Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Perhaps This Is Life ❯ Stay Away From Her ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Perhaps This Is Life

Stay Away From Her

A/N: I luv titles, they say it all!

Disclaimer: Dunt own them cept the kids! MWAHAHAHA, voodoo dolls evil!

" I'm sorry that I'm late!" Milliardo panted as he entered the study looking awfully tired, " I got held up and realized that I was late so I ran all the way here. Phew, am I tired!"

" I hate people who are late…" Quatriana mumbled.

" It's alright, brother, sit down and breathe slowly, I don't want anything to happen to you though that the was number one thing I want for Christmas every year." Lu smiled and handed him a can of soda.

" Thanks, I don't know what I'll do if you were gone." Milliardo said sarcastically.

" Honey, would you explain to me why we have to review the books?" Kai asked.

" You do wanna pass high school don't you?" Quatriana answered back.

" My sister and her addiction to studying…" Quatre mentioned, " You must forgive her, she can't stop just like if you're addicted to smoking."

" Very funny…"

" Ummm… where's Hailey?" Milliardo asked.

" She's with Duo and Lena at a club, I think." Owdin responded.

" Why don't you go and join her?" Heero asked.

" Why not…it's not like I have other things to do!" Milliardo smiled, " Is it the new club that's opened for teens?"

" Yah" Heero replied.

" Hey, aren't you gonna study?" Quatriana asked.

" Nope! Not at all!" Milliardo laughed as he turned to leave but he bumped into someone.

" Where do you think you're going?" Kai asked starring at him with the hunger to kill him in his eyes.

" To the club…" Milliardo answered weakly.

" Why?"

" Ummm…"

" No reason? Then sit down." Kai said forcing him down.

" Hey, I'm older than you!" Milliardo realized.

" Damn…" Kai muttered. " You can go but don't you dare get anywhere near my sister got it?"

" Yes… kid…" Milliardo said with a grin.


" Hello hot girl!" A guy complimented Hailey.

" Hey gorgeous, what's your name?" Another guy asked.

" Suga, yo gotta give meh your numba!" Another guy said.

Hailey was sitting at the bar all alone while Lena and Duo were dancing. She didn't mind but what she did mind was these boys flirting with her. Just then she spotted Milliardo. She wondered what he was doing here, shouldn't he be studying with Quatriana?

" Yo guys, guys, guys! Please back away from my cousin!" Milliardo came over and exclaimed.

" Cousin?" The guys asked.

" Yah, he's my cousin!" Milliardo replied

" He?" The guys asked very confused.

" Oh you don't know?" Milliardo questioned and dragged them over to a little corner and whispered, " He had plastic surgery to become a girl."

That little secret droved the guys off faster then you could say "run".

Milliardo walked back to Hailey and noticed that she was a little mad.

" Cousin?" Hailey asked.

" Yah"

" He?" she asked again.

" Yah"

" I'm gonna totally kill you!"

" But I drove them off didn't I?"

" Thanks!" Hailey said sarcastically

" Just call me your night in shinning amour!" Milliardo chuckled.

" Would you care to dance, princess?" Milliardo asked.

" Of course, dear…"


A/N: Well, did you figure it out yet? Did you??? R&R flamez