Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ REUNION!!! ❯ One-Shot

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

*warning* Same as usual, nothing more than profanity really. *smirks* That, and random appearances of other anime characters and maybe even some guests along the way. Plus LOTS of self-promotion. *winks*

*disclaimer* Guess what? I DO own Gundam Wing! Someone bought it and gave it to me for my birthday!! Isn't that cool? Be on the lookout for new episodes soon! MWUHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Duo: Ok, she's JUST kidding...) No I'm not! It's MINE!! MINE I tell you!!! *runs around cackling insanely*
Duo: I beginning to think she belongs in an asylum...
Heero: No, only the people who BELIEVE her. (hint hint ^__^)

A fairly tall girl, about 5'10'', with blue eyes and brown hair, streaked with golden highlights, pulled back in braid down to her mid-back walks into a vast empty space (think the beginning of Doug on Nickelodeon). She looks around once before turning to face whomever is reading this.

Maxine: <-- Yes that's right, it's Maxine! Hey all!! *waves widely* Ok, hmm...where to start... well, I decided to join the club and write my first self-insert fic. *grins* It won't be COMPLETELY horrible, I promise. Anyhoo, for those of you who actually READ the title, this is that reunion fic I was supposed to write around, oh...Christmas? Thanksgiving? Sometime last year, anyway... I actually have about four pages written of it in regular writing form, but...I got writer's block, and then I got bored, and then it became stupid because it took place during Christmas and it's now JUNE, and I didn't know what to write about, so I'm scrapping it. In any case, this is the fic for TALON, the 100th reviewer of "Behind the Scenes."

Audience: *cheers insanely because her rambling monologue is finally done*

Maxine: *beams because she doesn't know WHY they're cheering* Well, before I get started, I want to introduce a few people. First off, I want you all to meet my new mu- *is cut off as she suddenly gets glomped from behind by a character who seems suspiciously like Ed from Cowboy Bebop, only she's about half her size and has troll-style black hair* OOF!! Ergh...*pries the person off* Hm, yes well, as I was saying, my new muse! Um...see, I had REALLY bad writer's block on "While You Were Gone," and I was saying to myself, "Self, what the HECK should I write about?" Then suddenly this little voice answers and I looked up, and there she was! Just sitting on the top of my computer as if she belonged there. She introduced herself as Lenina.

Lenina: *hanging upside down on Maxine's outstretched arm* OoOoOoOoh...

Maxine: *sweatdrop* Yeeaah...she hasn't had much experience in the writing field yet, thus the reason the last chapter of WYWG was a But it's all good! Now, the NEXT person I'm introducing is my co-host! *cough*even if she doesn't know it yet*cough* Everyone, meet...DMShinigamiGW!! *snaps fingers and there's a big puff of weird green smoke*

Lenina: *flips to the floor* OoOoOoOoOoh... smoke's bad, yes? Too much, bad!

Maxine: *waving smoke away* Oh, hush you.

DMShinigamiGW: *cough-cough...gag* What the hell? *looks toward Maxine, who's smiling insanely* Where am I? Who are you?!

Maxine: *face-fault*'s know...Saiyan Sisters Forever?...

DMShinigamiGW: *blinks* Sa-

Maxine: *slaps hand over her mouth* Eh-heh, it's MAXINE here, dummy! And you know what? Your name's much too long to write out. From now on, you're DM.

DM: *shrugs* ...You shrunk yourself.

Maxine: *slaps forehead* *mutters* way to be blunt...

DM: And I know I haven't seen you since February, but I don't think it's possible for your hair to grow a FOOT in four to five months.

Maxine: Enough with the personal details! I wanted my hair long enough to go into a braid like Duo's!! Sheesh...

DM: ...Duo? Shit, it this a fic?? Are you inserting me into one of your fics?!

Maxine: Is that a problem?

DM: Well, you could have TOLD me first! Geez...

Maxine: Erm...sorry? Anyhoo, we're boring the audience. *gestures to the snoring audience*

DM: Oops...

Maxine: For anyone who cares, this is my bestest buddy in the world! *glomps DM* Best friends since 4th grade, she knows more about me than most of my other friends, ESPECIALLY about anime! She's a fic writer too, but she tends to be worse than even ME when updating. So all of you need to rush over to her author's page, after reviewing for this of course *grins*, and tell her to hurry her ass up!

DM: ...I'm standing right here.

Maxine: So? I'm advertising your fics! Be happy! Ok, so I guess I should pull the characters here before everyone decides to leave, huh?

Lenina: Lemme, lemme, lemme do it!! Pretty please?!

Maxine: Erm, ok, fine, I guess you need the practice. I need you to snap Heero, Duo, Trowa, Quatre, Wufei, and Zechs here so we can see how they're doing. It's time for a REUNION!! (mwuhaha, behold the cheesiness! Shit...I think I pulled that from someone else...can't...remember...who...)

Random voice: It is the year...After Colony...One...Nine...Five... The Gundam pi-

Maxine: *cuts him off* Um, excuse me? WHAT are you doing?

Random voice: *appears confused* I thought that was my cue to start?

Maxine: Oh...Um, yeah, I forgot to tell you, but you're not needed anymore, I don't need an announcer guy.

RV: Aww, and I tried so hard to impersonate the real one too!

