Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Rewinding Time ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Rewinding Time

Author: Skeren Dreamera

Archive: ,

Category: Uncertain, definitely AU

Pairings: none at the current time

Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Wing, so please, don't sue me for this universe rearrangement.

Rating: PG currently

Spoilers: Duo's Ep. Zero stuff, fall of Sanq. All rewritten...

Warnings: Relena is permanently OOC for this story.


Notes: Now, what the changes in the past bring to the present.

A.C. 195, Earth orbit

Duo stared at the man who had been teaching him, and Rena was only a second behind him as she registered what he'd just said. "Wait, the plan is to do what?"

Rena shook her head, her black dress with its crimson bow in compliment to Duo's priestly garb. "No, I must not have heard that at all. What was that?"

Professor G sighed and shook his head. "You heard me. The plan was to destroy the Earth to free the colonies."

Duo grasped at the key word in there. "Was?"

Rena looked over at her brother, then back to G as she waited for the reply. She wasn't going to let Duo go destroy Earth, she'd sooner make him kill them all. She wanted peace and nobody else to be like her and Duo, losing everyone they loved! They were doing this to protect people, not to blow up the planet! When G said nothing, she had to prod him, her tone imperious. "Well?"

"Steal Deathscythe." G finally spat out his not quite master plan, and got a pair of gazes that asked just how that was going to happen. They weren't midgets anymore. Duo was 5'1" and Rena was 5'. All right, so they were midgets, but Deathscythe was tiny inside.

"I'm not gonna leave Rena here." Duo glared at the man as though he was a fool for ever even suggesting it.

"I didn't say you should. Take her. I added extra straps in behind the pilots seat, just look at it, she'll be as safe as you to get down there, I wasn't stupid enough to think she wouldn't try and go with you on that mission of yours. It's no more, just go, create anarchy my little Deaths." G smiled slightly, and watched as the two finally relaxed.

"Pestilence, just who did you think you were talking to? A pair of angels?" Rena smiled, moving forward to give G a hug. "We best be on good terms next I see you!"

G let a slip of the tongue that had been lurking on his mind for a while now finally go, he always thought Rena just wasn't elegant enough for the girl. "No Relena. Just a pair of Deities."

Rena pulled back with an odd look, then blinked. "That... Duo... Mummy called me that... I think... Duo, I'm going to tell other people to call me that, on Earth. But I'll still be Rena inside, okay?" She turned; gazing wide eyed at her brother.

"Sure thing Rena. Relena Maxwell. It sure sounds nice doesn't it? C'mon, lets go steal a Gundam." Duo took Relena's hand and headed off to Deathscythe on quick feet, giving G no chance to change his mind before they were in the hanger with the giant hulk of black. It was only minutes before the pair was out in space.


Duo shook his head hard as he stared at Relena. "No! You need to get some sort of real social life, it's a good place to start!"

"But Duo... I've never been around people like that!" Relena stared with wide eyes at her brother. He was proposing leaving her with those... those snobs? How could he dare suggest such a thing to her?

Duo rested his hands on her shoulders. "I know you can do this. I need to go wreak mayhem, while you, you get to go screw with the heads of a bunch of flighty featherbrains. Make them bow down to you Rena. You have it in you; I've seen it. The sweepers adored you. The kids, they adored you. You can make those snobby bureaucrats do the same. Make me proud. We won't be here long, but you have to at least try. For me?"

Relena finally gave in, moving forwards and wrapping her arms around Duo. "Alright, but next time we get a cool machine, I get to play with it."

"Only if you know how to fix it." Duo gave her another squeeze before turning and striding away, leaving her to face the gates of the ritzy school all alone. She then squared her shoulders and strode in. She had a group of spoiled brats to tame. She'd make Duo proud of her people skills if it killed her.


Even as Relena was getting her talk from Duo, a shuttle was put into serious danger as it partially cut across the path of an armed spacecraft. Two men were gazing out the window, one in his late teens, and one verging on middle age. There was a firefight of a kind going on outside the window, and what appeared to be the other spacecraft was being driven away from the shuttle.

The older man whispered quietly, thinking his assistant's keen hearing wouldn't catch it. "Operation Meteor..."

The tall blonde teen turned his warm pale blue eyes on the man who spoke, his long hair fluttering around him. "Father? Was there something you said?" He knew there was so much more to this trip than just sight seeing. He'd crossed his majority recently, and something had changed... His father seemed almost driven to go to Earth.

