Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Raigeki ❯ Rescue ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Raigeki
Author: Caelestis
Rating: R
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Warnings: Ahhhhhhhhhh!! Oh my god, what have I done to my poor, poor Heero? WAHHHHHH!!!!!
Disclaimer: Don' own em. pouts
Pulling out his gun, Duo slid into the airlock, folding his newly acquired, slim black wings close to his back. The security of the base wasn't as tight as he had been expecting, he had been able to open the doors with a simple cross wiring. Duo's mind was focused on only one thing: finding Heero and making sure he didn't die. Running through the winding mess of corridors, it was easy to lose his bearings, so he ran what information he had through his mind again.
Heero would be in a holding cell right now, unless they had taken him to the lab while he had been waiting for them to grow complacent. Duo growled audibly at the thought. How dare they take what was his! His? Duo skidded to a halt in confusion as he also heard footfalls echoing further up the passageway. Spying a door, he jimmied the lock and slipped inside, pressing himself up against the wall to listen for further movements. It also gave him a minute to examine his feelings.
He was starting to act possessive of Heero... and when he thought of him lately his stomach flip-flopped nervously. Violet eyes widened marginally as he realized... he was developing a crush on Heero... his very male best friend. Not that he had any problems with the concept, but Heero was a mortal after all. Their ideas of right and wrong were significantly different than Duo's. He shook his head in confusion. It was impossible... Shinigami did not love! Lust maybe... but there was no denying how his heart lurched when he thought of actually having to live without him. Duo banged his head against the wall a few times, berating himself under his breath about his obvious lack of sanity.
Great. Just... Peachy. Having an emotional breakdown in the middle of an enemy base, how brilliant could he be? Now was not the time for this, he'd have to face it later. Unknown to him, Duo's ears had slightly elongated when he had grown his wings after accessing his power, tapering to Elvin points; now he truly looked fey. The deep amethyst of his eyes glittered brightly in the psudo-lighting.
Footsteps sounded outside the door as a man stopped in front of the room; it could only be that with the heavy, labored breathing and thick masculine odor that was obvious to his heightened senses of smell. How hard would it be if he had a hostage? Go in and grab Heero, duck out, kill hostage. He didn't even have to wait for his Gundam! He could fly them both to safety now... or at least he kept telling himself that. The doorknob tightened as the person inserted a key, unlocking the door, pausing as he saw the slight marks Duo had made when he had picked the lock. He stepped into the room and moved to switch on the light.
Duo didn't wait any longer, fluidly moving behind the man and pressing one of his guns that he always carried with him into his ribcage. "Don't make a sound." He hissed.
"I'd say the same to you, 02, but it seems our situations are reversed." Duo's eyes widened.
"Doctor J?"
The ugly man just smirked at the obvious tone of confliction in his voice.
"What are you doing here?" Duo asked quietly, keeping pressure on his firearm.
"They are keeping me here to design them new weapons. Although for some odd reason, they keep threatening to kill me." He sighed dramatically, as if he could act his way through this situation.
"Where are they keeping Heero?" Duo growled. He didn't like this man nor trust him, something remote in his nature reminded him of a snake... plus he could clearly smell the deceit that was coloring his sweat.
"As far as I was told, he was taken to the lab over thirty minutes ago, and they are `working' on him now, so to speak. They seem to want their own Gundam pilot at their disposal, so I suppose they are trying to break him. I do hope my training holds up, they have some ingenious torturing methods here."
"Take me do him." Duo commanded roughly, his wings twitching slightly against his back. His shirt hadn't been torn completely when he had grown his wings, and he had folded his wings against the smooth skin of his exposed back, making it appear to the bystander that he had a living black cape. J hadn't turned around, and was as yet unaware of what he was dealing with... a pissed off God of Death.
"Very well. Follow me."
As they were about to walk out of the room, Duo shoved him up against the wall again, pinning him so that he couldn't move. "If anything has happened to Heero, I'll hold you responsible. And if you betray me I will make sure that after you die, you will never rest." The last word was a hissed sibilant. The tone of his voice was rich with death, and unknown to him his eyes glowed briefly, illuminating the darkness of the room slightly with a violet unknown to the human spectrum.