Maxine: Yeah, got the year wrong anyway...It's supposed to be twenty years later. Now, buh-bye! *snaps fingers and he disappears in another puff of smoke*

Everyone: *cough cough hack gag*

DM: You have GOT to stop dong that.

Maxine: Hey! This is my first time being IN a fic! I haven't perfected it yet!

DM: Riiiight...

Lenina: Lenina bring characters here now?

Maxine: Huh? Oh, yeah sure, go ahead.

Lenina: YAY!!! *closes her eyes and puts her fingers to her temples, appearing to be concentrating very hard*








Suddenly several disgruntled people appeared out of nowhere.

Maxine: Hey, not bad! Ok let's see... we have Heero looking confused, Quatre looking confused, Zechs in nothing but a towel, Wufei looking confused, Duo pulling back from a hug with Duo, and Trowa looking con- Wait...*looks over the people again* Why are there two Duo's? Oh hey, Zechs, catch ya at a bad time? *grins widely*

Zechs: *pulls towel tighter around his waist, looking at Maxine warily*

DM: Two...Duo's...*drool*

The two Duo's look at each other, and Maxine gasps.

Maxine: *snaps fingers quickly, causing one of the Duo's to disappear* What was she doing here?

Trowa: Who was that? Wait, who are you?!

Maxine: *nervously* That? Eh-heh, that was no one! No one at all, just a figment of your imagination!

Duo: That was my twin sis- *tape suddenly appears over his mouth* Mmfph!

Maxine: No revealing anything to the characters in my fics!

Quatre: In y-you-your-your...fics?

Everyone except Maxine, DM, and Lenina: *groan*

Heero: So, which one are you?

Maxine: Wha?

Duo: *tape disappears* Yeah, what'd you do to us? Put us through emotional torment? Send us back in time to learn history? Make us vampire chasers? Mess all the couples up? Put us in a totally unrealistic story? Cause us to-

Maxine: *cheerfully* Oh, I turned you all into women.


Wufei: That was you?!


Wufei: So you're Maxine then?

Maxine: *points to the left* That's what the name says.

Duo: Oooooh, THAT'S why you didn't want me to reveal who my twin sis- *once again finds tape over his mouth* *glowers*

Heero: You! You sent me to an alternate world and left me there! I've been "making my way back to the others" for the past ten months!

Zechs: *growls* You ALSO had him sleep with my sister within the first six episodes of the series.

Duo: *tape's gone again* Yeah! And I've been on that mission for almost a year now! Far over TWO months!

Quatre: What mission?

Maxine: Nothing for YOU to worry about.

Trowa: And who the heck is that "Carrie" girl?

Heero: Carrie who?

Quatre: Oh yes, that one. I didn't really understand how we all had such low grades. We ARE Gundam pilots, you know.

Maxine: *incredulously* Those weren't LOW grades! They were A's and B's! And anyway, it never said any of you had an education! Duo was an orphan for crying out loud!

Duo: And I DO recall you killing me once...

Maxine: *mumbles* I'm about to kill Heero and Noin in another one...

Zechs: *scratches head* I haven't BEEN in one of your fics with the others.

Wufei: You made a small appearance in "Women Aren't Weak"...

Zechs: But you guys weren't there.

Wufei: *growls*

Maxine: Actually, they were the five extra girls that Relena and the others brought with them.

Zechs: *raises an eyebrow and then bursts out laughing*

Wufei: *glares*

Maxine: Watch it, Zechs. Your towel's slipping.

Zechs: *Abruptly stops laughing and tightens the towel*

DM: Hey, I'm feeling kind of forgotten. You haven't given me a line in a while.

Maxine: Well, there, you just got one. *grins*

Heero: You turned us into WOMEN?

Maxine: *blinks* Yeeaah... *in realization* Lenina! You pulled them directly from my fics! They're supposed to be from twenty years in the future!

Lenina: Lenina sorry. Bad Lenina! *slaps herself on the arm*

Maxine: *mutters* I may need a new muse, she's already annoying. She sounds like Buu from DBZ...

DM: *glancing over Maxine's shoulder* Speaking of DBZ...

Vegeta: WOMAN!

Maxine: *blanch* Vegeta! What're you doing here?

Vegeta: How should *I* know? You're the one who wrote me here!

Maxine: *scratches head sheepishly* Oh yeah...

Vegeta: Well, as long as I'm here... Woman, I DEMAND you rewrite the last chapter of that blasted story you're writing.

Maxine: *blinks* Why?

Vegeta: Because I was sprayed with perfume!! And I was being that woman!

Maxine: Her name's BULMA. And I will NOT rewrite it; I got good reviews on that chapter!

Vegeta: *growls* You WILL rewrite it.

Maxine: *haughtily* Or what?

Vegeta: *chuckles evilly*

DM: Um, Sa- er...Maxine, maybe you shouldn't provoke him...

Maxine: Nah, he can't do anything to me! *corny villain music starts to play* Hey! I didn't cue any music!

Lenina: Sorry... *music stops*

Vegeta: Can't do anything to you, can I? *starts gathering energy* We'll see about THAT. *lifts arms up* BIIIIIIIG...

Quatre: What's he doing?

Vegeta: BAAAAAANG...

DM: uh, Maxine?

