Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Shinigamis Scythe ❯ Shinigamis Scythe- From Paradies Through Hell 5 ( Chapter 5 )
Yaaay...Let's finish the note as soon as possible.. this is REALLY gonna be the last part and I hope you'll like the ending. If not….. tough luck. I won't change it anyway ^_^. Soo… Hopefully you've enjoyed the other parts..'cause it's gonna end here. saaaad…. Whee… I hate sad endings!!!! Hu..why am I writing one then?? Weird… anyway..on with the text…
Shinigamis Scythe - From Paradise through Hell - Chapter 5
"Where the heck could he be??" Quatre was walking up and down the kitchen in the safe-house.
"Don't worry too much, Quatre. I'm sure they are allright." Trowa tried to calm the blonde boy down. Since Heero and Duo didn't come back Wufei was sent out to look for them or any information which could tell where they are. Trowa tried it via computer, but without success. Finally the door opened and Wufei rushed in.
"Wufei! What-?" Quatre was already worried. Anything could have happened and the fact that Wufei was in such a hurry sure wasn't good.
"No questions- TV. Now, quick!" Wufei commanded. The TV was switched on and Wufei quickly looked for the right channel, and finally found it.
"… and many other cities have been attacked by one of the so called Gundams. Hours have passed since the first city was attacked and destroyed. OZ troups already tried to stop the suit, but without success. The black machine is destroying everything that is around it, no matter if it is a building or another mobile suit or any other living creature. More OZ troups are heading for this Gundam to stop it…" Wufei turned the volume off and looked at the other two pilots who both stared at the screen in disbelief. Quatre was the first one to recover.
"This… can't be true. Duo… what's wrong with him? Why is he doing this? SO many innocent people are dieing right now… We have to do something!!"
"And what do you suggest? I tried to contact him via phone but he just kept shouting `you should all die! I'm Shinigami and I'm gonna kill you all!' over and over again." Wufei said in a normal tone.
"We could contact Heero and -" The phone interrupted them. Trowa, finally recovered from the shock, walked towards the phone and answered.
"Hello? Oh, hello Dr. J. Heero? No, he isn't here. Oh, you know. ………..What… …. Oh ….my god…. ……. ……………..Yes, yes I'm still here………. This is just a shock for me…………. Yeah………. I'm gonna tell the others………. But what about Duo? Shall we….? Oh, aha, aha…okay… we'll try. Okay…….. Bye." With that, Trowa hung up and stared at the floor, not daring to face the other two pilots now.
"Trowa, what has happened? Is Heero hurt somehow? What did he say? Trowa…. Tell me…" Quatre nearly whined. He was so curious and so anxious at the same time. Something that shocked Trowa could'nt be good.
"C'mon, speak, Barton. What's wrong with Yuy?"
"… The perfect soldier … is dead."
"WHAT???" Quatre and Wufei shouted together.
"He died at a hospital. Duo was there too and definetly had a fight with some kind of spy. They found a dead body of a man. His fingers were all spread across the floor as well as some other pieces of meat. Dr.J guesses that a spy poisoned Heero and then wanted to kill Duo, but Duo was faster."
"God.. Heero…." Quatre started to cry.
"Quatre,'s okay…don't cry… We have other problems now… He said they've found something else…two empty syringes. One was once filled with some stuff that paralyzes… but the other one is a dangerous drug. J thinks that the spy pumped the drug into Duo, and now he has gone crazy. Nothing will stop him now."
" But we have to do something! We can't just let him do that! And we can't just let OZ attack him either!" Quatre was desperate. It was hard enough for him to believe that Heero was dead. He didn't want to lose Duo as well.
"And what do you suggest? If Duo is really crazy, then we can't help. He'd kill us instead of listen. Quatre, it's useless…" Wufei spoke very calm.
"… I'm not gonna let that happen!" With that, Quatre rushed outside and before the other two pilots could do anything Quatre was off and away with Sandrock.
Wufei and Trowa just stared after Quatre. Wufei finally shook his head and looked for a laptop while Trowa still stood there, staring.
Duo, don't hurt Quatre. Maybe no one in this house understands, but I know you're hurt. Just don't let others pay for your pain, Duo. Please remember you're still a Gundam pilot. A symbol of peace. Don't destroy it, Duo. Don't destroy everthing we have fought for.
"DIE!! ALL OF YOU!!!" Duo was screaming. All around Deathscythe was fire caused by the explosions of destroyed OZ troups. Buildings were burning, people were screaming and running.
Duo sat in his suit, smiling like mad and screaming. His eyes seemed larger and nearly blank. "You'll die!! I will kill everyone of you!!! Every single, fucking, living asshole on this fucking ground I'm standing on!!" With that, he swung his scythe and cut a house into two pieces. New OZ troups came from behind, trying to surprise Deathscythe, but Duo saw them.
"Now you're trying to cheat or what? I'M SHINIGAMI!! I see everything!" Deathscythe rushed forward and before any of OZ soldiers could react they were all cut into two. A big explosion- even more fire.
" Noliving creature shall survive on this ground where he couldn't live. If Heero can't live, none of you shall do so!!!" Duo kept screaming, swinging the scythe around.
"DUO! Stop it!!!" A voice screamed.