Doctor J paled slightly. He had been unwilling to believe the reports, but it was obvious that 02 had finally gone over the edge and was no longer help back by any notions such as remorse. It had been said that he had taken to calling himself, "Shinigami", a disregard in the eyes of those that followed tradition, a transgression that the gods would surely punish. And now he had the proof of those statements standing behind him. It had been vary unwise to antagonize this unstable youth, and now he regretted in previous actions.
Duo shoved the good doctor towards the door, his intentions clear. Stumbling in his haste to escape the company of this madman, Doctor J let Duo down a maze of halls to a section of the ship that had been lined with white tile. Sliding white doors marked several sterile rooms, other doctors and scientists milling about in each.
"H-here. Heero is in there." He pointed to an unmarked door to their right.
"Open it."
Doctor J did so, shaking as his hands typed in the password on the small keypad next to the door. He turned back towards Duo, and for the first time saw the visage of his captor. His eyes widened comically as he took in the folded wings that swept the floor behind him, the pupils dilating in fright as a sharp fang caught the light when Duo sneered at him. Duo's torn clothing only accentuated his dangerous appearance, and his eyes glowed with malevolence. In human eyes, he could only be classified as demonic.
A muffled thud sounded as the good doctor hit the floor, eyes rolling back in his head as his body shut down from the shock of what he had just seen.
Grinning to himself at the foolishness of humans, Duo advanced towards the open doors... and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw what lay within the sterile room. Heero had been strapped to a steel table in the center of the room with his hands bound above his head and his feet to either side of the table. A man in a white suit and mask was hovering over him, tracing his skin with a scalpel and removing the strips of skin and tissue that was left in the instrument's wake. Already half of Heero's natural body covering had been removed to reveal the muscle beneath it.
To the untrained eye, Heero was as impassive as he usually was, not even blinking an eyelash as more skin was peeled away to reveal raw muscle and blood welled to the surface. To Duo, on the other hand, who had spent time getting to know him, his face was a mask of pain. A one-way mirror had been set up to cover the entire wall to Duo's right, and the wall spanned at least fifteen feet. To Duo's demonic eyesight, he could tell there were men on the other side, about five to be exact, all men of rank. His lips curled back in disgust as he heard one of the men laugh... laugh when Heero's face tightened slightly from the agony of the torture he was going through.
That was enough. Duo's anger had matured into hatred for Heero's tormentors, and steeling himself, he strode forcefully into the room.
Laughter ceased as Duo felt the attentions of everyone living turn towards him. He drew what he could of his power around him, and sneered maliciously at the doctors who were defiling his Heero.
"What's this? Someone's having a party and they forgot to invite me?" His voice had lowered, the deep tones sending chills down the bravest of the men's spines. They spoke of the dark, the underworld, richly filled with demonic undertones. He moved towards the center of the room, gliding noiselessly over the bloodstained tiles so effortlessly that he appeared to float.
Running a finger down Heero's unresponsive face, it came away bloody. He brought it to his lips, running his tongue over the tip and sucking it clean. "Someone here has been naughty." He remarked, throwing a glance to the glass wall, to the men to whom he was talking. Shadows grew within the room, slowly blotting out the light as the dark rage filled him. These men were going to pay for this!
"Didn't your mothers ever tell you, it's not nice to play with someone else's toys without asking for permission first?" The contents of the room were petrified. Never had they seen something that so closely resembled their nightmares as this, this evil that was sitting gracefully, right next to the body of the pilot of Wing. And this creature was claiming him for his own? Waves of terror washed through the enclosed space as the men behind the mirror were startled out of their trance and began shouting orders that would fall on deaf ears. Duo's eyes had resumed their eerie glow; he turned his head again towards the men who thought themselves unseen.
Setting free another fraction of the power he could grasp, a cold purple fire swept up the glass, freezing what it fed from instead of burning it. The glass cracked, then shattered into a million fragments that seemed to be drawn towards the men who still held the scalpels. Frost rimmed the walls of the rooms now, a fog building up to cover the floor. Several of the men and women who were in the room were now screaming in terror and crying out to whatever god that they believed in, but it all fell on deaf ears. No deities would be coming to their rescue; they had turned their backs on humankind long ago.
"Do you think you could help me with a little problem I have?" Duo's voice turned silky as he addressed the General in charge of Heero's torture, the one who had laughed at him but scarce minutes ago. "Tell me, how could you find pleasure in something so perverted as this? I find it very hard to understand."