Maxine: right right, problem already solved. *snaps fingers*

Vegeta: *moves to throw the ki blast* AAATAAAA- *disappears*

*In another world*

Piccolo was busy training for the androids arrival in about two years from now. He'd had a rough day sparring with Goku, and was currently meditating by a river to help ease his mind. Out of nowhere, though, his peace was broken.

Vegeta: -AAACK!! *fires beam straight into Piccolo*

Piccolo: *eyes open wide and he falls over, his face black and smoke coming out of his ears*

Vegeta: *glances around* ...oops... *Quickly flies off*

Piccolo: Ergh...*cough* ...itai...

*Back with Maxine*

Maxine: *dusts off hands* Ok now that that's- *turns to look at DM, who's poking her* What?

DM: Well?

Maxine: *confusedly* Well what?

DM: Well, you brought VEGETA here, so now you gotta bring Gohan!

Maxine: *blanches* GOHAN? Why? He's so annoying.

DM: Not when he's YOUNG! And I happen to like him as a teenager too! And he's stronger than Vegeta, so thbbbbbt *blows raspberry*

Maxine: Ew, yuck! Say it, don't spray it! *pauses* How about I bring Piccolo?

DM: Bring 'em both!

Maxine: Ok , but really quickly. *snaps fingers*

Everyone: *cough cough gag*

Piccolo: *still singed looking* *mumbles* Ugh, more smoke... *looks up at those around him and immediately falls into a fighting stance* Ok, who are you?!

Maxine: Whoa, Piccolo, calm down! What happened to you?

Piccolo: *not sensing any danger, he stands up and pulls off his turban, shaking the soot off of it and revealing the only part of him that's still green, as the rest is charred black* Vegeta came out of nowhere and decided to Big Bang my ass. The little prick. He's probably off celebrating it. Well he won't have anything to gloat about anymore once I catch up to him because he'll be-

*dun dun dun*

-in the next dimension!

Maxine: Aack, don't say that! Bad dubbing, bad!

Lenina: Yeah! BAD!

Piccolo: Then what SHOULD I say? In the Home For Infinite Losers?

DM: NO! Just say hell, damn it!

Piccolo: But that could get my show taken off air.

Maxine: YOUR show?

DM: *ignores her* No, they could always stick it on Adult Swim with the other UNEDITED animes.

Maxine: *brightens* Yeah! Like Yu Yu Hakusho and Cowboy Bebop!

DM: And Pilot Candidate!

*out of nowhere, Hiei, Spike, and Zero appear*

Zero: Wha? Where am I? Oh no...I must be in the White Goddess again!

Spike: *stares at everyone strangely* Whoa...

Hiei: Great, ANOTHER dimension for me to add to my list...

Piccolo: ...He looks like Vegeta, only with Android 17's voice...

Maxine: Wait, you haven't battled the androids yet in the time that I pulled you from.

Piccolo: Yeah well, Kami, you know...*trails off*

Maxine: *stares at the various characters around her* Wow, we're getting off track, so...*snaps fingers and Hiei, Spike, and Zero all disappear* *turns to DM* Can I bring the Gohan from the Cell saga? I like him the best.

Piccolo: Who's Cell?

DM: *shrugs* Yeah, sure, just bring him!

Maxine: *snaps fingers* *Gohan appears, his left arm mangled*

Gohan: -mehameHAAAAA!!!!! *fires a huge ki blast into the vast nothingness, causing various Gundam characters to jump away*

Maxine: Woops, didn't mean to bring him from THAT point...

Piccolo: *in disbelief* He's a Super Saiyan?

DM: *proudly* Super Saiyan 2 to be exact.

Gohan: *stops firing* Huh? Where am I? Did I die?? Dad? DAD?! Father, are you here?

DM: GOHAN!! *glomps*

Gohan: *yelps in pain because of his arm*

Maxine: Oh, good job Mich...DM. Geez. Ok, that's enough. This IS a GUNDAM WING fic after all. *snaps fingers and Piccolo and Gohan disappear*

DM: *falls face-flat (alliteration!) onto the floor because she's now glomping air* *sits up rubbing nose* Hey! I didn't even get to talk to him!

Maxine: *smirks evilly* Then go write your own self-insertion fic!

DM: *glares*

Maxine: ANYhoo... *looks at her Gundam characters who are looking kinda scared* Um, yeah...well, I guess YOU guys can stick around.

Lenina: No! Stay they cannot!

Maxine: *raises an eyebrow* Oh, so now you're impersonating Yoda? Why can't they stay?

Lenina: Mess up their lives, it will.

Maxine: Stop that! Alright, now how so?

Lenina: They'll know their future! That's BAD!

Maxine: But it helped the DBZ crew...

DM: Oh for the love of- Maxine, just send them back!

Maxine: *sulks* Fine...*snaps fingers* Bye guys! See you in my next Gundam fic, Women Aren't Weak II, the Sequel! *G-guys disappear and Maxine laughs as she sees Wufei's panicked face*

DM: *raises an eyebrow* You're writing another one?

Lenina: No! She's not! Lenina the muse, and Lenina say no!

Maxine: Sheesh, I was just kidding anyway. Alright, let's see if I can do it right this time. *snaps fingers...again*

*HUGE cloud of smoke*

DM: AAHH! Everyone on the ground! Smoke RISES!

Maxine: *cough cough* DM? Shut up. *waves smoke away to reveal six older Gundam guys* Wow... *drool*

DM: DUO!! *glomps*

Maxine: *pulls her off* DM! Stop glomping the characters!