"What? No Milliardo, it was nothing." The older man quirked a smile at his 'son' and only got a thoughtful glance in return. He'd been getting a lot of those recently from the boy, and he couldn't help thinking that he was missing something important within them.

"Please, call me Miri father, you know how I despise being reminded of that time without good reason." The blond wasn't angry, showing that he didn't mean to come across as such by quirking a smile to his Father. "Just, live with it a little longer. When we get to Earth, you can tell me what is so very important."

"You're right. We can all pretend a little longer."

It was then that the stewardess came by with a polite "Minister Darlian? Please, strap in, we are reentering the atmosphere now that the threat has passed."


Relena had survived until lunch! She tossed her bag aside and went to the sea that had looked so good all afternoon from the classroom window. She only wanted to get out there and look at it, away from the chirpy harpies she'd suffered all day. She got the unexpected sight of a watery landing, then seeing someone dressed in a flight suit emerging from the waves. Instead of going near him, she instead got out a compact communicator, and eyed it consideringly. No, he might be a diver. Unlikely as that was. Though she promised herself to keep an eye on him, that, of course, meant until his helm was removed. She felt no remorse over her sneaky tactics while she watched him take off in a car that had been parked across the street. "How very interesting..." She turned a little to glance back towards the water, so she didn't even see the way he stared out the window just before he drove away.

Relena returned to her school and was immediately assaulted with happy chatter. Just what did Duo put in her files anyway? Instead of asking the questions on her mind, she smiled, starting to make up the flowery nonsense she had managed to get away from for a precious hour. She sincerely hoped the day would improve. Of course it was already waiting to take a turn as two pairs of blue eyes settled on her, one dark intense blue, while the other set were pale and feminine. The first looked intrigued, the second, assessing, then the owner of the second set left the school without a backwards glance.

Relena found herself cornered in the garden as she was about to leave it, and she cursed inwardly over the fact that her threat radar had chosen now to stop working. This thought only got louder as she tipped her head back slightly and met threatening dark blue eyes.

"Why hello, is there something I can help you with mister short, dark, and brooding?" Relena slid back into her sarcasm. She hadn't expected to see this person here. She also felt like a fool because he clearly recognized her as well as she recognized him.

The boy lifted his chin with a sort. "What did you see?"

"Well aren't you just rude! I see a boy who hasn't told me his name. I'm Relena Maxwell, and you?" Relena cocked a hip, resting her hand on it as the other hung by her side, just itching to go for one of her knives. She didn't like the feeling she was getting from this boy at all.

Heero lifted his chin. "Heero Yuy. I saw you at the beach. What did you see?" He took a step forward then, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"Hey, you're named after a dead guy! It's alright, so am I." Relena grinned as the bell tolled. "Bye, bye Heero, I don't need to be late for any classes on the first day." She moved forward fluttering a kiss over his cheek with quickness that Heero hadn't been expecting. "Nice glare by the way." Then Relena ducked out of the gardens, shifting flawlessly into the uppity regal tones that the rich girls demanded.

Heero was left standing in shock, his fingers moving to his cheek. He'd never had a reaction like that before. "Relena Maxwell? It's a shame I have to kill you..." Heero's words are a soft murmur as he finally shook himself out of his daze, ducking after the girl into the gaudily uniformed crowd seconds later. He'd been finished in the computer lab anyway.

Relena was seated in class when Heero was brought through the door and presented to the class. Did the fates hate her? Relena sighed and simply stared at Heero, she didn't want to share any classes with the unnerving boy! Not a one! So what happened?

"Ahh, Miss Maxwell has a seat open, go sit next to her, she is a bright girl who might be able to answer any questions you have." The teacher ushered Heero forward and seated him next to the blonde girl. The girl in question barely suppressed a growl as Heero immediately turned to look at her.

"What was it you wanted again?" Relena thought maybe being on the offensive would be good, because she really didn't know what to do with the expression lurking in those cold eyes. She once again cursed her mocking nature. She just had to go and kiss the cute boy on the cheek. He had looked like he needed it...

"She said if I have any questions I should ask you. So tell me, did you see anything?" Heero's voice was so soft it was barely audible.

Relena shook her head in amazement. "Your mind is so totally one track. Fine, yes, I saw, wow, you have a suit. Does that mean you're done now?" Relena opened her science book pointedly. They were getting into electromagnets and other things along those lines. She was just grateful that Duo insisted on them knowing everything that they could get their hands on while growing up. It meant she actually understood and surpassed this drivel she was in class for. Not to mention finding out they both had a talent for languages.

