Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Short Stories of an American Gundam Pilot ❯ Playin’ Some Golf ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimers: I don't own anything in here, except my own character. Everything and everyone else is owned by their respected owners.

To see the whole entire fanfiction series, visit (Note that this fanfic series won't be on the page, but all of the rest of the fanfics will be there, from the original Gundam Wing - Go, Fight, Win to the recently written Preventer's Core. Plus, you'll find side stories, songfics, and a bio of all the characters.)

Playin' Some Golf

It's been a few days since we had that big reception from everyone. We wanted to get away, so we decided to head to England to take a short vacation and play a few rounds at St. Andrews. We both knew how to play golf, and we where good enough to at least play here.

We arrived in London that evening, and we where going to play tomorrow. A few minutes after we got to our room, we heard a knock at the door. I thought it was some hotel executive saying hi, but when I opened it, I saw everyone there.

"What are you doing here?" I asked all of them.

"We'll we where also headed on vacation," Amy said.

"And by coincidence, we ended up here," Duo said.

"How did you know that we were here?" Relena asked.

"A gut feeling," Heero said.

"Or, pestering Zechs and Noin to tell us where you both went," Jason said. Relena shook her head in disbelief.

"Are you staying at this hotel?" I asked.

"Of course," Quatre said, smiling.

"So what are you guys going to do tomorrow?" Savanna asked.

"We'll we where supposed to play some golf tomorrow at St. Andrews," I said.

"Oh that's cool," Trowa said.

While this was going on, I just had an idea based on the HORSE game we did back then, but it would involve more than just intel.

"Hey, I have an idea," I said.

"What?" they all asked me.

"Why don't we get a big game going?" I asked them. "It'll be the 6 of us against the 6 of you."

"How are we going to work this out?" Wufei asked.

"We'll have 6 match plays going. At the end, the team with the most victories wins," I explained.

"And what's on the line this time?" Duo asked.

"Money; losing team pays up $50,000 dollars…each," I said.

"OK, we can handle that," Heero said as we all shook hands. And then we all called it a night.

When everyone left, Relena asked me, "How did you come up with that idea?"

"Oh, recent history," I said.

"You don't mean the HORSE game. This time, we're gonna get even," she said.

"Oh are you?" I said, tackling her onto the bed. (You know what happens next: kiss here, kiss there, go to sleep thing)

The next day, we parted for St. Andrews. I wanted to play at the Old Course, and everyone agreed.

When we got there, we where accepted quickly, mostly because Relena had played here once with her father back in the day, and that I called in. (See what marrying a great political figure can do to your life?) They even let us play for free.

Anyway, Relena and I started off at the first tee first. I drove around 300 yards, and she drove around 280.

"Hey, you're not that bad," I said to her.

"You're not that bad yourself either," she said to me.

I won the first hole since she missed a 10 ft. birdie putt by inches, and I sank a 12 ft. birdie putt.

But for the next 8 holes, it was all even until the 9th hole when Relena chipped it in for eagle 30 yards out. Despite reaching the green in one, I missed my 40 ft. eagle putt, by 1 foot, to bring the match back to dead even.

Then we went again. Relena won the next two holes, but then I came back and won the next two. After that, we where dead even again until we reached the 18.

"OK, something's gotta give here," I said.

"You got that right," Relena said to me.

We had both good driving distances and we both reached the green in regulation. But since the wind took mine, I had at least a 60 ft. birdie putt, and she had a 15 ft. birdie putt. I closed my eyes as I hit the ball. Before I knew it, I had a birdie on 18. Relena missed her putt by mire inches, and I had won that match.

"You're not bad," I said to her.

"You're not bad yourself either," she said back.

We waited for everyone else to come in. Heero and Amy went neck and neck for all 17 holes until Amy chipped it in for eagle on the 18; Heero tried to do the same, but missed. Also, Jason, Trowa, Trel and Wufei also won their matches. We where all even: 3-3.

"What do we do now?" Amy asked.

"We have a playoff. A person from each team will play a playoff hole. If it is tied, then we move on to the next hole. First person to win a hole wins it all.

My team was quick to choose me, and Heero was also selected quickly from the other team.

We where on the first tee, again, and Heero said to me, "You sure you wanna go against me?" Then for that moment, we had ourselves a glaring contest until Duo said, "This is a playoff game, not a glaring game."

We both drove the tees, and we both reached the green in one. We both made our birdie putts, and we headed for the 18th tee.

There, I drove to the near front of the green and Heero positioned the ball on the left side near the green. Heero went first to approach, and we did it with fineness: he had a close approach with around 4 ft. to the hole. Then, it was my turn. The wind was blowing to my left, so I aimed a bit to the right of the hole. I hit the ball, and I put a bit of spin on it. It was going until I realized it was really close to the hole. Wait a minute…IT'S IN THE HOLE!!!

Everyone couldn't believe it. I chipped it in for eagle to win the game. Heero was just stunned and Relena almost fainted…wait, she did faint.

Back at the clubhouse, mostly everyone who had saw my chip-in congratulated me on a job well done.

When we reached the hotel that afternoon, everyone forked out 50 grand each and then went to their respective hotel rooms.

"So what you wanna do with your 50 grand?" Relena asked me.

"Take you on the town," I said, picking her up and carrying her to the elevator room.

And for that night, we went everywhere…it was one of the most beautiful nights we will never forget (well, at least until the wedding comes along…if you know what I mean…)