Heero's eyes were closed, his body starting to shut down with the loss of blood. Duo's eyes narrowed. He'd have to make this quick. Or then again... there were other options. Walking over to the pasty General he knelt by his sweating body.
"It's been a while since I've had the chance to use something like this. You should be honored."
The General's heartbeat tripled as fear spiked through his veins, the pallor of his face beaded with sweat. "Wh- what are y-you going to d-d-do," he stuttered.
Duo leaned closer to him and whispered in a mock-lovingly manner in his ear. "Now that's... a secret." Tracing a finger down the man's cheek, the very one that had touched Heero's blood before, Duo drew a complex rune over the man's face, and quietly said the words to activate his spell.
“From the blood of your victim you are cursed. Forever shall you relive the pain of your victims, to the day of your death and beyond.”
The man screamed as his pupils dilated, already drawn into the nightmares that would forever haunt his dreams both awake and asleep for the crimes he had committed. Duo hardened his heart to his screams; he knew how many innocent deaths this man had on his hands. It was justice that he in turn be repaid for what he had done. Heero was still strapped to the table.
Duo made his way through the cowering doctors to undo his friend's bindings, cradling him gently in his arms after covering him with a sheet. God... they really did a number on him.
Walking to the door he had come in from, he paused briefly before addressing his captive audience. "Even though you were only following orders, what you did is not pardonable. You will all take your own lives with the tools you have used for evil before this night ends." His voice was cool and carried a trace of pain for the lives that would be lost.
Sealing their fate, he faded from their sight without further sound, the darkness swallowing his form as the frosty mist swirled among the few still living humans that had dared to mark Shinigami's possession.
"Don't worry, Heero. You're safe now." Duo whispered softly towards the sleeping boy, stroking his cheek. His head rested softly against the white pillow, his messy brown hair so softly spread around his face that it gave him an angelic appearance. It had been a long flight from the base to the safe house, but Duo had made it. The window of the room was open, allowing a faint breeze to caress the silken tresses of the hero's protector.
Already Heero's skin had begun to heal; where it had been removed the blood had congealed forming a protective covering so new skin could be formed. Heero's regenerative system was rapidly accelerated, Duo mused, ever the analytical assassin. It must have something to do with his genetic make-up. What had Doctor J done to him?
Watching the dawn light creep over the horizon, Duo let a small sigh loose. He had a portion of his powers back now, only about one tenth of his former, but it was a start. It was enough to save Heero, and for that he would not complain. He had found he could not retract his wings, or change his appearance again, so he would have to take extra measures to ensure his secret wasn't found out. If Solo were able to find him, everything he held dear would suffer. What had happened to turn his dear brother into such a monster?
A small stirring from the bed alerted him to his patient's awareness.
"Duo?" Heero's cracked voice sounded strained. Duo leapt up, running to get him a glass of water. Helping him sit up, he held the glass to his lips as he took several small sips. Once he was finished, he lowered him gently back to the bed.
"You should have left me. You endangered the mission."
"Screw the mission!" Duo snarled. Heero blinked in mild surprise. "It was Doctor J who set up everything! It was a trap, Heero!"
Duo sat down heavily on the chair next to the bed, careful to mind his new appendages. "I don't get that yet. I don't get a lot of things."
The pain filled violet eyes of the one boy captured the cobalt blue of the other, drawing from them strength. The sun had just slithered over the trees, and the warm golden rays filled the room, framing Duo's face and sending gold highlights skittering through his hair that he had left unbound from it's braid. It fell gently around in form in soft waves. His fey-like ears were now visible, as were his black wings, their leather like surface gleaming under the warmth they hadn't ever seen.
An indrawn breath of surprise was all Heero could manage at the sight before him as he started coughing, breaking the moment. "Heero, are you alright?"
The gorgeous Amethyst eyes were now tinged with worry along with the pain, the combination making them seem even more ethereal.
"Aa. Why did you save me?" The question was not unexpected, but all the same, it hit Duo like a ton of bricks.
"You heard me. You must have had some reason to."
Duo flushed slightly, and turned his face downwards. "There wasn't any reason... I just couldn't bear see you die."
Good? Bad? Poor Heero? Review! Chocolate.... O.o;;