Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Remember when... ❯ Life loves a tragedy part 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

We do not own the rights to GW! Never have and never will!

Warnings: Angst, language, slight OOC

Archived at: AFF, MM, and

Part two of 'Life loves a tragedy' by Sparkling Diamond PG-SSM & Saiyajin_Raven69

"Last…last rites? What the hell are you talking about? Are you sure you have the right person?" Duo had vaulted out of the chair he was in, knocking over the low table, sending books and magazines scattering to the floor in his haste to reach the doctor.

"Duo Maxwell? Your daughter's name is Miranda, correct?" The doctor asked, adjusting his wire frame glasses on his nose.

"Yeah, that's me. But why…"

"Well, it says in her chart that Miranda Maxwell is clinically brain dead. Have you not been…" The doctor stopped, looking over the top of the files at the dark haired teen that had come to stand next to Duo.

"When did this happen? Why were we not informed?" Wufei snapped out, his arm snaking around Duo's waist as the braided teen started to sway on his feet.

"Dr. Douglas hasn't been in to see you?"

"No. I think you had better explain what is going on, Doctor?"

"I'm Dr. Gastin, and you are?"

"Commander Chang Wufei of the Preventers, Duo's close friend." Wufei answered, steering Duo to the nearest chair as he slumped against him in shock.

"Preventers? I ummmm,"

"Doctor, you are seriously trying my patience. What information do you have regarding his child?" The Chinese teen snarled, as he glanced at a pale, stricken Duo seated next to him, before turning his glare back toward the doctor. Dr. Gastin fumbled briefly with the files in front of him, clearly intimidated by the young Preventers agent. He raised his eyes, nervously meeting Wufei's narrowed dark gaze, before clearing his throat and reading from the page.

"As of 5:38 p.m., Miranda P. Maxwell was declared brain dead, but continues to be kept alive by means of life support. She suffered from the failure of several organs, including heart, lungs and kidneys. Brain damage was incurred due to lack of oxygen. She was resuscitated four times when she stopped breathing, before she was hooked to a ventilator. We did all we could for her, but she really didn't have much of a chance for survival."

"Is that really the case, or could something have been done to save this child while she was denied treatment as her father called all over the universe to gather the money to pay your outlandish fees at this hospital?"

"Our hospital would never deny treatment of a patient, Commander Chang."

"Don't give me that fucking bullshit! The idiots in the emergency room wouldn't even touch this child until Maxwell could guarantee payment for her treatment! Just because a person may not look as if he has money, doesn't mean that he can't or won't pay his bill. She's a baby for God's sake! How could they turn their backs on a baby in dire need of help?" Wufei shouted, his knuckles turning white with restraint.

"It took me hours to get to the hospital, and in that time the baby was not cared for in any way."

Dr. Gastin turned to Duo with wide eyes. "Is that correct, Mr. Maxwell?" Duo could only nod in answer, not trusting his voice to speak. Since arriving at the hospital so many hours before, he had broken down twice, and he swore to himself that he wouldn't do it again, especially in front of Wufei. He had done it once, and that was enough.

"Do you remember who you spoke with in ER last night?"

"No, everything was a blur." Duo whispered, shaking his head. He felt the weight on his heart constrict ever tighter. He couldn't remember coming into this waiting room, let alone the faces or names of those he'd been in contact with during the endless time he had spent there.

"I'm extremely sorry for the way you were treated…"

"Apologies won't bring that little girl back, Dr. Gastin. No amount of 'I'm sorry' will do anything to save her now." The chair Wufei had been sitting in screeched across the floor as he stood in anger. Dr. Gastin backed away hastily, wanting to be out of the way of the violent outburst that seemed to be boiling just below the Chinese teen's surface.

"I still need to know..." the doctor began, before being interrupted by the angry boy.

"There is nothing further that you need to know! What you need to do now, is to take Maxwell to see his daughter!"

"Yes, yes by all means. If you would follow me." Dr. Gastin stepped out into the corridor, waiting for the teens to join him.

Wufei laid one hand on Duo's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze as he looked down at his heart broken friend, before crouching down to be at eye level with him.

