Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Past Meets Present ❯ Chapter 31 ( Chapter 32 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Xin Xin laughed as she ran after Marie. She’d been in school for about a month now and was secure in her group of friends. She even had a “boyfriend”. He was Marco, Marie and Timmy’s cousin.

Ami was nearby, having a swinging contest with Britt. Megan, Erin, and Timmy were all running off as well. Xin Xin noticed that her blond friend was only a few feet ahead of her. She spurted and tagged the girl, racing off to the slide that was on the playground.

“Xin! Get back here!” Marie called out, laughing. The Chinese girl shook her head as she kept running. She ran into someone and fell down. “Sorry!” She called out, running off. She looked back and saw that she had run into Megan.

“I quit! Let’s do something else!” Megan yelled as Marie tagged her. The group assembled in moments, or at least the girls did. The guys that were in their group had run off to continue the game without them.

“Hey, you know how it’s my birthday next weekend, right?” Britt asked the other girls as they sat on the steps that lead into the school. A chorus of yes resounded through the group. “Well, my mom said that instead of having a party, I could take a few of my friends to the circus that’ll be in town. And I want all of you guys to come,” the girl told her friends.

“Cool,” Ami said.

“No way! I love the circus! Thank you, Megs!” Erin cried out, getting up and dancing around which caused her friends to giggle. It never was quiet with that girl around.

“Niáng, Megan asked me to come to her birthday party next weekend,” Xin Xin told her mother than night while they were washing dishes, or rather, Meiran washing and her daughter drying. “Or actually, her mom is going to take us to the circus,” Xin Xin corrected herself. “We all show up at Megan’s house and then her mom, who has a mini-van, will take us to the circus.”

“I guess it would be all right,” Meiran told her daughter. “But you’ll have to get Megan a present, of course.”

“I know, Mom,” Xin Xin answered. Meiran stopped when she heard her daughter say that word. Her daughter had never called her anything but Niáng. It had filled Meiran with a sort of pride to hear her girl say the word. Mom made her feel, well, worthless. Meiran shook her head and finished washing the dishes.

A week passed and soon it was time for Xin Xin to go to the party. The Chinese woman dropped her daughter off and watched as the girl, so small for her age, entered the house of her friend. She could see another girl walking up to the house, too. Meiran left.

“Xin, you’re just in time. Ami’s right behind you, so we can open presents before we go,” Erin assaulted the girl’s ears as she walked into the doorway. Luckily for Xin Xin and unluckily for Ami, Erin jumped over to the other girl and informed her of the same news. Erin led the two girls’ into the living room where Megan, Britt, and Marie were already seated, just waiting. In front of Megan were three presents and the two new girl’s added theirs to the small pile.

“I love it!” Shrieked the birthday girl when she opened Xin Xin’s present. The present was a small charm bracelet with letters spelling out Megan’s name. “Thanks, Xin!” She said, giving her friend a hug. Soon, all the girls were pilling into Megan’s mother’s mini-van. Megan’s father was staying home with the girl’s four brothers, so it was truly a girls’-night-out.

“Oh, I can’t wait to see the trapeze people!” Erin jabbered in the van. Her friends all kind of tuned her out, though they were just as excited. “Hey, Xin, what’re you looking forward to see?” Erin asked, turning to the girl on her right.

“Umm, the clowns, or maybe the lions,” she answered, thinking of her Uncle Trowa. “Did you know I actually got to pet a lion once?” She told her friends.

“What? No way!” Erin and a few others shrieked. “Yeah,” Xin Xin nodded, “my Uncle Trowa worked for a circus and he was the lion-tamer.”

“We’re here girls,” Megan’s mother interrupted. The girls rushed to get out of the van. Megan’s mother led them to the ticket booth and bought each girl a ticket and a treat to eat. She then led them to the bathrooms so that there would, hopefully, be no trips to the place during the show.

While Xin Xin and Marie were in the bathroom, two men, one with a long, brown braid and the other with short, blond hair walked by. “Hey, kids, I hope you have a good time tonight. There’s going to be a special surprise. One of the old clowns is performing tonight;” the braided man called out. His friend jabbed him in the ribs, to which he responded with an ‘ow’ as the two walked off. When they were out of sight, which was within moments since the place was so crowded, the two girls came out of the bathroom and since they were the last, the group headed to the tent.

