Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Skin ❯ Party ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Skin 3/4

Author: Talaquinn

Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing

Rating: PG13 (had to up the rating for snogging)

Pairings: 1x5, 4xR, 2+5

Summary: A party at Quatre's mansion leaves some people very upset, others smug. Duo is a bad boy….

A/N: This is later then I expected it to be, RL bites sometimes, between school and failed attempts at relationships, it's hard to find time. Also this chapter was hideously hard to write, as Duo refuses to leave Wufei alone.

Skin Chapter Three - Party!

He was reading through some reports that he had pulled out of the archives, head in Heero's lap, barely avoiding being smacked in the head with the laptop every time Heero shifted, when Trowa sauntered into the room, smirk firmly pasted onto his features.

Wufei was immediately on guard. A Trowa showing emotion was a Trowa to be feared. He sat up, ignoring Heero's sound of displeasure.


"Wufei." The word was amused, and slightly smug, this defiantly couldn't be good news.

Heero zeroed in on the disturbance, setting icy blue eyes on the European Preventer. "What is going on?"

Trowa threw himself into the chair across from them and sighed.

"You two take all my fun away." He looked out over the cafeteria and pointed towards a blonde head, and the braided one next to it, "See them, they have a party planned. And you two have to come."

Heero looked scared, for about a second then turned back to Trowa, face empty. "Why?"

Wufei hid a smile at his boyfriend's seemingly limited vocabulary; Heero could be a caveman sometimes, all grunts and simple passions.

"Because it's Quatre and Relena's debut, and as her ex boyfriend, you have to make an appearance to show that you aren't going to kill one of them."

Heero nodded accepting that as a good idea, probably already implementing a plan to let the nosey reporters that he had no lingering feelings for Relena.

Wufei was less convinced.

"Why do I have to go then?"

"Because you wouldn't want to let Hee-chan face the evil paparazzi alone, would you?"

Wufei jumped, startled at the smooth, amused voice of the braided one.

He glanced at the smiling face and sparkling violet eyes and sighed in defeat.

Duo ruffled Heero's already messy hair and winked at Wufei.

"It'll be fun, besides you need to socialize more."

Wufei leveled a glare at the braided Preventer and would have attacked, but Heero grabbed onto his shirt and dragged Wufei back next to him.

The small Chinese man acquiesced, not releasing the braided one from his glare. Then stopped and regarded Duo again. The other's perpetual smile had faded just a bit when Heero had wrapped his arm around Wufei, and for the life of him Wufei couldn't figure out why.

He knew that Duo had had it bad for Heero during the war, but after Heero had started dating Relena, the American had seemed to find friendship more rewarding. In fact for a while Wufei had almost sworn that Duo had had something for Quatre, but then the two had started double dating like mad. He wondered why Duo wouldn't be happy for Heero and him; the braided boy had berated him for the last few years. Telling him to find the right person, to find 'the one' and not let that person escape. Wufei wasn't about to.

Duo's smile had been pasted back on, and was looking at him quizzically. Wufei shook his head, gave Duo a small smile and buried is head in the crook of Heero's neck. He would worry about Duo later.


Wufei assumed the party was doing well, but his vantage from a deserted corner, it was kind of unclear. It wasn't that he didn't like socializing; he just had this problem with holding conversations with people he didn't know. He'd much rather be doing other this like, Heero watching.

Wufei mentally drooled every time his boyfriend came into view. In a pair of very nicely fitted black slacks and a blue shirt that matched his eyes perfectly, Heero was drawing the attention of everyone in the room. Wufei supposed that he should feel jealous, but he knew that Heero only had eyes for him. Maybe tonight he would take Heero home with him.

Wufei mused on that idea for a while, and then decided he was bored. He hadn't been to this house of Quatre's before, and was always curious to see what the blonde boy had squirreled away in his massive homes.

Twenty minutes later he was peeking into a darkened room, which to him seemed to resemble a library, when the door softly closed behind him, and the soft whisper of a body made its way towards him. There were only a few that would dare, and he had an inkling of who it was.


Silence greeted his breathy question, but he was herded back against a wall, and only had time to gasp before strong hand pinned his arms above his head, and a hungry mouth devoured his own.

Wufei responded with all the considerable passion he had. Heero usually wasn't this forward, wasn't willing to press his hard body against Wufei's own, wasn't about to kiss like this was his last chance to do so, and while Wufei didn't really mind, this was- this was really good.

Wufei let out a low moan was warm lips left his own and moved towards his neck; he reveled in the sensations of his nerve endings tingling the warmth of lips, and the warm body pressing into him, the feel of the braid brushing against his thigh-

The feel of a braid brushing against his thigh?

Wufei jerked himself away from his amorous attacker. Snatching his wrists out of the other's grasp, he gripped the slightly pointed chin in one hand.


His voice still rough with arousal, Wufei tried to seem menacing, and he figured it was working, because the body, which was still so close to his was trembling minutely.

A small nod.

Wufei held a brief internal debate with himself about what to do. He couldn't tell Heero, the man would kill them both, and he couldn't let this continue, he loved Heero, to let this happen would be a betrayal. He shook his head decided.

"Leave Maxwell, this never happened, ever. I'm going back to the party, you should as well."

