Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Short Stories of an American Gundam Pilot ❯ The Force Pays a Visit ( Chapter 1 )
Disclaimers: I don't own anything in here, except my own character. Everything and everyone else is owned by their respected owners.
To see the whole entire fanfiction series, visit (Note that this fanfic series won't be on the page, but all of the rest of the fanfics will be there, from the original Gundam Wing - Go, Fight, Win to the recently written Preventer's Core. Plus, you'll find side stories, songfics, and a bio of all the characters.)
Note: This is the first short stories in a series of short stories ranging from romance to humor to plain stupidness. I might even add in the marriage of me and Relena. I might, but I'm still thinking about it.
The Force Pays a Visit
It was a beautiful day at the Winner mansion, but the action was inside: all of us expect for Relena and Niki where playing a LAN game of Counterstrike between us. Niki had drop out because the teams where uneven.
"I got you now Chang!" Trel yelled in the mic as she was about to take him out.
"Oh no you don't!" he yelled as he threw a smoke grenade and hid from view. Unfortunately, he was gunned down by Amy who was "oping" (a CS term where you sit in one place and snipe enemies when they come).
"Got ya!" she yelled so loudly.
"Bonzai!!!" Jason yelled as he came out with a M60, killing Quatre in the process. Then he died from a HE grenade Duo threw. Then he threw another one and killed Amy before getting shot by Savanna.
There was Heero and Trowa left and there was me, Trel, and Savanna left.
"I like these odds," I said.
"Got that right," Trel said.
"Alright, let's go get them," Savanna said.
All three of us charged, but then Trel was taken out by an oping Heero who then moved to find me. Then Trel and Trowa got into a firefight. As Trel threw a grenade, she was shot dead, but killed Trowa in the process.
Now, it was me and Heero running around playing a game of cat-and-mouse.
"Alright, it's just you and me buddy," I said to Heero.
"Bring it on," he said.
Heero went commando after he saw a glimpse of me, and I shot him in the head with a Deagle when he came around the corner.
I got up and danced like an idiot as Heero threw down his headset. But then I stopped to show good sportsmanship and so that I wouldn't hear Heero curse.
"Nice game," I said to him.
"Nice game," he replied. "Man, you got lucky. You've would have been dead if you missed."
"How about another game?" Duo asked.
But before anyone could answer, we were all transported, including the Gundam pilots and Relena, to the garden area, and the white ball appeared again in the middle of the garden.
"Here we go again," Jason said.
"I have some good news," the ball said.
"What is it?" Niki asked.
A white light shone through and blinded us for a bit, and then when the light disappeared, everyone had that glowing jewel in the shape of our guardian.
"What is this?" Quatre asked.
"These can take you to their world and back, and now everyone can go between the two worlds," the ball said.
"So…we can visit them whenever they like?" Heero asked.
"Yes, and they can do the same," the ball said, and then disappeared.
Everyone danced up and down in joy. Relena was especially happy now since she could visit me now, and I can spend time with her while she's there. I have dreamed that for a long time, but now my dream just came true.
"I'm so happy Matthew," she said, hugging me and giving me a kiss.
"I'm happy too," I said, kissing her back. "There is so much to show you in my world."
"I can't wait to see," she said as we walked back towards the mansion to get something to eat.
"Hey, wait up!" Savanna said. "I want something to eat too!"
"And a game after this?" Duo said, grinning.
"You're on!" Amy proclaimed.
Taunting could be heard as we all ate lunch, then went back to our CS games.