DM: *pouts* Fine...

Duo: *scratches head* Erm...hi? *turns to see the others* GUYS!! HEY!! Wow, how longs it been, huh? A few YEARS maybe! *he engulfs them all in a big bear hug*

Quatre: Um...Duo? We just saw you at Christmas. Remember? At the Peacecraft Mansion?

Duo: *pause* Oh yeah... *drops them all*

Wufei: Where are we? This place seems vaguely familiar... *spots Maxine* Argh! YOU!!

Maxine: Yes, ME!!

Quatre: Oh, it's Maxine-san.

DM: Hey, he called you Maxine-SAN. Sugoi!

Maxine: *beams* Arigatou Quatre-san.

Heero: Duo no baka! You messed up my hair!

Duo: Gomen, Hee-chan.

DM: ARGH! Stop with all the Japanese words! What're you trying to do, show off you oh-so-large Japanese vocabulary?

Maxine: *pouts* You're no fun, Ms. I'm Taking Japanese Instead of Spanish Next Year.

DM: *shrugs* *sarcastically* Lo siento, CHICA.

Maxine: *finishes the statement from Bedazzled* ¡Pero no hablo español! Jaja, me gusta usar español DESPUÉS de la clase.

DM: Maxine?

Maxine: Sí, chica?

DM: ¡Callate!

Maxine: grrr...¡Un borro sabe más que tu!

DM: Wha? Ergh, SHUT UP!

Maxine: *pouts* This is MY fic you know, I can do all sorts of things to you...

DM: No you can't, because I'm stronger!

Maxine: Oh no! We are not EVEN going to get started on the inside jokes here. Besides, I'm stronger, everyone knows that!

DM: *sobs* You're right, you ARE! Oh Maxine! I'm sorry for ever doubting y- HEY! I did not SAY that!

Maxine: *innocently* Sure you did, it's right there. *Grins evilly while DM sputters, and then brightens* Hey! We still have to have our reunion and see what these guys have been up to! This thing's already twelve pages, and absolutely nothing has happened so far!

DM: How come none of the girls are here? *mutters* Not that I like them much or anything...

Maxine: Hey! Unlike you or my sister, I happen to LIKE the girls on Gundam Wing, so HUSH! They're not here though, because TALON requested that they not be.

Quatre: Um, excuse me? Sorry, you seem to keep forgetting about us. *gestures to himself and the others*

Maxine: *blushes* Er, sorry. Ok, um...reunion, said you just saw each other at Christmas?

Trowa: At Relena's.

Wufei: Yeah, in some fic by a girl named-

Maxine: Ok well- *snaps fingers* -you no longer remember that fic. You haven't seen each other in twenty years.

Duo: *scratches head* Seen who in twenty years? *turns to the side and sees Trowa* ...Trowa? Is that you? Oh my God! I haven't seen you in what, twenty some-odd years? *engulfs Trowa in a hug*

DM: *stares* You DO realize that you just undid about fifteen million fics, right?


Duo: *keeps noticing everyone around him* Quatre! Wu-man! HEERO! WOW!!

Heero: *growls* Zechs...

Quatre: Oh really, Heero. It's been twenty years; call him Milliardo!

Trowa: He used to be the Lightening Count...

Wufei: He's known as Preventor Wind now.

Duo: Preventor Zechsilliardo Count!

Zechs: *sweatdrop* Er, Zechs is fine. That's what Noin still calls me.

Maxine: Oh! Noin! Facts about your life! *snaps fingers and big purple chairs come up under everyone in the room* Hmm...ok, let's see. I need a person to be an interviewer...*Duo raises his hand and waves it around wildly* *Lenina, perched on the back of Maxine's chair, leans over and whispers into her ear* Hey! That's actually a good idea. Good job, Lenina! *snaps fingers*

Once again, everyone: *aack! gag, cough cough, hack cough*

Through the smoke comes a skinny, pale girl with long brown hair and blue eyes. She's dressed in black cloth shoes, black dress pants, a black trench coat, and a red shirt that says "Good kitties are bad kitties that don't get caught." A pewter raven necklace adorns her neck.

Duo: Hey! I like your ensemble. Black, very nice.

Maxine: Guys, Chiren Decimal. She's the fourth Guest Appearance for WASWW. Chiren, say hi!

Chiren: Er...hi? *waves shyly*

Maxine: She's going to interview you guys today!

Chiren: Yeah, I'm gonna...I'm gonna what?! That wasn't in the agreement!

Maxine: What agreement? *grins* Dude, I just said I'd put you in one of my fics so that you can interact with the Gundam Pilots. *chair appears under Chiren* *Maxine leans over to whisper to her* Hey, at least you get to talk to the REAL Duo. Hehehe. Marla, Kuruwa, and Lady all got stuck with Trio.

Chiren: *blushes* Duo... *drools*

Duo: *raises an eyebrow* Er...

Heero: You know, I'm kind of upset about that, No one said they like me!

Quatre: Me neither, Heero.

DM: That's because you're a wuss, Quatre.

Maxine: *smacks DM over the head*

DM: However, your Gundam kicks ass.

Quatre: *brightens*

Chiren: Deathscythe's the best though.

DM: That it is...

Quatre: *looks put out again*

All the Gundam guys: *look pointedly at Maxine*

Maxine: Um...I like...Epyon...the best? Eh-heh. Moving on!