Studiously ignoring the glimmer of tears on the other's face, and the slight crack appearing in his heart, Wufei brushed past the American and walked back to the party.


Upon entering the ballroom again, Wufei made a beeline for his stoic boyfriend. Heero looked up, met his gaze and smiled that slow smile that Wufei so valued. This is what he didn't want to risk by telling Heero about his little indiscretion.

He should have realized sooner it wasn't Heero, Duo, was three inches taller then Heero, and was a lot thicker through the shoulders. He mentally berated himself for his indiscretion, and the wrapped his arms around his Japanese boyfriend in a tight hug.

Heero must have sensed something was wrong, and pulled back to regard Wufei a small frown replacing his smile.

"'Fei, what's wrong?"

Wufei burrowed back into Heero's arms, breathing in the comforting scent of the other man, not saying a word.


"Heero my dear boy, who is it we have here? A new girlfriend? You're quick to rebound."

Wufei stiffened at the syrupy voice speaking behind him. He was no female. Turning around in Heero's arms, he glared at the speaker.

The recipient of the glare, one of Relena's old school friends, jumped at the intensity of it.

"Oh, I'm sorry sir, it's just your hair, it's rare to see such beautiful hair on a male."

Heero tightened his grip on Wufei, warning the smaller man not to start a fight. Luckily the comic relief stepped in, Duo Maxwell looking like he hadn't a care in the world.

"Rare? What about me, my dear? Don't you think my hair is nice? I mean 'fei does have nice hair, but you have to admit mine is much nicer."

Duo bent over the stupid girl's wrist and laid a kiss on the hand attached to it.

"The band is starting, why don't we have this dance."

The braided Preventer then tugged the girl onto the dance floor. Wufei watched them with incredulous eyes. He didn't know what to think.

Heero tugged Wufei back around to face him.

"If you don't want to talk now, let's dance."

And they did, Wufei resting safely in another's embrace, letting himself go, and enjoying the simple pleasure of the haven Heero's arms offered.


It wasn't until they were driving back to Wufei's apartment that night that Heero brought up the question of Wufei's unease again.

"So 'fei, are you going to tell me now why you were so freaked out during the party?"

Wufei was not about to tell Heero, but he couldn't lie.

"Can we wait until we get to my apartment? You're driving."


The grunt did not sound happy, and Wufei groaned inwardly, once Heero got a whiff of a subject that he knew would make someone else uncomfortable, he was bound and determined to find out what was wrong. Wufei could only hope that once they got to his apartment that he could distract Heero enough that he wouldn't have to lie, or worse, tell the truth.

Wufei fumbled with the key to his door, his hands weren't shaking, but they were close to doing so. He prayed that Heero wouldn't notice, and finally managed to get the door open.

He motioned Heero inside, toed off his shoes, and pushed the other against the wall, attacking the Japanese Preventer's mouth with a passion he tried not to compare with the instance earlier that evening.

Heero stiffened at first, but began to relax into Wufei's ministrations, opening his mouth and tangling his tongue with the other man's. Wufei released a delighted moan, pushing himself further into Heero, twining his arms around the other's neck tighter, relishing the feelings rushing through him.

After a moment Heero pulled back. Wufei whimpered a bit in disappointment and Heero chuckled.

"You know, you're a lot like Duo when you do that."

Wufei felt his jaw hang open and didn't bother to close it.

"D-d-duo?" He was completely shocked.

Heero smiled, and led Wufei over to his couch.

"Yes Duo, he's quite passionate just like you are. And he loved to surprise me with a kiss at the most inopportune times. But then again, I haven't been with him since the war, and-"

"You slept with Duo?" Incredulity flavored Wufei's voice. He couldn't believe it.

Heero looked at him, blue eyes piercing.

"I thought you knew."


"Well, we were, but you and I are together now, and that's all that matters."

Wufei nodded mutely.

Heero pulled Wufei back into his arms, running a rough hand though silky black stands.

"Now tell me about what was bothering you tonight."

Wufei spoke without thinking.

"Duo caught me alone and kissed me. I thought he was you and didn't push him away at first."

He felt Heero stiffen, and realized what he had just admitted to.


Then he felt a warm mouth meet his neck. The mouth moved its way slowly up, leaving Wufei confused. Then the mouth latched onto his ear, and all coherent thought left him.

"I should have known. I'll talk to him tomorrow."

Wufei turned around to look Heero in the eye.

"Are you mad?"

That slow smile reappeared, and Wufei forgot what they were talking about it for a moment, but then shook his head, he needed to know if his boyfriend was going to kill someone.


"Relax 'fei. You told me, and Duo told me, honesty helps. Besides, he ambushed me earlier this evening as well." It was said in such a level tone that Wufei almost missed what Heero was saying.

"Duo kissed you?"

"And he kissed you, relax, he's just feeling a little left out. He'll get over us, now where were we?"

Any questions Wufei may have asked were forgotten when Heero leaned down and kissed him.


Post Note: The next part is the last, because I have to decide how I'm going to manage the consummation of Hee-chan and Fei's relationship. I think a may do a sequel that will be 1x2x5, but this fic is 1x5 and is staying that way.