Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Real World~~ Gundam Wing~~~ ❯ Roomies ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
~~~~~~~~~~~~Real world #2~~~~~~~~~

Hildie- ( trying to break free of Duo's arms ) I SAID LET ME GO!!!!!
Personal though- Hildie- Oh my god, Duo is really touching me!!!
Wufie- Weak!!! Weak!!!!
Quatre- ( Running over to them ) Stop you guys! We shouldn't be fighting at all!!!!
Hildie-.............FINE! Just keep that guy away from me! ( walks away )
Wufie- ( mummbles ) weak......... ( picks up his bags and goes to his room )
- Private thought- Wufie- I would have won easily against that woman.
- Some guy- I think it would have been a good fight..........
- Wufie- WHAT!!!! INJUSTICE!!!!! YOU ARE WEAK!!!!!!
- Some guy- ok would have won.
- Wufie- Hmph I know......
Duo- Heh! Now that that's done lets go un~pack! ( Picks up his bags and goes to his room, Quatre follows )
Heero- ( gets up and reaches for his bag )........
Relena- Ill get it!!!!! ( runs and grabs the bag ) Ill bring it to your room!!!!!! ( smiles )
Heero- ( snatches the bag from her and goes to his room ) ....................
- Private thought- Heero- Whats her problem! Why the hell does she have to be here. God this is going to be a loooong 5 months.
- Private thought- Relena- Isnt he so sweet! He doesn't want me to hurt myself carrying his bags!
Catharine- Come on Relena we should go talk to Hildie. ( gets her bags and goes to her room )
Relena- Ok!!!! ( follows )
Dorothy- ( looks at Trowa ) ...Are you going up yet?
Trowa- ( glances at Dorothy ) ....eye......eye....eyebrows!!!! ( Grabs his bags and runs up stairs )

Up in the girls room
Hildie- Errrrrr! I hate him soooooooooo much!
Catharine- He might not REALLY be that bad. Ya know, at heart.
Hildie- YES HE IS!!
Relena- I don't mind him, unless hes gay and try's to date Heero. ( smiles )
- Private thought- Relena- HE BETTER NOT DO THAT!
Hildie- Oh great! Not only do I get to live with that idiot but I also get a psychotic bimbo!
Relena- HEY!!!! Im not a psycho!
Hildie- ( Mimicking Relena ) Ohhhhh Heero! Let ME do that for you! Heero, Heero, Heero!!!!
Relena- SHUT UP!!! At least I have a guy!
Hildie- Yeah, he really likes you!
Relena- You bitch! No wonder Wufie hates you so much! I hope he beats you down!
Catharine- Stop it! This is just like what happened down stairs!
Hildie- So!!
Catharine- Just say your sorry! No matter what your both stuck here! And Im not going to be breaking up fights for the whole time either!
- Private thought- Catharine- All they each care about is their selves! This is not going to be as fun as I thought.
Relena-...........Whoa! Catherin CAN get mad! ( laughs )
Hildie ( laughing ) hah yeah she really can!
Relena- Ok Ok!! We wont fight each other so long as we don't have to fight you!
- Private thought- Catharine-Um......ok i think im the one living with psycho's
- Some guy- You can say that again!

Up in Heero and Wufie's room

Wufie- ( Running in screaming ) INJUSTICE!!!! HOW CAN I BE EXPECTED TO LIVE WITH THAT WOMAN!!!!!!
Heero- ( typeing on his laptop )..................
Heero- ( Glancing up and giving Wufie his Glare of death ) How can you live with her? ( Anger building up in his eyes ) How can you live with her!!! Im stuck here with Relena and NO WEPONS OF ANY KIND!!!!!!! ( starts to shake and puts his head in his hands )
- Private thought -Heero- How.....HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DO THIS!!!!
- Some guy - could take passive ways to keep her away..........
- Heero- PASSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( begins to cry softly )................Please let me die now.
Wufie- hmph........injustice for both our our cases then. weak women destroying our trip.........( A light comes to his eyes ) we shall have to stop them!!!!!!!!
Heero- ( Through his hands ) and how are we supposed to do that..........WITH NO FIRE ARMS!!!!!!!
Wufie- ( Gives a slight evil smile ) we will just have to find new ways now wont we.......
Heero- ( picks his head up just enough to see Wufie's face, and then sits perfectly strait ) and how do you plan we do that??
Both Heero and Wufie smile
- private thought- Some guy- Now i told you both no fighting!!!!!
- Wufie- There will be no official weapons used so there is nothing you can do!
- Heero- ( gets and insane look on his face and starts laughing ) HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
- Some guy- uh....uh.......d-d-do....whatever you two want!!!

In Duo, Quatre, and Trowa's room

Duo- I get the bed by the window!!!!!!!!!!!! ( runs in and jumps on top of it )
Quarte- ( give Duo a weird look )well ok........ ( glances at Trowa ) which on do you want??
Trowa- ( carries his bags to the one AWAY from Duo's )
Quatre- heh.....I thought youd chose that one.
Duo- Hey!!!!! Why wouldnt he want to sleep by me!!
Quatre- didnt mean anything by i-...
Duo- ( grinning happily ) Hey i was just joking ok!!!!!
- Private thought- Duo- God is this gonna suck!!!!!
- Some guy- for you or for them??
- Duo- SEE!!! YOU MAKE JOKES!! instead of a fun person i got Mr. Peace and the no talky guy!
- Some guy- heh....the funny thing is i wasnt joking......
Duo- ( lifting himself off his bed ) sooooooooooooooo anywayz.......
Quatre- ( looking offended ) What did we do???
Trowa- and thats bad because.......
Quatre- ( looking at Duo weird ) uh.....ok Duo ( waves his arms in the air ) moving see....
Trowa- ( laughs slightly at quatre ) hehe good one.
Quatre- ( laughing and looking at Trowa ) you think??
Duo- ERRRRR!! IM GONNA GO INSANE!!! ( leaving the room ) IM GONNA GO FIND YUY!! AT LEAST HE WILL YELL AND CHASE ME!!! ( leaves the room slamming the door )
Quatre- ( looking depressed ) ...Do you think i hurt his pride??
Trowa- Hey can't he take a joke? ( laughs slightly )
Quatre- ( smiles ) I guess your right......

In Dorothy's room

Dorothy- ( un-packing her bags and speaking to herself ) 5 months......5 long months in this house with these people.....( thinking ) Hmmm what kind of fights will they get into.....( smiling and speaking out loud right as Duo walks by ) Well whatever they start.....ill be there to push them along!!!! hahahahaha!!!
Duo- ( walks into Dorothys room and see no one else there ) uh........were you just talking to yourself??
Dorothy- ( shoked at seeing Duo ) straitning her face ) well how is that any of YOUR business??
Duo- God, down girl!!! Well whatever.....( looking at the door ) well im gonna go now........ill let you finish your convo
Dorothy- ( looking at Duo ) then leave.
Duo- Uh......bye ( walks out into the hall shutting the door behind him ) God!! She's worse then my roommies!

Thatz it for part two!!! tehe Howz it comming along??? Well the next chap will be up really really soon cause im bored and writing alot now :) tehe Reviews are cool so pweaseeeeeee do them!!!!