Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Secret Society ❯ Relena's Decision ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Don't own anything, but what I made up.

AN: Ok, this is really short. Don't know what else to say.

Part 9- Relena's Decision

"Are you crazy!?" asks Zechs, "There's no way I'm going to let you pilot a Gundam. It's way too dangerous!"

"Who do you have piloting them?"

"Right now, Lucrezia, Sally, Lady Une, and me."

"Then that leaves two left over. I can pilot one."

"No," cries Zechs, "The last Gundam is for extra safety. If all of our Gundams are destroyed, then we will still have one to use as a trump card. Besides, you don't know how to pilot one."

"I can learn. I've been learning how to pilot a Taurus suit over the past year. Wufei was teaching me and he says that I nearly mastered how to use one. A Gundam can't be much harder."

"You're wrong. I had the hardest time trying to conquer the system. I nearly died the first time. And, I was in perfect condition."

"But it's my decision! I am going to pilot one of these no matter what you say or think. And, I will succeed. I won't let my friends down. I won't let Heero down."

"But...all right. Have it your way. But I'm going to teach you and I won't go easy on you just because your my little sister."

"Good. But I have to ask you, why isn't Dorothy in on this?"

Sally takes over saying, "I didn't want anyone else to know. Besides, she went through a lot of pain trying to make up for all her wrongdoings. She felt guilty for a long time. I wouldn't want her to go through that again."

"When do I start training?"

"Right away."