"Duo? You need to say your goodbyes. I'll come with you, if you'd like."

"Why? She's not going to hear me. She's already gone." Duo whispered hoarsely, unable to meet Wufei's eyes in fear of losing what little control he had left over his emotions.

"Closure, Duo. You need that. Come with me, don't make her wait any longer."

"You're right, 'Fei. Can't let her suffer more than she has."


The lights in the small room were dim, but the quiet sounds of the respirator and monitors all around the small form in the bassinet were anything but comforting. Duo slowly approached the still form of the baby that he'd grown to love in the short time he'd known her. The knowledge that he would never hold the quiet girl again weighed heavily on his heart. He was enraged by the neglect of the hospital staff, feeling that this precious child would still be alive had they been driven by compassion, rather than greed. He attempted to smile for her, but the waves of emotions that were crashing over him were overwhelming, and his smile came out as a small, sad frown.

"Hey, Sweet Pea. I'm sorry I didn't get to say good-bye properly, but I'm here now." Duo whispered softly, "I brought your Uncle Wu to see you too. I'm sure you would have liked him. He's a cool guy, and a great friend. I'm sure he would have had you in the backyard at five in the morning doing katas, or whatever it is he does back there."

Wufei stood not far from Duo, silently watching his friend's heartbreaking moment. He was surprised at the mention of his name, making the lump in his throat grow even larger. He really didn't know why he was in the room, but the tug he felt on his heartstrings when he looked at Duo made him realize that he wouldn't be anywhere else. Duo needed him, and he was bound to stay.

"Wu?" The dark haired teen was shaken from his thoughts by the soft utterance of his name. Duo smiled a little, motioning him over to the small bed. With quiet steps, he walked across the floor to stand next to Duo. He looked down at the baby in the crib, noticing for the first time the soft wisps of black hair that crowned her head, and the slight slant of her eyes. She was beautiful.

"Pretty, isn't she?" Duo asked in a whisper after hearing Wufei gasp. He gently brushed the silky hair on top of her head, carefully avoiding the tubes and wires that were still attached to her. Wufei simply nodded, as he reached out to stroke a tiny hand. Duo looked up at the gesture, surprised by the tenderness on his friend's face.

"I can't do this alone, Wu. Could you…could you help me?" He thought that he was strong enough to go through with it; to flip the switch that would shut down the last of the machines keeping the precious infant alive. The tears that were welling in his eyes, that he was trying desperately to keep at bay, blurring his vision,

"Yes, Duo. I'm here for you. All you have to do is ask." Trying in vain to swallow past the lump in his throat, Wufei reached over to interlace his fingers with Duo's. Their movement was slow, but the snap of the final switch seemed to echo in the quiet room.

"Good bye, Miranda. Say hi to Solo for me when you get to heaven. Look for Sister Helen and Father Maxwell. They'll take good care of you. I love you, Sweet Pea."


"It isn't much too look at, but it's a roof over our heads. Make yourself at home." Duo said quietly, his voice still rough from his earlier crying. He tossed his keys on the kitchen table, being careful not to disturb Aleana, who was sleeping cradled against his shoulder. He gestured to let Wufei know that he'd be back shortly, before disappearing down a narrow hallway.

Duo wasn't being modest, the apartment really wasn't much. There wasn't anything in the small space that didn't appear to be second hand, but it was clean, with very little clutter. A stack of books sat near the entrance of the small kitchen, while baby toys and a stroller filled a corner near the door. There were a few pictures that hung crooked on the walls, catching the dark haired teen's attention. His own cocky smirk looked back at him from one photograph, and he reached a finger to touch the grinning faces, but thought twice about touching Duo's things. The same photo hung on his own apartment wall, an image of himself and Duo just after the war.

"There's more pictures in those albums over there if you want to see them." A voice next to Wufei's ear startled him, making him spin nose to nose with Duo.

"Don't sneak up on me like that." Wufei growled, pulling slightly back in irritation. He hadn't heard Duo come back into the room; he was so deep in his own thoughts.

"Sorry, man. I thought you heard me. Can I get you anything?"

"I'm fine."

