Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Psychological Warfare ❯ Target Quatre ( Chapter 4 )

[ A - All Readers ]


J.A: *still has a bandaged head*: I'm not gonna say anything; I have been subjected to too much pain already.

Raven: Good for you! ^_^ and now, for the chapter you all have been waiting for

Psychological warfare

Chapter four: Target Quatre

Good old Quat was sitting innocently in his comfy chair reading his favourite book, unaware of the kind of dilemma that his fellow pilots were going through. Current status of the household: Heero in hiding, Trowa was fuming; Wufei was trying to get the psycho theme out of his mind while guarding his door. They all wondered the same thing, will their friend Quatre live! And Duo was happily whistling, strolling down the hallway looking for the last victim on his list: Quatre Raberba Winner. One should feel sorry for him, Duo that is, for what he was going to experience was going to go into the history books.

It was a fine day and Duo came into the room where Quatre was reading his favourite book on his comfy chair in his library.

"Hello Duo!" Quatre said without looking up from his book.

"Hiya Q-man" Duo replied cheery as ever. He selected a book from the shelf and sat on the chair facing towards Quatre. The chair was a bit too close, all the better for Duo to see the blond pilot.

"What book are you reading?"

"Some horror novel!" grunted Duo. He was not in a talkative mood at the moment.

"Can you even read?" Quatre asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes-I-can" Duo said through gritted teeth, anger building up inside.

"Oh well! Good for you" He said in his innocent and nice tone. Duo was fuming, in fact, he was boiling.


Duo's Thoughts

'That ******* blonde is gonna pay for that! Can you even read huhuhu!!!! (He thought mimicking Quat) What does he think I am a deadly baka on the loose?'

'Thinks he's sooo naïve, well, Oooooooooooooo the nerve, I feel like strangling the little creep. No- I mustn't be violent! What the..? Great, now I've started thinking like him, we shouldn't be fighting at all, bleeyyaachhh!!! Can he even read!!!!!!! Grrr! Must-not-loose-cool!! I'm gonna kick his sorry hind!! GARRHHHHH!! Man does he make me mad!!!!!!!


Duo looked up from his 'some old horror novel' and saw that Quatre was quiet content and reading his book peacefully leaving Duo's though in turmoil, his brain was trying to stop him from causing bodily harm. He went back to his book and started thinking again. Or more like, cribbing again.


Duo's Thoughts

'Mr-I-am-so-innocent is all hooked up in his silly little book. My hands are twitching to kill him. GRRR!!! Why I outta &^*#^#$*& %@##*&@^#*)!!! Ha, that felt much better………………………… ;………why the hell am I sweating……..and moving my leg, it's as if I was nervous about something. Wait a minute; Quatre is making me nervous, THAT LITTLE CHEAT TRYING TO OUT SMART ME!!! Well we'll see about that mister Winner!!'


Duo peeped through the holes in the ancient book and saw the Quatre was still reading his book. His book too close to his nose. Must be a very interesting book. Duo smirked an evil smirk and unleashed his weapon. He started staring at Quatre. He started and he started and he started. But Quatre did not even stir. Duo realized this and thought:

"Something is wrong, I can feel it, I know he's plotting something, something that I'm sure is gonna be against me. He's-gonna-do-something!"

Duo watched in anticipation, expecting Quatre to make some movement or in easy words, do something he won't like.


Trowa decided to go to Quatre and warn him before hand, on his way he met Wufei and Heero.

"What are you doing here?" Trowa asked them.

"I went to get a drink of water" Wufei said, turning away.

"Heero, is it really that cold??" Trowa asked looking at Heero's attire. He was wearing loose pants, a jacket and a scarf with a constant scowl on his face. There was a tinge of redness there too.

"Hnn mind your own business" Heero said also turning away and heading towards the library.


Duo's Thoughts

"I just hope he doesn't know what my weak spot is, if he does I'm never gonna get over it, it feels horrible, why am I the one thinking and getting nervous……"

Duo nervously shifted in his seat and continued staring at the person in front of him, but with worried looks. Duo saw Quatre shift and twitch a bit, he leaned in closer and…

"BOOO" Cried Quatre jumping onto Duo.

"AIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Duo screamed startled, even more torture was subjected to him when Quatre started tickling him around the waist, which was Duo's ultimate weak spot.



Trowa, Heero and Wufei heard he commotion that was materializing from the library, they rushed in to see Quatre laughing so hard that he was banging his fist on the table and Duo as white as a vampire clutching his sides, breathing so hard as if he had run a 100 meter race.

"Uhh Quatre" They asked in unison.

"Wha-ha-ha, wha-what?" Quatre asked getting up from the ground and wiping the tears from his eyes.

"What just happened here?"

"Ahh! Well I always wanted to try that on Duo" He said standing up and straightening the creases in his shirt. Trowa, Wufei and Heero exchanged looks, smiled and decided to have some fun, more easily translated as: REVNGE ON DUO!

Poor Duo saw the faces of the three wicked pilots cracking their fingers who were grinning ear to ear.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" With that said he ran out of there at the speed of light, or a bit lesser, and he ran and ran towards the comforting familiarity of his room, his sanctuary.

"Oh well he's gonna come out sometime"


"Okay now that was mean, I think I gave him quiet a fright, maybe I should go and…"

"Hold it right there Winner, you remember what he did to your goldfish don't you"

"…….what's say we go get some lunch"

"Good idea Winner"




Raven: Yup that was it, the big twist. GO QUATRE!!!!

J.A: *holds up flags and banners that say YAY QUAT* you guys might be needing these.