Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Road Not Taken ❯ Part I ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Gundam Wing, I don't own it!

Happy Holidays everyone. Wow it's been a while since I wrote anything. Well here it is. Hope you enjoy it. I don't think it will be a very long fic. Maybe a couple of chapters but that's it.


She tasted the gentle breeze that flew from the west, kissed her cheeks and whispered untold secrets to her. The beach had constantly been her salvation and her sanctuary. At this exact location, this moment, her life had changed drastically. How could such a short event haunt her memory to such an extreme? From the time she identified the body to the moment he stood and glared at her with those intense cobalt sapphire eyes, she would never forget the passing seconds of time. Ten years later and she still couldn't put him aside. Relena Darlian, at the age of 25, still amazed herself when she returned to the place where Gundam Pilot 01 was unraveled before her. It had turned into a ritual for her, returning to the sea.

She waited patiently for the setting of the sun. Everything seemed tranquil, peaceful, and exotically beautiful. The sun produced an ephemeral moment of bliss and paradise as the waves rippled in a rhythmic pattern and reflected the golden yellow and orange residue of the light.


Relena recollected all the painful memories of the only boy she fell in love with. Shortly following the Mariemeia incident, he disappeared into the shadows of the world, along with her hopes of telling him how she felt about him. Missed opportunities tended to be a recurring habit of hers, which she loathed with a heartfelt passion. 'He must have grown,' she thought, no longer was he the boy she remembered but a man.

She wrapped her arms around herself and moved her gaze down to the sandy shore. Funny how she desired to end her life a few years back, when she thought of jumping off the cliff. But no, she wouldn't do something so drastic and foolish. There were other things she looked forward to: The newfound relationship she has developed with her brother, Milliardo Peacecraft; The friendship she shared with Duo, Trowa, and Quatre. Most importantly, she couldn't let the world down. Peace had finally found its home in the hearts and minds of political leaders from both the Earth and the unified colonies. Despite the personal demons which occupied her thoughts at night, life was close to paradise.

~Ring Ring Ring~

"Damn it!" Relena's cell phone brought her out of her reverie as she removed the little contraption from her purse.

"Darlian here," she answered with a slightly annoyed tone.

"Hey there princess!" The caller replied enthusiastically. There was only one person in the world that could sound so energetic.

"Duo, come on. This is supposed to be my day off. I would respect some time to myself you know?" Relena complained in a voice she knew would entice the former Deathscythe pilot.

"Relena, you need to come down to HQ pronto."

The vice foreign minister groaned inwardly and gave in. She decided to wait a few seconds to clear her head, decided to make him sweat a little, and took a last glance at the landscape. It was so beautifully stunning.


"Yeah I'll be there." She said quickly and disconnected the call.

Without a second thought, she strolled over to the parking lot where her black Mercedes was parked and hopped in. So many things have changed since the last time she had been here. Aside from the physical changes, she had grown mentally as well. She chuckled at herself as she remembered how she used to travel in that blasted pink vehicle of hers.

All the lights were turned off when she approached the massive building of eighty floors along with five levels below ground. What did she expect to find on a statuary holiday? Despite the Christmas season, certain individuals were still hard at work. She pulled her car into 'park' and climbed the stairs down to the sublevel of Section B-2501. Normally when something happened, she always met up with the pilots or with Lady Une on this floor. She had been here more times than she could count.

"That's odd." Relena thought to herself. "Where is everyone?"

She decided to start her search for any sign of life from the right corridor, where a large conference room was located and where all her meetings took place. It was still dark when she opened the door into the room. Then suddenly...

"SURPRISE!!!!!!!" A loud explosion of cheers rang through her ears as someone flipped the light switch on. All four former Gundam pilots were present, along with Noin, her brother, and several other co-workers. It didn't come as a shock to her to find Heero not among the guests.

"What is this all about?" Relena asked with excitement.

Milliardo stepped forward and embraced his younger sister as he explained, "Consider this a party that you well deserve for all the countless hours you put into your work." She glanced around the room as everyone nodded. Relena was more than glad to have her friends and family support her.

"Not to mention that we missed celebrating your birthday last month during that Mars crisis. I mean, we had to make it up to you somehow." Quatre concluded matter-of-factly.

"I don't know what to say. Thank you. All of you." She said, smiling and laughing at the same time.

It was a splendid party with soft classical music and mild conversations occurring in the background. Everyone took turns offering their gifts to Relena. It didn't take long for time to extend into the long hours of the night and soon it was time to pack everything up and go home.

They all wished Relena a happy belated birthday and headed for their vehicles in the underground parking garage. Before Relena left, she remembered one of her documents in her office while she was walking to her car alongside Milliardo and Noin.

"Oh shoot." Relena muttered.

"What is it?" Noin questioned her, eyebrows raised.

"I forgot one of my documents from the office."

Before she could finish her sentence, Milliardo interrupted and said, "It's your day off remember? Why don't you come back tomorrow?"

"I'd love to but I can't. I really need it for my speech preparation on colony 1013 next month. I'll meet you back at home." She explained as she started a light jog to the elevator and onto the eighth floor.

Relena ended up living with her brother in the restored Peacecraft Mansion under Milliardo's convincing manner. They still had a lot of things to catch up on and she figured it would be an excellent way to learn more about her only living relative. It was also easier to confide in him since they were both single and quite preoccupied in their lives. Despite Milliardo and Noin's close connection, she knew she could depend on him if they decided to move their relationship up a notch.

Waiting on her mahogany oak desk were her documents strewn all over the place. She picked them up carefully and laid them in her suitcase. As she was about to leave, a shimmering envelope lying on the floor caught her eye. On it was her name, carefully imprinted with black ink.

'Perhaps it's from the secretary,' she thought as she opened the envelope and pulled out the single piece of paper inside.

Her eyes opened an inch wider as she read what was on it. Shock overwhelmed her as she held onto the piece of paper. Blood splattered the surface of the note with a blood-drenched feather stapled at the bottom. It read,



She didn't understand what it meant. She couldn't understand who would send this to her. There was no question that the individual saw her as the dove. Suddenly an involuntary shiver ran through her body and she dropped the note. Some of the blood stained her fingers; still wet. Without much hesitation, she picked it up and returned it back in the envelope. She marched over to her desk and tucked it under the other items found on the top drawer.

"It was just a prank." She tried to convince herself. "There is absolutely no need to overreact."

She closed the door to her office and headed to the garage. As she drove home, she still couldn't shake the uneasy feeling sitting in her gut. She knew it wasn't that big of a deal and she knew for certain that she couldn't tell anyone about it. It would grow into massive panic and she wouldn't have any privacy due to this incident. Relena had received several prank letters in the past, all of which she experienced no injuries; maybe only to her pride.

She tried convincing herself that it was nothing but why did she still feel so unsafe and insecure?
