Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Palpitations of the Heart ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
AN: Hey! Here's the second part! We hope you like it and review! We love reviews! The make up happy! By the way there is a cameo in this part! Oh and thanx to everyone who reviewed!

'text' indicates thought.
"text" indicates speech.

Palpitations of the Heart
by Miyoko (BabySnowAngel) and Heather

Chapter One

The next night, Heero put on a skirt and shirt and exited through the window once more. She spotted a motorcycle and, looking around furtively, stole it. Driving quickly to the movie theater she screeched to a halt next to a silver convertible. Running in, she saw Duo standing there waiting for her.

"Sorry, I'm late. I couldn't find my keys. I have a really messy roommate. It's really bad," Heero said trying to catch her breath.

"No prob," Duo said. They went into the theater and waited for the movie to begin. Duo put his arm around Heero, pulling her close.

A few minutes into the movie, Heero had to dig her head into Duo's shoulder, too scared to look. Duo smiled, not minding the position at all. They pretty much stayed like that for the rest if the movie.

During class on Monday, Duo tapped Heero on the shoulder. “I met your sister over the weekend." he said casually.

"Do you have to tell me this now?" Heero asked annoyed.

"Yeah, I do. Considering you kicked me out of our room, I think I have a right to annoy you right now." Heero rolled her eyes.

"Fine. What about my sister?"

"She's really nice. I really like her."

"Really," Heero said dryly. "As fascinating as your relationship with my sister isn't, I don't want to hear about it."

"Why didn't you tell me you had a sister?" Duo asked.

"You never asked," Heero said.

"Maxwell, Yuy, Detention!" Zechs Merquise, their teacher, yelled.

Heero glared at Duo and said, "Thanks a lot."

"Sorry," Duo said sheepishly.

Days passed by and Heero fell more in love with Duo. Days soon turned into weeks, and weeks into a month when it was announced that a dance would be held at the Veit-Horn Academy.

Duo had taken "Heather" out on yet another date. He really liked her and wanted to ask her to the upcoming dance. This time they were at a small Chinese restaurant and had just gotten their food.

"My school is holding a dance on the 24th. I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" Duo asked.

"I'd love to, but I have to work," Heero said. "I'm really sorry."

"It's ok," Duo said, a sad expression on his face.

Heero looked down at her watch before she looked at Duo and said, "I really have to go. My shift starts in 30 minutes. I'll call you!" Before Duo could say anything she got up and left, tears starting to stream from her eyes. She ran crying not caring where she ended up. Somehow Heero found a bench and collapsed sobbing her heart out.

"Why?! Why did I have to pretend to be someone who I'm not?! Why didn't I have enough courage to stand up to my father?!" she cried out. "Why can't I stop living a lie and tell Duo?! He'd just hate me for lying to him! DAMMIT! WHY?!" All this crying had quickly tired her out and she fell asleep right there on the bench.

Meanwhile, Duo was left sitting in the restaurant wondering what had just happened. "Heather" never had to work on Fridays. And couldn't she find someone to switch shifts with so she could go to the dance? Duo paid the bill, left a tip, and headed out the door. Duo got into his car and drove back to the school.

As usual, Heero wasn't there. He worked Friday nights and came back really late. Duo was usually asleep by the time he finally rolled in. Duo stripped down to his boxers and fell into bed. He laid thinking for a while until sleep overcame him.

The rising sun woke Heero early the next morning. She looked at her watch and yelled, "SHIT!" She sprinted for the school completely forgetting about the "borrowed" motorcycle hoping that Duo hadn't yet waken up. She climbed up the tree next to their window and peeked in. Heero sighed with relief seeing Duo sleeping still. She took a moment to admire him before climbing through the window.

She wasted no time in taking off her dress, makeup, and hair accessories to hide and changed into her pajamas. Heero quickly climbed into her bed, closed her eyes, and evened out her breathing so she would appear asleep to anyone who looked.

The night of the dance quickly came. Duo and Heero were standing off to the side watching the couples dance. All of a sudden a blonde girl popped up in front of them. Heero and Duo slightly jumped surprised.

"Hi! I'm Relena Peacecraft! Who are you?!" the blonde exclaimed in a high-pitched voice.

"Duo Maxwell, and he's Heero Yuy," Duo replied. Relena immediately plastered herself to Heero's arm.

"Hi, handsome! Want to dance?" Relena asked Heero.

"No thanks," Heero replied glaring at the girl.

"Why not?" Relena questioned, a pout on her face. Heero just glared in reply. His arm was starting to go numb.

'I need to find a way to get her off of me!' Heero thought to herself. Heero suddenly felt Relena pull him onto the dance floor. Before he could protest, Relena had him in a death grip and started spinning them around the room.

'I think I'm going to be sick! When is this song going to be over?!' Heero thought to herself trying desperately to get away from Relena. Out of the corner of her eye, Heero saw a Chinese girl heading towards them. 'Meiran. Thank God!'

Meiran tapped Relena on the shoulder and said, "May I cut in?" Relena looked a little startled and loosened her grip on Heero. Heero immediately pulled away, grabbed Meiran, and started dancing with her.

Relena stood there and glared at the Chinese girl's back. 'How dare she steal MY Heero?!'

"Thanks, Meiran!" Heero said.

"No problem, Heero. Heero?! What the hell are you wearing?! Why the hell are you dressed like a guy?!" Meiran exclaimed.

"Shh!" Heero said looking around to see if anyone had heard the girl's outburst. Satisfied that no one had, she turned back to her and said, "Two words: my father. He forced me to dress like this and go to an all boys school."

"That's horrible. Well It can't get any worse," Meiran said.

"Um... actually it can," Heero said. Meiran gave her a questioning look. "I'm in love with my roommate."

"You're right, that's worse," Meiran said. Heero needed to tell someone so she let it all out. Meiran listened intently, feeling for her good friend. The whole story took about three or four dances to tell.

"How could he do that to you?! That's just wrong!" Meiran exclaimed. She glanced over and noticed her boyfriend was glaring at them. "Wufei's about to blow a gasket. I should go dance with him. If you need someone to talk to call me."

"Thanks for listening, Meiran," Heero replied letting her go.

"No problem. Talk to you later," She said then walked over to Wufei and pulled him onto the dance floor. Unknown to the two Quatre had heard the whole conversation while dancing with his girlfriend, Stephanie.

Relena seeing Meiran leave Heero, immediately sprinted over and attatched herself to Heero once again.

"Why were you dancing with that ugly girl instead of me?!" Relena demanded. Heero got really mad and pushed her before walking away. Relena was left bawling on the floor. Heero looked over at Duo with longing in her eyes.

She decided the dance wasn't fun anymore since she couldn't dance with Duo, so she left. Relena followed her out. She hopped onto her "borrowed" motorcycle and drove back to her dorm. Relena got into her pink limo and sped out of the parking lot not even noticing when she ran over a blonde with funky bun pigtails and a weird sailor outfit.

Heero looked behind her and noticed she was being persued by a pink limo and immediatly cussed, "DAMMIT! Why doesn't she just leave me alone?!" Heero then did everything possible to lose her. Finally after taking many short-cuts and round-about ways, Heero lost her. She pulled up to her school and walked up to her dorm.

Heero fell onto her bed in shock. "Why is she stalking me?!" she wailed. She cried until she fell asleep.