Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Rogue Spear Gundam ❯ Act I ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing or anything related to Gundam or anything else in this story.

If there is period in places there shouldn't be, it's a triple period thing because it messes up when you use Microsoft Word.

R-S Gundam

(Sequel to gWr)

Act I: No time for Love

After Earth 4, (A.E 4) - (AC 226)

It has been 2 years since the wars between the Indus, and the Unified Federation, and the deciding battle at S.P.L (Space Port Liberty). Duo and Trowa defeated Garza and his threat to destroy the moon and move the entire population to space. After that the Indus, decided with a peace treaty, that will end the war, and wars to come, but some Indus couldn't keep that promise of peace. In A.E 2, The President of the Federation opened up the first ever space colony in over 29 years. He named it after something his great great grandfather wrote in his journal. Side 1 was the name. Over 5 million flocked there, to get away from the dangers of the old wars. 1 week later, there was a bomb threat on Side 1 where a Indus terrorist threatened to destroy Side 1, but the Feds convinced him not too. After that Federation strength and military doubled in effort, may there be another battle with the Indus, and indeed there will be…

At Side 1, a fight breaks out on the streets between two men, for definitely no good reason. A crowd forms around, while bets are being placed. One of the men took a swing and missed.

"That all you got?" said the other man, laughing. This man was little taller than the other man, and fairly slim. He had brown hair and had blue eyes. The other man was little smaller and fairly slim. He had black hair and brown eyes. "Haha! You can't throw no punches at me!" said the taller man

Then the smaller man threw a punch without the other man knowing, and it landed him right in the nose and he fell over.

"Enough! I'm done!" says the taller man on the ground. The crowd starts to give heavy boos. The small man walks up to the taller man and gives him a hand up as the crowd starts to leave.

"Man, Kishari. That was I nice punch you landed on me." said the taller man as he wipes the blood off his nose.

"No prob, Onatku. Yeah, that was a good punch" says Kishari as he starts laughing

"Dude, that's not funny." He starts to get angry while Kishari, not paying attention, walks off. "Wait up!" Then he starts running after him and catches up. "You know about the Indus threat, you think they're going to force me in?"

"How old are you again?" asks Kishari.

"You forgot already? Didn't you get me a birthday card couple weeks ago?"

"No, that's was mom and dad sending one for me."

"Like usual. Well I'm 22, now."

"Last time I remember you were 17 and I was 15, and it was right before Earth blew up, like two days before."

"Well, whatever. I still want to go into the military and pilot a gear."

"You're not going without me!!!"

"You're to young. How do you suppose you will get in?" Then there was a moment of silence as Kishari looks off at something else. "Kishari? Kishari!?"

"Now, isn't that a beauty?" says Kishari as he looks off at this girl with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Yeah. She's great, but do you really think you'll ever talk to her or something?" He looks over and Kishari starts walking over to the girl.

"Hello. What might your name be, lovely lady?"

The girls standing beside her start laughing. "My name is Joy. You come over here for a reason?" says the girl.

"My name is Kishari, and I want to take you out to dinner, tonight, if I may?"

The other girls start giggling again. "I don't know…I guess" says Joy.

"Great!! 7:00 tonight at the restaurant," said Kishari pointing at the restaurant across the street, "Over there."

"Ok, thanks" says Joy.

Then Kishari winks and runs off.

"Do you think he's lying to you and when you go he really did? You want to go through all that pain?" said one of the girls beside her.

"Some how," said Joy, "He doesn't look like that kind of a person."

"I hope your right."

While Onatku stand all alone on a park bench waiting for Kishari to come back, Kishari runs back to tell Onatku his good news.

"Dude, I got a date with her! I'm that good" says Kishari all proud.

"Really?" says Onatku, proud of his little brother, "I thought she push you away or reject you!"

"Well she didn't!" says Kishari still all proud. "You owe me $50."

"What? I don't owe you diddly squat!" says Onatku getting angry.

"You said, and I quote, `the next time you try to get a date I'll pay you 50 bucks if you do"'

Onatku starts thinking. "Crap, I forgot about that. And guess what I was urging him on to!" Onatku pulls out his wallet and starts to take money out of it. "10, 20, 30, 40, 50! There! Take it all!"

"More gas money!" says Kishari. "What do you think would of happened? She would just walk away?"

"Don't be too sure she'll come on the date" said Onatku.

"Yeah. She probably ditched me already."

"Probably so, little bro."

"Shut up."

"I'll tell you something of good advice. Never dress to fancy."

"I'll take your advice."

At Joy's house, she changes to see what she should where to go out with Kishari that night.

"One thing, Joy" said one of the girls next to her, "Never dress to fancy."

"What if he dresses fancy?" said Joy.

"You got to live with it."

Joy starts thinking then she tells the other girl, "I'm putting on a nice dress."

Back where Kishari was walking with Onatku,

"What if she dresses fancy?" asks Kishari.

"You got to live with it."

Kishari starts thinking then he tells Onatku, "I'm putting on a nice tux. I'm going back to my apartment."

"Wait…" said Onatku. "Let him go, he'll regret tonight, though."