"I mean, you came all this way for practically nothing. It's the least I could do, ya know?" Duo frowned slightly, plopping himself heavily onto the small couch, only to stand up again to toss away the teething rings and rattle that he had sat on

"Maxwell, I came here because my friend needed me. I would hardly call that nothing. I will need to call Lady Une and Sally to let them know that I'll be staying here for a few days."

"You don't have to stay with me. Hell if I were you, I'd be catching a flight home by now."

"I'm not you, Maxwell. I came here because you needed someone. If you can't trust a fellow pilot to be there, who can you trust?" Wufei bit out curtly, taking a seat next to Duo, double checking make sure that he wouldn't get any surprises when he sat down.

"I thought I could trust Heero and the other guys, but he turned me away." Duo dropped his head into his hands, sighing heavily. He wasn't up to having this discussion right now. It would only upset him further, and he was already overwhelmed by all the emotions tumbling around his heart.

"Yuy's an asshole, but I'm sure you already knew that."

"Yeah, well, what do you expect from him anyway? I guess it's all right for you to stay. I have to work tomorrow and I have a few classes, so I won't be around to visit." The braided teen shrugged his shoulders, totally confused about the whole situation. Yeah, he was sad, angry and hurt, but he didn't need someone to baby-sit him. He would take things in stride, and get over it, as people would say. He still had Aleana didn't he?

"I'll be fine. I'm sure there are things around this town to occupy my time until you come back. Why don't you go to sleep? You need it, and you look like hell." Wufei gave a sharp tug on the long, messily braided hair.

"Yeah, after I take a shower, I think. I probably stink." Duo wrinkled his nose at the thought. Yes, he probably did stink to high heavens.

"Yes, but I was being polite by not bringing up your personal hygiene." Wufei smirked; ready to dodge anything that might have been thrown at him. Duo just retaliated by sticking out his tongue.

"Ok, Chang. I got your point. I guess you could sleep out here, but it's not very comfortable. You could sleep in my room, if you don't mind bunking with my ass again. Just be quiet. Aleana sleeps in the same room."

"This isn't a two bedroom?"

"Nope. Can't afford one of those, Wu. It was just me in the beginning, so there wasn't any need for a bigger place. There are some extra blankets in my room though, if you want to stay out here." And with that, Duo left the room, entering the small bathroom quietly, leaving Wufei alone once again.

"This isn't what I expected at all." Wufei blew out a sigh, looking around for the vid-phone he knew had to be in the apartment somewhere. He had some calls that he needed to make while Duo wasn't in the room. He didn't want to upset the teen any further than he already was.

Finding the vid-phone was somewhat of a challenge, but he found it under a carelessly tossed baby blanket. He sat himself down in the old, squeaky chair, trying to decide whom he should call first. On one hand, he needed to contact the Preventers and let them know where he was, but he also wanted to call L4, and let Heero know exactly what he thought of him at the moment.

Without really thinking about it, he dialed Heero's personal line, not caring what time it was on L4. It rang five times before the voice mail picked up.

"Yuy, it's Chang. You are a fucking bastard, do you know that? Don't even bother calling me back, you won't like to hear what I have to say to you." Wufei's voice was seething with anger, and he cut the connection as quickly as he had dialed it. He began dialing the familiar Preventers' number, but cut it off before pressing the last digit.

"Forget it, I'll tell Sally and Une in the morning." He wiped his hand over his face, the long, emotional hours that he'd spent with his friend finally crashing down on his system.

Deciding that it would be in his best interests to camp out on the small couch, Wufei crept silently down to the bedroom to get the extra blankets that Duo told him were there. There was a soft glow in the room from a small childish night-light that was plugged in near a small crib next to the double bed. He took a moment to peer down at the girl, her red curls mussed from sleep. He whispered a goodnight to her before grabbing the blankets off of the top of a dresser, and leaving the room before waking the baby.

He made it no further than the bathroom door when a noise made him stop and listen, his ears straining to hear beyond the spray of the shower on the other side of the thin door. His stomach fluttered at the sound of the heart wrenching sobs, the agonized wails that he knew Duo was trying so hard to smother. Duo had been so careful not to show his emotions from the moment Wufei had entered the waiting room. Now, behind the closed door, within the privacy of the shower, he was finally releasing all the anguish and pain he was feeling.

