaths were getting weaker and weaker. "I'm not letting you go, Victoria," he said as he cradled her. "I refuse to let you leave me."

Her eyes fluttered open for a brief moment but not focusing on anything in particular. "Heero," she whispered.

"I'm right here, Angel," he replied as he saw the medics come. He jumped down and they floated to the bottom.

"I…" her sentence trailed as she passed out again. He laid her on the stretcher and the medics started for the infirmary.

One of the soldiers tried to hold him back when he followed after him. He struggled against him. "I need to get to her," Heero said as he moved against him. The rest of the pilots were about to interfere when Niko looked at the soldier and nodded to let him go. Heero looked at Niko and saw the same look in his eyes that he had when he looked at Victoria and understood.


"Is she alright?" Heero asked as a woman in blue scrubs as she walked over to the group. The others looked up hoping for good news.

"She's out of surgery," the doctor replied. "We were worried that the fetus might be in danger when we first operated but like the mother, it's a fighter."

"Fetus?" Heero asked incredulous. He stared at the doctor with his usual stoic expression, not giving away his surprise, anger or confusion. "How far along is she?"

The doctor looked at the chart. "Approximately four weeks," she answered. She looked up to see if anyone had any questions. Everyone merely looked in shock. "Is there something wrong?"

Duo shook his head. "We're just a little shocked."

"Oh are you the father?" she asked as she started to smile.

"Who me?" Duo asked incredulously. "No way. Heero would kill me. The guy you're looking for is…" He was about to point to Heero when he noticed that he was gone. "Never mind."

"Well there is not doubt where he is," Wufei commented as the whole idea of Lady Une and Heero procreating started to sink in. "Is there nothing sacred?"

"Lady Une's the girlfriend that Heero went to go see?" Noin asked as she chuckled. That love connection is not something she would have expected.

"Nothing surprises me with you guys anymore," Zechs replied as they all sat down to wait for Heero.


"Heero?" she asked as she came to. She started to sit up.

"You need rest," he said uncompromisingly. He pushed her down gingerly and sat beside her. "I'd hate for your cramp to get worse. "

She looked at him and narrowed her eyes. "It'll pass," she retorted. She looked up at the ceiling. She needed to get out of there. She hated hospitals. Her wound must have been more serious than a graze if she wasn't in the infirmary. She also needed to gather her thoughts so that she could tell Heero truth and there was no way she could do it effectively there.

Heero looked at her curiously to see what she was going to do. "Don't even think about escaping. You have to be here for at least another day."

"You know me too well," she sighed almost humorously. She looked into his eyes and saw relief in them. The two of them had been put through a lot the past six months and it wouldn't be long before she could not hide the truth from him. She sat up slightly and looked at him. "I have something to tell you."

"And that is?"

She took a deep breath. This was the hardest thing she ever had to do. She had been in the front line at press conferences and given orders during battles and now she had to tell the man she loved she was carrying his baby. Not only carrying his a baby, but she had known she was doing so since she became conscious a week ago and still piloted the gundam. "I'm pregnant."


She narrowed her eyes. "Did you not hear what I said?"

He looked at her coldly. "You're pregnant," he answered. "And."

"Don't you care?" she asked indignantly

"Nothing I can do about it now."

"I can't believe you," she replied angrily and looked away.

"Now you know how I felt when the doctor told me," he said gently as he placed a hand on her shoulder. He turned her face toward him and brushed his lips across hers. "Marry me."

"No," she answered.

"Yes," he replied as he kissed her deeply. He began to kiss the side of her neck lightly.

She pulled away and winced as she saw her resolve starting to melt. She moved too fast and caused her side to ache. "I think we need some time." She didn't want to hurt him but she couldn't accept his proposal when she knew he did it out of obligation.

"Fine." Heero's eyes became frosty in order to hide his hurt. He nodded then sat down beside her.

"I need to be alone," she said lowly.

Heero nodded and left reluctantly. "I'll be outside."

© 2001 Devon Masterson

Another Bond Girl Production

We all know who belongs to who, Gundam Wing belongs a whole bunch of rich influential people and I just have some concepts. Don't sue me, hire me instead ;p