Duo looked at the speaker, feeling disturbed. Sandrock was standing right in front of him, trying to stop him from destroying.But a funny idea came aross his mind, making him smile one more. "Hello, Quatre. You want to kill them too? There are still enough people left. C'mon, there's enough for everyone. Choose some. I prefer old and yound guys." Duo kept smiling, his voice sounding very odd. He's definetly crazy, Quatre told himself. But how can I stop him?
"Duo, I am not here to destroy everything with you. I'm here to take you home." Quatre trembled a bit. Hopefully he could calm Duo down. If he didn't succeed, he could make Duo even more angry And that could mean the end not only for too many colonies but earth as well. Please let it work, the arabian boy pleaded.
Duo had stopped smiling when he heard the word home. He had no home. Heero had become his home. Heero wan't there anymore. He was dead, he was killed. Killed by another human being, killed by OZ.
"I have no home, Quatre. He has destroyed it. THEY have destroyed it." While saying so, Duo pointed the scythe at the coming OZ troups.
"Duo, what do you mean? I don't understand." Quatre was really clueless.
"They have destroyed my life, his life. They have killed him, my Heero. They took away my Heero. They took him away from me. They've hurt him, now I'm gonna hurt THEM!! I want REVENGE for the death of Heero Yuy!!!" With that, Duo took off and attacked the suits.
Finally Quatre understood everything. And now he felt like he couldn't do anything. Duo lost his partner, his love. That pain, mixed with the drug that was running through his veins, wouldn't let him stop. He would go on like this for as long a the drug lasted. But how long was that? Then a sudden scream interfered Quatres thoughts.
"AAAAHHH!!" Duo was screaming like mad. The suits he had destroyed had caused another explosion. Nothing special, if Deathsythe would have been already repaired. But it hadn't. The fire was heating up the Gundam very fast and slowly burning Duo. Quickly reacting, Sandrock pulled Deathscythe out of the fire and into a nearby lake. It steamed a lot but finally the fire was totally out and the damaged Gundam cooled down, as well as Duos mind.
"Quatre?" Duo asked, voice sounding very confused.
"Duo? Are you allright? Can you hear me?" Quatre nearly shouted.
"Kinda. What happened?" Duo looked around, very confused. He couldn't remember anything but saw all the destruction. "Man, what the fuck happened here? Why does my head hurt like hell? And what the fuck am I doing in this lake??"
"You mean, you can't remember??" Quatre got angsty. He didn't want to be the one who had to tell Duo he'd just whiped out thousands of life's. But someone had to.
"Hey, if I could, would I ask? What the fuck happened? It looks like a million bombs have exploded or somethin'. Or…." Suddenly a little image appeared in his mind, shocking him. He could see himself laughing like mad, destroying everything.
"Well…. You know…" Quatre tried to explain it in a way that Duo couldn't think he'd done it because he wanted to. But he was interfered.
"I've done that…. Right, Quatre? I'm the one who destroyed this place…. Am I right? ….. Am I right, Quatre?"
"…. Yes… but it's not your fault, Duo." Quatre tried to calm the other pilot down. It didn't work.
Duo stared at the city in front of him. He could hear all the screaming people, all the shouting, and began to cry. "God, Heero, I'm so sorry. I'm a shame for you….." he whispered.
"Duo?" Quatre was a bit confused, but then he got worried when Duo didn't answer. "Duo… are you okay..??" Still no reply. "Duo!"
Quatre kept shouting, and Duo kept silent. But then, Deathscythe slowly raised the scythe, holding it right in front of its `chest', right in front of the cockpit.
Quatres eyes widened in shock as he understood what Duo wanted to do. "DUO! Don't do that!! Don't do anything you might regret!" He began to panick. Duo was in the mood to, but he wouldn't dare, would he?
"I can't regret this, never. Heero… I will follow you… Did you wait for me, Heero? I'm coming…" With that, he drilled the scythe deep inside his Gundam.
Deathscythe exploded all of a sudden while Quatre screamed. "NOOOOO!!! DUO!!!!" The blonde pilot watched in horror as Deathscythe was destroyed with one big explosion. Many little parts of the Gundam flew through the air while a fire started around the Gundam.
Quatre simply watched in horror and tear after tear rolled down his face. "Duo… death is never a sollution… You as the Shinigami should have known that… why did you choose the easiest way, Duo? Why did you leave us? Just… why?"
Yaaaaay…sorry for the sudden ending… I know this part was very short… and a bit… um… overdramatiiccc…. ( Quatres speech… I know…sounds like `thorn birds' or something like that…. Sorry..^^') but I had to end it somehow ^_^' .anyway… I hope you liked the whole story. I thank all of you readers for your reviews. They really made me very happy!! I already printed all the reviews and stuck them over my bed ^^. When I'm depressed, I look at them .
Anyway… for all of you who liked it…. I'm eventually planning a sequel…. Sooooooo….. tell me, would you like one? Let's have a vote!! Yay!! ………………. * silence * ……………
Okay….NO vote….but simply tell me if you'd like to have one… I had much fun doing this and I'm also already planning another story… but…. Well.. we'll see about that… If I do one, then we'll see us at the next story!!! Sooo….byebye for now!!!