Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Secrets of the Library ❯ It Begins ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I'm Baaaaack! Well if you're reading this then I suppose you liked the prologue. Now you meet my charas! Well some of them. Can anyone guess who the vampire is? Well I hope so, cause someone has to!

Disclaimer: I don't own, nor claim to own the Gundamn Wing Characters. This story is only for fun, not profit. So please don't sue, cause if you do I'll you'll get is a chatty dog, ornery goat and a flock of annoying chickens, which all my money goes to, to feed. Enjoy!


Archive: Ask please.

Warnings: Sap, Humor, Shonen Ai/Yaoi

Pairings: 3x4, More later.

~*~: An overlapping section.

It Begins: Chapter 2

Waking an hour before work on Thursday morning Heero fixed his breakfast, grabbed his laptop, and began the walk to the library. Upon entering the old building at exactly nine o'clock he found himself confronted by two pairs of amber eyes and their owners who were dressed in identical shirts and jeans that began as a dark purple and faded into an even darker blue. Each had their long dark brown hair was pulled back in a braid that went to their waist.
"Hey there! You must be Heero," said the one on the right.
He nodded watching them. 'Twins. A boy and girl.'
"I'm Shay and this is Shalon. Nice to meet you Heero. We're your guides for the day," continued Shay.
"You're in charge of the Haun..."
Shay elbowed him in the side sharply, interrupting him.
'They're hiding something.'
"...Junior Fiction" he continued, glaring at her. Turning they began walking down the long corridor, motioning for Heero to follow them. As they walked past the front desk Shalon introduced the three ladies there. "Lynda, Karen, and Paula." Each raised a hand in greeting as her name was called.
"Chesley will be here later today, said Shay picking up the thread of conversation. The four of them are in charge of checking in and out books and shelving the adult non-fiction. This hallway on the right leads to mine and Shalon's section, the little kids books and movies" she continued as they walked past said hallway.
"Our brother Larak is in charge of the adult fiction which is down that hallway on the left. Your section is down the last hallway on the right. The last hallway on the left is where the kitchen and restrooms are. You can eat in there or outside, whichever you prefer. The other people who work here legitimately, but don't have a set station are Mrs. Rhea, the boss and the one who does story time for the little kids, Mrs. Pat, who's in charge of the older kids story time. Chesley helps her sometimes. And our friend Kathleen who's in charge of the teens activities," finished Shalon.
A raised eyebrow at the hint there was a non-legitimate worker in the library. "Some aren't?"
"Uh, well," Shay looked to her brother unsure as to whether she should tell him or not.
"You might as well tell him. He'll find out soon enough anyway," said her brother.
Sighing she turned back to Heero. "There is one and he's the reason I elbowed Shalon, as you noticed when he was about to tell you the other name for your section. The Haunted Fiction. He calls himself Shinigami and he's not a ghost. I asked once and he left me a note on a comp in our section."
"He also left us two hand-carved black as night horses for our birthday this year," added Shalon.
'Sounds like someone just lives here. Probably a homeless kid. Why haven't they found him yet then?'
"Shalon! Wrong subject!"
"Oh, sorry. Well, anyway he loves to play pranks on the people who work here, especially the person in charge of the Junior Fiction. His pranks are harmless so long as he likes you. Just tedious and time consuming."
'If he likes you?' "And if he doesn't?"
"Then they can become downright deadly," said Shay seriously. "There was one guy he knocked a bookcase onto. Before that incident we thought he was just some street kid who'd taken up residence, but that proved us all wrong."
"Anyone can knock over a bookcase."
"Not these bookcases Heero" continued Shay. "They're bolted to the floor and the bolts of that bookcase weren't removed or loosened. They were torn from the floor still in tact and attached to their concrete settings. It took weeks to repair, but when the police came with the ambulance and they saw the man we realized why Shinigami had done what he'd done. The man who was in control of this section happened to be an escaped murderer and molester who was very good at changing his appearance. We were quite glad to have a torn up floor instead of some dead patrons or hurt kids. Mrs. Rhea thinks of him as the guardian of the library."
"Hn." 'A fine publicity story. The foundations were probably just weak.' 'And what if they weren't?' A part of his mind questioned.
Shalon shook his head amusedly at Heero's disbelief. "Believe us or don't. The choice is yours for now, but Shini will prove his existence before long and then you'll have to believe." A silence settled as they reached the Haunted Section and found Shinigami's greeting for his new companion. An arch made entirely from books with a paper sign written in calligraphy that said: Welcome Heero! And signed below that was Shinigami.
Low whistles came from both Shay and Shalon, while Heero glared realizing he would have to shelve all those books.
