Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Rock Band! ❯ One Found, One To Go ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

*big grin* Yay! Chapter F*I*V*E of Rock Band! *cheer* Minako is so happy! *hops around like a wild rabbit*

Cherry: According to my calculations, she shouldn't be humanly possible to jump that high…

Minako: *bounce* OW! *thwaps her head on the ceiling*

Cherry: And that explains why…

Rock Band!

Part V

*Cobalt re-opens book*

Now as I continue my tale, I do hope you have all become absorbed. This time around you shall find how I come into this, and shall also find just exactly what Duo is and how this all came about.



Duo suddenly realized what he was. "I'm the opposite of evil, I'm…?"

Heero nodded.

"No way man! You can't possible expect me to believe I am God! Earth to Heero? Have you gone absolutely insane!?"

"If you must believe I have gone insane to except this fact, then yes Duo, I have."

Duo huffed. "FINE! Fine Heero, I'll go along with this, but don't think for one second I've given in! Let's go try and find this "mystery woman."

"Glad you agreed."

Heero stood and head for the door, Duo right behind him, grumbling the whole way. They went out of their hotel to be surrounded by a mob of screaming fans. One even went to the extent of jumping on top of Duo, while security guards had to come and pry her off.

Wide eyed, both boys got into their car, and drove off.

"Hey Hee-Chan, how do I know that one of those people couldn't have been 'her'?"

"Hn. She wouldn't go to that degree. Both our guardians are searching for us to, and when the time comes, you will know."

Duo mumbled a bit, but said nothing. Duo had started staring off into his own little world when Heero suddenly pulled the car over into a corner café.

Duo gave the other man a questionable look, but got no answers as Heero threw him over a pair of over-sized sun-glasses and a trench coat.

"We can't have people knowing who we are, we're too famous."

"Like that's my fault, seems you set the scenery, remember Heero?" Duo said obstinately.

Heero gave him a corner glance and rolled his eyes at the man as he put his sun-glasses on.

They both stepped out of the car in their new attire and walked in. There, they casually sat down, and it was then Heero leant forward.

"We are here be-"

Heero got interrupted by a woman clearing her throat. She smiled down at them sweetly.

"Can I start you two off with some drinks tonight?"

"Hn. Coffee." Was all Heero stated as Duo just shook his head signaling he didn't want anything.

Heero followed the woman with his eyes as he glared at her suspiciously.

"Let's Go."

"Wha-?" Duo started to complain, but Heero grabbed his wrist and practically drug him out.

"We can't stay here, get in the car Duo."

"What fuck is going on Heero?"

"Just do it, we have exactly one minute to get our asses out of here, not get in the fucking car!"

Duo did as he was told, glaring at Heero as he got in. The car was started and was sped out of the drive-way.

A couple miles down the road, I heard a big rumble and felt the car shake. I turned to Heero wide-eyed.

"Okay, I believe everything you've said to me, what happened back there?"

Heero kept his eyes on the road, and started explaining to Duo. "There are others who are also looking for us. They will go to any extent to keep us from finding the one's we are destined to meet. Those are the one's that wish to bring destruction to the land. That back there was a set-up."

"But how did you know it was?"

Heero shrugged his shoulders. "I guess it's a gift. I can sense danger. You also have one, but I honestly do not know what it is. But that wouldn't help you any, for even if I did know, I wouldn't be able to tell you."

Duo sighed deeply. How could his best friend, the one he had known, counted on, and be-friend over the past five years keep this huge secret from him?

"Heero, why did you wait so long to tell me all of this? It may have been a lot easier to grasp man."

The other man heaved a sigh.

"Look, Duo, I didn't think you'd ever have to know. We could've just lived peacefully, but they found us. I'm not sure how, and I'm not sure what gave away our location, but they did. So now, we're stuck where we are. Besides, if I would've told you this a couple of years ago, you would have never talked to me again, or you would've drug me into the mental home. If I didn't have to, I was never going to tell you…"

"Who are 'they'?"

Heero bit his bottom lip a bit. "Well, they are both of my kind and your kind. This tale goes a long way back. You had to banish some angels a long time ago; you sent them to hell with me, hoping I could straighten them out and then send them back up to you. They rebelled, and fell to Earth, a third planet in our solar system, one that had no inhabitance at the time. So, I suppose that is how humans got here. They broke off into different groups, falling into different lands. They had to find their own means of communication, making up their own languages. There was still one group although, one that hated both you and I, they were the only one's that remembered what truly happened, they have been passing down from generation through generation, waiting for us to come back to Earth so they could strike..."

Duo had gotten a bit pale in the face. "You're not making this up. This is all real, you weren't lying to me!"

Duo leaned back in his seat, a bit perplexed. "Alright, alright! I give man, where are we looking for our mystery gals first?"

Heero smirked a bit. Finally the old Duo was coming back.

Heero did not answer Duo's question, but instead pulled off onto a road that grass a tree branches had covered. Duo wouldn't have even noticed it.

They head down the covered road for awhile before Heero came to an abrupt stop in a clearing. Looking around warily, Duo got out of the car.

"Why'd we stop here?"

Heero just shook his head and put his finger to his lips, signaling for Duo to be quiet. Heero crouched down a bit and silently started walking towards a bush. Duo followed quietly behind him, and was quite surprised when just out of nowhere, Heero pounced into the brush.

Duo watched, wide eyed as he saw the shrub moving, when suddenly Heero rolled out and pinned something underneath him.

"What were you planning to do with these!?" Heero asked the thing harshly as he held out two poison darts.

The object turned its head, and Duo was quite surprised to find it was a female.

"What do you think, idiot?" The female retorted rather harshly, "you're one of them, you've tried to stop me from finding them too many times, and I plan on finding him damnit!"

Heero raised an eyebrow and smirked. "You mean him?" Heero stated as he pointed towards Duo.

The girl looked up and then her eyes widened. She lightly rolled Heero off of her, and then got up to circle around Duo. She then started asking him a series of questions, not too sure of herself.

"What's your name?"


"What's his name?" she said as she pointed accusingly towards Heero.

Duo gave Heero a questioning look, who only nodded in turn for him to answer the questions.


"What species is he?"


"You heard me, what species is he?"

"Look Miss, I honestly don't know, why don't you ask him!?"

"Because I asked you! Don't make me ask again."

Duo sighed and looked over to Heero helplessly. "I am of the demon species." Heero said, backing Duo up. The woman now turned to Heero.

"Then of what species is he?" she said, now quizzing Heero.

"He is of the monarchy species."

Then, the girl let out a bright grin, as she turned to Duo and ran up to him, giving him a huge hug, which knocked them both over.

"I've been looking for thee for ages!" She cried happily.

Duo stared wide eyed at the woman as he looked her over, trying to remember her. She seemed…familiar? She had Chestnut brown hair, and beautiful hazel eyes.

The girl got off of Duo, and helped him up, a now cheerful look on her face.

"What your name?" Duo asked her curiously.

The girl grinned. "Cobalt. My name is Cobalt Violet."

Duo blinked. Now he remembered her!


*Cobalt lightly closes the book*

To Be Continued…

By: MinakoChan