Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Quatre's Journal ❯ Entry #1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Entry #1:

I observe. I watch. I think. I act.

How I viewed life was mostly observing. I wouldn't talk about many things. It was best for me to keep my thoughts to myself. It was rather interesting to watch others, observing their faults and pety arguments with one another.

I usually spent time on my own. I prefer it... I was a smart person, just afraid to express it. It wasn't that I didn't like expressing myself it was the fact that it was my own business.

I guess I'd be fine to start with life, in general. Friends, family, school, my intrests, hobbies, feelings, everything. It's my fears, anger and happiness.

First I think that I'll start with friends. Hm, guess thre's few. It doesn't matter though. I could enjoy myself with lots, few and/or no friends. I have a really special friend his name is Trowa, he's one that I can express my thoughts and opinions with, I suppose... we think alike.

I think I'm starting to care lots for him. Yes him. I'm gay. Like there's anything wrong with that. I see that not everyone accepts that but who cares. I do what I like. No one can tell me different. I mean I accept everyone for who they are, they're ways, beliefs, and life. So they should accept me. But I know that's not how the world works, there is much prejudice and racism. It is horrible.

I really do see who my real friend's are and who aren't. The ones who stick their noses up in my face and act like a prep are not my friends. How could they when they don't accept me for who I am. I don't like those types of people. They think everyone should be the same, yet nobody is. Yet some try and act alike. They want to be popular. Those are the followers. They're like sheep. They all seem to have to look alike. It's pitiful and a disgrace. It's not that I don't accept them for who they are, it's just fustrating because sometimes....they can be so rude and inconsiderate to others.

Anyway I suppose family would have to be the next subject I need to explain. Probably the most difficult.

For starters, my family is quite confusing, big and extremely prejudice. I have 29 older sisters. Too many, I can't even rememeber all of their names. It doesn't matter most of them are out of the house already and had their own families. But during family reunions... it was hell. I'd rather lock myself in my room and get away from the hoard of relatives, over half I don't even know. My father is a business man. He rarely is around. Too busy with his work. My mother...died while giving birth to me. I wish I could of met her. All I have is pictures of her that was taken. Everyone says I look like her alot. I usually loook at the pictures time to time. Just to try and get a picture in his mind of what she was like.

Let's see... I suppose I'm done with family. How about I move on to school.

What can I say about it? Well, it's not bad. I like my classes and I get average marks. I'm thinking of becoming a photographer. I love to take pictures. Capture the moment. I expessially love sceanery and places. I have a large collection. I even spend most of my money on film and camera's. I really love capturing the moent, as I already said. I guess there isn't much more to say but, that I love Photography.

I like alot of things I guess. I have lots of hobbies that I enjoy to do. I write, draw somwhat, I mess around on my computer usually messing with photo's, videogames are also something I do frequently and then I also just hang out with Trowa alot of the time.

I cluld put a little bit more about myself I suppose. I have a worst fear, I guess it's losing my friend Trowa, I hope nothing ever happens. I hate it when people say things about us. I know I sound lame but it's true. I get angry over dumb things. Like when it comes to family issues and my fathers rants. I tend to have a temper when it comes to that, otherwise I'm fine. I'm always happy around my friends though. Trowa always makes me in a good mood.

There isn't much more to say but, life overall with me is pretty good. I can't say I hate it at all. I think writing in a journal has helped alot.

Well that's all for now.


Quatre Winner

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Well... want me to write more entry's for Quatre's journal?