They took their seats; Megan seated between Marie and Britt; Erin, Ami, and Xin Xin sitting right behind them with Megan’s mother next to Erin.

“Shh,” the group turned to Erin just as the lights started to dim. The normally loud and talkative girl nodded and pretended to zip her lips and throw away the key.

The circus started. Around halfway through the performance, a knife-thrower was brought out and her target as well. When Xin Xin saw who the target was, she let out a small, involuntarily gasp. It was her Uncle Trowa. Not paying attention to her beloved uncle, she started to search the crowd in hopes of finding at the very least her Uncle Quatre. She failed though, the place to dark to make out most of the crowd. After the show, she searched desperately as they walked towards the mini-van.

“So, Trowa did you like being back up there?” She heard a very familiar voice say from behind. She whipped around and ran towards that voice. Her friends and Megan’s mom all yelled after her but when she did not stop, they ended up following.

Two strong arms lifted the young girl up. “Well, what do we have here?” A familiar voice mused. She looked up and saw a face that she knew.

“Uncle Heero!” She cried, hugging him.

“Kiddo!” Another familiar voice called out as she was taken from Heero. The braided man swung her around once. “I’m waiting on a letter you know,” he told her as he set her down.

“Sorry,” she answered, hugging him as well. “I’ve been really busy with my new friends.”

“So busy you’ve forgotten about me?” Duo asked, grabbing his chest and staggering. He hit Heero, who just looked at him like he was contaminated. Xin Xin giggled, absolutely eating up her uncle’s antics.

She heard her friends arriving behind her. “You guys,” she said, turning towards them, “these are my uncles.”

Footsteps came from behind the group, steady and calm. Yet somehow, seeming like they were the most important thing of all. Xin Xin whipped around and stopped.

“Die,” she whispered, taking off. She threw herself into his arms and was caught in his safe embrace.

“I’ve finally found you,” he whispered in her ear. “I’ve been searching for you and your Niáng all this time and now, I’ve finally found you.”

“Err, you may as well just leave her here. Fei’ll take her home,” Duo told the adult woman with the girls.

“Are they related?” One of the girls, a child with light brown hair in pigtails, asked.

He smiled, and answered, “Yeah. And this is the first time that they’ve seen each other in about a month.” He paused and then added, “We’ll take care of her. You guys can just head home. I mean, there’s no way that you’ll be able to separate ‘Fei and Xin Xin for a while.”

“Don’t worry about her mother, I’ll give Mei a call,” the blond man offered. Megan’s mother, at a loss because there was not a whole lot she could do, just shrugged and left, taking the other girls with her.

“Die, will you come home and live with me and Niáng?” Xin Xin whispered. “I want you. And Niáng misses you, even if she won’t say it.”

Wufei closed his eyes. He had wanted to hear those words. Those were the words that he’d been waiting forever since Meiran had announced that she was going to settle down. But he knew that no matter how much he wanted to go with his daughter, it would be up to Meiran if he would stay or go now. His fate lie in the hands of a woman who spent most of her time confusing him, though unintentionally.

“It’s not up to me anymore,” he told her. “It’s up to your Niáng now.”

Xin Xin broke away and stood back. She looked at him, a defiant look in her eyes. “She will let you. I just know. Just like when everyone thought you were dead but me. I know she’ll say yes,” the young girl told him.

“Xin Xin, I’m going to take you home. Tell me your address,” Wufei replied. Xin Xin answered; following him to a car that she was told was his. The girl curled up in the backseat somehow managed to lie down while being seat belted.

A/N: Only one chapter left. And then, the sequel. Though I have no idea what to call it. Here’s the very basic plot, or at least part of it. Xin Xin is 14/15 and her class learns about the events that changed the world. This leads her to question her family and the events of the past.

After that, I have just a basic idea. Honestly, about 95% of my stories are made up as I go. But I have no idea what the title should be. And I want a title before I start. If you guys have any ideas, they will appreciated.

So, I own Xin Xin and her friends. The other stuff, not mine. And never will be mine, unfortunately.