Heero studied Relena for another moment before shrugging and opening his book, glancing into it before starting to answer the questions, not even bothering to read.


Relena was starting to think that Heero was a bit too interested in her. After that fated class, he'd had them all with her and it was starting to bother her. At least this was the last class of the day. She'd even managed to get a seat near the door and across the room from him. He kept staring at her, and she didn't like it. She was a street kid, and when someone stared at you, it usually didn't mean good things. This was little better.

She was grateful when the bell rang, her black shoes taking her quickly to the door. Just as soon as she met up with her brother by the shore she would be changing out of this hideous outfit. Now, she just had to go see how it went.

Unfortunately, her plans took a detour when a mass of girls cornered her just feet from the outer doorway, the bulk of them drawing her away. *No! I want freedom!* The inward scream was met with a charming outward smile, her eyes scanning for an exit that was not to be found. The girls would make good guards, and soon she was drawn unwillingly into the small talk. *Duo, for this I'm going to kill you!* It was a fruitless threat, and she was drawn into the crowd preparing for a party that weekend.


It had been three hours since school ended and she'd only just managed to escape! They'd dressed her up in some of her clothes, but seemed rather disappointed at all the dark colors she had. She liked black and red, okay? She was only glad she did something to distract them from the party arrangements. She didn't care! Her footsteps drew her to the waterside only to see the boy who had been following her around already there, his gaze on the water. She wanted to break something. The upside: she beat Duo back.

Heaving a sigh, she moved out to the beachside, ignoring the blue eyed boy waiting for her by the water. Okay, maybe he wasn't waiting for her... Was he messing with explosives? Great! Relena wasn't all that expecting of the gun she suddenly found leveled at her when the boy heard her come out onto the sand.

She frowned a little. "What's that for?"

"You saw me. You can't be allowed to see me." Heero's voice was a low near monotone; the inflections so slight she almost didn't catch them.

She opened her mouth to reply when a familiar shape emerged from the waves. Of course, Heero was too busy cocking back his gun to shoot her to pay her brother any mind. Meanwhile Duo, well, he didn't look happy when he saw the situation. "You might want to put the gun down."

Heero shook his head to indicate no, eyes focusing only on her. In the next second she didn't have to worry about it, Duo having drawn and shot the boy across his gun arm to make him let go. "Please step away from the girl."

Relena was about to get offended when the boy lunged for the gun, only to have Duo shoot him in the leg. Masochistic was he? Relena remembered that this person might be important and moved forward, shaking her head. "Hold up Duo! He's a pilot!"

"What?" Duo's voice was rife with confusion, understandably, and Heero chose to head for his explosives rather than dealing with Relena.

"Duo! Explosives! Stop him!" Relena spun, catching sight of movement, tried to grab Heero before he passed, only to fail miserably. Just great. She saves him and he's about to have Duo shoot him, again. Didn't this guy have a will to live?

"Rena! Back up!" Duo leapt in the way of the injured blue eyed boy, noting absently that he was running as though uninjured, and narrowed his eyes as he saw what he was running for. "I don't think so!"

Heero drew up then dodged to a side, not even considering the fact that the girl behind him would know any sort of fighting before he was tackled rudely to the gravel. Duo was on them in an instant, helping Relena pin Heero firmly to the ground. "Any ideas how to keep him restrained until he stops?" Relena's voice held little confidence for this idea.

"Not really, but if you promise to take care of it, I might let you play with the pretty new suit." To this there was a snarl from Heero, and he tried to get more violent. "Well, maybe not." Duo threw his weight into it, managing to bring a hand up before hitting Heero squarely in the back of the head, knocking the dark haired boy out. "Now that that is settled, Scythe baby should be appearing any second now with his new friend."

Relena climbed off Heero and dusted herself off. "Since you managed to wind up with two suits for the moment, how about you take him." She pauses, pointing. "While I take his suit, and we'll all fly over to visit our dear vision impairing shirt man?"

Duo huffed a breath. "What about all the stuff you have at your new school?" Duo didn't like Relena being in danger, and never had. The girl just refused to stay out of the war zones though.

"I'll get it later, it's not like I can't replace it if I have to." Relena shrugged, rolling Heero over with an annoyed look. "And this pest followed me around all day anyway. You'd think he was a puppy or something."

Duo laughed a little, shaking his head as he picked Heero up and got them both off the ground. "Yeah? Looks like you have an admirer Rena."

