Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Raigeki ❯ ...School ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Raigeki
Author: Caelestis
Rating: R
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Warnings: Yeah… I hate these things. I keep running out of things to say! Oh well, not too much yaoi in this chapter, though you may see a lot more in the revision. Thank you all for your patience, and I hope you like this coming chapter. Have fun!
Disclaimer: Don' own em. WAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
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  The bells of the school chimed for homeroom as the two erstwhile Gundam pilots took their seats. The taller had brilliant cobalt almond shaped eyes and a short shock of dark, messy brown hair that was accentuated by his deep golden skin tone. The other was shorter only by a slim margin, his violet eyes and creamy complexion framed by a braid long, chestnut hair with shimmering highlights and bangs that covered just the tips of his ears. Both were dressed in the official uniform of the school, white dress pants and a deep navy colored jacket, although of the violet eyed youth it looked a little bulkier than usual. The girls and even some of the males of the school were already drooling over them, many with stars in their eyes.
  Another thing that was identical about them was the twin expressions of misery on their faces as they saw a familiar figure that could define what the color `pink' meant. She was dressed from head to toe in the awful pink uniform that the girls in the school had to wear, a fate that Duo considered to be worse than death.
  “Heero!” Her screech echoed through the small room, turning the heads of the other students in her direction. The object of her own attention winced, and caught himself before he ran around frenetically looking for a rock big enough to crawl under. 
  “Relena.” The name was spoken in his usual clipped monotone.
  “Oh, Heero, I'm so glad that you are attending my school again! Just think of all the great times we are going to have!” She sighed, dreamily, leaning against his desk. Fortunately for him, a teacher came in and called for silence before introducing herself.
  “Class, it is my privilege to introduce myself to you today, as this day is my first teaching at this school. My name is Gretchen Berberich, and I will be your homeroom and math teacher for the rest of the school year.”
  The class murmured a welcome as the teacher led them through a brief prayer for the day to go well. Duo yawned, bored, and threw a glance in Heero's direction to gauge his reaction to the teacher's entrance. If boring, the teacher had gotten Relena to sit at her own desk and away from his Heero, and was therefore okay in his book.
“We have two new students here with us today; they have just transferred from Japan! Duo Maxwell and Heero Yuy, please stand so that the students can see who you are.” She smiled stupidly at them. Duo was quickly re-evaluating his opinion of her. Just how many brain cells did she actually possess?
  The two pilots stood briefly, Heero standing stiffly as was customary with a blank look of his face, and Duo with his hands thrown behind his head with a devilish look in his eyes. They sat down and waited for the signal that would allow them to be free of this torture.
  The bell for first period rang and the class shuffled out into the hallways that were filled with their lockers. Duo sighed. School, again. The trite, banal behavior of the minions shipped off by their parents wore at his nerves, only to be beaten by the arrogant teachers that seemed to always find a way to make his like a living hell. His locker was squeaky too.
  Suicide was beginning to look good… really good.
  “Hey! Watch where you're going, dweeb!” Duo looked up, startled as he felt a meaty hand grasp his collar. “Just because you're new doesn't mean you can bump into anyone you like!”
  Duo just raised an eyebrow. “I think you're mistaken. If anyone here is bumping into people I would have to say it's you.”
  “I'm warning you…”
  “Fine. I'll consider myself warned, but could you kindly release my shirt?” Duo sneered sarcastically, holding his book bag under one arm as the thug tried to get in his face. He would not allow himself to be threatened by some… punk human. Casually shrugging out of the brute's hold he walked quickly to his next class, leaving the confused jock behind him.
  Duo sighed as soon as he was out of sight. Geeze… his annoyed expression disappeared as he saw Heero ahead of him, going into the same classroom that he had to go to. Well duh… he mentally upbraided himself at his own stupidity. Of course they had the same classes… Clasping his books tightly, he sprinted to the doorway, through it, and caught up to his friend and fellow pilot.
  “He-chan!” Duo grinned. “Oh man, I am never gonna make it through the day, I'm telling you…”
  He kept up a stream of mindless babble, taking a seat next to Heero, who was getting slightly pissed off, until the teacher arrived. He immediately took on the appearance of pure innocence and sat up straight in a mockery of rapt attention. Heero briefly rolled his eyes before focusing on the teacher as he began to teach the class of advanced literature.
  “…Now the Greek philosopher, Aristotle, in addition to being the founder of modern technology, was also the author of several works of literature. Of course you know at the time, books were very dear, unlike today, where in addition to the synthetic paper used in your school book, we use computers to do a lot of the work…” He droned on for some time, longer than a period should be from Duo's point of view. Stifling a yawn, he felt his eyes growing heavy and before long was snoring with his head in his hands leaning on his desk.
  The teacher noticed this before Heero could, and made his way over to Duo's seat, pausing where he was in his lesson.
  “Mr. Maxwell.” He snapped, slamming his textbook down next to Duo's head.
  “Yes?” replied the pilot drowsily as he sat up, rubbing his eye slightly.
  “Do you find my class so boring?”
  Duo blinked slowly. “Well… yeah, kinda.”