DM: I thought you liked Deathscythe or Altron?

Maxine: Hush! Chiren, basically, you can just ask them whatever the hell you want.

Chiren: Kay. Duo, if we were to go on the perfect date, where-

Maxine: Not THAT kind of question. Something about the past twenty years. We need to find out what they've been up to. We're up to fifteen pages and still nothing has happened!

Chiren: Ugh, fine. Hmm... So, Zechs. Reaching the big 4-0, eh?

Zechs: *growls* In a few months, yes.

Chiren: Are your piloting skills as good as they used to be?

Zechs: I wouldn't know. I don't have a mobile suit anymore.

Chiren: ...Do you mean to tell me that in the past twenty years, there seriously has NOT been any sort of skirmish or threat to the peace?

Zechs: Well of course there has been. I've just never needed a mobile suit.

Chiren: ...Oh. Ok, here. I'm just going to ask general questions for you all to answer, k?

Everyone: *nod*

Chiren: Alrighty....So...where do you all live now, and with who? Like, who are you married to and all?

Quatre: I still live on L4. Er...I doubt you know who my wife is...she's not from the show. We have three children together. They're really cute, blonde-

Duo: Terrors.

Quatre: -cherubs. Duo, you've never even MET them.

Duo: *shrugs*

Maxine: You didn't marry Dorothy?

Quatre: Dorothy? *blinks* Dorothy who?...OH! Dorothy Catalonia! No no, why do you ask?

Maxine glances at Chiren who glances at DM.

Lenina: Most muses like to pair Quatre-sama with Dorothy. But I don't like her. Therefore she won't be seen in this fic, hopefully never again, and you certainly aren't married to her. I tried to make this seem real, because you probably would have spread from your own group in real life.

Maxine: *blink* Great, now she's all sophisticated. I've got myself a schizophrenic muse...

Duo: Hey, who's the kid?

DM: That's Maxine's muse.

Duo: ...okaaaay... Well, I live on L2. I'm single...uh, yeah. That's pretty much it!

Chiren: Did you say single?

Duo: Well, I'm dating Hilde.

Maxine: You're still dating Hilde?!

Duo: What do you mean "still"? She was married and then got divorced. I helped her get over her alcohol/smoking problem, and we've been dating for the past seven months.

Chiren: o_O

DM: o_O

Maxine: -_-;; *mutters* Don't know how I came up with THAT one...

Chiren: Erm...ok. Heero?

Heero: *glares* Single. Live on earth.

Chiren: Well, way to be precise and to the point.

Maxine: Why didn't you marry Relena?

Heero: *glances to Wufei*

Wufei: Because I did.

Chiren: O_O

DM: WTF?! Maxine!

Maxine: Yeah, I know. I really liked he and Sally together too.

Wufei: Well, I might've asked Sally to marry me...if she hadn't become a nun.

Maxine: Ok, I did NOT just write that. What- AACK! Brother. Trespassing. On. My. Computer. OMAE O KOROSU!!!

DM: You mean Pete?

Maxine: *whispers* shhh...we'll just PRETEND it was him... *whistles innocently*

DM: *sweatdrop* *mutters* A nun? *shakes head*

Chiren: Um, can I ask WHY?

Wufei: To cleanse herself of all the blood and death on her hands.

Chiren, DM, and Maxine: *blink blink*

Maxine: Don't blame me, blame my muse!

Lenina: *starts bawling* WAAAAAHHHH!!!!!

Maxine: ...

DM: I'm going to guess that her different personalities will be able to give you a variety of ideas for fics. Maybe I should get myself one of those... Where did you find her again?

Maxine: ...She just appeared on the top of my computer. Lady Lye has a Random Idea Generator though, maybe she could get Duo to make it malfunction again and a muse will pop out for YOU to use.

DM: Huh?

Maxine: Nevermind. Please continue, Chiren.

Chiren: Um, ok, Wufei, why don't you go then?

Wufei: *shrugs* I'm married to Relena, we have...two daughters. Yeah that's right, two.

Chiren: Getting forgetful in your old age, eh?

Wufei: I AM NOT OLD!!

Duo: Sure you're not, Wu-man. Oh, hold still, I see a gray hair.

Wufei: WHAT?!

Duo: No wait, Nevermind. My bad. *laughs crazily*

Chiren: ...Ok, Trowa, why don't you go?

Trowa: I still live at the circus. I discovered a while back that Cathy was my sister, but then we found out that she was adopted. Thus the reason for her red hair and blue eyes when I have brown hair and green eyes. Anyway, we got married, and we have two kids. A daughter and a son.

Chiren: Will wonder never cease? Ok then, Zechs, your turn!

Zechs: Well, I married Noin on Mars. We came back to earth when she first got pregnant, and now we live at the Peacecraft Mansion. We have four kids.

Chiren: Four? Been busy, huh?

Maxine: Lucky Noin...

DM: *looking up at the above script* *mumbles* Where does she GET this stuff?

Chiren: Ok, one last question because I'm running out of time. I'm about to miss that new Hamster anime on Cartoon Network.

Maxine: *incredulously* You're gonna WATCH that?

Chiren: *shrugs* I haven't made any mean, cutting comments towards anything in a while. *grins*

Maxine: Oh...ok. *smiles*

Chiren: Anyway, last one, what jobs do you have right now?

