Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Relena's New Hobby: Seducing Heero Yuy ❯ The Chase: Part 2 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/n: Sorry I haven't written in a LONG time everyone, but it's just kinda hectic on this side of the computer screen. Go ahead: look at all the stories I'm working on in my profile! It's outrageous! Please understand, I'll try and make this longer than normal, but that might take a while ::sigh::. Just keep lookin' back here for more. I promise that I'll work on this more!

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing. Period.

Relena's New Hobby: Seducing Heero Yuy

Chapter 4

The Chase: Part 2

"He'll never be able to catch me..." Relena whispered to herself as she got off the bus and headed across the street to the dog pound. She opened the door, which gave a little ring when she pushed it open.

"Hello!" a friendly cashier exclaimed, grinning at Relena from across the counter. "How may I help you?"

"I'm looking for a cute little puppy..."


'What could she possibly want at a DOG POUND?!' Heero asked himself, thinking back to when he used to use little puppies for target practice[1]. Since when did Relena want to learn how to use a gun?

His mind raced as he got off the bus. He looked around, glad that he could see the sign for the dog pound across the street.

'I've got you now, Princess.'


Relena's concentration flew out the doors of the pound when she went into the back. Rows of cute puppies and kittens meowed and barked at her, begging with glassy eyes for her to bring them home.

'We have enough room for all of them...'

She forgot that Heero might be following close behind... close enough that the ring of the opening door brought her back out of her reverie.


The woman working at the counter had returned, mindlessly thumbing through papers and adoption certificates. A romance novel perched in one hand, a cup of coffee in the other, she reached for a tissue. When a tall, handsome man with dark brown hair walked through the door, she dog-eared the page and hid it under all the papers.

"How may I help you, sir?" Her voice wavered a bit, his appearance reminding her too much of the hero in her current novel.

Heero walked up to the desk, his Prussian eyes coldly staring back into hers. "Have there been any messages for 'Heero Yuy'?"

The lady's fingers worked through the papers, looking for the message list. She searched for his name, but there was no 'Heero Yuy' on the list.

"Sorry, sir, but no." Her cool brown eyes looked into his, her head tilted in question. "Is there someone you are looking for?"

"Yes," Heero said in his usual monotone. "A woman with brown hair and blue eyes, about this tall..." he gestured with his hand to the point of his shoulder.

"Oh! Yes, she's in the back, looking for a companion. Make yourself at home..." she said quietly to his quickly retreating back.

Relena had overheard most of this conversation, and now was in fear of having to face an angry Heero. Maybe this chasing idea wasn't so brilliant.

Heero sauntered into the room of cats and dogs and looked at a kneeling Relena, her hair hanging down past her back, her tenderness being offered to the small dog in the cage she was kneeling in front of. She turned slowly, not entirely caught off-guard, and locked her warm blue gaze with his.

"I guess you found me after all," she said quietly, breaking their eye contact to look at the gray stone floor. "Why would I want you to chase me, Heero?" she asked, reading his expression like she did when they were teenagers.

Heero stood stiff, his eyes watching her like a hawk waiting for its prey.

"I wanted to know if you were real. Human. Now I know that you are, and you'll go great distances to get what you want."

The stoic pilot waited. His body wanted him to react, but he had to let her finish before he...

"I'm sorry, Heero. I wanted to know if you were still--I mean--ever interested in me. I..."

Heero caught her up in his strong arms, holding her close to his frame, never wanting to let go. She was all he ever wanted. If he had to go through this lifetime with someone, it could be her. It would be her.

Relena looked up at Heero, her large blue eyes looking for any clue as to what brought up this reaction. Had she said something? Was it just Heero and his emotions that he kept secret for so long?

Heero placed a tender kiss on her forehead, and sighed her name in her hair. He was shocked by what Relena said next.

"Isn't it time for lunch?"


A/n: [1] no, this never happened in the series or anything, but I just wanted to make it clear that Heero didn't have human feelings towards anything, even if they were starting to come back.

This will be continued, no worries! ^.~ Thanks for waiting!

~~Rae chan