Wufei let out a shaky sigh as he closed his eyes, letting his forehead and hands rest against the bathroom door.

"I'm so very sorry, my friend."


Morning came faster than Duo expected. Aleana was up before his alarm clock went off, for the third time that week. Being the generally happy baby that she was, she had entertained herself with chewing on the corner of her blanket, giving Daddy some extra winks of sleep. Duo yawned, stretching briefly before throwing back the blankets in a tangled heap. He was not looking forward to this day at all. In between all his classes and work, he still had to make funeral arrangements for Miranda. Nothing fancy, he couldn't afford a lavish burial for a baby he hardly knew, but in the short time she'd lived with him, he'd come to love her with all of his heart.

"I swear I'm going to need a stiff drink soon." Duo mumbled, locating his sweatpants crumpled on the floor next to the bed. First things first, he had Aleana to get ready, and then himself.

"Good morning, Sunshine. I take it that the little bed bugs didn't bite last night?"

"Da!" She squealed, raising her arms to him to be lifted out of her crib.

"Da had a rough night, Sunshine. Let's get you changed, and you can go pester Uncle Wu." Duo scooped her up, patting her diapered behind as he left the bedroom.

Wufei was floating on the fringes of sleep, his mind semi-aware, but he was too comfortable to actually get up and start the day. Somewhere in the back of his mind, however, he knew he had to get up, and start making phone calls. Sally would be having a conniption if he didn't show up to work.

"Nice shorts, Wu. Here." Wufei was only given a few seconds warning before a light weight was plunked on his chest. Cracking his eyes open, he was greeted by bright green eyes, and a drooling smile.

"Duo? Why are you giving me the baby?" Wufei sat up with a sleepy, confused expression on his face, supporting Aleana with both hands around her waist. He had never dealt with children before, and in his tired state, he was certain that it was a bad idea for him to start now.

"I have to warm up some baby food and get her bottle made. You can hold her for just two minutes, can't ya?"

"Make it quick. I've never done this before."

"A virgin to child care, Wuffie? Well, I think it's time to break you in, then! What are you going to do when you get married, and have kids of your own?" Duo's question was partially muffled by cabinets closing, and the water running.

"I find that highly unlikely, as I'm not attracted to females in that way."

"Say what?" A pan clattered in the kitchen, before Duo's head peeked around the corner of the door.

"Don't tell me that you didn't understand that, Duo."

"Oh, no. I understood it perfectly. Just didn't know, that's all. See? You learn something new everyday."

"I don't have a sign that I carry that says 'Look, I'm gay'."

"Well I don't have a sign that says 'I'm a gorgeous bisexual hunk'. Maybe I should get one." Duo shrugged his shoulders, popping the lid off a small jar of applesauce for Aleana.

"I don't see you having much time to date." Wufei said, finally making his way into the kitchen, with Aleana drooling down the front of the white t-shirt that he had worn to sleep in.

"Maybe one day. Oh, sit her over there in her high chair and….shit!" Duo growled, the loud chime of the vid-phone interrupting his sentence.

"Want me to answer that?" Wufei asked, hoping that he could escape from the drool for a few moments.

"I got it. Just feed her some of that applesauce, would you? I'll be right back." He wiped his hands on a dishtowel, tossing it over his shoulder as he made his way to the desk.

As Wufei was getting his first experience with feeding a child by himself, Duo plunked himself down in front of the vid-phone, wondering who would be calling him at such an early hour. He was hoping it wasn't the hospital demanding money, or wanting to know where to send Miranda's body for funeral details. He snapped on the screen, surprised when he saw the smiling face of the blonde billionaire from L4.


"Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I was able to deposit some money into your account this morning. Should five grand cover you for a while?" Quat asked, taking a sip of his tea quickly.

"I could have used it yesterday, but better late than never." Duo answered, bowing his head to hide his eyes behind his fringe of bangs.

"Duo is something wrong? Did something happen?"

"I think you should talk with your lover about that, Quatre. He knows."

"Who knows? Trowa or Heero? Neither of them ever tell me anything!" Quatre huffed.