Trowa: *pulls a small drill out of nowhere* I'm a dentist for the circus. *turns on the drill and grins crazily* *everyone scoots away a little*

Maxine: I always knew that they're was more to that head injury than amnesia...

Chiren: Er...Duo?

Duo: I still work in my scrap yard, building inventions. I currently am designing this big dome-shaped headquarters that I'm planning on calling Capsule Corp.

Maxine: *blinks*

Chiren: o_O

DM: -_-;; You've GOT to be kidding me...

Duo: *blinks* No, I'm not. I think it's a good idea, what's wrong with it?

Chiren: *cough* Quatre?

Quatre: *smiles* Don't worry, I've got a normal job. I'm head of the Winner Corporation. Alongside my twenty-nine sisters of course.

Chiren: Normal, he says. Heero?

Heero: The rest of us are Preventors. Wufei is Relena's personal body guard, I'm head of the security department, and Zechs...well, Zechs does whatever he wants.

Wufei: *nods*

Zechs: *glares*

Chiren: Well then! That's really all the questions I have.

Duo: Hey, wait! Why isn't Treize here?

Maxine: Wufei killed him remember? I could still bring him here if you wanted though.

Everyone: *glance at a glowering Wufei, before turning back to Maxine who's snapping her fingers*


In the middle of the circle of chairs appears...a coffin.

Maxine: Well, whatever remains they could find of him should be inside. Of course, they've probably all decomposed and crap.

Chiren: Eww...

DM: *raises an eyebrow*

Duo: *swallows* N-nevermind...

Chiren: *glances at her watch* Maxine...

Maxine: Huh? Oh, right. Everyone say bye to Chiren, she has to go now!

Everyone: BYE CHIREN!

Chiren: *stands up to shake hands with the Gundam pilots, and starts blushing like whoa when Duo kisses her on the cheek and Quatre gives her a hug instead*

DM: *looking on jealously* (Hehehe)

Chiren: Ok then. Thanks! See you again. And I promise I'll write a nice, long, incredibly supportive review for you! (right? RIGHT? Hehe, j/k) Bye guys!

Everyone waves as she disappears in another cloud of smoke that leaves them all gagging.

Maxine: Hmm...Well, that's all, really. YAY! I finished the reunion! It's off my back and I don't feel guilty anymore! WOO-HOO!! *runs over and glomps all the guys at once* I LOVE YOU GUYS!!

DM: *snorts* "Don't glomp the characters," she says. Bah.

Maxine: *comes back to stand beside DM* Well, I guess it's time for me to bring this to a close. (It's up to twenty pages!) I'll leave you with the beginning I had written for this fic originally. It's actually not too bad, I just didn't know where to go with it or what to write. I probably could've figure SOMETHING out...but I'm lazy. *grins* ^__^ Well, here it is! Enjoy!

* * *

Quatre sighed as he nailed up the last strand of greenery above the stairwell. "There," he said quietly to himself. He leaned back as far as the ladder would allow him to without falling off and admired his handiwork. "Not bad," he nodded. After taking one more quick look around, Quatre stole a glance at his watch. "Well, they should be here in an hour," he said to himself again. He hopped off the ladder, landing nimbly on his feet, before standing up and brushing the invisible dust off of his clothes. "Abdul!!" he called.

"In here, Master Quatre," a voice said from the kitchen.

"How's everything going?" Quatre asked as he walked into the said room. About ten or so of the Maguanacs were in there, hustling around trying to prepare various foods and dishes.

"Everything's fine, Master Quatre," Abdul answered. He winced as a large crashing sound echoed through the air, followed by several people arguing in Arabian tongue. "Er...well, everything WILL be fine if you're not planning on serving the food right when they get here." Quatre chuckled.

"No, not at all. I imagine we'll talk for a while before eating. I'm anxious to see how everyone's doing." He was about to say more when bells chimed overhead, signaling that there was someone at the front door. Quatre blinked. "They aren't supposed to be here yet," he mumbled somewhat nervously. Yes, that's right, nervously. After the war had ended, the five Gundam pilots had promised to keep in touch with each other, and they had actually done so...for the most part. For some, *cough* Heero *cough*, an e-mail or brief phone call every six months was keeping in touch, if even THAT often. So, though Quatre had heard from all of the others somewhat recently, none of them had actually seen each other in four years, other than on a vid-phone. He'd meant to visit Trowa when the circus stopped on L4, but as fate would have it, he'd had a conference on Earth that week. And even though all of them were on active-duty with Preventors, they still didn't see each other. It had actually been Duo who'd gotten fed up with it all and decided to have a reunion type of thing. Quatre had eagerly offered to have it at one of his, eh-heh, SMALLER mansions on earth.

Anyway, Quatre quickly overcame the nervous feeling as an excited one took its place. These were some of his best friends, and he hadn't seen them in years! In no time, Quatre was in front of the door and swinging it open, ready to greet whoever was on the other side. He stopped short though, as he found himself staring at someone's chin.

"And I thought I had gotten taller," Quatre mumbled to himself. The other person began chuckling, and Quatre leaned his head back slightly to look into the emerald green eyes that were a good six inches higher than his. "Trowa?" he asked faintly, just to be sure.
"That's what I'm called," Trowa answered, a small smile gracing his face. Quatre's own smile widened.