"He really did a good job on this one!" They exclaimed simultaneously. They then turned to Heero to see what his reaction was and found themselves on the receiving end of one of his Death-Glares.
"Hey! Wha...oh you think we did this?" They asked still speaking in unison.
A nod and stronger glare his answer. 'Their "Shinigami" may only be a story, but they aren't.'
"Well we didn't. We already told you who it is that does stuff like this but you won't believe us. If you want you can check with Mrs. Rhea. She'll tell you exactly where we were yesterday and what we did after we got here when school let out since we were in the same room as her the whole time," said Shay.
"And we couldn't have done it this morning either because we only got here five minutes before you did and that is definitely not enough time for us to do this," continued Shalon.
"Hn." 'The Boss is a good witness. I doubt they would offer her as a witness if what they said wasn't true. Maybe they didn't, but their brother...' "Your brother?"
"Didn't come yesterday. He stayed home with Tanner who's sick. We're handling his section till 2:00 today and then Shay's going home so he can come here."
"Fine," he said turning his glare on the arch of books instead.
"Oh, and one more thing. There's a black laptop in the farthest corner over there," said Shay waving in the general direction of the corner. "Shini likes to write messages on it to whoever works in this section. He also writes up a book list once a month. You just print those off and give them to Mrs. Rhea."
"The corner is also great for privacy when you want to work on your laptop, said Shalon motioning towards Heero's laptop. None of the patrons will bother you while you're over there. If you ask him, he'll probably let you use his private Internet connection too."
"Private connection?"
"Yeah" said Shay with a grin. "He pays for it once a month. The money just shows up on Mrs. Rhea's desk with a note of thanks. He's also good at fixing things. Anytime one of the comps breaks down, if we leave a note telling him which one we'll come in the next day to find it working perfectly."
'How far are they going to take this?'
"One last thing," said Shalon, "when any books for you come in they'll be on the cart by the front desk marked Junior's. Now got any questions before we leave you to your business?"
"Alright then. We'll see you later Heero. Be nice to him on his first day Shini!" Called Shay, waving over her shoulder she walked steadily back the way they had come.
"Bye," said Shalon as he hurried after his twin.
Laying down his laptop Heero turned to glare at the arch of books then walked over and pulled one out causing the entire structure to collapse on top of him. He continued glaring at the pile of books around him, till one might have thought they would burst into flame from the intensity of his gaze.
Unbeknownst to the trio below a figure with laughter filled violet eyes, chestnut braid and silver cross had followed their progress from the front of the library to his domain on the walkway provided by the rafters, using the shadows and his black clothing to mask his prescience as he listened in on their conversation.
"...they can become downright deadly..."
'But only to those who would hurt who I care for'
"...just some street kid..."
'I've never been just anything Shay, but I am a street kid. Nothing can change that.'
"...Anyone can knock over a bookcase."
A silent chuckle. 'Not like I can.'
"... guardian of the library."
'Maybe I am.' A grin came to his face. 'Huh, Death the guardian of a library. '
As they came to his domain he waited for the new boy's 'Heero' his mind corrected, reaction and promptly grinned even wider as he turned a glare on Shay and Shalon.
"...And we couldn't have done it this morning either because we only got here five minutes before you did and that is definitely not enough time for us to do this."
'Nor for me. That thing took almost all night! But it was worth it. Most definitely worth it.'
'So he still doesn't believe. He doesn't talk much either. Sure does love to glare though. What's that word, Ah yes stoic. He is quite stoic and quite handsome with those well-toned muscles on his wiry frame. He moves so assuredly and smoothly. Even I would hesitate before fighting him. His face is beautiful, a work of art by a master sculpture. I wonder what he'd look like if he smiled? Wonderful, I think. Maybe I'll see him smile. I like his hair too, wild looking. He's not the kind of person who would take well to captivity. And his eyes, they're deep blue the kind of eyes a person could drown in quite happily. Wonderful. I wonder what he's like? Hmmm. I guess I'll just have to find out.' Grinning happily to himself he heard Shay's farewell. 'I'll be nice. Though I doubt there'll be any scaring this one away,' he thought a mischievous light in his eyes.
With avid interest Shinigami turned his laughing violet eyes on his blue eyed companion to see what he would do next and promptly collapsed, laughing against the rafter he was perched upon as Heero collapsed the arch upon himself. 'Oh, this will be fun he thought as his laughter echoed through the library, causing both patrons and workers to look up and smile knowingly before returning to their tasks.
Heero looked around trying to pinpoint the laughter, but was foiled by the echoes caused by the old building. Glaring he bent to his task of sorting and shelving the books that had made up the arch.