"Look, Quat. I really don't feel like talking right now. I have a ton of things that need to get done today, and sitting here discussing your lovers isn't going to help me get them done." Wufei chose that moment to raise his voice, muttering something in Mandarin, before coming around the corner with Aleana tucked in his arms, with applesauce covering almost every inch of her face and body.

"Wufei's there with you? What's going on?" The blonde asked, looking more and more confused by the minute.

"Ask him yourself. I have to go." Duo bolted from the chair, snagging the food-covered baby from Wufei as he passed.

"Damn it, Duo." The Chinese teen growled, wiping his hands on his already soiled shirt before sitting down to face Quatre.

"Winner." He greeted the blonde curtly, brushing back a few wisps of hair that had escaped the elastic of his ponytail.

"Wufei? What's going on down there? Why are you at Duo's? And what on Earth is all over your shirt?"

"You ask way too many questions."

Quatre rolled his eyes at his friend. "I just want to know what's going on! Is that a crime?"

"No it isn't. The way Yuy treated Duo when he called is what I would consider a crime."

Quatre let out an exasperated sigh. "Well, at least I know it's Heero that got you both all riled up! Now stop beating around the bush, and tell me what he did to piss you both off!"

"Two nights ago, Duo called you. Yuy answered the phone, but wouldn't allow Duo to converse with you."

"Heero never told me that Duo had called."

"I don't find that surprising. Duo called, urgently needing some money, but Yuy told him to 'deal with it' and hung up on him. That's why I'm here, now."

"Is Duo in some kind of trouble?"

"No. He had recently taken in an orphaned infant, who was rushed to the hospital. It seems that the doctors there would not treat her due to the fact that he had no insurance on her, and they thought he wouldn't be able to pay for the charges that would accumulate. The baby died last night, Quatre. I was with him when he turned off the last of the life support machines. I was with him when she took her last breath. They didn't even begin treating her until I arrived, and accepted responsibility for payment of her charges." The blonde gasped, tears welling up in his large blue eyes.

"I'm going to stay with Duo for a few days, to help him out. He's been through a lot in the past couple of days, and he needs to know that someone still cares about him."

"Is there anything I can do, Wufei? Would it help if I made the funeral arrangements for him?"

"No, I think that Duo needs to take care of them himself. It will help bring him closure. I can call you with the details when they are made, though. It would be nice if the three of you could come down. He could use all the support he can get, right now."

"Of course we'll be there. I'll see to arranging a shuttle to Earth tomorrow. Is there anything else you can think of?"

"Not at this time, Winner. Although, might I suggest that Yuy doesn't answer your calls from now on?"

Quatre swallowed harshly, nodding his head at his friend. "I'll speak to him. Please tell Duo that I'm truly sorry about what happened. I had no idea. Please, give Duo my love."

"I will."

"Thank you, Wufei. Goodbye."

"Goodbye." The dark haired teen turned off the screen, leaning back in the chair with a sigh.

"Just what Duo needed to deal with today." He whispered to himself, before putting his call through to Preventers Headquarters.

It took Duo some time, but he was finally able to get his emotions under control as he gave the squealing, splashing baby a bath. He had felt the heaviness creeping back into his chest, settling over his heart, but knew that he couldn't afford to let his heartache overwhelm him today. He had far too many things to get done, with little time to do them in. He felt lucky to have Wufei with him; the support of a friend was very welcome in hard times. He wasn't sure he'd have been able to face another day without the calming influence of Wufei's compassion. He almost didn't recognize this mature, supportive man as the boy who could be so arrogant, and self centered when they first met. He was torn from his thoughts by the tapping on the other side of the bathroom door.

"Duo? Is everything ok in there?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." He answered. He wanted to tell his friend that he was doing much better since he had arrived, but didn't want to seem too needy.

"Do you need any help?"

"Naaa, I've got it all covered." He said, as he pulled the plug on the baby tub, draining the water.

"Ok. I'll leave you alone to finish."

"Hey, Wu?"


"Thanks for being here, man. I really appreciate it."

"Anytime, Duo. Any time you need me, I'll be here." The last words were whispered so softly, that Duo never heard it.