Relena glared by way of reply, crossing her arms and pushing Duo enough to make him nearly drop said 'admirer' on the ground. "Yeah? Well, you have him follow you around and deal with those harpies all day and see how you like it!"

Duo glanced over at Relena, readjusting Heero across his shoulders just as the Gundams came up from the water. "Hey, you agreed!"

"What did you put in my files Duo? You'd think I was a celebrity or some crap like that!" Relena moved ahead of Duo, catching sight of the Wing gundam and was running an appreciative gaze over it.

"Err... I got a little carried away?" Duo tried to avoid the question, eyes flicking everywhere but the blue eyed girl that was shooting venom at him in her gaze. That look was scary. "Hey did you get Mr. Trigger-happy's name at any point?"

"Actually yeah, right before I kissed him. He said he's Heero Yuy, if you can believe that!" Relena crawled up onto the white gundam, almost cooing at the thought of being able to pilot it. She wasn't as enamored as Duo over the big machines, but she'd appreciated them ever since the fateful night she's first helped Duo pilot one.

Duo didn't need any help as he nearly dropped Heero this time, staring wide-eyed at Relena. "You did what? Heero Yuy? I thought that was a dead guy..."

Relena sniggered, keeping up with the double conversation as she climbed into Wing, poking around the controls happily. "On the cheek D babe, on the cheek. He needed some serious loosening up, spewing death threats like that! All willy nilly you know? I didn't think he'd start following me around after I did that though... Yeah, Heero Yuy is that dead guy who was trying to sweep peace through the colonies when we were little. I think you skipped out of that class."

"Of course he'd follow you around. Look at you! You're the perfect girl; you even like the same machines he does. Is it cool in there? Oh, and that class was boring!" Duo moved forward, managing to work his way up Deathscythe to drop the boy into the double rigged harness behind the pilot's seat and strapping him in before leaning out to look at Relena.

"Way cool. Let's get moving before sleeping grumpy in there wakes up." With that, Relena started to fiddle with the controls, making sure she knew what did what before taking off. She already knew where they were going.


In another place, one short blond teen was cursing up a storm. He had descended to Earth, but then he found out the only person he considered a brother was headed there as well. What by Allah was Zechs doing? It had to be the older teen's father doing it. He'd never known the taller blond to appreciate Earth that much. He hadn't ever been interested in heading to Earth since he had met him. The small blonde shook himself out of his thoughts with annoyance. He was in the middle of a fight with what appeared to be another gundam. Wrong time to go thinking about the news he'd gotten just after he'd hit the radio distance needed for the news. The pilot dodged his gundam under another volley of shots, only to slump once he realized the other one was out of bullets. Perfect.

"We shouldn't be working against each other!" The blonde hadn't been observant enough and the other pilot had seen him among the rest. "To show I want to not fight against you..." The blond drew a deep breath, popping his hatch as the other gundam stilled, then removed himself from Sandrock, hands held aloft once he hit the ground, and he moved forward.

There was a hesitation from the other pilot, then a lanky boy with hair covering half his face jumped down as well, mirroring the pale boy's pose, both walking forward until they were just beyond each other's reach.

The blond extended his hand after lowering them slowly, a gentle smile on his face. "Quatre Raberba Winner... And yourself?"

The green-eyed boy hesitated, then reached forward to meet the handshake. "I'm being called Trowa Barton now."


The dark haired woman went back to her room, having helped her last youthful student get back to sleep after a particularly nasty nightmare. She was the top graduate from academy, and it had made her colder than she should have been. Her students were all that warmed her. She couldn't help but smile around them and their competitions to beat her. They were bitter smiles though. She was terribly lonely.

She'd always disliked war. She had the option of going into space and had, only to be disheartened by the conflict she saw. So she'd come back to teach. Her students would be leaving soon, graduation having been just that morning. She was thinking deeply about that. She's have new students again soon. She shook off her thoughts and was just about to climb back into bed when an explosion rocked the base, sending her stumbling. Catching herself, she didn't even take the time to put more on as she moved from the room, catching sight of smoldering ruins where the explosion had rocked through not long before.

She then saw one of her beloved students, the youth with the nightmares, sprawled out in the hallway and dropped to her knees as others ran to her. "Lieutenant Noin! What should we do?"

"Theo... What happened?" She pulled the wounded Theo into her arms, a very bad feeling in her heart.

The bloody boy gave her a feeble smile, already knowing he wasn't going to live. "I was leaving my room for water and then the room blew up..." He coughed, cuddling closer to Noin with a final contented sigh.

