Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Short Stories of an American Gundam Pilot ❯ Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimers: I don't own anything in here, except my own character. Everything and everyone else is owned by their respected owners.

To see the whole entire fanfiction series, visit (Note that this fanfic series won't be on the page, but all of the rest of the fanfics will be there, from the original Gundam Wing - Go, Fight, Win to the recently written Preventer's Core. Plus, you'll find side stories, songfics, and a bio of all the characters.)

Dirty Dancing: HavanaNights

I have to give it up. Trying to find a job in this world is so freakin' hard. There are so many jobs to choose from mostly because space had opened up the job field, and you can earn a lot of money in an entry-level job. Now, compare that to a damn 8.50 an hour!!!

I found a job as a Preventer Agent working along side some of the more famous Preventer Agents - the 5 Gundam pilots. Of course, I still have that Preventer jacket Fred gave me that one time, and it saved Miss Une some time by not having to order another of those expensive jackets. She wanted me to work as Relena's personal assistant since she needed an assistant badly. She did tell me that if any mission came up, she would contact me first.

Wow, working as a top agent and Relena's assistant is the two jobs I wanted to have in this world.

Anyway, Relena was heading to Havana, Cuba to attend a goodwill tour and to meet with Cuban president George Milton. Of course, I went with her, and I would take care of everything.

We got to the hotel and we where alone. Everyone had moved our stuff to the rooms we where staying in.

"So really, why did you become my personal assistant?" Relena asked me.

"Because I want to near you and protect you," I said shyly.

"Aww…that's so sweet of you," she said as she pulled me into a kiss.

The next day, we went to the meeting, and I have to tell you, it was freakin' boring. But hey, it was my job, and I got used to it quickly.

Outside the meeting hall, everyone greeted us.

"Why do you keep following us?" I asked them.

"Because we want to old chum," Jason said, nudging me in the ribs. I just slapped him outside the head.

"Well it looks like the odd couple is here," Relena said, pointing to Tim and Dorothy. "I thought you where vacationing in Sicily."

"Well we where, but then we came down here to have a bit of fun," Dorothy said as she hugged Tim.

"Some fun eh?" Duo said mockingly.

Well we all wanted to have some fun, but we didn't know what to do.

Back at the hotel, I heard that a new night club called Café de New Havana had opened up. It had salsa mixed with hip-hop, rap, and a bit of Spanish music. It kinda sounded like something out of that movie, Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights (which this chapter is based on). So, I called up everyone (and got in touch in 5 minutes, they where staying in the same hotel as us) and told them about the new club. They all thought it was a great idea, and so we had ourselves some clubbin' to attend.

We arrived at the club that night, and we all got in easy. We found out that Black Eyed Peas and some other artists where performing tonight and I thought that was very cool.

(Insert dirty dancing scenes here - which I will add in…eventually)

The Next Day…

The next day, we where so tired from all that sex dancing that Relena was passed out on the bed sleeping next to me. I didn't want to get up, but I had to for just a bit; I had to tell the delegates at the meeting that Relena had fallen ill and that she will not attend today's conferences. After that, I could sleep for the rest of the day.

'I hope I don't get killed for his,' I thought as everyone assembled in the hall that they all met in.

"I would like to announce that Ms. Relena has fallen ill and that she will not be attending the remainder of this meeting," I said. The president didn't look too happy as I left quickly. The only thing I hoped that none of the paparazzi had caught us at the night club. But since security was so tight, parked cars where checked every 30 minutes… so no worries there.

I got back to the hotel to see a semi-conscience Relena trying to eat some food.

"So I see that you're back. How did they respond?" she asked me as she ate some pizza.

"The president didn't take it very well, and he wants to reschedule…" I told him.

"Well tell him this: I don't have any open slots to reschedule a conference, so I'll see him next year," she said.

"Alrighty then," I said as I was about to fax a press release to the president. "So did you get any sleep?"

"Not much. Maybe if I sleep today, I'll feel better tomorrow," she said as I took a bit from her pizza.

Soon enough, we where asleep, and we slept for the whole entire day, all cuddled up…