Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Overtime - 1/1 ❯ Overtime ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Title: Overtime
Author: CeeDee
Pairing: 1x2x1
Rated: E for Everyone
Warnings: unbetaed silliness
written for GW500 Challenge #76 - Haze


Walking over to the coffee machine in Heero's office, Duo shook his head and grinned to himself. It was actually more than amusing watching Heero, sitting at his computer and trying to get the Preventers intranet working again, shot to hell by an incapable trainee only through a few careless keystrokes. He was at it the last four and a half hours, since lunch break actually. Duo had come to pick Heero up, but it seemed they would be late.

Pouring a mug for himself and refilling Heero's, he bit his lip as he sauntered back to Heero's desk and placed the mug down, sipping at his own. “You sure I can't help you with that?”

Heero looked up and sighed, picking up the mug and taking a cautious sip. “No,” he sighed, replacing the mug and bending over his keyboard again. “I'm sure I have it in a few moments, can email the due report to Une, and then we can go.”

Duo suppressed a snicker. “Right.” He looked at his wristwatch, then shook his head. Heero's attention was again already in byte heaven. He sauntered over to the printer and placed his mug on the filing cabinet, swept said report in already printed form from its tray. “Be right back.”

Softly shutting the door behind him, Duo made his way to the copy machine. Seemed everyone had already left, not caring about not working intranet connections, not working email or due reports, and had already finished for the day. This time he couldn't stop from snickering as he copied the report and placed it in a folder.


“Thank you,” Une leaned back in her chair and flipped the pages in the folder, reading over the report. “Yuy made you his delivery boy?”

“Nah,” Duo said, perched on the edge of her desk. “He's just so neck deep in bits and bytes, he couldn't part with it.”

“Ah.” Une nodded. “I take it he won't wait until IT department has the intranet problem solved?”

Duo snorted, fiddling with his braid. “He's just set his mind to solving the matter by himself, proving he hasn't lost his touch.”

Une grinned. “Sounds like it.”

“So,” Duo got up and swept up his copy of the report. “You need anything else or can we call it a day?”

She waved absentmindedly with her hand. “No, go ahead. See you tomorrow, at the mission briefing nine a clock.”

“Yeah.” He strode through the room and called from the door, “Night, boss m'am.”


“You know, Yuy, Preventers have people for this kind of work.” Duo said softly as he stood in Heero's doorway again.

“They're gone already, and I need to email this report to Une today.” Heero said through clenched teeth, still bend over this keyboard, typing furiously.

“You know, they won't recognize a thing comes morning if you reprogram the entire system, and need a month to get a grip on it again.” Duo leant against the door-frame and crossed his arms over his chest, the folder dangling from his fingertips. “And we had a date for dinner, but it's already almost too late for it.”

Heero's head shot up, expression guilty. “It's that late, already?”

“Hmm,” Duo strode to Heero's side and turned the chair around, placing the hardcopy of the report on the desk. He straddled Heero's lap and placed a kiss on his temple. “And you neglect to see the obvious things in your electronic haze.”

“How so?” Heero murmured and nuzzled Duo's neck.

Duo leaned back and mock glared. “While you tried to get your email working, I delivered a hardcopy of your report to Une. All done. We can go now. Dinner's waiting.”

He broke out in a brilliant laugh at Heero's stunned look.

+++++ end