"It's good to see you, Trowa! Come in!" He practically dragged the taller man into the living room, calling for someone to bring his bag up to his room

"Sorry I'm here so early," Trowa said, once everything had settled. He held up a plastic container. "Cathy made...something...for dessert. I haven't tried it yet, but I'm sure it's edible. She sends her love."

"Oh, thanks. That was kind of her. How's she doing?" Quatre asked, taking the container and handing it to someone who was running to the kitchen.

"She's fine. She's in her second trimester, which is why I'm not so sure about whatever she made. What, with her appetite nowadays." Quatre laughed.

"And how's her husband taking life with the circus?"

"Er, well...I think he's beginning to get used to it, eh-heh..."

"Yes, well... Would you like anything to drink?" Quatre asked, as if suddenly remembering his manners.

"Hm? Oh, no thanks. Actually, the reason I came early was to see if you needed any help with anything. When are the others coming?"

"In about forty-five minutes. And everything's all set up; I just finished with the decorations."

"Yeah, they looked nice," Trowa said, glancing back into the foyer.

"Well, I figured that with Duo coming and the time of the year..." Quatre trailed off and shrugged.

"Oh yeah, you don't celebrate Christmas, right?" Trowa asked.

"Heh, nope," Quatre replied, settling back in his chair. "Not part of my religion."

"Me neither," Trowa said, before pausing slightly. "Well, the circus does, but I guess...RELIGIOUSLY I don't celebrate it."

"Right, that makes sense, I guess..." Quatre said, chuckling lightly. The two talked for almost half an hour before the doorbell rang again. "Huh, and here I thought people usually arrived late to these things," Quatre mumbled, standing up and stretching slightly.

"People, yes. But not former Gundam pilots," Trowa said amusedly. Quatre smiled at that, and went to answer the door again.

"Wufei!!" he exclaimed excitedly, seeing who was on the other side of the door. Wufei offered him a thin-lipped smile.

"Quatre," he said in greeting, shaking the other man's hand. "It's good to see you again."

"You too! Come on in, Trowa' already here."

"Are the other's coming?"

"Yep, they should be here soon. Even Zechs is coming." Wufei froze mid-step.

"Zechs? Why is HE coming?" he spat out disgustedly.

"Really now, Wufei. We're not enemies anymore," Trowa spoke up, walking up to meet the two. "He fought with us against Mariemaia, remember."

"After he'd disappeared for a year," Wufei mumbled, but dropped the subject, "How have you been doing, Barton?"

"Pretty good. Yourself?"

"Fine. Sally and I have been stationed on L3 for a while, so it's good to be back on earth."

"Ah, and how is Sally?" Trowa asked, a smirk playing on his lips. Wufei paused for a second before speaking

"She's fine," he answered, though somewhat suspiciously.

"That's good."

"Wufei, would you like anything to drink?" Quatre asked, finally speaking up.

"Sure, I'll take anything, thanks."

"Can I get something now too, Quatre?" Trowa asked. Quatre nodded and walked off to prepare the drinks and bring Wufei's bag to one of the servants, while Trowa led Wufei back to the room Quatre and he had been talking in. Quatre had just gotten back with the drinks, when the doorbell rang yet again.

"Well, that's either Heero or Duo," Quatre said, turning back toward the foyer. Wufei and Trowa were close behind him. Quatre barely had the door open an inch when it got thrown open by the person on the other side, startling the blonde and causing him to jump back a step.

"QUATRE!!!" a black blur called out, rushing through the door and engulfing the said boy in a huge hug. "It's great to see you!!" Now that the blur was standing still, it was quite easy to figure out that it was Duo, if you hadn't already figured that out because of his antics. When Duo noticed the other two people in the room, he latched onto them as well. "TROWA!! WUFEI!! Hi guys!" Quatre, Trowa, and Wufei all blinked simultaneously at the braided wonder in front of them. Then Quatre smiled brightly while Trowa's face just softened. Wufei, on the other hand, scowled and pushed Duo off of him.

"You know Maxwell, somewhere in the back of my mind, I was hoping that maybe you had grown up a little in the last few years," he growled, brushing off his shirt. Duo just smiled.

"Aw, sorry to disappoint you, Wu-man," he said cheerfully. Wufei closed his eyes and slowly counted to ten, before opening them again. He couldn't help but let a small smile form on his face.

"It's good to see you again, Duo," he said sincerely, while he still had some patience in him. Duo smiled again.

"Yeah, you too!" he replied, before turning to the other two. "Hey Trowa, Quat."

"Duo! I'm glad you could make it!" Quatre said excitedly, grabbing the other man's hand and shaking it enthusiastically.

"Nice to see you," Trowa added. Duo detached himself from Quatre's grip and picked up one of the two bags he had run in with.

"I come bearing gifts," he said excitedly in this deep, booming voice. Quatre blinked.

"Oh, Duo, you didn't have to do that," he said, immediately feeling guilty because he didn't have anything to give him in return. Duo shrugged him off.

"I know," he said simply. "I WANTED to, though. For Christmas! And I don't care that you don't celebrate it, and I don't expect anything, nor do I want anything in return. So stop feeling guilty, because I can tell by the look on your face that do." Quatre smiled sheepishly.

"Well, thanks then," he said. "Here, give me your bag and I'll have someone bring it to the room you'll be staying in." Duo nodded and handed over the bag.