Later that night, Kishari sits at a table for two at the restaurant he picked out earlier that day, as he waits for Joy to come. He takes out his hand and looks at his watch wondering if she'll ever come. "7:17. It's not that late. She'll come. I know she would." Then Kishari starts thinking to himself. " She probably stood me up. Yup, that's right." Outside the restaurant, a taxi pulls up and a girl, in a lovely black dress steps out of the taxi and into the restaurant. Then the waiter shows her to where Kishari is sitting. Kishari sits there, staring at Joy and how beautiful she looks. Joy finally arrives at where Kishari is sitting.

"Ohhh sorry, Kishari. Sorry I'm late. I had a lot to do today. Its rare I even made it tonight" said Joy trying to see if he would, cheer up.

"It's ok. Just for a moment I thought you wouldn't come" said Kishari.

"Well for awhile, I almost didn't, but I thought that was just to mean."

"I'm just glad you came tonight."

Then a waiter comes up to them two and asks for drinks.

"Ummmm, tea would be fine" said Joy.

"Same here." Kishari still just sits and stares at her in a way he never has before.

"Well how old are you first of all? I don't even know."

"I'm 19. What about you?"

"I'm 20. Do you work and where?"

"I work at well, I don't work, I go to college part-time"

"Where do you live?"

"I'm sorry, but why do you keep asking me these questions like I'm confessing a crime or something?"

Joy stops and starts thinking. "Ohhh no, he's catching on. Why am I here??? Think of something."

"I…uh…use to work at…a…bank. Yeah a bank."

"A…bank? That's why your asking me questions."

"I was the manager and I use to get a lot of complaints, so I had to question them on whatever they're talking about, like…let me think…if they lost money, and they think it was the banks fault, I was there to question him on if he had done something else with it. You know what I mean?"

"Yeah I get you" says Kishari. Then he starts talking to himself, "Boy, is she a talker or what? But she still is a beauty."

The waiter comes back with the drinks. "Two teas."

"Thank you" says Joy followed by, "Thanks" by Kishari. He picks up it and takes a drink out of it.

"Are you ready to order?" said the waiter.

"No, not yet. Maybe in a little while. Thanks" said Kishari. "Well, where do you live?"

"Not to far from here, maybe about 2 miles. I had to take a taxi because my car broke down on the way over here. That's why I was late."

"Its still ok, as long as you're here."

In a secret base inside the Moon, Indus rebels plan of an attack on Side 1. If Side 1 was destroyed the Indus could regroup and completely destroy the Federation.

"Sir, if we attack now, we could crush the Federation, but if we attack later, we will regret it!" said one of the Indus rebels.

"It is a risk I need to think about before I attack. Attacking my lead us to destruction!" said the leader.

"But the Federation are weak, if we attack later, they will grow. We must destroy the prototype before they make more and destroy it, before they attack with it!"

"I see the risk. We shall attack…now! Get all men ready for departure to Side 1!"

"Yes sir!"

About an hour later, Kishari and Joy finish there meal and start talking some more about themselves and each other. Then there was a loud boom.

"What was that???" said Kishari.

"I don't know. Maybe some one in the kitchen?" said Joy.


Then there was another loud boom, followed by more booms.

"They sound like explosions" said Kishari.

Then from the speakers on the ceiling started talking, "Red Alert, Red Alert! We are under attack, all military personal to battle stations immediately. All civilians stay where you are you will be all right."

Then lots of people started screaming and crying. Red lights were flashing. Then, Joy got up and started to get up and run away.

"Joy!!! Where are you going?!?!"

"I got to go! I'm sorry!"

"Wait…" said Kishari cut off by him getting tossed around by a big explosion near by. He got up from the ground and started running off after Joy. He still could see a glimpse of her and followed were she was going until it dead-ended into the military base. "She…can't be in the military. She lied to…" said Kishari cut off by another big explosion near there and he fell down on the ground.

Then a man came out of the base and said, "Man, what are you waiting for! Get in!" Then Kishari started running toward the man and he opened the door and they both walked in.

"Why were you just sitting there?" said the man.


"Well you better get suited up, and ready to fly."

"What??? What are you talking about?" said Kishari.

"You probably forgot when you fell face first on the ground. You get to pilot our new big bad boy! Remember? The new Rogue Spear Gundam, the biggest and baddest in the fleet. You better not…" said the man cut off by a explosion near by.

"Sorry, like I was saying, you better not damage it up, it's the prototype and there's no other to replace it."

"How do you fly it?"

"You probably forgot, even though your are top ace, that falls must of hurt your brain really bad. Well, ok. To moves its arms are the main joysticks. Legs are the feet pedals on the bottom. Firing is the triggers and to torso twist you move your body. And to fire up the jets is the hat switch. Its really that simple."

"Uhhhh…thanks a lot."

"You're going to need it. Now go get suited up."

Kishari starts thinking to himself. "Yes sir!!!"

Next time:

Kishari gets into Rogue Spear Gundam and flies out into space. Not knowing how to do much, Joy radios him the instructions. Thinking of Kishari's safety, Joy radios Kishari the instructions to help not knowing of what's going to happen to him. All that next time…

Act II: Soldiers of Sorrows