Noin gently moved the dead boy to the side before looking up to the frantic officers looking to her for guidance. She narrowed her eyes, feet taking her in the direction of her students, only to see carnage. "Any other areas hit?"

Things rapidly spiraled away from Noin as she discovered only her students were hit and she ordered the suits off base. She only came out of her commanding daze when she saw the face of the person who'd caused her such grief. "How could you? Why would you?" It was just a youth, the same age as her students.

The oriental boy smirked, using her shock to flee to his gundam Shenlong, the mecha coming back onto Noin's view screen quickly just to hack into her forces. She tried another question as she attempted to intercept the youthful teen. "Who are you?" She barely dodged the blade that was swung her direction, nimble fingers playing over the controls.

"Chang Wufei. None of you should be fighting me, because you are all weak!" He cut off the connection then, though he continued to monitor the frequency. In a parting gesture he charged Noin's gundam, causing it to topple before he sped away, leaving the stunned teacher with no one left to teach. He didn't want her dead, but perhaps death might have been a mercy.


Duo was sitting in a chair near the wall as Relena leaned over the boy in the bed, an amused expression on her face as she finished bandaging the bullet wounds. "Just a little trigger happy weren't you?"

Of course, the reply was quick in coming. "He was gonna shoot you! What did you think I was going to do? Watch?"

"No, course not. I could have taken care of it though. Remember, I learned the hand to hand stuff first and better!" Relena cast an evil eye towards Duo, only to meet a stuck out tongue for her efforts.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm the pilot though, so there!" Duo moved closer to the bed, head tilting a little as he took in the features of the person he'd decided he was going to try to convince to stick around.

Relena looked over at Duo's face and had to laugh. "Do I sense a crush?"

Duo snorted and shook his head. "Yeah, his on you. Not my type sister. Not my type at all. Sides, I don't exactly feel like climbing into a love triangle at the moment, thank you very much."

Relena just shook her head, her pigtail braids swaying. At some point she'd changed back into her own clothes. "Yeah, well, you just watch and see, I'll find the perfect man for you yet!"

Duo groaned, bringing his hand to his face. "Just why did I tell you I was bi again?"

Relena reached over, removing the hand that had blocked her view of seeing his face. "You told me because I told you. I just choose to use the information as an embarrassing weapon on you." A wide grin streaked across her face. "You could always work on finding me the perfect woman you know.

Duo snorted, then rolled his eyes. "Of course Rena. Like any woman in her right mind would want to deal with you!"

"What happened to me being the perfect woman?" She turned her attention fully to Duo as she finished the last bandage.

"Perfect for a guy, Rena, not for everyone." Duo grinned widely, then looked back to their temporary guest. He'd been rather glad that Howard didn't mind him being here, the differences in the Gundam were enough to keep Howard happy. Especially with exploring the new design and all.

Relena pouted a second, then looked back to Heero as well. "Load of help you are. Y'know, he's kinda cute when he isn't trying to be all threatening."

Duo puffed up his chest proudly. "Ha! I'm a psychic. I just knew you'd like him."

Relena increased her glare on Duo with an annoyed sigh. "Fine, be that way. You'll see though, just you wait until you finally have someone liking you that you aren't all that sure about and see how I react."

Duo grinned at that, shaking his head. "If you react any different then I am, I'll be disappointed."

"Brat." Relena turned her attention back to the boy on the bed, only to meet dark blue eyes that were trained firmly on her. She'd never heard him wake up.

Duo saw his sister freeze and was on his feet in seconds, moving to stand beside the girl. "Ah. Good morning."

Heero narrowed his eyes at the pair, then seemed to take in that he wasn't restrained in any way. "Where am I?"

Relena rolled her eyes, the gruff question pulling her out of her frozen state. "You're at a little hideout of ours. Hey, are you planning on joining the team?"

Heero glanced from ne to the other in confusion. "The team?"

Duo smirked; understanding what Relena was getting at. "Yeah, what Rena said, up for joining the team? Being kinda solo is good an all, but maybe we could do more if you were to stick around a while, what d'you say?"

Heero flicked his attention back to Relena fully then, dark gaze considering her before turning back to Duo. "I'll see if it suits me."

Duo shook his head a little. "Course man. C'mon Rena, lets give the boy a little space."

Relena nodded a bit, rising to her feet and looking over at Heero before nodding and moving towards the door. "Yeah, we'll handle the introductions later."

With that, the two left Heero alone with his thoughts. They also left him with his confusion. *Why did I agree to stay?*

To be continued.