  The teacher's face slowly turned a startling shade of red, before sneering at the hapless student. “Then why don't you kindly inform us all of the significance the Greeks' gods played on the world's history?”
  Duo shifted slightly in his seat, and replied in an irritating manner, “Well… they were the basis of many myths over the ages, some carrying to the present like the mobile suits; machines that are based on gods such as Hercules-”
  “Hercules was not a god, he was only a mortal with the strength of a god.”
  “No,” Duo drawled slowly. “He was a god in his own right. Hera bestowed him godhood when he killed Zeus like she had asked him to do after Zeus betrayed his own family, bedding the queen of all monsters, Xenia.”
  The teacher looked mildly disgusted. “That just proves that you didn't study your history. Hera hated Hercules, and Hercules killed her after being provoked by Zeus. I don't know whom you mean by Xenia; there was no such person of that name in Mythology. Quite a good story though, if I'm to accept that you came up with it.”
  Duo looked confused for a minute, then angry. Mortals could screw a lot of things up, but this… he had been there. And his memory was perfect. This teacher could use a new history lesson. He opened his mouth to tell him what he thought when a concussion struck the ground close to the building, sending a tremor through the ground and the people inside that were standing to their hands and knees. Looking around he leapt to his feet and raced outside.
  “What the hell?” Heero growled, jumping to his feet as soon as the shaking abated. The rest of the students and the teacher were cowering on the ground with their hands above their heads, many praying that this wasn't another Gundam attack.
  Heero was without emotion as he scanned the area for Duo. He had been right next to him a moment ago, but had vanished in the time it took for Heero to blink his eyes. He had known that Duo had been withholding information, but if it was going to compromise their missions…
  Another tremor shook the ground. Heero strode calmly to the windows of the classroom, unmindful of the bucking ground or the bodies of the students in his way. That was the source of the disturbance.
  The view that was laid before Heero's eyes nearly shocked him to death. Duo had stripped his upper body bare, exposing his shimmering wings so that all could see. Fortunately for him, at that exact moment, a wave of an insubstantial fuchsia substance rolled over the high school and reduced everyone huddled on the ground into a comatose state.
  Heero remained where he was, maybe due to his unusual genetic make-up or maybe something else that prevented him from succumbing to the mist, but whatever it was, he was still conscious enough to witness the tableau that was taking place before his very eyes.
  The sky darkened, sending the shadows renewed fuel as they lengthened, several condensing into a spot before Duo before reforming into the scantily clad form of a woman. She was dressed in a black gauze-like tissue, several parts of it torn enough to see the tattooed milky white skin underneath. Her skin was mottled with purple teardrop shapes and her hair was pulled back into a severe bun.
  Heero had never seen anything like this, and his training was begging him to write it off as some flashy special effects that were designed to immobilize the enemy with fear, but then… Duo shouted something at her, gesturing wildly with his hands in an angry manner. The woman looked shocked for a moment before taking a step back. Instead of retreating, however, she raised her hands above her body and drew them into a cross shape in front of her chest.
  A blinding white ball of energy left her body and drawing a maelstrom of winds around it, rushed at the prone form of Duo.
  Duo couldn't believe it when he first hit the turf outside. The energy signal was clear, the one who was making the commotion hadn't bothered to mask it's signature, leading Duo to believe that it hadn't expected anyone who would be able to identify it.
  Ripping his jacket and shirt from his chest, he managed to expose his wings enough for him to be able to go into combat maneuvers if need be. Instead of shouting out his challenge to the empty sky, he merely focused his own energy enough to get the attacking person's attention. He wasn't disappointed when he saw the sky darken, or the woman form in front of him.
  “Ah, Vashtai. I see that you are up to your old tricks.” Duo sneered, drawing on the power he held to make his voice sound more sinister and threatening.
  “L-lord Duo?” The scantily clad woman drew back a step in horror at the apparent apparition before her. “But… b-but how…”
  “Please, spare me your hackneyed speeches. You, however, betrayed me to my brother… you who were my most trusted general. What brings you here now?” His voice was as smooth as silk, and as deadly as a scorpion as he wove a spell of uncertainty. His wings flexed slightly as his eyes narrowed at this upstart demon.
  “My Lord, Solo, has ordered me to obey my young Lady.”
  “Lady?” Duo was confused, and accidentally allowed his confusion to play in his voice. That was enough to release the demon from his carefully woven thrall as she glanced to a point over Duo's head. She nodded and growled as she released an energy blast at the blurred form of the former Shinigami; Duo braced himself to receive the attack that was coming at him.
  A frantic yell cut into both of the being's concentration as a figure interposed itself between Duo and the massive blast of destruction. Duo barely had time to yell as Heero was engulfed in the mass of violent power.
  “HEERO!!!” The scream of agony tore through Duo's lips before he could stop himself. No… His heart felt like it was wrenched in two as the light obscured his vision.
Gomen minna! Sorry it's taken me this long to update, but I hope you have enjoyed this chapter, and know that I haven't abandoned my little story here… just put it on hold. ^__^ Reviews a really nice and I wouldn't mind a few, just to let me know how people like this. See ya'll in the next chapter!! Will Duo lose Heero before he's told him how he feels?