"So, how is everything, Duo?" Trowa asked, once they were all sitting in the living room again. Duo looked up and smiled brightly.

"Everything's great! Hilde and I are doing really well now. I seriously think I'm going to ask her to marry me sometime soon, because I want to have some Shinigami juniors running around. Don't you think that would be so cool? Plus, I just like the idea of getting married, you know, and the whole honeymoon thing. Hilde really wanted to come down to see everybody, but I told her we were just having a guy thing. I told her we'd have another reunion again soon, because I refuse to go another four years without seeing you all. Anyway, so I told her we'd do this again, and that she could come, and that we'd have some of the other girls come too, like Relena, Noin, Sally, that weird chick with the eyebrows-"

"Dorothy," Quatre said automatically, cutting into Duo's rambling spree. He and the other two had been sitting, semi-wide-eyed, listening to Duo ramble on. Duo blinked.

"Er, yeah, her. And...uh, what was I saying?"

"Something about another reunion," Wufei mumbled, already cursing the idea of another get-together with him. That and miniature Shinigamis...Wufei shuddered.

"Oh yeah, that's right. Well, I guess it's not really important. Here, Wufei, catch!" Duo said, tossing him his gift. Wufei caught it with ease, and Duo took sip of his drink before giving Trowa his. "And Quatre, I know yours is in here somewhere...ah! Here it is!" Quatre caught his as Duo threw it to him, and slowly ripped off the candy-cane decorated wrapping paper. "Hilde wrapped them," Duo said, leaning back and taking another sip of his drink. "Hey, where's Heero? He IS coming, right?" Quatre nodded.

"He's coming with Zechs. They should be here soon." Duo promptly choked on his drink.

"With Zechs? As in WITH him?! Like, they're together? Heero and Zechs are together?!" he got out through his coughing. Quatre blinked confusedly.

"Yeah, they're coming together," he said.

"But NOT the way you're thinking," Trowa quickly added as Duo gasped.

"Oh, phew! Don't DO that to me, Quat! You need to explain yourself better," Duo said in relief.

"Most people don't have their mind in a gutter like you, Duo," Wufei said, slightly amused. Duo glared at him and stuck out his tongue.

"Oh, Duo! Thank you so much!" Quatre exclaimed, looking up from what Duo had given him.

"You like it?" Duo smiled. "I gave everyone the same thing." Quatre nodded vigorously holding up the gift. It was a photo of their entire group, taken just after the Mariemaia incident, before they'd all gone their separate ways. Everyone had been there, including Lady Une and even Mariemaia in her wheelchair. Duo'd had the picture blown up and framed in a really nice wooden frame.

* * *

Maxine: Erm...and that's it! Hehe, poor Heero and Zechs didn't even get a scene.

DM: It's actually not that bad.

Maxine: *looks back over what she wrote* Yeah, I know. Maybe I'll use it again next Christmas or something. Hey, there's an idea! I'll have to remember that... Lenina, be sure to remind me. I might be to busy watching new DBZ episodes.

DM: And anticipating the new DBZ movie.

Maxine: *shudders* DON'T remind me. I don't know WHAT to think about that. Of course I'm gonna go see it, but I'm scared as shit. All us DBZ fans are either going to be praised or made fun of.

DM: It'll be all right.

Lenina: Lenina tired. She says end the fic now! You should be studying for finals! That way you have time to write a new chapter of something before you leave on the 11th for Louisiana. You not return till the 18th, remember?

Maxine: Wow, what a convenient way to tell everyone that! Thanks Lenina. I think I like this personality of yours best!

Lenina: *pulls out a machine gun five sizes too big for her* Bitch, I told you, I'm TIRED! End the damn story and LET'S GO!!

Maxine: O_O Ok, ok, sorry!! Put that thing away before you shoot your eye out, geez...

DM: I guess that's our cue?

Maxine: Yep... Well everyone, this is Maxine-

DM: And co-host DMShinigamiGW! *cough*who still has no idea she's in this fic*cough*

Maxine: Thanks for reading! PLEASE REVIIIIEEEW!!!!

DM: A little desperate, aren't you?

Maxine: Oh...shut up.


Maxine: Eep, ciao!

DM: *is suddenly left by herself with the GW guys* Hmm, it seems she forgot about us...

Duo: What did you say your name was?

DM: *smiles* Well, you can call me Mi-

Maxine: *reappears* Woops, knew I forgot something! *snaps fingers* Bye boys! See you soon! *cackles insanely* *boys disappear*

DM: Maxine!! I was talking to Duo you dolt!

Maxine: Er...sorry?

DM: *pulls a HUGE hammer out of hammerspace* ARGH!!

Maxine: AAHH!! *snaps her fingers rapidly* *DM disappears* Phew! *wipes sweat from brow* That was a little too close. Shit...she's another author...she could get SERIOUS revenge on me if she wanted to... Eh-heh, I'll just be going now... *darts away* Jaaaa neeeee!!!

* * *

In DM's room

DM: *appears right as she is bringing down the hammer...and it lands on her computer, smashing it to itty bitty bits* *stares in horror* NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! MAXINE!!! You just watch, REVENGE WILL BE MINE!!!!

(Maxine: Sheesh, and here I thought I was doing her a FAVOR being in my fic! I mean, that's an HONOR! Hehehe, ja guys! Till next time! *~Maxine~*)